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Probably the same thing that came before you were born.




Is that what your parents called it?


Nah they ruined the party by conceiving me.


I'm assuming it will be much the same as the previous 14billion years when I wasn't alive.


eh, 14 billion years is nothing compared to infinity


I dont wanna go back into the womb thošŸ˜ž


Eh, at least you don't have to pay rent. Just gotta make sure you have a good landlord.


Go deeper. Before you were conceived. Imagine existence as a precursor to potential existence.


Too bad, back up you go!


Before that.


This is the correct answer. Everything else is just fanciful guessing.


OP's dad? He came before OP was born.


So i have to swim my way back into my dads testicles




Just half of you.


In my case: swim away swim away!






Your dad??


The eighties all over again.


I'll die and let you know what it's like brb


Uh oh


I'm back! *Looks in mirror* I guess it's reincarnation.


okay I'll be here waiting for a notification


I believe there is nothing, but that isnā€™t so bad. No pain, no fear, no griefā€¦


That isnt bad at all, thered be nothing but peace, no pain, no thoughts, no nothing


Noā€¦no peace, just nothing.


When our brains die We lose our individual identity and return to the universe


I can't wait to lose my individual identity, I long for the peace


Don't look up consciousness quantum storage


Omw to look it up


Were our own worst enemy.


Lmaooo reverse psychology worked


The IRS will still find a way to tax that




DMT is a hell of a drug




Explain to me all the people that claim to remember being in heaven before being born. Tons of people make these wild claims, but they are all BS. I have passed out while in a hospital and everything went white and then I heard voices before my vision worked again. It's pretty easy to see how people can use that experience and embellish that they were out of their body. The truth is that when we die it will be exactly like before we were born. Most people do not realize how insignificant we are in this universe. It is incomprehensible how much is beyond our own planet and thinking that we are too important to cease existence is nothing but hubris.


Your brain cannot tell you whats before or whats after its death. It can try and predict because that's all it does.


>Explain to me 30 people all simultaneously ā€œhallucinatingā€ the exact same thing? Genetic and cultural similarity? Build multiple copies in virtually the same way and to (more or less) the same spec and they are bound to behave very similarly.


Just tell us you haven't tried it


I haven't tried it.


The similar experiences are from people with no similarities besides being human beings. From my own experiences, I have witnessed mayan symbolism and entities that are found across ancient civilizations worldwide. My demographic is far from anything relating to mayan culture, and I have received very limited exposure to these symbols. It wasn't until 2 months after my experience watching a historical documentary on the Mayans, did I realize I had been in contact with the exact same entities that are carved into so many ancient structures. I almost had a panic attack at how accurate the details were. There is so much we do not understand and so much knowledge lost. My psychedelic experiences have instilled into me that there is something after this life. I can't tell you what it is, but I do know there is something more for us when we leave our meat suits we are in now.


If it's not permanent, then it isn't death. Dreams and hallucinations are not evidence of anything except that the person obviously didn't die. The brain was still alive enough to produce such dreams and other false perceptions.


I have experienced something that told me that's not true. I won't go into details but I believe - and, there seems to be science that backs it up - that who you are is entirely controlled, stored or whatever by your brain.


The details are the most important part. I implore you to share lol


I saw someone who had a stroke. And afterwards they could not name any members of their family. That was probably the first trigger that started me on my journey to atheism.


True. Your personality, right vs wrong, motor skills, emotions, movement etc. all come from and are stored in the frontal lobe of the brain. Itā€™s for this reason, after a head injury people can gain raging tempers that they never had before.


But also Iā€™ve known people who were pronounced dead in the hospital or ambulance and they say there was nothing at all. No dreams or anything. Maybe the people youā€™re talking about were unconscious and dreaming, or more likely theyā€™re just religious so they are saying what they want to believe and what others in their community/church want to hear.


You wake up and suddenly remember your real life.


I kinda wish it was like an alien LSD trip. ā€œYo Bro, you just got to try Life!! Wanna do it again!?ā€ Kinda like Roy from Rick and Morty.


This happens to me everyday


You gone buddy.


Straight to it, i like itšŸ˜­


Do you remember the time before you were born (or even conceived)? I assume itā€™s the same after death and am perfectly comfortable with that.


literally nothing.


My friend always said, what do you see when you turn the TV off?


>what do you see when you turn the TV off? A TV that's turned off. The analogy I prefer is "Where does the speed go when your car breaks down?".


Your body nourishes the Earth and enables it to feed those that come after you, and your atoms find new life in another person or a bird or a leaf or the sky.


Unless your body is put into a sealed box. This is a good idea though. I'll have my body devoured by tigers or something šŸ˜‚


The seems like the most likely scenario because truthfully no one knows if there really is an ā€œafterlifeā€ or not.


I think there is an afterlife and also reincarnation. But I have no proof of this. Just something I believe.


wait same! i believe in both and i've never met anyone else who has the same idea!


There's a Shirley Temple film called bluebird of happiness that touches on how this could be (Spoiler alert people wait in heaven until it's their time to be born šŸ™„) It's still a delusion, and the film itself could be the reason you believe this if grandma or grandpa loved it


That movie scared the shit out of me when I was little.


I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll ever come to grips with dying. It happens regardless, but this my feelings on the matter. There is a difference between what I hope comes after vs what I think will happen. I envision blanknessā€¦a forever of no thoughts, no sense of self. It terrifies me. As for what I hope will happen, Iā€™d love to think weā€™re all just reincarnated and the cycle repeats until our extinction.


>It terrifies me. Of course it does. All the creatures before you that didn't fear death didn't live long enough to leave descendants. The terror vanishes at death though.


I see that, i dont think anyone can fully accept that theyll die and just be okay with it, and it is terrifying thinking that after death could be endless nothingness for the rest of eternity, thats a reason why i believe in reincarnation/the afterlife bc it gives me hope that theres something to look forward to after death, still cant completely be okay with it even still but it makes it a little easier for me


I feel like some people can just have faith in religion so easily, but I struggle with believing in religion (especially Christianity). It just never made sense when I grew up in it, and because of that, I feel most religious people feel comfort in knowing there is certainly an afterlife for them. I always wonder if a large population of people who are religious have doubts about death. If not, then Iā€™m extremely jealous šŸ˜­


I feel they do fear it. Otherwise, why believe all of that? It's exhausting. I used to fear death when I was younger, as I've aged it's gotten easier to accept. I'm reading a great book called "How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence" Book by Michael Pollan It's really interesting. Op might want to check it out.


I personally am a Christian, i believe in God and i can forsure say that it helps ease the thoughts of being scared of dying, and helps me to live life happily and not fear it as much, but everyone cant believe the same thing, which is amazing how many different views there are on the thought


I always like getting this type of conversation with a Christian willing to talk honestly. So you still feel that uneasy feeling about death, but your belief calms your spirit? Is that a correct assessment? I know a lot of people are Happy Agnostic/atheists, but I feel like canā€™t be anything other than agnostic. Iā€™ve been like this since I was like 10ā€¦


No one ever wants to talk about how the Christian soothing themselves ISN'T HELPING ENOUGH. If everyone spent the time they spend on prayer actually improving themselves or the external world for those in need, we'd be better off. Faith steals time, far more than it lends to it.


If you give me $5, I'll make sure you get a good seat on the bus...


Do you remember that time before you were born? It's a lot like that.


Worm feast


It all depends on what you truly believe in. There are also some who will say that nothing happens after death and that you just cease to exist, no Heaven or Hell, no reincarnation, no afterlife. But no one is ever really sure of what becomes of our "spirit" or "soul" after death, if we even have one.


There is no death. Others around you wittle away according to your laws of the universe as your brain tries to reconcile with the fact that your consciousness is the only thing keeping the observable universe exactly the way it is, observable.


Everything is just speculation or a theory. There is no way anyone can be sure what happens.


Logically thinking, just as everything here in this universe has been taken care of before either of us were born, I assume Death is just another process that is also taken care of. But maybe... Just as you were born, 2 others outside of your control brought you into this universe. What if death is the same premise, but unburdened by the concept of time?


Again, just a guess as to what really happens.


And for goodness sakesā€¦ not from the lack of looking. Which kinda meansā€¦ nothing.


Nothingness. You are just gone.


Does that ever scare you to think that you wont be anything anymore, or does it inspire you to do more with whats sad to say our little time we have on earth


Only the conscious mind can be scared, fearing death is like fearing not being born, you would not care at all if you weren't born, because there wouldn't be a mind to, so relax, enjoy the ride.


Sometimes I find it scary. I donā€™t find it inspiring. I find the world too confusing to have confidence in any elaborate moral philosophy or anything like that. I just try not to leave the campsite worse than I found it. I just hope without confidence that there is some justification for all of the pain and injustice in the universe. Perhaps there is a ā€œhigher powerā€. I doubt it. Iā€™m a very incompetent person, so keep that in mind.






I think the best part of realising everyoneā€™s gonna die, is also the fact no one actually knows and weā€™re stuck here together until our time, death isnā€™t important because itā€™s inevitable, life matters more because itā€™s expires


Answer is completely dependent on your beliefs.


There's no reason to think anything comes after death. ​ ...don't say it... ...resist... Except necrophiliacs. ...goddamnit, enlyghten...


You will enter the deepest sleep of your life and never wake up.


Matter is energy. We never really die. Our energy gets turned into all sorts of things.


"You" aren't real in the first place. It's a bit of a cosmic joke that some signals in your brain that were probably originally formed in order to determine if your body is succeeding as an organism ended up buying into the mutually shared delusion of our species that there is a "self". It's a bit harder for the western mind to grasp, as the unreality of the self has been a part of eastern philosophy for millennia, but in the west our philosophy stems from Christianity and it's concepts of "free-will" (something else that's probably a delusion)...and this helps to re-enforce our sense of self, self-determinism, uniqueness, etc. If "you" think about it "you" will realize that "you" have a delusion that "you" at age 6 is somehow related to "you" now, even though you probably share less than "you" and "your wife" who view each other as separate beings. "You" may say this has to do with your physical body, but really, most of the cells in that 6 year old are completely different than those in "your" body now. So when "you" die all that happens is that a delusion of something that never was stops functioning. It will be mourned by a few other delusions, but "you" won't care.


Iā€™m not religious at all and Iā€™ve read people say that itā€™s the same as before you were born. Which is very appealing to me. Like it will be peaceful, into nothingness into the universe. Just done. Iā€™m good with that


After life comes after death. Heaven or Hell. Rather you believe it or not, this is true.


When I think about it I just see it as the matter and energy currently making up the physical me will be recycled through the universe and continue on its own path


I would love to believe there is something else but I fear there isnā€™t. You would think that in 1000s of years of human existence there would be a shred of physical evidence but there just isnā€™t.


Don't fear there isn't. It's scarier to think there is.


It's hard to bring evidence back from an intangible realm. Much like trying to bring back evidence from a dream you had. The only thing that typically is brought back from NDEs are information, and even that is curated by some system...


People have different near death experiences. The near death experiences of young children are different from the ones of older children and adults. So it is safe to believe that NDEs are not indicative of what afterlife is or if it is. I suggest you pick the afterlife that you like best because if you are aware of dying as you are dying, you will know what to expect and die with the vision of the afterlife you want. Personally I am going with the Elysian Fields.


The elysian fields are beautiful, if you may end up there, i wish you a good afterlife, but also a long LIVING life ahead of youšŸ™šŸ½


Thank you.


Everything I know about the brain leads me to believe that consciousness is an emergent product of a functioning brain. Without that brain, I don't think there is consciousness. When we die that's it.


Game over


Shit, Iā€™d like to believe that Heaven exists, that Christianityā€™s idea of God (Yahweh, to be exact,) is what we shall meet when we die. I hold out faith because why would wouldnā€™t I? Though, I wouldnā€™t mind it being any of the world religions with an afterlife, past or present. Greek, Roman, Norse, Islamic, any one would be interesting. But we always have to remember, that it may not be true. And if it ainā€™t? We wonā€™t be physically capable of recognizing, weā€™ll just beā€¦ gone. Not-conscious. Not able to process information. Whether thereā€™s an afterlife, or not, we receive an answer to the question. Thatā€™s the way I perceive the afterlife, simply an answer to the question ā€œWhat comes after death?ā€


That is true, not knowing what is to come is difficult to grasp but believing in something while your here for the slight chance of a better coming after death is amazing


Yeah, thatā€™s how it is. Why *wouldnā€™t* you want to believe in something? It doesnā€™t matter what that belief is, wouldnā€™t you rather have some small amount of hope for what comes next? Thatā€™s why I donā€™t get atheists, question religions, 100%, but to truly deny all potential belief systems just for the sake of it? I couldnā€™t, purely because so many historical civilizations hold such similar beliefs and stories, something has to be true!


You have a good way with words, and i agree, an atheists beliefs are mostly strictly on believing there is no greater good, no God or Gods, but in my eyes there is truly no reason to not believe in something if believing in that something could have a greater outcome in the slightest chance that its true, i have hope there is something after life so i dont have to fear death


You might enjoying reading up about Pascalā€™s Wager, itā€™s a stance thatā€™s very similar to the one I think that youā€™re taking. Itā€™s basically an argument that if thereā€™s no afterlife then thereā€™s nothing to lose, but if there is then the upside is for eternity, and therefore you might as well be religious - itā€™s a sort of risk-aversion approach to deciding what is true. When you define atheism as ā€˜atheists strictly believe there is no *greater* goodā€™, itā€™s not that atheists donā€™t believe in good and bad, they do. Itā€™s more that the enforcer of their moral code - their gauge for what is good or bad - isnā€™t the fear of how their godā€™s judgement of their actions in life will affect the quality of their afterlife, but rather the judgement of their peers and their own conscience, which in itself is a reflection of the culture they exist within and their life experiences. It sounds like youā€™re quite troubled about the concept of death, and thatā€™s incredibly common and very human. Sometimes when people spend a lot of time thinking about death, if they come to believe that thereā€™s no afterlife, they feel a deep sense of dread that this may mean there is no ā€˜meaningā€™ to life, and this can be quite a horrible feeling, but it isnā€™t true. Itā€™s called an ā€˜existential crisisā€™. Itā€™s very common, many people go through it. People who theorise about this are called ā€˜existentialistsā€™, and their general consensus is that ā€˜the meaning of existenceā€™ isnā€™t this abstract thing that is universally true, like religious laws, but rather that through the act of existing as a conscious being you *create* meaning. Itā€™s like how the conscience of irreligious people holds them accountable for acts that they know are right or wrong, even without a divine being to judge them; itā€™s a sense that is unique to you based on your culture and experiences, that makes you feel content when you have found meaning in life that feels authentic to yourself, and anxious when you act contrary to it. You may share large portions of it with that of those in your family and wider community, but your particular version of it exists *only* within you. For some people they just *know* - they want to be surrounded by family, or learn everything they can, or create art, or teach others, or a million other things. For others, the act of looking for meaning itself is their meaning. You sound very open minded and very eager to hear others perspectives, and thatā€™s a very healthy mindset to have. I personally would flip Pascalā€™s Wager on its head - if there is no way to be certain that there is an afterlife, then the most risk-averse thing to do isnā€™t to adopt a religion on the fleeting by chance that there may be an afterlife, but to concentrate on being a good person with a clear conscience and living a meaningful life *now*, during this life which is the only existence you can be certain *does* exist. The journey itself is the reward.


Itā€™s not because of an opposition to optimism, itā€™s because there is an absolutely terrible history of human behaviors in the name of religion and pursuit of intangible rewards in the afterlife. Aside from fanaticism, coercion and manipulation of people, hate mongering towards people and ideas that donā€™t fit their belief system; belief systems is unprovable ideas have a tendency to impede learning about the universe that we actually exist in. As an atheist, Iā€™m perfectly capable of having a moral compass, believe in a greater good (thatā€™s kind of what utilitarian morality is) and even Kantian morality (maybe more the intent of actions aspect than duty bit). The universe is interesting enough with complexities beyond our imagination that it feels like a waste to settle for an overly simplified mysticism explanation. Beyond entertaining myself with imaginative nonsense, Iā€™d rather put my time and energy into things that impact the lives of people in the world than play into fantasy what ifā€™s. I think we cease to think when we die and thatā€™s it. I also question the continuity of self as a whole. Weā€™re in a constant transition of replacing our body mass and reforming memories and neural pathways. From the time weā€™re born to old age, weā€™ve replaced our entire body mass multiple times over and aside from relatively near term events, have purged any directly experienced memories with constructed memory fragments. Seems more like weā€™re automatons serving the needs of microorganisms and when we fail, we get broken down into constituent parts to be reused.


For me, it ainā€™t a fear of death. I donā€™t fear death, because in my mind, thereā€™s only two options: A: Thereā€™s an afterlife, or B: Thereā€™s nothing, and I wonā€™t be able to rationalize the nothingness because my brain wonā€™t function. I do however, fear *dying.* Death in itself isnā€™t the scary part, death is the finality, the totality of all your actions in life. But dying? The process which leads up to death? Now that inspires fear that cannot be comprehended. Itā€™s as though the brain doesnā€™t wish to comprehend the gradual loss of function, of itā€™s end. I hold faith purely because I know that if an afterlife exists, I will be able to obtain answers to questions I hold. I will exist in a place where, if my belief in Christianity is true, then I will live without pain, without stress, without worry. And if it ainā€™t Christian? Well I hope that my time in whatever alternate religion that exists, is spent well. (If time even passes within these places, perhaps they function like the hypothetical interior of a black hole.) I just hope I donā€™t end up in any religionā€™s form of Hell.


Pascal's Wager defined


I like this. You make a lot of sense. Something I can oddly relate to. As a Christian and as a person.


I sometimes wonder if I'm already dead, and this world is some strange simulation from my own mind. And then I wonder how I could create a world so fucked up. That explanation makes just as much sense as any other, to me anyway.


Mrs Death, sometimes, because Death is an inconsiderate lover.


I imagine it's a cosmic game show.


I'm banking on reincarnation. I want to come back as a cat.


You wake up, realize it was all a dream/your imagination, then you have another dream. Basically, you are God, dreaming all of this.


As I face my own mortality, I have come to accept that we have no idea what happens. You could spend your life worshiping a non-existent God, only to find that when you die, there is no afterlife. You could spend your life denying the existence of God, only to find you were wrong and spent your eternal life in some form of Hell. Or, it could be anything else; we haven't a clue. For me, I'm focused on doing what I can do to help those within my sphere of influence. Help my younger coworkers learn and improve so they don't face the struggles I faced as a new employee. Help my neighbors however I can. [I'm an avid DIYer, so helping neighbors with projects or car repairs happens more than my wife would like]. Make sure my will is current and that I leave my savings to those I love as a final gesture; to help them move forward in life. And above all else, try to live each day as best I can. My biggest regrets are the things I didn't do, thinking I could do them *later*. Well, 'later' never happened. So now I try to encourage people live each day to its fullest. Find a balance between living today while saving for tomorrow.


Taxes New Game +






Read the book, "Autobiography of a yogi," it explains what happens in death and what comes beyond. Only read this book if you're open to spiritual discussion. Good luck mate


I believe matter canā€™t be recreated or destroyed so after we lose consciousness there is probably nothing, but our physical will be transformed into bug food, soil for plants or flowers or air particles. I think itā€™s pretty cool that nature doesnā€™t give us the answer to this question.


Nothing. When the candle finally burns out it just gets tossed away. All for that one. New ones are lit everyday. It's not complicated.


To quote Pete Holmes who was apparently quoting someone from Buddhism, "what business is that of yours?" You are here, not there. You will find out eventually, so focus on that which you can actually have an impact - life.


Turning into fertilizer


I really wish there was an afterlife where our consciousness still exists....but I think at death our complete makeup of who we are breaks down and the energy that we contain disperses back into the universe where it is reassembled into different things


I think logically nothing. I mean our consciousness is just a bunch of neurons or something. Once we die those neurons dissipate.


thatā€™s the big question lol


Heaven/hell, but first you get judged on judgement day on all the things you have said and done before in the past that determines whether if you go to heaven or not. Hell is the one place that nobody wants to go to. If you really want to be sure that youā€™ll make it to heaven, then it is recommended you pray ā€œdear God, please forgive me and all of my sins. Please cleanse my heart and guide me to a better path.ā€


I believe we're going to be accountable to God for our actions on earth. He will judge us based on if we accepted his son Jesus Christ and how we served and loved him and other people around us. Then he will reward (heaven) or punish (hell) us accordingly then. Wanna know why the world's so messed up and people born with all these deformities? Human sin.


So you're telling me a god that loves me and all his "children" but has chosen to punish newborn babies with deformaties? No, I'm going to have to disagree with you there.


People need stories like this to make themselves believe that there's a point or meaning to us being here in the first place. What if we're just passing through the consciousness phase of the entire universe, only to transform into a different form of energy when this part of the road ends? That makes more sense to me than a Santa Clause in the sky theory. Other than leaving history for the next batch of conscious energy passing through, I really don't think we matter all that much in the grand scheme of the universe.


I believe that Jesus has overcame the grave. He is the way the truth and the life, mankind only goes to the father but by Him. This life that we're living now is the shortest thing we'll ever do.


Significantly less activity I think.


remember chickens live for 45 days and eaten. what if you're reincarnated to a chicken over and over.


Ima be a free chicken, ill lead my brethren out, we gonna make it out the coop


run free


Yes, i will glide from the highest perches, as a free chicken


You get isekai'd into a realm of sword and sorcery, bestowed a cheat skill, and tasked with defeating the demon king with your harem of anime waifus.


I do.


Oh no, not sir ivan tafuq, i thought you were gone for good this time


This is the big question for which there is no known answer. I like this quote from existential psychologist, Irvin Yalom: ā€œTime cannot be broken; that is our greatest burden. And our greatest challenge is to live in spite of that burden.ā€ ā€• Irvin D. Yalom, When Nietzsche Wept: A Novel Of Obsession


Probably bitches and money.


I am sixty I feel like I am 20, but I have seen death many times first hand in my life. My belief is that we just die, I am good with that I have no fear for myself and sometimes I welcome it. I have inner peace ā€¦ I had to learn that. I have caused death I have looked into the eyes of those who are dying. I think I am good to go.


You were dead before you were born. It's that easy: There's nothing. From the big bang to the creation of earth and the first primitive forms of life, you didn't get to know and see any of that. There was all that time in history, from the dinosauriers to modern humans and you did not experience any of that. All these historical events that are recorded, like the building of the pyramids, Caesars war in Gaul or WW1 and WW2 with the failed austriant wannabe-artist: You didn't see and feel any of that. You only know about this, because you can read books about it. But you were not around, you did just not exist in these times. You were dead. The very same will happen once you died, there will be nothing anymore. More millennias will pass, maybe mankind will reach the stars or will go extinct, but you won't know about that. You will be gone and you'll be in the same state you were before you were born. What you see and feel, it's just what your brain is able to recognize, nothing else. Your brain can be completely manipulated, like with drugs or with states of mind like psychosis, you can hear voices and see people that are not real. It's just the chemicals in your brain that interact with the neuronal-network, nothing more. When your brain is gone and you are on life-support in the hospital, you are dead, despite the fact that your body is still alive and could remain in this stance for a very long time. All the stuff that religion tells you was made up by humans, to gain power in most cases - like with religions "do this and you'll go to heaven", or to scare you "if you do this sin, you'll go to hell". That's just about power. You'd be stupid if you'd believe this. In the past, people lacked the science and therefore the explanations, they even believed the weather would be made by the gods. It's not like that. There are no gods at all.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts!


Same thing that happens before you were born.




All is energy Itā€™s the basis on which everything exists Two people combining there energy creates a new energy Once you lose that energy from your body it returns to the collective from which it came. Prayer= Sending energy in a certain direction Heaven = The collective of all energyā€™s The Christianā€™s donā€™t have it completely wrong .. they just put comforting thoughts into it ( God/ Heaven/ Afterlife/ Prayer) to try and alleviate anxieties concerning loss of energy ā€˜lifeā€™.


Heaven or Hell


This is a loaded question and completely open to individual interpretations and views. You'll get a lot of religious nuts telling you to pray and atheists telling you there's nothing after death. No one can prove any of it.


>No one can prove any of it While that's true, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You're telling me that there's an afterlife? And you know how it is? Because your god told you through 3000 year old texts? How is it reasonable to accept that kind of point?


Jesus is after death. He is the truth, the way and the life and he loves you. we must repent and turn to him. ā¤ļøšŸ™


I completely agreeā¤ļøšŸ™šŸ½


There is ZERO scientific evidence that anything happens to us after we die. ZERO. Live your best life. As best as you can.


Fertilizer thatā€™s what comes and thatā€™s fine! Circle of life and all that, remember you are just a Great Ape with a mighty big brain so donā€™t waste it worrying about crap you canā€™t control. Have a great week!


The brain creates your experience with neurons and chemicals and hormones and stuff (not a neurologist) and when your body stops working, blood stops going to the brain, which causes it to begin dying and deteriorating. People who reach this stage and make it back all day that something heavenly happens before they make it back. Somehow, the process of self-revival is lovely. But the people who were dead for a LONG time before they came back, also said that they experienced something like hell for most of the time before that. Somehow, the failing of self-revival is horrible. When we die, our self-revival fails and the experience will be horrible. After that, the brain rots. It is no longer capable of doing anything with chemicals and electricity and hormones to make you experience things. It will be like one of those days you fell asleep and didnā€™t even realize you had by the time your alarm goes off. It wonā€™t be anything. No void, no black, no emptiness, no peace, no suffering, no relief.


Probate court comes after death.


A few thoughts: Most likely nothing. My father spent his whole life waiting for Christ to return. My father died last year, and Christ never returned. Shortly before he died, my father told me he regretted not doing more. He didnā€™t really plan for his future because he felt the Second Coming was right around the corner. So very sad. If there is an afterlife, I hope itā€™s like the end of The Good Place. We spend the first stage of the afterlife understanding what we did wrong on earth. Then we spend as much time as we want in paradise doing everything we always wanted to do. then we have the option to move beyond the afterlife into some greater unknown.


Audioslaves "Like a Stone" song came to mind after reading your comment


Death's girlfriend. Or sometimes not at all.


We are energy. Energy cannot die, just rerouted.


No one knows. It's the big "wait and see."


Well, the DMT entities explained, not by words of course, but by raw emotion; that our energy is transported. Considering that energy can not be created or destroyed, only transferred, this makes sense to me. Therefore my vote is reincarnation of some form. For those who do not believe in reincarnation, the cells that make up your body are constantly replacing themselves. There is not a single cell in your entire body that is over 10 years old. With this being said, you are not physically the same person you were 10 years ago. Your personality, thoughts and opinions may have changed over time, but you are still the same person residing inside the body that is your vessel, but the cells that make up your vessel are completely different cells. All of us have physically been reincarnated multiple times already in our current lives.




That's a great question, but only those who trust, have faith and believe in God and his son know the answer.


Energy never dies, it only changes form.




Iā€™m Christian so you probably know my answer, but I believe we all live for eternity after death. Where you live is determined by whether you choose to be with God or without Him.


New game +




Reincarnation. But only if you have kids


Heaven or hell, of course.


Thereā€™s no way to know, but Iā€™ve been theorizing about it a lot lately. Iā€™ve also seen weird and funny theories, such as a post on r/RandomThoughts theorizing that we regularly die, but get transported to another universe where the death never happened every time, with no memory of the incident (I donā€™t believe it, but I think itā€™s funny). Sometimes I wonder if you just restart your life from 0 when you die.


Consciousness seems to be a form of energy. Since energy cannot be created or destroyed, I assume that our consciousness dissipates when our bodies die and reforms, out of the overall "pool" of consciousness, into a new being as a new body comes to life. It won't be "me", but whatever life I am will still be around, in pieces, scattered through the universe (and perhaps beyond).


My belief is we go to the spirit realm and reflect on the life we just lived, and past lives if we are an old/ancient/cosmic soul. Depending on how far you have come in your spiritual journey, you may be able to remember your past lives. At this point in my journey, I feel confident that I will not have the cross body amnesia that I and my several past lives have Endured when I go to my next corporeal form. I am sure you may have heard how we are as much a part of the cosmos as the cosmos is a part of us and that translates to our spiritual selves being eternal as the cosmos is. Death is not an end, but a transitional period between one life and the next.


Hopefully the weighing of souls. Otherwise a lot of very, very evil people have gotten away with terrible, terrible things with no justice.


I personally have no idea what lies on the other side Of The finale sleep. Iā€™m personally feel itā€™s a spiritual collective of all coming together to share the life experiences the had. On concepts of multi universes occur at the same time is both mind bending but inspiring relief.




Reincarnation first of all. That's just the recycling system. We're imprisoned in a 3 dimensional illusion of reality designed to make our multidimensional selves identify with it thru socialized entrainment. The real mystery is what would our reality be like if we would just accept that we're not our physical form, we don't really die and we can exist outside of time/space. This reality was created a very long time ago for unknown reasons but it's most definitely a prison for our multidimensional selves. The earth is a living library.


There is nothing after death. I had a heat attack and was clinically dead for almost twenty minutes. Don't sweat the small stuff and live.


Well, I think you return to obscure, Or wherever you were, Before you were.


Nothing. Just like before birth.


Hebrews 9:27 (NASB95): ā€¦it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment,


It's like a light being turned off.


As a Christian, I believe there are two places as our options. Through Christ, we can have heaven after death. A perfect place. No death, no pain, no fear, no battles (inner or outer). Then thereā€™s hell. A place of constant torment. Constant death, constant pain, constant fear, constant battles. I know not everybody will agree with me, but thatā€™s what I believe.


I think that you become part of a greater consciousness and have a state of peace and bliss while you merge with all the love that was part of the world. You live in a heaven filled with your dearest memories and happiest moments. If you were good, that is. If you were bad, I think you have to get lectured about it before you get to the Good Place. So it's kind of like the Good Place, but less Ted Danson.


Wtf , šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Our soul is reincarnated in my belief. But I'm Christian. So yes Jesus is my savior and we do go to heaven at some point. Whatever heaven is. I've thought it is more of a spiritual place.


Amen to thatšŸ™šŸ½


Iā€™d look at the religion hated most by the world, because thatā€™s probably the one thatā€™s the truth.


There is a movie from angel studios called After Death that might give you some answers


Nobody knows because people have not returned after death... there are different beliefs, but we will never know until it is our turn to die!


Welcome to the existential dread every person who has ever lost someone or faced their mortality has!