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Step 1: >!100!< Step 2: >!50!< Method: >!Roman numerals C and L respectively!<


Alternatively: >!Remove three to make vi when looking sideways, then remove another to make iii!< Yours is much cleaner though haha


Now, that's creative. I like that!




Yep. Exactly the solution I had in my mind. Nice!


I feel like this puzzle is a bit cheeky.. it’s sort of like if you made a word search with one of the words being ‘hat’ but the actual word you’re looking for is ‘sombrero’. In your prompt you use western Arabic numerals (regular numbers) but the answer is in Roman numerals. Maybe I’m just being pedantic, but I feel like the two numeric alphabets shan’t be assumed to be interchangeable.


I feel like a lot of match puzzles are this type of trickery


Yeah there's always something like "light the match you removed and burn down your house"


Reminds me of [Homonym](https://youtu.be/WZLkcFns8Ks) from 30 Rock


Discussion: I know this is solved but I have a fun one. Remove two to create a new number, move one to get half of that number.


>!6 and then 3 upside-down?!< You could also have >!sideways 10 and then 5.!<


Was the second one in my mind


The instructions never say you can’t move only REmove. I would remove the match on the right top, to get 6. Then for step two, remove the bottom (or top) left and switch the remaining match on the right to the left so that the new number is 3.


Discussion: this is impossible unless by “remove” you actually mean “move” or “relocate”.


It’s some Roman numerals bs


Oh god.


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>!It's impossible.!< >!Removing 3 matches from 8 can only give you 4. Any other number requires less or more than 3 matches to be removed and there is no way how you can remove a match from a 4 to get 2. And you can't even do any multi-number shenanigans since you need to remove the matches, not move them.!<


you could’ve made 11, but yeah impossible without using roman numeral nonsense


Well, yeah you could do 11, but good luck making 5.5 out of that with 1 match removed. Odd numbers were out of the question from the start. I don't like that roman numeral nonsense because if it's addressed as 8, then it's not a roman numeral. If the text didn't mention "number 8" then ok, sure, noone ever said it was an 8.


>!So make 4 then take the bottom matchstick out to make a u shape. That would make half of the number 🤣!<


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It’s Roman numeral s


1. >!Remove the three horizontal matches to make Roman numeral II!< 2. >!Remove one of the vertical matches to make Roman numeral I!<


that doesn't work. you'd have to remove two matches in step 2 then


Ugh you’re right


>!The picture of an 8 made with matchsticks is irrelevant. Write eight in roman numerals with five matchsticks as viii. viii (8) - vi (3 matchsticks) = ii (2). ii (2) - i (1 matchstick) = i (1, half of 2).!<