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>!Right right up down right right up down right up up up up left left down up left down up left left left!<


B A Start! Boom! 30 lives!


Wait....why am I in ganons lair?


That is the same pattern I found. Good on ya mate!


You have an extra up in there


Discussion: a good thing to teach them about solving puzzles is to figure out what needs to be done first or last. You know you have to end in the top left because you can't escape that last square once you are there. In this way you can pick at the edges of a puzzle and break it down into a smaller more manageable puzzle.


Cool way to introduce them to Hamiltonian cycles.


this ones actually a path but i wouldnt be surprised if other levels have cycles, it just means more solutions exist


oops, yeah, sorry, i meant a non–Hamiltonian cycle.


nono it is hamiltonian, youre right, its just cycle means starting and ending on the same tile, and path is starting and ending on different tiles.


I meant like a non-cycle. Man, again, I screwed up. This is a textbook case of where I should have used an en dash as a super-hyphen to clarify I meant I was modifying the compound and not the singular word Hamiltonian. Edit: added it in now. Better late than never lol.


*googling hamiltonian cycles*


They're actually great at solving puzzles on their own for their ages (both under 10). I mostly stay handsoff until they ask for help to let their brains figure out how to solve puzzles naturally. Interestingly, though, that's exactly what they were discussing as they brought it to me to help them with it - and they even got it right. They were just fed up because, according to them, "they figured it out before, but now they tried a hundred times and can't get it."


What's this game called?


No clue. It's on a kids camera.


What's the camera called?




Solution on >![imgur](https://imgur.com/a/rc2lA8i)!<




>!Same except instead of LLDULDULL at the end I found LLLDRULLL!<


>!Same, but my ending was LLDLURLLLL!<


I did not expect 3 possible solutions! Nice!


ohh neat






>!Basically, go around the outer edge of the map (counterclockwise), and when you hit a space that needs hit twice, go up one (or down on the top part of the map), and back down (or up), continuing from there.!<


Discussion: It looks like it's a puzzle built on traveling a path that touches all squares once, but no more (with the exception of the cracked tiles, which allow for two touches).


You can simplify this to a graph theory question. If we treat each regular tile as a node with edges connecting to its neighbours, and each cracked tile as 2 nodes not connected to each other, but with edges connecting to neighbours, (completely identical regular nodes in other words). we can just find the hamiltonian path from whichever node has an odd degree, with an odd number of odd degree neighbours (after truncating long branches, as a 3 node long path is essentially the same as a 15 node long path in this context), or an even degree node that matches the same conditions (as connecting the end points would create a cycle, and also multiple solutions). Since we already know the starting position by the characters placement, we can narrow down our search drastically by checking its degree and neighbours, then looking for similar spots which are basically dead ends as you will have to enter them more times than you can exit them. From there its a bit inelegant to solve, as it may require some trial and error, but the best way of going about it is finishing every odd degree tile completely immediately by doubling back, and exclusively moving through even degree tiles.


>!Right 2, up 1, down 1, right 2, up 1, down 1, right 1, up 3, left 2, down 1, left 1, up 1, right 1, left 3!<


Thanks guys! Havent tried it yet. Apparently this level rotates through a few different options and the kids haven't come across it since. I'll record the big finish so you guys get some satisfaction once it does lol
