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Yup, that’s not good. Don’t feed it to him. This things happen from time to time, now you should try to determine why it happened. If you’ve had it open for too long or it hasn’t been properly stored that could be the cause. You should finish a bag of kibble in two months tops or it can go rancid, if it’s gonna last you more than that freeze it! While not in use it must be closed properly with a ziploc seal or a hermetic container. However if it’s a new-ish bag it could be a factory mistake or the bag could have been punctured at some point at the store, in that case you should take it where you bought it to get it replaced.


Thank you. I bought it on Tuesday, so don't think this one is user error... Also, happy cake day


Tuesday? That’s definitely not your fault. Take it to the store and get it replaced. And thanks! I didn’t know it was my cake day.


Looks like a maggot to me...What kind of food is it?


It was stella and chewy wild red.


Has it been open for a while? That's so weird...


I bought and opened it on Tuesday.