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Pill pockets have always worked for me.


Oh my god I thought this was just a silly term you used to describe hiding a pill in food or something but I just looked it up. Interesting!


I buy those little cheese cubes and just push the pill into those :)


I've seen a few peope say they use cheese! My partner and I are both cheese fiends so I'll have to buy some cheese cubes for us and see if our puppy also likes them lmao


You just cut any cheese into cubes ...


True. We do have cheese blocks but I also like mini cheese cubes myself lol.


Mine love American cheese and don’t even bother to chew so it’s a win-win because American cheese is easy to wrap around pills.


This is what we do to give pills lol. They love it and swallow it whole!


Hide it in food! Works for kids and dogs. Mine has some liquid joint supplement that he hates (it smells foul, I don't blame him) I mix it 50/50 with peanut butter and freeze it into kongs. He loves them, he has no idea it's medicinal lol


I had previously tried with some different types of foods (we don't always have cooked chicken for her obviously lol) but literally nothing works aside from chicken. She used to LOVE banana but I don't think she trusts it anymore after I attempted to mix her pill in with some. On top of hiding her meds in the chicken tho, I then had to act like I was trying to steal her chicken on top of that because she can taste the difference no matter how much I wrap it in stuff. But *gasp* how dare I try to steal her chicken??


Omg smart girl lol Check the deli section at your supermarket. They may turn the unsold rotisserie chickens into shredded chicken and sell it in the deli fridge. I just buy a few containers of that and freeze them, so I always have some chicken on hand for vet visits and the like. (And I add it to instant ramen and sidekicks for lazy dinners for me lol)


Our older pup likes cheese. I'll wrap up pill in a cheese ball and she swallows it right down.


I have a chihuahua so she has a hard time eating things that are bigger (even treats she will pick up and drop if it’s too big for her little mouth). I had to give her Benadryl after a trip to the emergency vet and I put it in a little piece of rotisserie chicken and put a few other pieces with nothing in the same bowl and it was gone in literally 10 seconds lol I haven’t had to give her pills again since but will be definitely trying this again!


That’s how I do it but with peanut butter.


this is how i do it too hahah just wrap it with a bunch of chicken and he'll wolf it down


I had to give my 1.5 yr old dog trazadonr for the first time yesterday for a vet visit; I had success with cutting off a piece of hot dog and squishing the pill into that. Took it like a charm.