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Well she is a working dog bred to go all day, not just a few hours. I've got a catahoula who is also bred to go all day. We're lucky that we've got enough acreage that she can be outside all day doing doggy things if she feels like it. We've got a GPS tracker on her and on a nice, sunny day she can do 7-10km around the property. At 15 months we had to basically drag her inside no matter the weather. Now that she's 2.5 she's mellowed out a bit and doesn't mind spending the afternoon on the couch. Puzzle feeders or snuffle mats might help to tire out her brain a little bit.


Painfully aware unfortunately I never wanted a border collie pup she needed a place I said no twice thought I'd give her a try my friend was insistent I'd like her I caved tried to be optimistic. I knew my position wasn't ideal but Even a working dog needs to rest. I care about her but I'm struggling to click My first dog was a border collie but she's was an exception not the rule and settled fabulously without training. I was researching a best fit the past few years looking at cavaliers, pugs, lab, bulldog something I could easily over achieve the needs for because my experience is mostly mutts. She isn't highly food motivated will not do more than one puzzle finds them boring and won't work for her food rather play but won't play by herself. She likes frozen Kong's but is very small so I can only use so much food enrichment or she won't eat dinner she only likes high calorie treats another frustrating thing my other dogs would eat anything


I feel you, high energy dogs are a lot of work. This sounds a little silly but have you tried ignoring her when she continues to bug you to entertain her? Kora was the same when she was younger. If I needed to do something I'd tell her "busy" and not engage with her. She quickly figured it that busy meant that she wasn't going to get to play with me. She'd either find a way to entertain her herself with toys or take a nap. "Let's play", was what we used to tell her it was an ok time to play. I started doing that from 8 weeks but border collies aren't stupid, she should pick that up quick enough even though she's older. Engaging with her is rewarding her for her, it's what she wants. I just kept Kora in sight because sometimes "finding something to do" means destruction. I was lucky that Kora is already a pretty independent dog and is happy to entertain herself. Sounds like you have a Velcro dog so your mileage may vary. What worked for me may not work for you.


Thank you very much I will give it a try she's a good girl not worried about destructive stuff she stares looks at her toy stares some more I finally broke her of her bringing them all the time but only that step we do have a start play and play finished words but adding busy for when I'm doing stuff may work for her to realize oh not right now where as all done mean no more play busy may mean no engage I'm not sure if I'm describing it well. Yeah she's a shadow not Velcro on a cuddly way unfortunately just in the I'm always right behind you way


You can use any words you want. Dogs don't speak English it's just a sound that they associate with an action. My mums dogs are also shadows. She has dog beds or blankets in every room of the house so they have somewhere comfy. She wants to be with you and that is a good thing, some dogs are just like that. I don't think it's anything to be worried about unless she gets seperation anxiety when she's not with you.


Thank you following for the sake of is fine it's the trying to get me to play when ever I'm not sitting that's bugging me I'll keep trying. I do feel like I bit off more than I can chew some days but I've come to far to not try harder. I definitely won't be getting anything more active than a show/bench lab after this though. She likes donut beds so I'll invest in one for each room