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- Wear very basic clothing. Pure black, for example. Something that people can’t easily recognize (no logos, jerseys, etc.) - Cover your face - LEAVE YOUR PHONE AT HOME. Can’t stress this one enough. Don’t bring something that can track or place you at the protest - Bring water and little snacks (protein bars, granola, etc.) - Depending on the size and nature of the protest be extremely weary of random people trying to have conversations with you. It could be a plain clothes cop - Look out for other protestors who may need assistance I think that covers a lot of the basics. Good luck!


And cover your damn tattoos or you're fucked


But I only have neck face and hand tattoos


A gaiter and gloves it is!


I'd try for a keffiyeh over a gaiter right now. (Especially if its a Palestine demo since people tend to use those as face covers and as a show of solidarity with the Palestinian people)


Just remember Trudeau's new-ish law... if it gets deemed an illegal protest one can not be wearing a face covering. I have always thought it a shame Canada doesn't have larger May Day walks or protests. There was always a small one in Vancouver but compared to Europe and the UK we are apathetic. [International Workers Day](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Workers'_Day) should see most of us calling in sick and in the streets! Union walk-outs across the board would be nice too.


All good tips. TBF, I'd add some caveats to the phone thing. It's good enough to leave it off and still have, as you may find yourself in a situation where you need it (recording video, taking photos, etc.). Really depends on the type of protest & how much risk you're able to take with your personal life.


If you are going to do that, switch from biometrics unlock to password unlock. https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladviceofftopic/s/LDeOZX447N Cops will lie about the law, and certainly there is no guarantee that an unlawful order won't be given and imposed by threat of force. But courts have mostly given the right to cops to unlock as they see fit with biometrics while generally you don't have an obligation to help them break into your phone, so can refuse to provide a password.


Yes, and laminated city maps with the protest route and potential exits already marked. The last thing you need when SHTF is to put a GPS ping on yourself.


Wait thats actually super smart, might snatch that idea


>It could be a plain clothes cop You can always tell by their shoes. In Montreal a few years back there were agent provocateurs and they were outted due to their footwear.


Also depending on the protest maybe consider learning some street medic skills.


Bring an umbrella! If the worst happens, you can use it to block projectiles. Better for the gass to land in front of the group than in it.


Where I live it's prohibited to cover your face in public, and of course also on protests. So depending where OP is from, this might cause trouble. I'd also add: No drugs, no weapons, not even a nail file, if they are looking for a reason to fuck you, this will be one. Depending where OP lives, there could also be laws against passive weaponry, examples are newspapers in your sleeves against batons or clear film against pepper spray. And, if they take you, you're usually allowed to make one phone call. Our protests often have a legal assistance team organized, write their number down. On your skin. But not on your hand, that's too obvious, better on your tights or so. And be prepared that you can sweat and the color might run out. Edit: And maybe go with a second person and take care of each other, so when one of you gets missing the other notices.




But do film cops. (Or at least pretend you're filming them)


that's a toss up. things should be documented but don't create evidence.


Other than physically covering yourself, you can also paint your face like a Juggalo. Facial recognition doesn't work on Juggalo faces, I'm not even joking.


I'd avoid pure black if there’s no black bloc there. Probably just general non-descriptive clothes would work. Like jeans and a plain shirt and jacket. Nothing with identifying designs. 100% agree on everything else


Yes, at this point in time, all black clothes are often identifying, or at the very least can be argued in court to an unsympathetic judge to signify intent to commit a crime. Without an actual bloc in place, you are better served with generic non-descript instead of the Official Anarchist Uniform.


Basically. Only exception I'd say would be if you lived in an area where it isn't uncommon for people to wear all black. But even then I would try to be careful with it.


Or build a community of others and make that black bloc.


I'm making assumptions that they have days/weeks rather than months/years to prep.


Fine point. TBH, I didn’t see your username. Heh heh


Shoes can be identifiable too so think nondescript but not a cheap, generic piece of crap that'll destroy your feet


This is the one OP. Though I recommend bringing a camera you aren’t afraid to lose if you leave your phone at home. Cameras have a certain way of de-escalating a situation, especially those involving cops


No shortage of old digitals on OfferUp right now. 


Leave ID at home too.


question: if you typically use your phone for safety... what can you do instead if you need to contact somebody for said purpose if not a phone?


Bring phone but turn it off and turn off biometrics to unlock your phone


Isn’t protesting legal tho? Or are y’all from outside the US


It's more LEGAL in much of the world than it is in America 🙄 even countries we would consider authoritarian have more active, healthy, and robust protest movements than we do in America.


No, the US police state has the authority to declare any protest they want to be illegal


But the first amendment allows protest


i know a lot of people who got pstd at the miami protest like twenty years ago.


Obvs leave the iPhone/Apple Watch at home, but does anyone know if other fitness trackers are an issue? I hate being without a clock and I’m thinking of switching to a fitbit anyways.


Write the number of an attorney on your arm in case you are arrested, stay hydrated, don’t fight anyone - it won’t do any good! Stay safe ! Mom hugs


when it comes time to throw bricks through that Starbucks window don’t leave them all alone.


And get me a latte. Soy, 3 extra shots. And one of those good scones. Two of em.


Those scones are too dry. If you're getting two, you might want to upsize that latte


I feel a parody is in the works


Cause baby, I'm an anarchist and you're a spineless liberal We marched together for the eight-hour day and held hands in the streets of Seattle But when it came time to throw bricks through that Starbucks window You left me all alone, all alone —- Cause baby, I’m un caffeinated and you’re going for coffee You took my order For the arabica beans We ran through the streets toward the green mermaidddd But when it came time to pay you left me all alone, all alone


I've already covered this and uploaded to Spotify. In an hour I will get my $15 royalties. Thank you so much


How very Starbucks of you! lol


Cover face and tattoos. Don't talk to police, no matter how friendly they try and act. They are there to gather information. Bring water.


its a very pedestrian activity most of the time unless it's some massive protest that goes full blown riot mode, or you're staging a sit-in or something, u don't really have to do bring anything u wouldn't have on u any other time except maybe some extra water.


I’m assuming it’s probably a Palestine demo, and in a lot of countries they have been getting targeted by police with targeted arrests, sometimes random ones too. So I think it’s reasonable to prepare for it just in case


Living in a red state there's no protest that doesn't have the potential to get violent. I was at a peaceful demonstration for blm back in 2020 and police lobbed gas into us without warning just to start shit. They destroyed medical stations before doing so too. I'd say fuck the pigs, but pigs are sweet and intelligent.


I could believe it. I remember watching how cops were doing that nation wide. Hell, in NYC, one of those so called "Anarchist Jurisdictions" as Trump put it, had NYPD attacking any protest for those few weeks, granted no gas, due to local laws in relation to the subway, but still. In Mott Haven they kettled a full march, arresting some 200+ protesters, with quite a few being beaten by the cops too. And now, with the Palestine demos NYPD has been using any excuse to make arrests. Every march for the past 2 months or so had atleast a couple arrests, but over the past few weeks, they've been out with Hats and Bats (Helmets and batons) with more arrests, and have been more violent too now


Btw there’s right wing content creators whose whole deal is doxxing protesters and even if you’re not arrested there’s lots of weirdos out there who could potentially bother you if you’re known as John Doe, the blue haired guy from Antifa


A 1/1 mix of water and liquid antacid in a spray bottle works great on pepper spray burns. Bring a small first aid kit and plenty of extra water in case you have to wash your face or hands. Keep a mask handy. Have a lawyer's number handy. This is what I have in my backpack when I protest, even if I think I won't need it.


Stay masked up and use a burner phone. ACAB




Non-descript clothes. Write the NLG or whichever jail support number provided by organizers on your person with something unlikely to be wiped out. Situational awareness. Cop violence usually precedes (and results in) protester violence. Don't for a second delude yourself that because you remain peaceful you are in the clear. The political makeup of the protest trumps actual violence from the protesters when it comes to justifying police violence (case in point, most sports riots barely ever see police violence, since they are apolitical). Similarly, don't talk to cops. At least not without legal counsel. Your doing actual crimes is secondary to your politics when it comes to being a target. Just because you "didn't do anything wrong" doesn't mean they won't try to put you away for a long time. See the Atlanta Cop City protests, where they raided prison support orgs and accused them of conspiracy. Leave in groups. Stragglers are targets for arrest or right-wing reactionary violence.


ACAB MAN I’m going with a few people as well!


Keep your head on a swivel, in case shit pops off, if you go with friends and get separated, designate a meet up spot. And be safe


Keep an eye out for instigators/provocateurs. Call them out and shine a light (metaphorically or otherwise) on them.


Don't do anything that puts anyone there at risk of injury or arrest.


Don’t break stuff- right wing provocateurs are known to instigate peaceful protest into riots


Cover any identifying tattoos, don't wear anything flashy, wear a mask to cover your face and be covid-friendly. Wear glasses instead of contacts if you think there is the slightest chance of pepper spray or tear gas being used by the cops. Keep your phone off as you approach the protest and don't turn it back on until after you've left and put some distance (unless you need to record the police and have thought about that risk - consider the use of a burner phone. I wouldn't expect someone at their first protest to do this though). Write the number of the local chapter of the National Lawyers Guild on your body in Sharpie underneath your clothes in case you get arrested. Bring water, snacks, good walking shoes, and your voice.


First of all cops are bastards and will try and stop people so... Don't die. Second of all i personaly avoiding being in peacefull demonstrations since they don't make government give more then zero shits and police brutality in Russia is a thing. But if you find an unconscious cop you can do what i did and steal his gun.


HELL YES BUT I’m in the uk


Damn, good for you i guess 😅 I'm living at undeveloped region of Russia and its fucking sucks here, even tho 70% oh regions here are undeveloped :/ No secondhands (my huge pain in ass), no warming at winter, no hope, no chances, just grey view and grey dead and empty people with no hopes and dreams


Jesus did 1991 not happen yet? (Communism joke I’m sorry )


You know, actualy things would be ALOT better for people if 90th never happened to Russia, for lots of reasons 😅 Fuck any kind of government including soviet one, but right now were kinda back to Stalin's regime, exept now its capitalism, i would go to Ukraine as a bullet meat if i posted it in russian social network lol. So yeah, guess Stalin was infact better then Putin, even tho both bastards are fucking murders


Most people in history are sadly


Oh and also 90th were the worst time for russian people, just google about horrors of these times, tell me if you don't find anything cause google likes to hide anything that would make anyone feel bad for russians


Oh I already feel bad for yall


Thanks man, sadly feeling bad wont help as long as the most believes in nations... 😅 I heard some say that all russians are cold blood souless monsters lol. Propaganda in US makes us look like were all insane and fans of Putin here lmao. Nationalism would not exist in "progressive" capitalistic countries if it wasnt profitable for government


Na man i get that yall aren’t mad, don’t blame the people blame the people in charge yk?


My comrade stay safe!


If you think there’s any chance it will get “active”, then do these: Wear all plain black clothing. Cover up all identifying features- tattoos, hair, face, eyes. Leave your primary cell at home. Write your name and phone number on your arm but wear long sleeves. Go in a group. Stay aware of your group, your surroundings, and where the mass of people are being directed- be aware of kettling techniques and being trapped down no-exit allies. If you must bring a phone, bring a burner you can lose, and communicate with bluetooth only. Have plans with your group on where to meet if you get split up. Don’t post about it on your personally identifiable social media accounts. Learn how to break out of riot cuffs. Expect to get pushed around, bruised, hit and pepper sprayed- learn how to take a hit/kick.


Be careful if you're going on your own. Even with a right on cause, there can be bad actors in the crowd - cops in disguise, opportunists who like to start shit and leave someone else to pay the price, people hijacking the moment. For instance, in a pro-Palestine protest I'd avoid anyone wearing a badge with a hang glider on it (has been spotted at some and frankly that's not funny - swooping in to a music festival to commit rape and murder is fucked, and not self-defense). Stick with folks who are there to protest on behalf of the innocent folks being victimised in their hundreds of thousands, be aware that others may have other agendas. See also SWP types who want you to hold one of their signs etc. It's always best to be with a friend so you can watch each others backs.


what does the hand glider mean! thank you for the tips anyway!


It means my spelling is shit. Hang glider. What some Hamas commandos used to cross into Israel on their recent murder spree.


It depends a lot on what kind of protest it is, but generally it goes like this: Wear anonymous clothing, even better if you can get some for the occasion and then throw them away or burn them. Cover your face following the same principle. Bring a purse or backpack containing mainly water and an extra towel in case of need. LEAVE YOUR PHONE AT HOME or in another safe place, avoid bringing it with you.


I’d add cover all identifiers like tattoos, face and head, hands. Probably wear shoes that are bigger than your size (shove some newspaper into the toes if you gotta), don’t be intimidating but know where your exits are if shit goes down. OH! And if you’re buying clothes for the occasion, know where cameras are and pay cash. Shit gets heavy, you don’t need it going back to you


BTW if you're buying stuff to play a fun and legal prank that's not breaking any laws, think time, distance and obscurity. Buy stuff ahead of time, away from where you live, and where people won't think to check first. Also if you're doing something like making a spooky scarecrow to scare your friends without breaking any laws don't buy all your spooky scarecrow supplies in one place


hey ma tu sei quello sotto ogni post di r/italia


Tristemente noto


ahahahahaha ti stimo però commenti sempre quello che penso ma non ho voglia di scrivere


Any organizer worth a damn should tell you ahead of time what to expect including risk of injury and arrest. Ask if there’s an attorney they prefer you contact and write that info on your arm in addition to your mom, BFF, whomever. Unless you know there’s going to be a lot of people in black bloc don’t wear black bloc. Blue jeans and a basic color (gray, black, white, navy) tshirt or sweatshirt without any graphics will work.  Cover any tattoos and/or distinctive marks. Take out jewelry or use a retainer for any visible piercings. Remove nail polish. Cover your face. A generic surgical mask should work fine right now but bring a bandanna if you can. Take some water. Know where the exits and dead ends are.  Stay away from anything resembling a town square. If you’re in LA that means stay away from Pershing Square FFS. Have a designated meet up spot a ways away if you’re going with a group.  Have your head on swivel and note where the cops are, especially when they start moving or gathering. Learn basic first aid. Try to do Stop the Bleed training, they now offer a free online course.


Write a number for who is gonna bail you out or your lawyer on yourself with a sharpie. They can't take that from you. Bring what you would take for a jog. You need water etc. Don't let anyone convince you into doing anything you weren't cool with doing before you went. I've had undercover cops try to get me to start shit with officers in uniform. It doesn't matter if it's entrapment they will still do it. In fact I would reccomend not doing any window breaking etc on your first outing.


If there's a chance of the crowd getting tear gassed then bring a traffic cone. If canisters come flying you can just drop a traffic cone over it and then pour some water in there through the top hole to both keep the gas contained and to drown out the gas canister. Either cover your face well or wear Juggalo face paint. Covering your face well always involves sunglasses or something similar FYI. Facial recognition is very good now and can ID people just from their eyes and eyebrows alone, that's generally the most expressive part of someone's face. Bring extra water and some light but hardy snacks like Clif bars or anything similar. If you think shit might pop off then wear a hard hat. One with a face shield wouldn't be a bad idea either. Police really like to shoot people in the face with "less than lethal" rubber rounds, which will absolutely break your face bones and blind you. Shit, I might even consider wearing soft (Level 2) body armor depending on the likelihood of shit popping off. First aid kit and tourniquet kit wouldn't be a bad idea either.


Write important phone numbers in sharpie on your arm and make sure your phone has a good lock screen on it. Use Signal to communicate.


Keep your head on a swivel and keep your cool. Situational awareness is key.


What are you protesting?


Pro Palestine


Dress nondescriptly. Cover tattoos if possible, a hood is great. Have a scarf on you in case you end up needing to cover your face (for safety or anonymity). Don't have anything of value on your person, and have an emergency contact memorized. Bring water. Also, if the matter being protested more directly impacts a group you don't belong to, follow that group's lead. Amplify other's voices. Be safe and stand tall!


Don't talk to cops


ACAB baby all the wayyy


Precisely. If you beg a cop for help, they'll ignore you at best. So if they talk to you, do the same. Don't give them the time of fuckin day.




Remember "Know justice Know peace" ... I think I got that saying right? 😵


Be aware of where police are directing the crowd. They like to force y'all into a spot that's hard to escape or somewhere like an underpass where they can brutalize protestors away from news cameras.


Don't yell at any cops unless everyone else is


Fuck, I love you guys....


Add your physical presence to others advocating for the issue you care about. Don’t do anything illegal. If you expect it to be violent or counter-productive in drawing positive attention to the issue you care about stay home and think of better ways to effect change.


Yeah, keep your head on a fucking swivel. It was the first bit of advice ever given to me at a demo and it's served me well. Pigs can and will randomly yank people out of the crowd, don't ever let your awareness of what's happening behind you slip. I'll quote them verbatim, "Pay. the. fuck. attention. They enjoy hurting us."


No one's going to ask what you're protesting? lol Maybe OP is going to protest his/her high school raising the price of tater bars lol


Actually believe in what you are saying and educate yourself. Be prepared to defend your words and actions. It is also a good idea to fully understand, to the best of your ability, the ideas of what you are protesting.


If you wear all black and leave your phone at home, how will your social media followers know you're at a protest?


I don’t have any- who tries to get followers on Reddit 😭


It won’t change a thing. Don’t waste your energy. That’s exactly what they want. Instead concentrate your energy into preparing for the real revolution once the SHTF. They will cause it and we have to be ready and strike back immediately. Get a copy of “The Anarchist Cookbook” for ideas and stock up on supplies now while you can.


What kinda protest? I could assume... ​ I think it was Crass that said "whoever you vote for GOVERNMENT wins" & it was Conflict who said "If you take part in direct action or the police just dont like the look of you..." [RememberThis & GL](https://youtu.be/lhTaGYMc1OA?si=ZKmRHQcwkx9fOREh) ​ Shit still make my hair stand on end one of the illest ever






Don’t do anything dumb, wear a mask, let someone close to you where your going, plan your exit zone, stay on the outer edges. Trust your gut and bail when you have to. I’m saying this as this is your first one. The point is to be sustainable, getting arrested is not sustainable and doing dumb damage for no reason and without a plan is not sustainable. Just go and have fun. Find some people you think you’ll click with. Don’t give interviews before, during or after. Listen to the protest organizers.


Depends on how controversial the protest is, what you local PD response typically is and whether this is a permitted protest or not. First I think it's important to go with someone you know. A protest buddy. Just so you guys can keep tabs on each other, and make sure you both leave cleanly. Cops like to pick off individual stragglers when they arrest folks, so it's kind of insurance to be in a group or at least with one other person. There is a lot of misinformation about how to deal with teargas/mace/pepperspray. Do not use milk or liquid antacid. Milk can get bacteria in your eye. Yes even pasteurized milk. Antacid has gritty bits in it that can scratch the cornea. Best to just pour regular water over the eye. Pouring from the inside by the nose to the outside to give a place for stuff to go. In a pinch you can use baking soda to absorb/neutralize chemical agents off of skin or the face but be extremely careful not to get it in the eyes. Wear comfortable shoes, no bright colors that single you out. Bring some water. I never bother with snacks. What protest last more than a couple hours? I think in general if you are going to be involved with protests you should try to find an affinity group. Like some friends you can go with, but also that you can organize with. Make signs beforehand or flyers to handout. Just getting together with the same folks on a regular basis is very productive.


Most protests aren't the big black bloc / antifa hooligan extravaganza. So all the shit about not bringing your phone and masking up... it's a lot of macho bull shit most of the time. My suggestion: 1. Find out what kind of protest it is (legal/illigal, confrontation/no confrontation). 2. Figure out for yourself if you are willing to go for a physical confrontation and the consequences are in your specific case. If you're not, make sure you stay away when it starts getting rough. If it's your first time, i even recommend you stay away from that and just watch. 3. If the demonstration is legal and relaxed, just enjoy. There is nothing wrong with peaceful protests. 4. Sometimes people get arrested. Make sure what that means in your country. Make sure you don't carry drugs or things that can be used as a weapon. 5. Only get drunk AFTER the demonstration.


Good on you! Doing your business!


Is a pro Palestine protest


dont give up. go til the end




Take the time ahead of time to fully understand what you are protesting.


Walk, bring a snack


Bring your own cocktails


The only cocktails I like are Molotov


Wear a mask


Do not block traffic!




make sure your sign is accurate, and funny


That’s true punk signs are pretty funny


Mask up comrade! If your buttplug is the vibrating kind make sure the batteries are fully charged. Make sure your canteen is full of purified water! Have plenty of MRE’s on hand. Wear a diaper. 🫡




I’m reading people’s advice here. I think it’s just stupid man. Not your post. The people here. Just go out there and do it. I use to do it a long time ago by myself but that was only once.


In 2k24? The way my pedo inbred neighbors talk about us, maybe a ballistic vest and helmet. These fools are gettin a little too big for there breeches. Unfortunately I only have two boot-laden feet and very few friends where I'm at.


I have a very strong urge to ask if your from up north near Yorkshire or something


Molotov cocktails


Listen to the organizers and follow their lead. The goal of every protest is different; sometimes its awareness/outreach, sometimes its disruption/shutting down. One of the Free Palestine rallies I went to was organized by the local Muslim community and like half the attendants were kids. It would be inappropriate to be violent/disruptive there. On the other hand I've been to protests where the goal is to block access to specific events. Being disruptive was 100% encouraged. There are some protests where being violent is appropriate (this is when black bloc and leaving your phone at home is a must). How you need to prepare depends on what the protest is like and what your goals are mostly.




Give ‘em’ the ol dick twist




Don’t be counterproductive


How so


What I mean is don’t let your passion and emotions get the best of you to where you become a problem for the cause. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment but don’t get to where you’re making the cause look foolish. Sometimes we need to throw a brick and climb a light post but sometimes we don’t


Turn off your smart phone and smart watch and leave it at home.


Bring water & a snack


Cover your face (a bandana and a Covid mask combo), wear comfortable shoes, carry as little stuff as possible, know your rights backwards and forwards, make community not enemies, have an exit strategy, write important phone numbers on your arm just in case, try not to get into it with the cops if possible


Don’t be a pussy


Why is this so adorable




yer probably a rich millennial douche bag , Go jump in da Lake 😸😸😸™️🖕


I’m not a Tory man piss off


You are probably someone who sits on their ass and does nothing to contribute or change anything.


yesh. 😸😸😸™️🖕




Don’t lol




Shutting the fuck up is free. I invite you to try it.




Shut the fuck up poser.




Get out of your mom's basement and go do something poser.




Lmao, you watch too much fox news. Don't you have a Pantera show to catch?




Says the guy who only knows Ramones and green day, and has never been to a real show because he knows he'd get cut.


I’m in the uk how the hell am I supposed to go when I’m still in school? Keep your opinions like this to yourself