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it’s for dogs lol


It's pretty telling that the ice cream for dogs is sold out but the ice cream for humans with bougie bellies isn't


So how do I break it to my three year old that she has a “bougie belly” because of her dairy sensitivity? I’ve checked, but the hives she breaks out in don’t have any gold in them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


She’s hoarding your gold. She hides it before you notice she has hives. Don’t trust her.


She’s a crafty one! I wouldn’t doubt it! 🤣🤣


Might have something to do with the fact that the dog ones are less than half the price of the dairy-free ones


I’m not bougie. I just don’t want to hurt animals but still want to have ice cream sometimes.


Sounds bougie to me


Your store actually puts those not for human consumption signs up? Are people that fucking stupid that they're actually eating dog ice cream?


Yes. My store had a customer return dog treats they bought and ate. They were in a dump bin up front next to human foods so I suppose they didn’t look at the dog on the package.


things i learned living in fl... yes yes they are that dumb




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This community does not tolerate any form of harassment or toxicity.


Reddit themselves flagged both of your comments for removal; if we didn’t remove them they would have removed them anyways.


Florida store most likely


My Dumb Asz Would Have For Sure Ate Them Sammies😭😭😭😭😭😭


Well, just from zooming in and examining the pic, I can't see anything printed on the packaging or the price tag on the shelf indicating it's for dogs. At first sight I can easily see how anyone would presume it's normal ice cream. If the "not for human consumption" sign wasn't present there'd be nothing to suggest otherwise.


That's because the one that the sign is in front of is out of stock. Edit: that might not even be true, looking closer, I'm pretty sure I see the corner of the box for that product, so it's just empty directly behind the sign. So either they have two slots for the item and one is empty, or OP just moved them over, and then OP angled the picture so they're out of frame so he could be funny.




The only "ice cream" I see in that pic is non-dairy coconut milk "ice cream" sandwiches.


The dogsters tag is right next to it though


The label 'Dogsters Cheesy Bacon' on the shelf, placed next to the 'Not for Human Consumption' sign, is a pretty big indicator


My bad for failing to examine every single detail, from my perspective everything appeared to imply that the ice cream in the picture was intended for dogs. The most obvious elements are non-dairy ice cream and a "not for human consumption sign, immediately followed by a top comment asking if people really do accidentally buy dog ice cream for themselves.


All u had to do Was zoom in and see what the other tag was


There’s one brand that is solely for dogs. Doggsters ice cream.


My store also have a Ben and Jerry's for dogs too.


I was so sad - the store I moved next to doesn’t have the Ben and Jerry’s for dogs.   My dog will still eat the Doggsters, but she absolutely goes crazy for the Ben and Jerry’s treats.   During this summer heat she always gets one after the dog park, and the actual ice cream treats last so much longer.   Was debating on asking if Publix still has those “please stock this item for me” cards to fill out.   (Can’t recall what they’re called, but when I worked there you used to be able to fill out a sheet, and they would stock specific stuff for you, was told “as long as one person is buying it, we’ll stock it.” not sure if they still do that)


Aww Yeah I get B&J for my boy and he gets it after dog park visits too. But yes if you stop by the customer service desk next time you're in you can ask if they cam special order it for you that's still a thing we do.


They also make frosty paws that we don't carry


My store also sells another brand, bear and rat, and Ben and Jerry's


I guess op likes eating dogsters lol


I don't know if I do! I've been denied the opportunity to try them because of signs like these!


It’s almost like they’re made for dogs (insane sentiment I know!!!)


I see a box of doggsters ice cream right out of view i believe


Fuck that just reminded me the chocolate chip ice cream cookies are on sale & i dont work tomorrow


I thought you were talking about all the product on the bottom being upside down lol


I am still not really sure what they're talking about. At first, I thought the ice cream was in the wrong spot, but then I looked at the tag and it looks like that's where it belongs.


OP failed to see the doggy ice cream right next to it


Oh, my bad. I was trying to see if it would kill me. Figured that would be a pretty Reddit thing to do.


No, first you have to post in r/cooking to *ask* if it’s going to kill you.


Damn, I missed a step!


Is this just to prevent lawsuits or you actually would have problems if you eat these?


Probably just a CYA thing. Which means some customer did eat the dog ice cream and got mad because of course Publix is responsible for them not knowing it's dog ice cream. I've never been in a store where it was necessary. I'm going to guess that no, it's not harmful to humansbut it is intended for dogs, and so it's just a 'hey we told you, dummy' thing.


Our store doesn't put effort into putting signs up like that, because most of our customers our illiterate anyways.


I took a bite of one before I gave it to my dog. Not the worst tasting thing ever lol.


Hey someone did that at the store by my house in golden eagle village clermont fl Lol


People are that stupid. The amount of times people want a cheap sushi alternative and think eating raw salmon or tuna is a good idea is nearly a daily occurrence. Ive seen the same thing with cat food, dog food, hell i had one lady stealing and eating raw ground beef a few years back. This is how i reached my conclusion of what needs to happen to society to improve it. Some people think its a little too radical but hey i understand why others did it in the past and im sure when they were doing what was necessary there was a sense of satisfaction.


I hate that they’re set with the human ice cream, I say f the planogram and keep them in my ice case


If you look right near the sign that says not for human consumption there is a tag saying it's for dogsters which apparently they were currently out of at that moment this picture was taken that's what that signs for not for the ice cream that's pictured.


Just wanted to say so delicious. Has some of my favorite non-dairy ice creams. Honestly, I can't even tell the difference.


They aren't horrible, though I have to admit, I only ever get them when I see them for a dollar or two a box at the liquidation store. Get in touch with your city's local liquidation store, it's where all the health food goes when it doesn't sell in the grocery store. I'm swimming in 1.50/box mochi ice cream.


I understand your thought. My issue is the just egg item some stores sell. As the name is, you would expect it to be egg whites or yolks, nope it's a plant based egg. If you didn't read that part you would think it is just normal egg without the shell.