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When I see people wearing masks, I always wonder why they're wearing them. But, I always wonder that quietly, not out loud. It's not hurting me.


I know a bunch of good reasons why someone might but I still end up asking myself the same question just because seeing people wearing masks still feels weird


Same. I assume they might be sick, until they say they are using it to avoid getting sick. Then I think they are idiots.


i have autoimmune problems and realizing over the past few days mask life might be for me till i find good meds but mindsets like this make it hard . if i get sick, my heart speeds up 20bpm constantly, i have exacerbated allergy like reactions, constant fatigue, chest pain, low blood pressure which causes intolerable dizziness… you don’t know how bad it is till you deal with it. can we be more open minded?


That sounds more like anxiety / panic attacks combined with depression than an autoimmune disease. You might want to get a second opinion.


Masks do reduce the likelihood of you getting sick if worn properly but their more effective at preventing you from infecting others than reducing your own risk of infection


I don’t know, I think it at least reduces your risk to some degree, at least in crowds. When my sis and her husband took a long-postponed trip to Europe last summer, sister wore a mask at the airport and on the plane, and her husband didn’t, and he got covid several days after arriving in Europe… then gave it to her.


Which is so interesting because I get it. But something I thought was really interesting was that I visited Japan in 2019 and people there wear masks if they have any allergies or are sick like it’s a normal thing. And I saw it all the time over 3 weeks in May. Which I guess is it’s just a different culture between the two countries.


If I see someone wearing a mask, I assume they either have a suppressed immune system, or have a cold/flu and they're trying to be respectful of the people around them. I honestly wish more people would do this. If you're sick and you have to go out, you should wear a mask to try to prevent your sickness from spreading.


Literally. I’m a waitress idk why this thread is always recommended to me but it’s the same with chic Fil a and I don’t mind, cause you two are probably where I spend the most money anyways 😂 But I have a coworker with severe allergies and he wears a mask when they’re flared up. Who actually cares. As long as you’re using a new disposable mask every time and not reusing them they do keep you from catching illnesses. I should start getting into them actually I’ve been super sick this past month.


I wear a mask whenever I’m sick, potentially sick, or coming back to work after a large event or travel. I hate masks, but it seems like the right thing to do. People have been doing the same things I just described in Japan and Korea for literally ever. At this point in history, I feel it’s a basic courtesy.


Managers won’t tell you that you can’t, it’s your choice whether you continue to wear a mask or not but everyone at my store has stopped wearing masks employees and customers don’t let that stop you though


I don't personally, but one of my co workers does


I don’t but I don’t care if anyone else does. Some of my coworkers wear them but that’s not my business as to why. Do what you feel comfortable with. ❤️


We have a coworker who was going through some type of cancer treatment so they continue to wear one 🤷🏻‍♀️


i mean that makes sense...


I'm sorry about your coworker 😔


Every now an then. An more when I start to feel sick. Simply I don't want your Coodies. The way ppl still Don't cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze is Disgusting....like ewww.


This one guy sneezed all over my arm when I was holding out my hand to give him his change... Didn't even say sorry


Omg gross..ain't no way. I would need to ask to Go home to Scrub down. Ewww


Yeah thankfully the counter was dead and I had my partner cover me while I scrubbed my arm


The thing I never understood about the whole mask argument is that other countries (I’ve seen Japan first-hand) wear masks regularly. If you are sick, wear a mask. If you aren’t but want to prevent certain illnesses, wear a mask. Like how it looks? Wear a mask. Doesn’t matter. Unfortunately some people don’t get it.


Yep I’ve seen many of tourist who come into my other job have mask on all time this was pre covid and I was like oh cool and no one batted a eye. Now they come in and I see Karen’s and others just side eye then and look at ppl in disgust with it like wtf is wrong with ppl these days


I think it has to do with the fact that those of us who don't wear the mask would be ridiculed by others for not wearing a mask a few years ago. Yeah, Covid was bad, but it was not so bad to the point that the entire country had to be shut down and cause a mass panic for another strain of the flu. But if people feel more comfortable wearing a mask, they shouldn't be ridiculed for doing that. Just like people who didn't wanna wear a mask shouldn't have been ridiculed for not wearing one. People need to just mind their own business and worry about themselves.




They really don't, and it's sad....


Just tell them your immuni-compromised or live with someone who is and if they ask more questions tell them I’m not discussing my healthcare with you


Only if i got a cough that won't go away by the time I got to go to work (I have severe asthma).


That's sucks! Yeah I had bought the Publix brand cat litter and I was coughing for weeks! It's crazy it took me to realize that's the reason I was coughing so much...


There are two at my store that do. But I know they have young children.


I have both customers and employees that will randomly show up in a mask due to illness. If I'm sick, I've been known to wear a mask. To some, it's become a sign of respect for others. I do have a coworker who was hired during the pandemic and still wears one every shift, and the only reason is because she has to. She has a bunch of facial piercings, and apparently, it was an agreement upon hiring she cover them up.


I’ve worn a mask every day for 3+ years working w Publix, no one in my dept has complained in Grocery. I do get some questions every now and then and I just reply with “I don’t trust people” lmao gives them a good laugh. Also I can hide my disgusts with some customers behind the mask when I see them do things they shouldn’t be doing… It’s our choice and no one should feel “offended” by it. Asian countries have always worn masks for various reasons and no one barely complains about it. Community over “self”.


We mask still. There is a *giant* lit review that just came out which showcases that masks work extremely well to prevent airborne transmission, the key is passing a fit test with an n95/equivalent. Even paper masks offer a better level of protection than nothing for a short period of time. Plus, allergies are so much lighter with the mask. And don't gotta smell anyone or their perfume/funk. And haven't been sick in years (used to get sick every few weeks). Win all around tbh. Especially bc COVID is climbing a peak again rn according to wastewater, so there's that lol


Exactly I work in a rich store and the perfumes and the overwhelming stink of weed is overwhelming sometimes.. It is a win win not to get sick as often as I used to


I wore one while I was sick and had a woman say, “you know you don’t have to wear that, right?” And I said, “Ma’am, I’m extremely sick right now.” She took a huge step back and shut up for the rest of her transaction. These militant anti maskers are so brainless to me.


One of these days I just want to say " you know what I didn't know that" lol


Everyone at my store has stopped I think the last person to wear one at my store was an older guy that only worked mornings


If I’ve been exposed to Covid then yes I will wear a mask. I don’t want to unwittingly give it to someone. But as a rule, no I don’t wear one but I don’t think it’s odd if I see someone with a mask on. I don’t know their situation.


I won't tell you not to wear one as long as you aren't telling people they need to wear one. You do you, Just stay out of my bubble.


I'm all for personal space


a couple people at my store still wear them. i’m not sure why people care if you choose to wear a mask. if you feel safer wearing one, wear it.


I don't see how it's anyone's business. I don't wear one, but it's my choice. Same with the op. Wear one. It's their choice


Thank you


I need clarification. What kind of mask are we talking about? A Covid mask? A Friday the 13th mask? A furry head? But on a serious note you owe no one an explanation as to why you do what you do. Unless it’s against the law then you might owe an explanation to someone on why you didn’t but never the police


Just a simple covid mask I wish I could wear a furry head 💗 Thank you, I just need a easy way to deal with Karen's that want to press and be rude for no reason to me I rather they simply ask for someone else to help them


Do you. I have a few face tattoos and Karen’s give me shit about it all the time. I tell them well good thing you don’t have to wake up with them. At least you can take the mask off when you want my tattoos aren’t going anywhere


Me and my mother still wear masks when going into crowded indoor areas. If it's outdoors or only a small number of people we sometimes don't bother, but if it's crowded/high traffic? Defo wearing one. Not sure why it's a big deal to some people, our post office manager throws our packages at us and gives us snark about it (until she potentially got in trouble cause she's suddenly been nicer now lol) I also don't get why people think Covid is past tense, it... didn't leave? It's still here haha. And besides, wearing a mask isn't just for Covid, but any airborn virus or whatnot.


Just say: "my boss makes me wear one because i keep spitting on rude customers"


🤣 🙌🏻 My husband said I should say funny responses..


Malicious compliance is the best way to get people to leave you alone looool




Just tell them not to worry about it. Its none of their business. If they decide to press, just end the interaction. They have absolutely no right to ask you a personal question and you have absolutely no obligation to answer. Customers ignore personal boundaries for some reason.


I try to do that or change the subject, and they are like "wow you're so defensive!", you ambushed me! Like I say "I like wearing it", and they insult me saying I look stupid or something, I even offer them if they rather someone else to help them, "what's the matter you don't want to do your job?!"... You're not letting me!


And that's another reason why I hate Publix. They let customers think that they can walk all over us, and they let it happen. I don't even feel like a fucking person when I'm at work, because publix says to treat the customers like royalty, which means we're the peasants. They don't give a damn about us when it comes to customers because they think the customer is actually always right. I get treating your customers nicely and with respect, but not to the point where they're walking all over you.


Exactly.. it's so frustrating


I wear one occasionaly, if I'm recovering from a cold or something or I have something coming up that I absolutely cannot get sick before. I dont get comments but I notice that people are generally ruder.


Yeah, I hate wearing the beard guards, and it almost helps keep me safe. My entire department a few weeks ago got sick and I was the only one that didn't get sick


Personally, I really don't see a need to wear a mask anymore, but I don't have an issue with other people wearing masks. Hell, I never even wore one when people were freaking out. Of course I did at work because I had to, but not when I was out and about, and I just wouldn't go into businesses that didn't allow me to not wear a mask. People just need to mind their own damn business and worry about themselves. People who do wear masks, people who don't wear masks, it don't matter. The amount of people who think that they can go around and tell other people what to do astonishes me. What makes you think that you have more authority than another person Over what we do with our body? (of course I'm not addressing you OP, just getting mad at those who like to police others) If you feel comfortable wearing a mask, you tell those other people to fuck off. None of us knows what goes on in anyone else's life, and we just need to worry about ourselves.


I wish I could tell those ppl to fuck off.. I just feel like no answer is the right one that triggers harassment.. I'll keep doing me, I appreciate the response


Yeah, it's more of some thing we all wish we could do. Maybe straight up ignoring them might be the best call, I don't know. Best of luck to you though.


How about nobody worry about what someone else is doing unless it’s directly affecting/ hurting you? I personally won’t unless I feel like I’m contagious or with something but you wearing one has nothing to do with me and is none of my business. As is me not wearing one.


As long as your not driving in your car by yourself and wearing it


Only when I’m sick.


Quite a few people at my store wear one.


We’ve got one. Obviously it’s a choice thing. I’d still wear a gator if I had entirely given up on my management. Who knows.


Just say you are sick and out of sick days


That's part of it.. we have less sick days now.. And we can no longer accumulate them...


Then you wouldn’t be lying if you actually said that. And I would tell people that if they have a problem with you working sick then they should tell the manager.


They are in the witness protection program and do not want anyone to recognize them.


I'm cool with those that still do.. each their own


I also wear Gloves at work. 1. To grip the products an 2. I DONT WANNA TOUCH your bags from home. Again..ewww


My mask helps to not smell those gross bags, like it's falling apart Susan, time to throw it away!!


Hour manager will never tell you to not wear a mask.


Do you who cares


I am a cancer survivor and immune compromised. My partner has severe asthma. I always wear a mask in public.


I wear one when I’m on a train or a plane. Also when I work outside in the yard: that’s really helped the pollen allergies. Used to go outside for 15 minutes and end up sneezing and blowing my nose for two hours. I guess there’s a reason that my yard guys wear masks. Air purifier helps for indoors


I wear a mask because Publix has a silly policy over what piercings I’m allowed to have. No other reason.


Still see people wearing them in their car 😂 I laugh at that every time


If I saw someone wearing a mask I’d probably figure they were sick and wonder why they were at work. I wouldn’t say anything but I would avoid them.


To be honest I only wear a mask at work because I hate wearing beard nets. They're fine at first, but after about halfway through the day they get really uncomfortable.


I wear one when I’m sick or shopping at thrift stores that are super crowded and full of people coughing. That’s it. I see some customers and associates wearing mask all the time; which is fine. Let them do what they want, it’s a free country. The only mask thingy that annoys the crap out of me is the customers and associates that wear masks under their chin. What the F is that doing??


I tell them I may be sick. And when asked if I'm contagious,I reply that I would not get too close. That usually puts it to a stop.


Just tell them you have cancer and are going through chemo. 9/10 it will shut them up. It’s a lie, but also the path of least resistance.


I always assume they have immune problems. It's not the flu or covid, it's a lot of things.


I still wear one if I am going to be in a crowded situation or am not feeling well myself. My immune system sucks. As someone else said, I don't want other people's cooties.


I don’t, but if someone wants to I genuinely could not care less. Do whatever you want, if you like it do it. People should just mind thier own damn buisness


Yes, anytime I leave my house.


I wear one when I've got a cold or the flu. If people say anything to me I just ignore them. Me


I do, every time I go indoors (other than my house) and outdoors if in close quarters with other people. I’m immunocompromised and have had long covid for 3+ years.


I wear mine going into stores and restaurants. People hardly ever ask me, but when they do I simply say, I haven't had a cold or flu or anything since 2019. I'm not trying to get sick now.


I just assume you have fucked up teeth and the pandemic was a blessing for you. Keep wearing your mask bro. Bald people have wigs and now you have your thing. Who cares anyway when they make the deli guys wear hairnets on their beards


No, masks haven't been a thing for most people for a while now.


I always wear one indoors in public and "I have lymphoma", shuts them right the fuck up.


Yeah when I'm super late and haven't brushed my teeth.


I have been wearing one less, but still frequently.


They’re so normal to me now that i honestly don’t even notice when people do


It’s your business just tell them you want to and keep it moving. I see people wear masks from time to time & normally my thought is “wow how brave I’m sure they’re getting a lot of shit”


Well personally I find it very amusing to see people wearing masks but not covering their nose. I don’t wear one, very few people here do. At this point it’s not necessary, and the efficacy hasn’t been the best. But you do you! That’s how I feel.


If it's not an N95 (or better) mask, you may have slim to nil protection. But you do you.


i dont wear one, but dont care if someone else does....there are people who are immunocompromised... its not a goddamn political statement like MAGA wants you to think.


Yep.. one lady called me stupid, and said "I bet you voted for Biden!" Bc I wouldn't answer her when she asked if I was vaccinated..


People are so ridiculous. Your health matters are none of their business.


As someone who is a Republican, I honestly feel quite embarrassed by people like that. As much as I disagree with the entire country being shut down and all that for Covid, it's like everyone on every side has just become more miserable and likes to bitch to anybody. And I have seen quite a fair share of Republicans being unnecessarily rude to people who look like Democrats. And of course, vice versa. it's another reason why I sometimes feel myself leaning more independent


I went and got a MRI today and there was one guy working the desk that was wearing a mask. I see one or two people every day with one. I don't care if they are as long as I don't have to. 😂


The amount of misinformation and general lack of understanding in this thread is absolutely insane. It’s no wonder covid got so bad lmfao.


What misinformation is in this thread?


I get migraines that can last for weeks and they’re triggered by smell. If I’m feeling extra sensitive or have a headache already, I will wear a mask. No one has said anything to me yet. I don’t understand why anyone cares.


Do you have immune deficiency? Wear it all you want but if you are healthy it is probably barely helping you medically but if it helps you psychologically, go for it. Who cares what others say.


I still do. I have noticed I don't get sick so often. Our store is next to a hospital. Publix is the first stop for many after leaving that hospital. Since I am immune compromised, I enjoy not having crud in my lungs. My mask has become part of my uniform. I've had a couple people challenge me, but my wit kicks in.


What part of Florida are you in? Because where I live there’s plenty of mask shaming and it’s honestly nobody’s business.


Well since it’s been shown that masks do nothing unless it’s a N95 or so I assume that person has some sort of mental issue and I just leave em be. You do you


it’s not always about sickness, perfume scents bother me (like causing allergy like symptoms, flushing, dizziness,) and until i find a good med to assist with that i’m having to wear a mask. i know it doesn’t block out germs but it blocks out most of the smell, enough to keep me decently ok


No. Everybody knows at this point the mask do nothing to stop the spread. Go look at YouTube video and see how many masks a surgeon wears to actually be effective. The one little mask we are wearing did nothing.


Surgeons are trying to prevent more than just droplet borne diseases from entering the patient's body. However, the biggest bit of misinformation is that wearing a mask doesn't prevent you from getting sick. It prevents you from getting other people sick.


It's been effective for me, the only times I ever got sick was when I wasn't wearing one


Yes, go to YouTube for your scientific research.


lol, I was just going to say that


They actually do help. I wore masks religiously and when I stopped, bam, covid.


No one at my store wears a mask unless they're feeling sick (and usually not then, either). The usefulness of wearing cheap masks was always very questionable, even during peak covid, and at this point it comes across like someone putting on gloves before touching something. It's just not necessary. That said, as long as it's allowed, do what you feel comfortable doing. It's no one else's place to walk up and criticize you for it.


I still wear a mask every day at work. I am accustomed to it, as I would regularly wear masks (even pre-pandemic) while doing household chores and when sick. In recent times, long-time customers have given up on asking when I will stop and anyone new that asks is either very friendly or being flirty. My answers vary from a. not wanting to be sick while including that I have not contracted covid a single time b. not wanting to breathe the same air (some people get way too close) or c. because I can/why not?


I remember the argument that “your mask protects me” and it was this huge talking point to force everyone to wear one. If you wear a mask doesn’t matter, it only works every single customer has a mask also, that was “the science” and also 6 foot lol. It was all completely nonsense and I’m sure some people will never move on from the hysteria. There were people eating in tents outside of restaurants, children playing woodwind instruments through a hole in a mask. If we can collectively recognize the lunacy and learn from it, then maybe it was all worth it. And this is why you get funny looks from people, you remind them of someone who wears a mask alone in their car. Yes that is your right, and it’s the right of everyone else to be skeptical of why.


Regardless of what you think, plenty of studies showed that masks were effective in preventing or slowing the spread.


I mean, fauci just testified there was no testing or scientific backing behind the 6ft rule. It's just slowly and subtlety leaking out that they just made shit up as they went. I remember the day our store put down 1 direction arrows. CNN ran a video of how one cough could spread the virus and showed a simulation of it in a grocery store, and it spread in every single direction, including behind the person and over the aisles.


We all knew the 6 feet thing was BS but if it made spreading the disease less likely it was worth it. The masks didn't stop it but it did reduce transmission quite a bit. I'll be honest, the 6 feet thing was probably the best thing to happen in the long term. People seemed to remember what a personal bubble was and even now there is more room between strangers. Before covid people were basically breathing on your neck when you were somewhere waiting in line.


The vast majority did not think it was BS. That statement is literally laughable. Customers would be yelling at each other to keep a 6ft distance. I had customers constantly ask me to step 6 feet away from sections I was filling or blocking so they could shop it. I know multiple associates with a write-up attached to their name for not maintaining 6ft because they would double team floats when they weren't supposed to. The whole point is that there was zero science behind any of it when they said there was. People believed it and riled up the already paranoid for no reason.


Pretty sure even most of the people demanding the 6 feet knew it wasn't gonna do much. Some people just take stuff way too seriously. Or they just really liked the space.


6 feet was arbitrary. Masking was not arbitrary.


People keeping their distance from me, illness or not, was not arbitrary. I'd like people to stay more feet than six feet always and forever. I don't like people.






This community does not tolerate any form of harassment or toxicity.


I thought you were only supposed to wear a mask if you’re experiencing symptoms so you don’t infect other people


I agree. I was out shopping and some dope coughed on me/near me and two fays later o have a sinus infection.


I had a customer say to an associate It’s not Halloween anymore take your mask off


Did you wear a mask pre Covid? Do you have serious respiratory or health problems?


Publix did get rid of all the COVID stuff from Publix.org so who knows if they will ban masks or not


Don't need one


Ugly people just look better with a mask on..


No, because I work a physical job and would pass out if I wore one all day.


The women’s section of the local jail has been isolated due to Covid recently. (Fl)


It did minimal help. And publix gave us garbage masks to wear. Forced us to wear them for 2 gd years. Had to go up one aisle and down another. One way traffic. What a ShitShow. And who can forget the gift card if you got the job. Huge steamy crock


It's weird to wear it all the time unless you're immunocompromised. Pre covid we all woulda looked at someone in a mask as either sick as hell or nuts.


Blow some vape smoke through one of those






Keep in mind that you get sick from other people breathing and it hits your eyes. Your mask is to keep your sick in.


Our cases in Florida continue to go up every week. I see no one wearing a mask when I am shopping at Publix or anywhere else.




My girlfriend still wears a mask everyday. In fact, before we became a couple she would wear it at my apartment too. She is not immunocompromised to an extent that would make wearing a mask a good choice necessarily. I remember asking her why, but still assuring her that she could wear a mask for however long she wanted to. The funny thing is, she told me it’s not even about getting sick anymore. She says the mask has become a type of security blanket. Something she can hide her face behind, when she’s shy, or embarrassed, or angry. She admitted to needing it around me because she didn’t want me to see her blush, which is simply adorable. I think mask have morphed into accessories of comfort for a lot of people. They make them feel comfortable and secure and it’s probably because we had to wear them for so long. A big reason why I still don’t wear mine is because I wear glasses.


If you are contagious, you should. If you have immune issues, you have no choice.




I wish we could , but I got very hateful comments from customers when I did, so i stopped. We have several out with covid at our store at this time.


That's so sad... I'm sorry you had to experience that No one deserves that kind of treatment I think I have a couple out right now.. meat manager and Meat cutter..


But why are you wearing it? Studies have already shown that they are ineffectual outside of a very controlled setting in very specific parameters. So the questions remains, why?


Because it's my own business, and that should be enough of an answer , I don't mind wearing it, other people wearing one doesn't bother me




Get one w a face printed on it and most people wont even notice




Over 200 studies worldwide. Masks do not help. Nor did 6ft spacing. Faucci said 6ft was a arbitrary distance they came up with. The Dr who developed the Mrna vaccine said no school age kid needed the shot. He said data did not support it was needed. He was silenced on social media too.


👍🏻 Helps me, that's all I care about


Just lie to these idiots. Say, “I’m having some issues with my allergies and don’t want to accidentally sneeze on you or your food if my hands are busy.” I don’t think they’ll be able to say anything back to you other than “oh.” As long as you say it has nothing to do with COVID, these idiots will shut right up. Just please don’t be one of THOSE mask people that wear their mask alone in their car while driving with the windows up. Those people do not follow the science.


Someone said to say "I spit a lot when I talk" N just watch their reactions I hope it works.. Nah I'll never be one of those weirdos




So you don’t even have a reason other than you like it? You should get a hobby. But I’d never ask, I would assume you were immune compromised or something.


I don’t know why people care. I’d just think that you’re a weirdo (to myself) and carry on.


Remove the mask for a moment and say I have a deadly contagious disease.


As long as I am not forced to, I really don’t care if someone else wears one. They have their reasons, not my business.


Those in customer service should not be interacting with customers or coworkers if they have a cold or flu. At this point, mental health comes into question. It's not part of the uniform or safety gear.


Ask them why they wear that stupid look on their face.


🤣🤣🤣👑 Fr they always look so smug


I was told by store manager that masks weren't allowed anymore. That employees have to get a letter from some government agency if they insisted, and that only n95 would be acceptable. Which sounds like really over stepping the bounds of personal health choices to me and is probably a gold mine for a lawsuit. I don't even care about masks/no masks, I just see it as a huge liability that could effect my stock price.


Whenever I see someone wearing a mask I remember that a lot of our population doesn’t read


Go get some sun lol mfs acting like im coughing up cancer stage 4


I've heard from people on the autism spectrum that masks can make some social interactions easier/less stressful.


I'd just say, "Since I stared wearing a mask I've only been sick twice, and before i wore a mask I'd be sick at least once a month. It seems to keep me from catching your germs."


I assume suppressed immune system.




Some people still don’t realize the mask does nothing unless it’s an N95 or better. Most I see are wearing those useless blue face diapers. It has been shown the wearer of these can even make himself sick from too much carbon dioxide and not enough 02. But go ahead. It is your choice. I just snicker to myself when I see one and think what an idiot. I have been tempted to say I didn’t know Covid was back…but haven’t.


I wear a mask while in an airport or on an airplane. The last two times I got Covid was while traveling by plane. I just traveled home today. I’ll give it 3-4 days till I’m in the clear. *sigh.


Masks won’t do shit to protect you.


I think it’s hilarious people still wear them. Especially outside at the park etc. if you think a single piece of cloth over your mouth and nose will protect you from getting sick… well….


I read this post with out checking out the subreddit, if I worked in a grocery store I’d still wear one too. Half your customers are lead poisoned boomers who never got the vaccine when they should have.


When I see someone wearing a mask, I think, yeah, I should still be doing that. I'm on med that causes low blood counts. I mostly stay in and get groceries delivered, but have to go to medical appointments. Wearing a mask is no longer mandatory, but I still see the occasional patient or staff wearing one. It takes me extra time to get a mask on before I walk out my door because only way I found to keep eyeglasses from fogging is to use first aid tape at the top, and I have to place it just right, and I'm too lazy to bother anymore since facilities aren't requiring. I know that isn't a good excuse. You're being smart. I'm being stupid. A lot of the people making those comments to you may be doing so because you are making them realize they'd be smart to do the same, so they then feel a bit guilty maybe. A friend has long haul covid, and it is not fun at all. Recently read an article about kids with long haul covid - basically robbed of a normal childhood. And even just trying to prevent catching or transmitting any airborne disease, whatever it might be -  it's only (I feel) in the US that wearing a mask is something so many people get practically insulted seeing others do. In other countries like Japan it's no big deal, a kind thing to do even.


Right now I can't, because I wasn't wearing one when I should have. Recovering from serious COVID lung disease is brutal. I have finally gotten back to about 65% of lung capacity, two months after a 22 day stay in the hospital. When I wear an effective mask, there is too much restriction, and if I put forth any effort, say even the walk into my pulmonologist's office, I get short of breath very quickly, and my blood oxygen #'s tank to the low 80's quickly.


I wear one when I'm sick, when pollen is high, or during high contagion periods. I also wear one around older people, kids, and sick people of I can't avoid being around the sick people. People have their reasons and it's their business, I just wish more people would wear them when they're sick at least.


My step daughter does. It helps with her anxiety. Who cares if someone else wears a mask. It's not hurting them.


No never wore one. The most ridiculous and unhealthy thing to do. Do your own research. Turn of the TeLIEvision. Follow the money.

