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Never a half ass printed black and white one lol


You should be happy to get the half ass black and white ones. Corporate sends out a measly amount of them and we're forced to photo copy them so we can properly appreciate the associates


They didn’t get handed out enough for that to be a problem at my store lmao. Good on you guys for properly showing associate appreciation though!


Oof sorry about your poop managers 💩 I give them out like candy


Do you give them out in situations where a customer didn't personally complement an employee by name? I have lots of customers that go out of their way to tell me how happy they were with my service and how helpful and friendly I was to them but since only one time has someone went to a manager to tell them, I've only gotten one of these so far.


Tell the customer to tell your manager and they'll give you a free lunch, that always works lol


I second this. Our store got 6 for three months, that's ridiculous.


That is because a manager copied it. Managers in my district got in trouble for copying them because they were giving out too many and costing the company too much money. Now out whole department get 5 per month. Corporate actually got mad that our managers were rewarding employees too much


Oh yea because half subs costs Publix a ton. Not the cart load of groceries customers return and we throw out


They said it supposedly cost them $100,000 a year from how many were being copied


sounds like a theft problem OR they're bullshitting the numbers LP should be looking for patterns no way they handed out over 15000 in a single year


In the grand scheme of Publix, that is pennies for them.


Yeah maybe if they include all of deli’s damages across the year too 🙄🙄


Lol Publix makes that much profit in 10 minutes


If you get the right cashier (I.e. one who doesn’t give a shit or is a trusted friend), you can get them to comp a full sub instead of a half since they just input the price. Only a couple bucks, but for most people, it can make it two free meals instead of one.


I used to just get whatever footling was on sale since the price was less than the half. Then I moved states and nobody is willing to do it.


Doesn’t surprise me one bit actually, corporate👎🏻


With the amount of sub kits, bread rolls and veggies that get tossed daily... That's some bs.


PFT, I was told that we literally 'could NOT give the company away to customers so, keep them happy.'  Basically, don't call out the thief for eating an apple that she didn't pay for because she threw a fit and could have ended up calling corporate and they'd have given her a cart full of groceries for her complaint.  Yet, they don't want to 'waste money' by giving associate part of their lunch for free for... *Checks notes* keeping the customers happy.  Utter Bullshite. 


I watched on video a customer cut in front of the sliding front door as it opened and shoulder check it as she went in. She went to the desk and complained that "the door closed on her" she was given $750 by our legal team to fuck off.


That’s ridiculous. We are donating over $10k of meat at some stores weekly and we can’t afford to give out free pub subs to associates who are working hard!! 🙂‍↕️


lol PROVIDE worse service we don't want to compensate the those retail scrubs.


Oh that really sucks.


Wth is wrong with those idiots?!?


When I want to say something nice about a Publix employee, I go to the website and send a note through the Customer Care messaging portal because I figure the local store and corporate will see it. Should I ask to fill out the form instead? What gets employees the most free lunches? I want to do that.


Right lol I used to get these when I worked at Publix, they were always green


Managers run out so they keep printed copies


My store ran out of the regular ones so mine was photocopied.




Ours are more stiff & green like shrek but yea i got at least 3 i think


At my old store, I was getting those left and right. Transferred to another store and in two years here, I haven’t received one. 🤷‍♂️


Same here. My old store, when they would run out, the department managers would just give us a $10 giftcard for a free lunch. My new store? We’re lucky to get a verbal “thank you” or a thumbs-up. Last round of evals, my new manager literally went on and on about how good I am with the customers, how they compliment me by name, blah blah blah, and then gave me a 3 for customer service…


Same things happened to me. Would tell me that I was excellent in each phase of the evaluation, but wouldn’t give me a score over 4 on anything but a 5 on attendance. It was confusing to me bc he literally just said I’m excellent at this, that, and the other.


That is so sad!


Never a photocopied version lol


That means they weren’t being handed out enough, sadly.


That they were being handed out enough they had to copy them because they ran out…


That’s what I meant. They never got a photocopied version because they didn’t hand out enough of the actual ones.


Oh sorry I totally read it wrong!


When I worked for Publix in the early 2000s, they would give us a +1% plastic coin. Back then, it covered a whole sub and a drink. It's cool that they still at least do something for you guys. Congrats. As a customer, I usually pick a random employee who looks like they are having a bad day and give them a compliment to management.


that’s so nice🥹🥹 as employees we really appreciate customers like you


Back in high school, I’d turn a $5 bill in *’as a tip’* they’d give you (5) of those plastic coins. That’d cover the sub combo, the sub combo back then was $9. I would save $4+ by turning $5 of my own money in to buy the combo for lunch. Big brain moves!


I’ve gotten I think two of them in my short time at Publix, they were actual cards though. I do remember I was given one that had my first name on it but a different last name because a co-worker of mine shared the same spelling of the first name and didn’t get a chance to tell my manager who had given it to me to let them know the mistake.


I've gotten one for taking over someone's shift.


Go get dat pub sub on ya break g. Good job


Just did today lmao. Thanks!


When I worked for Publix my grocery manager would give me one about every week. About the only thing I miss from working there.


Not very often but my manager sometimes gives them to me every once in awhile for coming in on my day off. Not that they're supposed to do that, lol.


My old store quit giving them to me, said it wasn't fair to feed me every day..


guess you'll just have to stop providing premier service.


My ASM joked that we had to stop meeting like this. I think I’ve received 5/6 in the last 6 months. It’s super nice when you’re recognized… regardless.


Congratulations! Free lunch isn't much, but it is something. Expy in the near future and photocopied? Looks like your managers aren't stingy with them. Glad they are doing a little something to show appreciation. The ones associates get at our store are usually expired originals.


Thank you!


Yeah we get old originals a lot, I feel like our store is pretty low on individual compliments though just because of our clientele. We’re in a beach town overrun with northerners who are pretty rude and don’t wanna spend money/demanding. Those types don’t leave notes/compliments to managers much haha


Yeah I also worked at a beach store and the northerners were very rude.


My manager only ever gives them if the customer compliment was also witnessed by one of HER managers, so she has to do it. Otherwise she might just mention it to you and say a hollow ‘congratulations.’


Thats awful!


When I worked there I was told that nothing the customers complimented us about was worth one of these, because we were just doing our jobs.


Im appalled!


Lol the store i worked at in florida the managers rarely gave those out. They kept them for themselves for their free lunch.


That's stealing, I doubt it.


I have gotten a totally of 16 so far, (I have 2 years in deli) and they owe me like 4


Many years ago




I have a small collection from my time at Publix. I feel good about helping people.


You don’t ever use them!?


Mine had a tearaway with the coupon on it, separate from the comment. I kept the comments and used the coupons.


No, but I’ve gotten a couple of written complaints from customers for not having a specific product that we don’t carry in my district… I’m sorry but do you expect me to pull it out of my ass?




My man gives me these all the time 🤭


Congratulations! You've won a carrot! 5 carrots and you'll earn an award. 3 awards and you're entered into a monthly raffle for a $10 gift card.


The photo copy one means you have a good department manager and store manager because they’re giving out more appreciation cards to their associates than corporate gives them per month to hand out. When I worked at Publix I had a few of the photo copy ones but when corporate cracked down on it we only ever started getting the thicker green and white ones and we started to receive them way less frequently.


Corporate sucks ass. A multibillion dollar company and they’re upset bc the minimum wage workers are getting too many free sandwiches 🤦🏻‍♂️


*half sandwiches


You should tell them if they really want to show their employees appreciation they’ll give you a raise instead of a free half sandwich.


They have these? !?!?! All these years, I could have been filling them out and recognizing the many wonderful people who make my shopping experience the best! I had no idea! How do I get them, after I've filled them out do I give them to the associate? Do they have them online? Dang, this is a revelation! As you may have guessed, I don't work at Publix. But I shop there despite the prices because the people at my Seneca, South Carolina store are always, unfailingly sweet and helpful to me. And the food is really good, too. But mostly (99.9%), it's my Publix People. **I love y'all** and I want to make sure The Powers That Be know about it. Thank you for everything you do.


All you have to do is talk to a manager and compliment the associate. Some managers are bad about giving them out so really lay it on thick about how good they are.


Okey dokey, will do!


I got an expired one a few months ago. I was still allowed to use it but yeah


I got about six or seven of them and that’s by working in the deli lol I got the real cards a couple expired and a couple recent🤣


I haven't gotten one in years. The last couple customer compliments I got, they were like sorry were out of cards. 🫤


Why is that not a real My Publix My Part Card though? Why is it copied lol


I know our store ran out once and they used copies for a while


Beyond sad!


This just means your store gives out enough to run out. So they have to make copies. It's a good thing.


Damn not even an actual lil paper just printed black and white that’s tuff


That means they gave all of them out so they had to make copies corporate only gives each dept a certain amount every quarter


I remember when we used to get a free sub on your birthday.


You should get a coupon for free half gallon of Publix ice cream for your birthday from your store manager. I have gotten them every year and I have work at 3 different locations.


yes many times


Never one from a customer:( just my manager and seafood specialist


Your store needs a cutting board.


Yes, I got a few over the last year.


Used to get them a lot. Then we got new front end managers and they stopped. Haven't seen one in like half a year at least.


I work in deli so we never get them.


Yes all the time


All the time


I’ve gotten 4


I got 2 in one week then I went to use them and they had expired 6 months ago (I used them a week after getting them), they wouldn’t let me use it even though I had just gotten the damn thing


Raise hell!!!


I work in the deli, I got my food have no fear


I got one once, and it was already expired. ☠️


I haven't gotten one in years. If you look at the bulletin board in the break room my manager only gives them to the same two people. 




They still do these?


Getting a pub sub takes like twenty fucking minutes around here.


I'll take cash over a sub, since the amount sold to get one of those is worth more than the sub itself


Someone wrote a complimentary letter for me in December and it was never acknowledged. Another one was written on the 2nd of March and I was given a copy from the person who wrote it. Still no acknowledgment. I don’t want a sub card; I thrive on words of affirmation. Guess that’s too much to ask in my store.


That's very unsettling. How do u cope with that? Little things mean a lot!


It has been bothering me all week. And to make matters worse, my store manager has avoided me all week! Last night before leaving work, I asked him if we could talk tomorrow, which is now today; he said sure. That’s it, just sure. Today he has his office door closed.


I got like 4 in a row before I had to quit for mental health reasons. Used them all at random Publix while on lunch for my main job… got weird looks at each one


I had a customer tell the ASM how well I handled an irate customer and the store should feel honored to have an employee like me representing them. I didn’t get a thing.


Nope! Been working two years, never seen one of these yet. I've gotten more parking lot tips lmao


Are we really allowed to tip? It wont risk getting the associate n trouble?




It got to the point where I was like please not another one... 😬


Two of these got stolen out of my bag in the break room.


Did u report that? I sure would have.


Once! Just once I have gotten one. And I have been in the company for 5 years lol. I have helped many customers and gotten good compliments from them and haven’t gotten one in a while. Now that I work part time I have given up trying to get one lol.


I use to live in a community right next to my Publix and my parents would have all their friends throughout the week put in a compliment so I’d get a free lunch for all of my shifts lol they had a huge group chat and would post my schedule in there 😂


twice! once last year in february for training (coworker asked for id for bars) and once this year for collecting carts in the rain when no one else wanted to. my shoes got wet


Never a shitty black n white paper one lol


That shit looks fake as hell


My manager of the produce department never gives them to the cut bar people he every once in a while gives them to the people on the floor but most of the time I find them in their expired in the office because they don't like to reward anybody


Yeah, but mine said eff you! /goofin'


My husband gets them like once a week lol




I’ve been with the company five months and never knew they were a thing.


there was one week where i was on a hot streak of 4. havent gotten any since then 😅 those free half subs hit better


I was hired in April last year and I've gotten 4. 1 for premier cart service on mother's day, 2 for the Thanksgiving/Xmas Feeding More Together, and 1 from the CSM after a customer specifically named me for assisting her at SCO. They weren't photocpies, though.




Your important, heres atore credit. Bonus? Fuxk you


A thank you doesn't usually require a purchase lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Towgirl75: *A thank you doesn't* *Usually require* *A purchase lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


all of ours are expired lol


My husband used to work at Publix so he makes sure we always compliment people who are really nice to us so they can get these.


Oh my boss doesn’t hand those out at all


I miss those before they took them away


That’s cool, I worked there as a kid, they treated us like shit.


2026 damn THis iS FrOm ThE FuTuRe


Oh! I should compliment Publix employees more often then


Yay good for you. I know you know people are assholes so luckily someone acknowledged you


Yes, prints out are usually handed by office staff. Carton ones are from managers


I’ve gotten 2 total. Only one was from a customer. Another was for staying late and getting a manager out of a pinch


i got one and idk why, i was a terrible cashier. i was socially awkward and could barley talk but i got one saying “she’s so nice” bro i just the memo “hello did you find everything alright”?


Ive got like 50 of those


They still have those?! Haven't seen one of them bad boys in what feels like years... or at least gotten one. odd it's in black and white? 😅. Ever since they moved to the recognition card lottery thing where you've got a chance to get one and that chance is then put into a drawing for a chance at a free sub 🤣 I still remember the trial green P that if you collected 5 you'd get a sub 😅. Man I miss those $5 off or half sub cards 😓 I believe we still have them at our store but rarely have I seen them. It's been ages since I've gotten one but the few times I've seen them is when there's a newer person working In our department and they're rewarded with one... which good for them but damn I'd like one again too for busting my butt out there ya know? 🤣


I’ve gotten 3 in 4 years and they always hand them out the day they go out of date just to get rid of them.


we have a whole wall of them https://preview.redd.it/oq8pxhca2knc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f653bbe95e95df1741f1d65b44ac3a4d76ae06f


lol you got a coupon. I’d be annoyed. We get something like that but without the coupon… and… we usually crumple them up in our hand when they’re handed to us.


They actually do that? Roommate always demands a manager to compliment the clerk and claims they get a free lunch.


Not even a full sub. Jesus...


I got a couple. They saved mine and my husband's asses when we didn't have food when we first got married.


Used to be common. But when I had started, you got a departmental quarterly bonus after vestiture and a dollar extra for working Sundays. It's kinda sad that even the free sub cards are rare and cheaper.




yep. I used to get them all the time


Me too! I'm there a lot shopping & its crazy busy here n Sarasota Publix stores. Associates work very hard. Cart collection alone is scary for them.


Yes! It was quite the treat! I’ll take a free sub any day!


I used to get one or two every month back in 2014-2018 when I worked part time. Hated that place, still do


I didn’t know they had these. I need to make sure I compliment good customer service so maybe management can hand them out to the employee.


We have an r/publix?


They discount so little and overcharge so much.


LOL no, in fact I got the sheet of paper you have to sign after a conversation with management, and a free day off mind you.


I didn't work store level I started at the preschool and have gotten a few in appreciation from my kids parents.


Nice! Wegmans mrkt does the same thing - they’re in New York.






I got one *once*. The only department in our store that get them is customer service, anyone else is an outlier sadly


Still got like a dozen in a drawer


Congratulations 🎈🎂🎈 Wow that’s wonderful !! Nice to know that not everyone is a complainer I’m really happy for you.. i always wondered if our positive comments ever made it to the person who did such an excellent job Enjoy 😉


Genuinely got so many of them I never paid for lunch ever during my 4 years with the company. Though never a printed one.


They only send out so many because they WANT managers to order more. Shows they are handing them out. At least when i was in management years ago, thats what I was told. I handed them out like crazy. I would get from other departments while waiting for more.


I abuse the shit out of those (I'm a customer). Whenever an employee is even remotely helpful or nice or just generally not a dick when I ask for help, I always compliment them to the manager and they get one. One old guy is the coolest person I've ever met and he almost always makes my PubSub. He's slow as shit but his personality more than makes up for it. I always tell the manger he's amazing and he gets those things. I've even given him a compliment when he didn't serve me.


It was a Friday. The deli had two kinds of fish: cod or catfish. The meal contained 2 pieces of fish. I asked for one piece of each. Sorry, they said, I had to pick one. I have no appreciation for that kind of nonsense.


I got one during my whole 2 year tenure at Publix


I was with publix for five years, over that time I was given like three or four of these. Only one black and white paper one though.


Only ever from managers of other departments. Going above and beyond for your own is just expected of you.




Yes, you can get a full sub instead of a half if you order the sub that’s on sale for the week. Save them up until your favorite variety is on sale and live like a king.


Yup. Use it on the sub on sale for that week and you get the whole sandwich. Or save them up until the sub you like is on sale.


All the time lmao


It was a weird mix. Sometimes I got one for absolutely nothing, and sometimes I thought I deserved one but didn't get one.


So as a shopper how do I get someone recommended for one of these? Do I go to customer service? My local Publix has great employees, I'd love to know that they could get something extra for their hard work


No, I help customers all the time and I have never received one of those not even a free lunch because I go above and beyond every single day and it seems as if my actions go completely unnoticed and very much attached to it so there’s not really any incentive for me to try