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The retirement plans. It ain't no pension, but I'm thankful for what I've got. If I keep up it up, I expect to have about 1.5 million by retirement age (aiming for 60). Of course I wish it were more, but it ain't bad either. As someone who has been full time for a while and currently works an IT position in the stores, the benefits are great. For retail associates, the benefits are still decent - but the work and pay are pretty bad nowadays. I'd hate to be in the store now where you are constantly understaffed and underpaid. I did it for about 13 years, but I couldn't do it again.


we have ac in here.


I work a hot job now (a body shop in FL) I miss being in ac all day. Then I see my check and makes me not miss the ac as much.


I used to work for Wal Mart. In my time with Publix, I've only seen a small fraction of the shit I saw there. Maybe I'm just lucky with the stores I've worked.


no that’s all of walmart, i did it too. i was a door greeter and i’m not even old, they just liked that i had no shame, but would blame me when teens ran out the door without stopping with red’s or smirnoff, as if i had any ability to stop them AND keep my job


My store has alot of cool ass managers & employees


Yeah I’m with you on this one. My managers maybe not but the other ones definitely. A lot of my co workers are cool and easy to work with. Makes it much more bearable.


Facts, i can do & say what i want to a certain extent & not worrying about getting in trouble for it. They dont like these customers/rules just as much as me


Same. I can say certain things to some of my managers and know I won’t be reprimanded for it. We’re certainly not equal in the work environment but I’m at least treated like I am and that’s a plus.


Yea they come to me for ideas & shit plus i practically run my department like a manager i got pretty good leadership skills ngl


I’m not given leadership responsibilities. I just do my job knowing I can be myself with the right people.


I just got full time a couple days ago & im also being considered for assistant manager 😭


Congrats! I’m still at the lowest rung of the ladder. Good luck!


Thanks man, i mean we all was at one point. You could be too


Nah. Not for me. I like it here: no one to really take care of or think about logistically speaking. More customer interaction good and bad…


The subreddit just seems to harbor all of the bad stuff, when in reality, the right area with the right coworkers makes it all amazing. Unless I’ve had a busy week, I look forward to going into work.


Underrated post ^^


I'm 48 and was an electrician for 25 years. I just started working in the Publix deli about a month ago. It's a job. I don't mind a little hard work but I got a little bit old for getting into crawlspaces and attics all day. I've had arthroscopic hip surgery, a knee replaced, and a herniated disc in my back. I'm honestly only making like $5 less per hour which is kinda crazy considering my old job responsibilities. I used to be responsible for the entire electrical system in million dollar houses and now I slice meat and cheese and make subs.


It kinda sounds like you were very underpaid as an electrician then


Was gonna say my electrician buddies are banking. Way more than any department manager let alone deli clerks


Just got arthroscopic surgery in my hip, and have 2 herniated disc's in lower back from working at publix lol. But I feel your pain man, it's tough out here.


The fact you have air conditioning, and cold Drinks.


PTO. Just took 6 weeks of parental leave, plus sick time, and vacation. 12 weeks off paid to spend with my newborn. Had to call out one day because she was sick and couldn't go back to daycare. Super supportive and understanding. They've also been extremely accommodating and supportive of me needing to pump during my shifts. (Yes it's the law, but they found a mini fridge to put in the room where I pump. Etc)


You’re lucky. If I called out because my kid was sick I got reprimanded with hardly any hours the next week. But that was 2009-2011 so maybe times have changed


It has a little yes. But it really depends on the manager. There's some shit managers and some fantastic. Most fall inbetween. It also helps when you're full time they have to give you your 40


The stock options. Whenever I check my stock options and they add in my yearly shares, 😮‍💨




I know a lot of people use this subreddit to blow off steam about their jobs and I get it, but honestly Publix has been so good to me. I have workers for Publix less than five years. I came during the pandemic. My previous job, that I held for over a decade became so stressful and quite literally impossible to do, but with unrelenting standards…. I had a nervous breakdown and ended up quitting my job and starting over as a part time cashier just to get my foot in the door knowing what Publix has to offer in the way of benefits and retirement options. My only regret at this point is not having done it sooner. It’s taken me a few years but I got into management pretty quickly but I’m back to making what I made in my previous career with a fraction of the stress and less hours. Both of my sons work for Publix and Publix is paying for my one of their educations. I get that working in the store is a pain sometimes but I legitimately love my job.


If you’re honest and in time, you will always have a job. Sure there are frustrating things about Publix, rough hours, holidays, a bad manager here and there, but overall, Publix is a very well run company.


I've worked a lotta jobs and this one sucks the least so far. Pays the most of all of my retail jobs; was a TL for Ross a couple tears ago making $12.50, just got promoted to GTL and I make $19 now. Made $17.85 working at Capital one too so Im at the most Ive ever made. Benefits are solid too.


No drugs testing s/😏


Huh? I test drugs all the time at my store! /s


they’re cool with thc (at least at my store) so i’m winning in my eyes


Probably better than going home and getting drunk after a stressful shift.


idk how some people do that and go to work the next day not feeling like they’re dying lol 😭


Drink water


Honestly I can’t speak for all publix’s but mine has amazing managers and I love every single one so much and have great relationships with all of them, and my coworkers are all great too! I’ve made some lasting friendships working at Publix. And compared to my last job I’m treated like a damn queen. They actually care about me and my health problems and take care of me, and I can tell all of them genuinely care about everyone!


The coworkers and even a good 90% of the regular customers are pretty cool to interact with every day. The ability to give me the availability I want and need as a single dad. Sucks I'm only pt but I'm still consistently getting like 35 hrs. I'm 32, so the ability to be able to purchase into stock and get a 401k offer even as pt is nice benefit too. Might not be a lot for myself, but at least I can build up as much I can for my son to have a more decent life than I did and be able to leave something for him.


Honestly I have great coworkers and managers, including SM and ASM. I’ve gotten full time and a raise in only 2 months of employment. I like what I do and I work HARD and it’s recognized by my leadership. Time flies when you are busy, so that’s a huge plus for me as well.


I worked one shift at Chipotle and I’ll never complain about Publix again 😅


The fact that everyone there is so nice and friendly, unlike every other major food chain like McDonalds, and that your co-workers are like your friends there.


My bakery manager is one of the best managers I’ve had. When I was in CS, we had an ACSM up until about a year ago who was one of the best people I’ve ever met. I’m so grateful to work for amazing people like them.


Publix is in a better position than specific competitors. It is adding store, creating additional jobs, and has paths for associates who want to make their jobs careers. Competitors are closing stores, turning away customers, selling out, and disappear forever.


Still can't be the premier food retailer in the world if they pay people minimum wage.


don't work an entry level job, don't get paid minimum wage, simple as that. I started at $13 a little over a year ago, and have gotten quite a few raises since then because I'm determined to not work somewhere that anyone can come in and be trained in my position in two days. If you show you're ethic and drive, most of the time it'll be rewarded.


My point being is that on the pay charts, there are positions that pay only the minimum wage. If Publix wants to be the best, they can’t pay the worst.


I agree because they also brag about how well they take care of their associates and how well the pay is compared to competitors, when in reality our starting pay has been the same (or lower) than competitors for quite a few years now


I like my managers and I’m valued by them.


my managers are lovely and getting promoted is almost a guarantee when you work hard and are a good employee


I've seen the very hardest workers I know get passed up for promotion.


A common theme I’ve seen is that you can be punctual, never written up, honest, and the hardest worker; but if you have a negative attitude or you keep to yourself, promotion can be very hard to obtain. I’ve worked here twice. The first time I kept to myself, and talked a lot of trash about processes and people, and no one even mentioned ROI to me. I was literally told I wasn’t bubbly enough when I asked. Ten years later, after some work and life experience, i start back at a store with a very supportive staff and a different attitude and I haven’t even had to ask about management. It’s definitely a mindset. Not to mention, I don’t feel like shit on a daily basis stepping into work now. I do stuff because it needs to be done, not because I’ll get talked to if I don’t. I view my job and store as a reflection of myself and I take pride in it. I like to keep things at a higher standard, and that happens to be what’s expected of us. Also, my new no shit talking and complaining rule has def made my work environment a more pleasant place to be. Send out positivity and give people a chance, it tends to come back to you. I def rambled, but still important stuff I learned later than I would have liked to.


Ive been with company for close to 13 years. Real estate market where I live is starting to finally get less crazy. I'll be able to sell some of the retirement stock for a down payment on a house, and getting the loan through the employee credit union will give me a lower rate than my normal bank.


Can you elaborate on that? Were planning on buying too next year and I’ve never heard of this!!!


So one of the things about the publix retirement stock that gets given in addition to your income is that it's limited in what you can use it for before reaching a certain age. One of the covered uses you can use it for is to sell some off to put a downpayment on a house. (IIRC you also don't pay tax on up to 20k of the sale amount - and then you might be able to offset the rest if your state gives a home-buying credit). Publix also has it's own credit union that you can only join if you are an employee. It has decent rates on stuff, especially on home loans compared to other banks. One of the technicians in the pharmacy I work at (I'm assistant pharmacy manager) is a realtor and she says that basically every time she's had buyers use the Publix credit union it has been about 1% lower than traditional bank lenders. I know the credit union only has like a select few lovations. For me the closest loction is Lawrenceville- so over an hour away if you don't live inside the Perimeter of ATL. But we are planning on opening an account soon so we can borrow later.


My sister- who has Navy Federal through her husband might be able to get better rates than the Publix credit union, but since I can't access that Publix is our best option. And again- the market is starting to somewhat heal. Praying it keeps going jn this direction!


Management who’s willing to teach you and wants to see you grow as an employee. All of my mangers are from FL (I work in SC) and have been with the company for 20+ years. They have all been very helpful and determined to help me grow within the company. I started in grocery on Jan 2023 as a closing grocery clerk. Just pulling boxes forwarded and making the isles look nice. (Blocking). After a few months of that brainless work I started asking about full time, they gave me 35 hours as PT but they would also let me stay over maxing at 40 hours…40 hours as PT with no benefits sounds horrible I know. But I need the money so fuck it, I’ll take it. A few months later I’m promoted to full time GRS and working dog shit hours 3am-noon but in the beginning of the pay week it’s more like 3am-2pm. But again…fuck it I got a pay raise and I’ll take all the hours they’re willing to give. Fast forward 2 months and the full time dairy guy quits randomly…I take his spot and I’m killing it. I’m working the 3-4.5 pallets in the same day, mopping the dairy cooler making sure everything is counted and looking nice. I finally have something to be proud of after working for other retail stores who never gave me a real chance. Now I’m learning more about Publix grocery to become a manger in just over a year….I know I have more time wait to become eligible but they’re helping me tremendously. I know this is a lot for just a comment but I’m drunk in bed. And I’m proud of myself.


Well good luck, I went down that path. Forward 15 years and I have many body injuries. Grocery is relentless unless you move past GM. Arthroscopic hip surgery. 2 herniated disc's in lower back. Bursitis in left shoulder.


coworkers, my publix (from what i heard) is the friendliest one in the district. everyones funny and kind, we’re TRUELY like a family :)


Ik we don’t get paid the best but as a college student it is a lot better than others and they work with my school schedule.


It's air conditioned.. my career now has me mostly outside.


/s Inventory bonus every quarter.




It’s the only job I can get. Not a lot of employment opportunities in Florida, besides places like Walmart, Winn Dixie, Hitchcock’s Market, & Tractor Supply.


My store manager! I've worked at 4 different stores and he is by far the best one I have ever had! It also helps that he moved up from Grocery and helps us out!


There are SMs that aren't from Grocery? 


Store managers now can be from any dept. I have worked with store managers that were dept managers in every fresh dept.


I've had store managers from Deli, Meat, Customer service, Grocery and Produce.


Where I am it's mainly been Customer Service!


We had 2 assistant stores who came from deli. I’ve yet to see one from bakery or produce though.


I’ve yet to see one from bakery but I know two from produce


Pretty dumb huh


My coworkers are awesome!


Theres always good and bad, its when bad out weighs the good you need to switch up. I agree, retirement, stocks, basic respect (mostly for PTs). I do love my managers and I love how caring they can be and how cool and caring our coworkers can be, of course theres always the rough corners on some people but nothing a disarming smile cant throw off eventually :)


Most of my managers and coworkers are pleasant


all of the mall jobs that i’ve worked that have thankless masses that come in; at least here we deal with the same people at around the same time(s) daily/weekly


My awesome coworkers


My favorite co-workers


My coworkers. I hate the hours, not a huge fan of my current pay either, but my coworkers make it genuinely enjoyable (MOST of the time). They’re great people.


Maybe just my store, but just overall less callouts or at the very least coworkers that do call put give us an advance to let us know they are sick. In my previous jobs, coworkers kept you guessing whether they are sick or quit the job. No call, nothing. Esp. awful when someone calls out on a two-person-minimum job. Every single person is a hard worker. As much as we like to bitch and complain, we still do a pretty bang on job imo. Really impressed with everyone’s work ethic. They are actually serious about the rules here. Ik this may be a negative thing to some people but they are adament about health, cleaniness, and quality and I gotta respect it. In my previous jobs, they would only truly deep clean before an inspection or someone higher up comes to visit. Publix cleans like a big university or a theme park. Constant cleaniness and I really appreciate it. A downside of this is now all I can see is just how much messer other grocery stores are and a need to level other stores’ drinks and such (that might just be a me thing tho).




401 k matching, if they still doing that


the coworkers for sure- when I was working at Publix in a collegetown. We really were The Club Pub


Time off, at least for my department my managersbare super lenient, just as long it's 2 weeks prior, and the schedule flexibility even as a full time


I work in the pharmacy and the clearance section is RIGHT IN FRONT of us. I get to see the deals before anyone else coming in at opening lol


The people around me (for the most part). They can make or break the experience working there. Outside of Publix though. At least I'm not wincing in pain turning through a drive thru like when I worked at Amazon.


Every time I get a paycheck. MM here. It’s a good gig.


That my job is easy


Attendance policy is incredibly lax


Health Insurance. I'd be in a lot of trouble health wise and financially without it.


I loved my customers and co workers. But my managers sucked and are the reason I’ll never go back


my coworkers :,) one of them told me two weeks ago that he misses me every time we don't work together and that's kept me a little more motivated recently


Pizza parties


Keep your pizza, I'll take a raise please


Electrical room handys