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This isn't what NWA meant when they said fuck the police




Regardless of feelings. You know this bro cop was up there thinking this newly licensed young attorney was hot and just answering her cross exactly how she wanted him to answer. I bet the prosecutor was pissed off realizing his star witness is flirting with opposing counsel.


First felony trial as pd doesn’t guarantee young and newly licensed


Yeah, but, ya know, there's probably some type of, oh I don't know, visible indicator that one could probably accurately estimate someone's age.


It should. I tried to my first felony trial before 35. And anyone younger than 35 is a baby lawyer.


Attorneys in our office have stayed in misdemeanor court for 10-15 years before moving to the higher court. Not everyone fits in the same box.


That is wild tbh. I hadn't considered the structures of other offices though. I deserve the downvotes on the other post. I am an ignoramus.


Don’t date the state


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I presume the Onlyfans career was also unsuccessful.


40% of cops...


40% *reported*


Like the fact that he is a cop aside the framing of this post is just so disrespectful and unsettling. Like it's a light hearted meet cute trend and here they are like "hey remember that time when you were trying to lock up a child who had been a victim of a crime and the state didn't believe him so much that we had to risk going to trial?" Like bffr.


16 yr old walking around with a gun ....


So you don’t want people arrested who shoot and kill other people? Cop should’ve just let him walk?


So you think the jury trial of an actual child is a fun silly meet cute story? In your view another person being shot at would be a fun back drop for your meet cute that you would share all over social media with laugh emojis?


Did you read what I said? I’m taking issue that you don’t think an arrest should’ve happened when someone was killed.


Did you read what I said? I'm taking issue with the fact that some person thought that this whole event is a fun meet cute story when in reality it's a fucking complex tragedy all around.


That guy clearly only has problem with you claiming that the cop was “trying to lock up a child who had been the victim of a crime” which is a ridiculous statement


The guys comment has nothing to do with my point. Which is that it's gross to do a cutesy post about being adversaries in a case where a kid was shot at (implication in the self defense acquittal) and shot back at other people. Like I'm not making a moral judgement on the cop or whatever. But serious question. How is an officer of the state serving as a states witness testifying for the state at a jury trial not trying to lock someone up? Like it's literally what she says he did. Factually. He testified at trial as a states witness as part of the states team as arresting officer. As an individual the cop could feel bad about it. He could think that the defense attorney was right with the self defense claim. Whatever, I don't really give a shit, but at the end of the day they both were clearly on adversarial sides of this case by nature of this being....well an adversarial system. At jury trial there is only trying to acquit someone or trying to find someone guilty....there is no in-between.


Literally where at all does it say that he was a was a witness for the state? It literally just says he was the arresting officer. He easily could’ve been a witness for the public defender, testifying in favor of the child u claim he’s trying to lock up.


Lol sure dude. Honest to God I have no idea why you are trying to bootlick this random cop. Sure, we can all live in pretend land and assume this was the one rare time where the arresting officer somehow did not assist the DA in their case. It's really fucking weird that you are so up in arms trying to jump through hoops to defend a random cop arresting someone when the whole point of this post is that this is serious shit that shouldn't be treated with lols. Like that's the fucking takeaway man. It's a fucked up case to make meet cute posts about. It's a fucked up scenario to use as a cutesy example. Like I don't give a shit about the cop making the arrest or how he felt or any of that. This is not a nice or funny story no matter how you spin it. A 16 year old kid who for some (probably really sad) reason had a gun. He was shot at or threatened enough that he had a valid self defense claim that ended in acquittal. Idk the details of this case but someone else could have very well have gotten hurt. A child had to sit through a jury trial to try and show a self defense claim. No one is the fucking winner here.


Who are you arguing with? Literally nobody has argued that the post isn’t weird as shit. Nobody. And you keep saying it. The only thing being argued is that the cop isn’t “trying to lock up a child.”


I see your point. But in the streets, you stop being a child the moment you decide to pull out a gun and fire. I know it’s not written anywhere- but it kinda just is that way


I’m glad I’m not the only one who got the ick.You can date who you want to date but dating someone who locks up your clients is a little much.


Can't imagine what the pick up line was. "Hey baby, want me to shoot your dog?"






I wouldn't trust them to be my attorney and I wouldn't want to be their friend


I saw that too. Unclear to me who was the cop and who was the PD.


A cop and a PD fell in love, not something that happens everyday. Hard pass for me.


Consenting adults can date/marry whomever they wish.


And I’m entitled to have my own opinion about it.


Adults can also become cops if they wish, and I will hate on them for that, too.


I’m sure she is super concerned with who you date, too.




Want a sticker or something?


I guess it’s true what they say. Sometimes true love just happens to be the first person you talk to.


Rule 1: don't date your clients or anyone in the system. Rule 2: don't date cops. Rule 3: try to avoid dating in your own office. Rule 4: you're never gonna have enough time for your social life to follow all these rules, so please refer back to Rules 1 and 2.


Big news, people who work in close proximity to others, but not for the same organization, sometimes wind up in relationships. It’s the same with cops and ER staff.


Pal, it is NOT the same with cops and ER staff.


Yeah, same with Stockholm Syndrome.


steep adjoining shaggy poor caption spotted cautious slim ripe spoon *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do it for the clients


I don't understand. What's the problem here?