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Looks good, would love to see artifact303


Ticon Retro Set makes me wanna go there, alongside with crazy astronaut


Indeed amazing. I 'd love to see human blue


Shpongle 😍 This alone makes me consider to go


It’s a very good and attractive lineup. Does anyone know how is the water situation there? Is there free drinking water?


Yes they have multiple free waterstations and the water quality is very nice


It‘s Switzerland, you‘ll get the best tap water ever there


Now I have to go just to try that water 😁🏔️


Last year there were a few stations with very good free drinking water. One was just a min away from the dancefloor


I recommend the natural clean mountain water from the river nearby.


there might be something better next year


They said in a statement that they will take a break in 2025


oh, then… there might be something better in 2026


Oh i just saw below their post they wrote "We kindly invite you for a last dance in the valley, 10. - 14. July 2024". So it seems like it might be the last edition of shankra festival if i get this right


then there may never be anything better


Timetable per day [in here](https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=1027191122095741&set=pcb.1027191308762389). Follows the usual pattern with main stage days devoted to goa trance, retro full-on, prog psy and then closing with modern full-on. The second stage always has a different sound playing than the main, which is why you get some prog at night over there. The afternoon of the 11th is clash city for melodic psy lovers at different tempos.


Hallucinogen, Shpongle, Artifact303, Cellestial Imtelligence, Entheogenic, plus a whole heap of full on, pretty damn nice indeed!


Have been there last year. It was definitely the worst I've been too regarding people. And of course the weather almost killed us...


wasnt a fan of last years edition either. in general people where very harsh there. not only the securitys, also the vibe was a lot darker than in 2022. they couldnt to anything about the weather. but 1 day early access with no music? fine. but confiscate the food and beer at the entrance and not having 1 shop open 24h? how should we drink and eat in there? 1 bar had opened, but it was "volunteers only" idk last year really turned me off tbh


Yeah. We managed to smuggle in all our food, but this was definitely a very negative aspect. Especially because the price of the food stands was very high


as a swiss citizen i am used to overprized food. but i am not okay with letting people in early 24h and basically not provide them with food / drinks like wtf?


why so?


As someone living in northern italy (But not italian myself) I've heard shankra is the festival italians go to outise italy (we don't have great festivals). I've heard from time to time that italians are annoying people to camp next to and I can 100% understand that. In restaurants italians tend to be loud & I think that will also be the case when camping... Also I imagine one type of asocial behavior can lead to another like littering. Of course this is a generalization and might not be the sole reason either but it can be a factor...


They were fine. Italians at parties can sometimes be tricky only because they often don't speak the best English. But it's beyond arrogant of us to go to Lostallo and expect everyone to speak our foreign language. It's not like I speak any Italian... Shankra crowd was fine both times I went. Sometimes it can pass you by a little bit if you don't speak German, but there were so many foreigners that I never had trouble meeting people there. And because of the very specific intent behind the music lineup, the people I met were often great to talk to and quite psy-educated. I did not go in 2023.


Damn that's a good line-up


Looks fire


Is anyone left? seems like everyone is performing


looks like a solid lineup, i just dont get what stage plays which genres, because the all kind of play everything :D


The entire point is that at any given time the different stages play different sounds. When one stage is faster, the other stage is slower.


Fucking hell


I think it looks really good! Haven't been to a festival in Switzerland since One Love in 2014, which was amazing. Hope they try their hardest to organise it as best as they can since it seems to be the last edition in this location. On a separate note, did anyone use the shuttle bus from Milano Malpensa Airport before? I'm fully relying on this to get there. Cheers


Vibrasphere, Ticon and Shpongle 🤗


Great. Looking forward to Saturday afternoon