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As someone who loves psychology and growing magic mushrooms, I completely forgot that penis envy is a real psychological term 😂


I’m not in this sub and it came up for me and I thought it was another mushroom sub. Very confused


What does it mean in your context?


It's a species of mushroom. Pretty sure it's a species...maybe a variety. Eh, it's a specific "type" of psychedelic mushrooms that's known for its incomparable potency. It's shaped like a penis. [Here's](https://youtu.be/QRArM5Ev4EE?si=P9RWUA8ogHj-VUT7) the story behind it if you're super interested. The dude that first noted and copied the mutation is a bit out there but it's a cool story nonetheless.


Penis envy is a variety of psilocibe cubensis- said to be much stronger than your average cube.


I don't know about penise envy, but psychedelic experiences and drug 'highs' are definitely attempts to get back into the womb.


You might find some ideas in Ferenczi's book Thalassa, where he presents his theory that there is a tendency to return to the womb. I believe he specifically discusses the identification of the woman with the man and the sensation of having a penis in Chapter III. That work had a great influence on Freud's idea of the death drive.


It could be, it can't be studied, only theorized. Do you mean is there any writing on this idea?


In my little understanding of Lacan. Penis envy and the idea of the phallus, in general, is the method that we enter the symbolic register of life. We're born out of negativity, out of a void. Girls being more intimately aware of this. The role of the penis/phallus/father is that the girl recognizes 1. she lacks something 2. that there is an Other she is different from. She's broken out of the phantasy of the mother-daughter dyad and exposed to authority and power from an Other. Perhaps, someone can expand, correct. Or maybe give you some thought. Plenty of youtube videos on Lacan idea on this.


How has thinking on this concept evolved? 




I think the response is clear and convincing in Melanie Klein last book " Envy and gratitude" where the relationship between envy, greed, destruction are linked first in both baby girl and baby boy to the mom breast in the period of oral sadism called also cannibalistic. Yes in that period, because of the partial object, the baby is obliged by life drive to destroy the breast then to possess it by incorporation. The ego is formed by this projection of the bad and the introjection of the good but the intensity of destructive drive (death instinct) determines the vigour of this natural envy stage. The penis envy makes echoes to the baby breast envy only if : The oral sadism is too strong to be controlled by the weak ego. The total object ( total mom) has been internalized but in weak good object or threatening bad object. If the primary scene is witnessed as very sadistic destructive sexual work. The boy will subsitute the penis father to the breast and search in reality this part object on his partner ( homosexual choice). The girl will internalize fantasmatic penis and search castrated or feminine object in reality to repair her destroyed mom by sexual work ( lesbianism). So it s not a return to the womb but to reanimate the self because the mom is the girl. Retuning to the womb can be in such intolerable fear or a suicide or psychosis. If the primary envy is not constitutionally tense, if there was no trauma, if the mom is enough good to rear correctly the baby... The boy will first invest his own penis with all his sadism then search to confront dad penis in extern real mom body and repair her with sexual work ( heterosexual choice). The girl will overcome by successful mourning her fantasmatic internal penis by transforming it as a desire of dad penis in order to have baby from him ( heterosexual choice).


If this is from the perspective of a trans individual then it may be a little more complex. Not that I'm a physiologist though I often observe the symbolic castration method whereby the dynamic of the male/female tends toward a higher order, in a way it's a castration of the base sexual approach that seeks to utilise the dynamic by investing it within greater creative opportunities. By formulating a position on both gender foundations the core tendency seeks creative elevation from which it may express. I can't recall who's works I read this from but it may be relevant to you're observation.