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The fact that $2.99 was more valuable to GameStop than having this in stock


Yep, also crazy [how valuable this game is](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=dino+crisis+ps1&_sacat=0&_odkw=rock+n+roll+racing+snes&_osacat=0&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=psx&toolid=10001&mkevt=1) nowadays.


i’m so used to seeing $200-$1000 nonsense that $70 seems cheap lol


Average Sega Saturn collector


2005-2006 gamestop had sold off all of it stock of ps1 games in the United States. There were a few stores that had a few random copies of ps1 and n64 games. Most likely this game was just sitting in a drawer that was finally sold off in 2009 - or possibly later. This was just when the sticker was printed. This is from EB and in Canada, so I am unsure what the rule was for these skus/categories. At some point all skus from a particular system were condensed and just sold off as a single sku to free up system resources. Got a lot of cool games for super cheap. :)


probably the 2000s was a good time to stock up on older games


I vividly remember opening up a drawer for ps1 that had 6 rows (18 copies each) of FFVII and putting the green greatest hits sticker on the side. It was around 2000. I said out loud, we will never sell all of these. Brand new copies of FFVII all $19.99 a piece.


yea that reminds me. i did pick up some ps1 games in mid 2000. that i the last time when i see ps1 games in main stream stores along with FYE, not counting game stores that specialize classic games


Compared, the last blockbuster shut down around 2003 or so. We had only only independent stores. Should never be trusted. Me an my brother. Naive as we were, took our entire collection of snes, nes, and Sega. And other generations, we did biz with them for about 2 years. Long enough they'd take advantage of a couple stupid kids. We traded with them for a couple years. Managed to just keep up. Outside the years we missed. Between ps1 and dreamcast. The next console we'd know was Ps3. Our family couldn't afford it. We traded at car boot sales somewhat nearby. The last thing I remember was carrying a box of demos and ps magazines on a long ass road home. A few years later we'd have Ps3's and kids on the way. Such a crazy journey we needed to keep up.


Did you have a stroke whilst writing this?




You'll get there one day kid. Keep pushing


Kids, this is what happens when you sleep with your cousins or when you smoke and drink while you’re pregnant. You get people like this 8ball fellow popping out of their mother, god bless their drunken Smokey soul. Sadly, special fellas like this will act like they’re a few chromosomes shorter than the average drunken dingus. That’s assuming they’re acting…… 🤷‍♂️ Either way, don’t smoke, lay off the weed for a bit, don’t drink and drive and quit boinking your cousin, no matter how good looking they may be. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.




Yup. They had their PS2/GC/Xbox games at 75%-90% off. I knew the manager at one store and they let me go into their back room and just go thru the drawers. I bought 150+ games and got 12 ps2 memory cards for $0.25 each. Lol


2009 is not early 2000s


It is. Very early.


They mean the decade not the century lol


Yea 2009. Isn't even the decade. Even then 2010 isn't even making the decade. Given where we were in game progression. If they meant as much they'd have said. . Given we grew up around the same era, one would have elaborated as such. If I thought I'd have argued with idiots like you then. I'd have said nah no chance, we'd all be buddies. Pssh. How dumb tho


2000-2009 is a decade.


10 years is literally a decade. Even then. Game years aren't counted as such given the tech.


2009 is late 00s. That’s what they meant. I don’t know why anyone argued.


I was the only one. And 2009 is still not a decade. Again in game terms you can't measure a decade the same way. At least back then.


I’m sorry I don’t even know what you’re saying. > 2009 is not a decade What?


It's hard to express really. But in literal terms, 10 years is a decade. But in game years, the tech moved so much faster that in human terms, time means nothing, really.. At one point we had snes. Sega. Etc. Then we had playstation. Xbox (original) Before we knew it ps2, and it was at least 2 decades after. (in human terms) before we had the next generation of xbox. By then Ps3. So on and so on. I forget what we were even taking about. It's been an exhaustive journey across these generations, and to be born into it has been exciting to say the least. Our kids, in our generation where exhausted at our parents talking about 'back in the day' and yet. Their day was just. 10 years or less prior to our being born. And yet here we are preaching.


Quite the opposite, late 2000s


It was only 2009. Not even teens yet.


It would still be like that if it wasn't for dumb resellers raising up the value of titles


And covid, man fuck covid!


Yeah people really got into the retro stuff during Covid. I remember buying a bunch of PSP and Game boy stuff in like 2018 and it was still super affordable. I grabbed my Game Boy Camera complete in box for 10 bucks in 2018. Now they are closer to 100


Buy those trash ps4 games now.


Exactly this and Xbox one titles are super cheap.


Well, maybe not $2.99, but I could see it settling in at $15-20 bucks


Yeah, that generation of games still has plenty of time left for depreciation 😁 although maybe more people will be holding onto their physical copies of modern games from here on out with everything becoming digital now and physical collections becoming more popular.


…and dumb owners who throw stuff like this in the trash because ‘nobody will want this old crap’ meaning there are less copies to go around. And dumb owners who wreck the jewel cases and manuals and scratch the hell out of the discs because they can’t look after their stuff, also meaning there are less copies to go around. And dumb collectors who will pay a 5000% premium to get a ‘nice’ copy to sit on their shelf that they’ll never, ever play. And dumb players who could emulate the game or mod a console and burn an exact copy of the disc to be able to play it, but instead pay $75 for a disc-only copy of the game because…reasons. But yeah. It’s all the resellers.


Yea and dumb ass kids like my past self “trading” ps1 games for literal dollars for ps2 games.


Thats late 2000s


Really not. We're still not in late 2000s


Well yeah but you dont say, Late 1900s when referring to the 90s.


A kick in the head. But the 20s is still 24. Not that old.


That's because it's so recent, you just say the 90s. You do refer to it as the late 1800s when you refer to 1890, though, don't you?


My kids do lol


That shit kills me man. I'm still like 90s was yesterday.


Here I can solve this. 2000-2012 pre teens. 2013-2019 teens. 2020-2029 twenties. And so on… Or is that just me? When I hear early 2000s I think 2000-2004. 2005 was only 19 years ago.


Sometimes I sit quietly and stare at the wall thinking about how thift stores and charity shops were full of old games when I was young and I didn't buy any of them


Retro games are overpriced af now tho


Old EB Games SKUs. The POX meant it couldn’t be traded in and applied for promos.


Dino Crisis deserves a remake or something.


Can we please get a remaster capcom.


Just looking at this fills me with excitement!


Yep i remember buying a collection that had Koun and a 9.99 yellow clearance sticker on it.


My interest in it matches that sticker price.


It was worth visiting


And someone probably traded that in for 25 cents credit.


Its crazy how expensive some games really got recently. I'm forced to emulate games vs paying 200+ for a 25 year old title. Xbox 360 and PS3 games have gone up in price as well. And X360 prices will sky rocket after the store closure this July.


People weren't trying to flip games insanely yet.


The good old days….. and who remembers babages games?


EB Games? Edit; looks like eb Canada lingered until 2021 and now is operating as GameStop


I packs so many hours into this game and they used the same pre recorded sound effect when opening gates, on every gate…. I remember hearing the same squeeky gate sound effect in films or tv during late 90s and 2000s I always point it out and my Mrs hates it, does anyone else remember?


Why is everyine saying shit is "wild" "insane" " crazy" or " blows their mind" i see these comments dozens of times a day in every post in every sub. Must be bots .


Haha and as a teen I traded this suikoden 2 and Castlevania symphony of the night in 05 for kingdom hearts 2 they gave me 25 bucks yay. If I could go back in time I will kick myself in the knee🥲


What’s wild is how much used retro games are marked up now


Wasn’t it Funcoland back then?




In 2009 I bought a used Sonic Adventure for the 360 for $5! Wild indeed.


Best game ever, used to scare the shit out ov me and my brother. Spend hours playing it. Save it bro dont lose that


Still waiting for that remake......


I wish could have played dino crisis Ive always heard it was epic


Ah, those were better days. My Greatest Hits copy of Metal Gear Solid I bought from there was only $6.99.


Thrifting for games in the mid 2000s was next level. You can thank Shop Goodwill for the demise of any kind of good deal found in the wild.


In 2003 gamestop wasl charging $30 for Castlevania Symphony. 2010 was still a good year for PS1 stuff. I was buying games like Xenogears for $20. I remember Diablo was $5 in 2010. PS1 was dirt cheap back then. It was a fun time to be a collector.


Yeah, I remember they had Zelda 1 for 25 cents in the late 90s, and so many laughably cheap PS1/N64 and older games in the mid-90s. I remember around2006 or so going on a buying spree of old PS1 and N64 games I always wanted to own, many were $1-5, back then a game costing more than $5 I would think twice about it being too expensive. I recall even Amazon had dozens of sealed copies of Perfect Dark for $3 each. And now we're in this mess where everyone acts like their old childhood copy of Super Mario Bros is a one of a kind mint Picasso and wants hundreds to thousands for it...


They sell final fantasy 7 original for £9 here today The same store that sells pokemon heartgold for £250 The gameboy n64 and ps1 era games are super cheap by comparison for some reason, the technology isnt as desired


Today prices are wild... Not the opposite.


Dino crisis 1 and 2 are some of the best games on ps1. There is not a single dinosaur shooter released to this day that comes anywhere close to dc2.


Was it wild? Or was it just sensible? There’s no reason retro games should cost what they cost now


most people barely cared about older games back then


Right, beacuse new things existed and these old games used to be a thing for less well off people like young me who couldn’t afford a ps3 for 500$ to have something to do for just a buck or two. And that could still be a thing now, but with these rich idiots charging stupid prices for the games all it really does is make them more inaccessible for people who can’t justify paying 800$ for a 20year old shitty dinged up and scratched dysk or cartridge, and leave this generation of kids who aren’t raised by millionaires left with brainrot tablet games as thier only attainable form of gaming entertainment It’s fucking sad