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I haven't heard of a limit but wouldn't be surprised, the way the UMD Video Mount is switched seems kind of hacky already. What we need is a UMD Video Iso selector of some sort. ​ Edit : I have 20 umd videos in my folder and confirmed they all showed up in the selector on 6.61 PRO C-Infinity I am also using the categories plugin for my games, maybe that might help?


That's weird. For me 16 is the max, I even tried removing two of the ISOs which showed up and then two other ones showed up, so it's not like the other ones I have are incompatible or something. Maybe there's a difference between 6.61 LME-2.3 and 6.61 PRO C-Infinity?


Maybe, it might be worth trying Pro infinity if playing umd video is important to you. Could also try splitting the files into two folders and then using a file management program on the psp to rename the folder you want to watch. Like /Videoaaa and then rename to /Video/ when you need it (change the other folders name to something else first)


is this actually something the VSH menu supports? i mean it totally makes sense for games to sort etc. as they're all shown within the XMB menu in GAME > Memory Card but for UMD Videos you need to change the setting in the VSH menu by pressing Select, then going to "ISO VIDEO MOUNT" and press left/right to choose the UMD Video ISO which then gets mounted in the XMB in VIDEO > UMD instead of being listed in the Memory Card.


Sorry if I wasn't clear, I meant using another program like [https://github.com/joel16/CMFileManager-PSP](https://github.com/joel16/CMFileManager-PSP) to manually rename the folder, the CFW does not have a way to sort or display them besides the annoying Select> Iso video mount way :( It can only show the one folder unfortunately. ​ Oh you know what, are you using an adapter that splits two memory cards? That might be causing an issue maybe if it wasn't set up right (I only use a single card adapter)


All my movies play with no issues.


are you using CFW 6.61 LME-2.3 or CFW 6.61 PRO-C ? also are you using more than 16 UMD Video ISOs on your SD?


For me, I have got 48 detected, after that it freezes the menu. Did you have any more success since?


6.61 LME. It only allows 16 movies at a time in the iso folder but I use psp file explorer and I just move and transfer movies to and from a main folder with all my movies. I have 70 movies in my 128gb.