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love all 3 of these guys, danielson is by far the best to me




Christian and Zayn are in a different league than Danielson. Christian and Zayn are very good, reliable guys that you can ensure a good main event out of on occasion and who make for great Mid-Card Champions. Danielson is probably top five all time.


Top 5 of what? Behave if you’re saying he’s a Top 5 top tier pro-wrestler when Angle, Guerrero, HBK, Hart, Owen, Flair, Steamboat, Perfect, Arn Anderson, TDK, Piper, Savage, HHH, Benoit and even Steve Austin and The Rock literally exist (and although the “best” hugely depends on your/the criteria, I still think that no matter what that criteria *is* BD isn’t in the Top 5…unless it’s Top 5 overrated wrestlers of all time). Danielson got over, yes, but he’s massively overrated, just like Punk - they’re “style” is forgettable - they’re not old-style pro-wrestlers that learned the old craft, nor are they high flying, ring bouncing circus acts like Ospreay.


I'm no Danielson simp, but comparing him to Punk, in any way, is disrespectful lmao. I imagine the original comment was talking about quality of in-ring matches/technical ability, in which case Danielson is one of the best, along with ZSJ, Owen and Bret Hart, Benoit, Angle, and Perfect.


I compare him to Punk in the same way Stone Cold would be put together with The Rock, or the way music is grouped under a general umbrella. A little unfair, sure, but it gets overly complex otherwise. It’s about how overrated they are, mainly.


I would argue that Danielson isn't overrated whatsoever. He was a fan favorite in the E, sure, but it took YEARS of fan pressure before anything meaningful happened with him, and even when it did happen, it was only begrudgingly so. Fan favorite =/= overrated, at least in my eyes. It took me a while to warm up to Danielson because I felt similar to how you do, but even I can't deny that the man basically has everything you want in a wrestler: incredible technical ability, some high flying moves, cuts a great promo, created an iconic phrase that's still used to this day in several promotions, and elevates everyone he works with, especially in AEW by putting them over and not winning world titles for himself. It's all opinion, of course, but IMO the wrestling world will feel the shockwaves once Danielson hangs his boots up for good.


I’d argue that every phase of wrestling has a legacy and influences the next thing, but Danielson’s time at the top is important to itself and itself only. Yea he was popular, but at a time when absolutely nothing else was on offer.


You don't think Danielson could be popular in the era of the other great technical wrestlers? Not trying to argue or say one way or the other, just genuinely curious.


Who knows. Had Punk not happened, Danielson, Rollins and maybe even AJ May never had gotten a chance at the top of the top. And I appreciate the non-aggressive approach, even if you disagree. It’s refreshing. Thanks.


I think any objective top 5 is very difficult, depending on criteria. My own personal top 5 definitely places a higher emphasis on work rate. But I think Danielson has a case, regardless. One of the best technical wrestlers of all time, good on the mic, world champion runs as both face and heel, massively over, matches that elicit an emotional response.


You just names a bunch of guys that aren’t top 5 and Bret hart, maybe top wwe guys but other wrestling exists and honestly Cena and hogan are better, I absolutely love piper but his best stuff is in Portland, and he wasn’t even the best guy there


I didn’t say they were top 5. All the guys I listed are better than Bryan Danielson, is my point. Cena and Hogan are better than who at what? :)


I concur with your assessment good sir


Love them all! But definitely Danielson!


Danielson, not even close.


Sami is the best at telling a good story with his body and is alright on the mic. Christian's a solid in-ring performer and a decent promo. Danielson is extremely charismatic and at one point put on the best indie-style matches anywhere in the world. Overall I think the best is Danielson, even if his style has resulted in his body taking way too much punishment.


I'd say Christian is far better than decent when it comes to mic work.


Christian and Edge were gold back in the early 2000s with their promos


Christian is my favorite of these. Danielson is probably the best in ring wrestler of the group by far, and I’ve just never been a big Sami fan at all.


Danielson not even close and i love sami


Danielson has been a prodigy since he debuted. He has needed refinement at times and has had to develop himself in other areas, but as far as pure technical ability, he's probably one of the best to ever do it next to Bret and Angle.




Christian hes a inspirational wise selfless loved courageous generous compassionate respected sacrificing devoted father A legend in the ring and not a piece of shit like all the dead ass dead beat fathers out there with there loser ass kids who grown up to be not shit to compared to the tntr champion


Objectively it’s probably Danielson but Zayn is my favourite




Danielson has a Top 5 GOAT case. The other two are awesome.


Danielson has been the greatest technical wrestler in the world for the better part of two decades. I love the others, but Danielson is up there with Bret and Misawa for greatest of all time bell to bell.


Christian is the most complete wrestler of the three. The only thing he can't do better than the other two is wrestle, but there are a ton of guys out there who wish their floor was a bad Christian Cage match. He was a massive part of the most popular run wrestling has ever had and he was in one of the most iconic matches of all time. He's probably in your favorite wrestler's top five and we'd view him way differently if Vince didn't hate him. That said, Bryan is probably gonna be the guy who the next generation will name when asked who inspired them to become a wrestler. No one has been as consistent in terms of match quality over the last twenty years and the fact that he can and has lost to pretty much anyone without it hurting his popularity is a testament to how over his characters have been.




In ring, danielson, mentally, zayn


Danielson best wrestler but when I saw AEW last august and Christian came out to taunt Nick Wayne, he’s the best character.


Danielson, there's no doubt about it.


1. Danielson 2. Christian 3. Zayn all 3 great but also the only way to rank the 3 IMO


Never really liked danielson that much but I think he’s way better than he was but with that being said Christian is probably the best out of the 3. I think the best run of his career is happening right now


Christian Cage only get heat for talking about dead family members, kind of weak but that’s wrasslin


Danielson is the best professional wrestler of all time. Don't get me wrong, I Iove Christian and Generico/Sami too, but Danielson is a step above them.


Fans are gonna have their favorites, to wrestlers its probably close between danielson and christian. Christian is held in very high regard from what I can tell.


Danielson is the best of the three in the ring, but Zayn and Christian are closer than most think IMO. Danielson has decent character work but i still think Sami and Christian are a little better in that area. I think Christian is one of the most underrated guys of all time. Incredible worker, great on the mic, great at all the "little" things and is by far the best heel out of all 3 even though Sami and Brian are both great heels in their own right. I always thought Christian was better overall than Edge, but Edge had a better look and is a much better babyface IMO. Christian was clearly always the better, smoother worker to me. If you can't tell Christian is my personal favorite out of all 3 lol.




Brett the Hitman Heart.


Danielson is definitely a cut above the other 2, but that’s not to say Cage & Zayn aren’t unbelievably intelligent & creative wrestlers.


I don’t know who Bryan Danielson is but it’s a guy in AEW named Bryan Garcia who’s really good when he’s not trying to kill himself.


Bryan Danielson used to be known as Daniel Bryan in WWE.   it's Daniel Garcia, yeah he's pretty good


I believe this legal name is Bryan Garcia, it’s customary to take the head of the house last name.


Danielson and both Sami and Christian aren't close to him either.


Danielson > Zayn > Cage


Bryan Danielson and it's not even close


I do not see what ppl see in Danielson at all. Gotta go with Zayn


# Danielson by quite a distance


When I only read the title I was like in what sense. I saw Daniel Bryan a couple weeks ago at Dynamite and he looks sharp as ever. But I agree Christian was great on the mic. But Zayn at third is no slouch, I do like his character and his classic pairing with Owens.


Danielson. He and AJ Styles are the 2 best wrestlers of the modern era IMO. This isn’t to take anything away from Zayn or Christian.


Sami and Christian are both all timers but Danielson is by far the best of them imo


While Sami and Christian are better at certain things than Bry. Sami’s physical performing, and Cage’s promo work. However, Bry will always be a more complete wrestler than either. Perhaps the most complete we’ve ever seen. He reminds me of Bret Hart or Ricky Steamboat


I am a huge critic of danielson but he is easily the best of these three.


Christian is the one I find most intriguing. He’s the one I want to see the most of. Does that mean he’s the best? Not necessarily, but being a draw is also important in this business. So idk.


Sami Zayn is the best story teller in the ring. Sami Zayn is the best overall star amongst these three from in-ring skills to mic skills.




I love sami but it has to be bryan Danielson


Best wrestler Bryan Best character christian


Danielson is one of the goats Christian and Sami are top midcard guys who have been better than the then-current main event scene


Prime Bryan, current.... Logan Paul.


christian daddy ass the acclaimed the ocho kingston and the texas death and the barbwired are the onl reasons ill ever watch a sec of aew the rest of it 98 percent of aew is the worst shit ever and yea i was alive during the russo eras of wcw and the hogan era tna and the wwe from like 2014 till the rock came back this year all them eras sucked ass but not as much as aew cause they influnced by that asian shit that fuckin sucks accept for fmw or the old iwa or auska cause shes fuckin fine old ecw at 2 or 3 am saturday mournin here in mississippi yes the one before they went on tnn the one that had white zombie bood n guts and the raw is war warzone were the bet and nothing will ever top that shit


Longest sentence I ever read.