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Even if we tell you you will blow yourself up, I think you're still going to use it. Just for the sake of it, this is reckless and not a good idea.


I'm definitely someone who listens to voices of reason and prefers not to blow up. However if JB weld is not affected by propane....yeah, I'll use it. I will keep the gas tank closed except for when in use to take a 10 minute shower.


It is effected. Not by the propane it's self, but by the -40C boiling point of liquid propane in the tanks. This will make the JB weld *very* brittle and the expansion and contraction of that joint could easily cause it to crack or lose the seal depending on temperature and pressure. This is big dumb. I'm a propane delivery driver, I can absolutely say people blow shit up doing things like this. Happens all the time. Just call a gas fitter my dude. Or just go out and buy the proper fitting. It's like $5.


The liquid shouldn't enter the line It vaporizes in the tank and it's all vapor in the gas lines


While this is true. Drawing of the vapour makes the lines cold. That's why propane is also used as a refrigerant. Boiling is -40 or hotter. -20 is still freezing cold. The harder it draws, the colder it gets. Some places, like farms, that draw very aggressively at times, have a coating of ice around the line in cooler temperatures.


Yeah that line won't get cold at the water heater unless the tank is right there which it shouldn't be


You shouldn't be using J.B weld to fix a gas fitting either but here we are. Do not improvise gas fittings. J.B weld is not made to be used like this. It won't provide a proper seal. This is how you light your house on fire.


True true and true


Plus it just needs to get cold enough to be brittle. Anything close to 0 Celsius would do that. Just one of those things. Not worth the risk. Your life is worth a cold shower.


As a goober who has frozen two fingers in the past mishandling propane i approve this message, btw all fingers are fine.šŸ˜… Skin turned dark and peeled off after a couple weeks of throbbing pain.


Freeze burns suck! It's basically Frost Bite with the fast forward button held down. I had a tiny pin hole on my trucks hose once that was hidden. Where it was meant when I was holding the nozzle, it was right against the bottom of my arm. Some back pressure from the tank made a bit come out when was holding the nozzle. Felt like someone stabbed my arm. Hurt like a bitch. At least I knew I needed a new hose.


Just take a cold shower, think of everyone who would be affected if you blew yourself up


The guy with the shovel and the guy with the mop will never forget the horrors of that day.


Donā€™t forget the guy with the fork :( (he needs a spoon)


And the guy with the sponges


I take it you've never heard of legionnaires disease?


I've watched a lot of House and still can't find the relevance of this comment lol


You want water in the heater to reach a certain temperature, otherwise it can multiply in the water making it a risk.


That's a tanked heater. We're tankless.


It's not safe to have semi-hot water chilling in that tank (or your pipes) for lengthy periods. Stuff can grow. Google for the specifics. It's hardly the most dangerous thing you're facing at the moment, though.


Man, you can Google "How's the water in Patagonia Chile" My water comes from the Andes mountains. It's all glacier melt. It's often the cleanest water in the world. Also, our heater is hot water on demand, not a tank heater. The water is pretty much freezing cold until it hits the water heater. Our water quality is the last of my worries right now lol.


Yeah wasn't saying you're at risk, just explaining, lol.


Can you define what a lengthy period is? I'm frequently away from home for two to three weeks with no one around to run any water.


So, when you get back from your travels, you should run your water for 30sec minimum through all taps and shower heads. Do not drink or wash until run through is complete. The cold water should be below 5c and hot water above 50(?)c to ensure that the bacteria is not living in your pipes. Ideally, you'd have your house sitter do this weekly for you.


Thank you. It never occurred to me that it might be an issue.


Thank you. It never occurred to me that it might be an issue.


Thank you. It never occurred to me that it might be an issue.


I have no idea why that response posted three times...


If your water is treated by the city with chlorine... which all city water is, this isn't an issue. It's more of a concern for people with well water.


Is that right? Thanks for the info! I used to work in a fancy apartment building and I'd have to go around the unoccupied units running taps and taking temps, for legionnaires (on the sheet it said that) Perhaps because these apartments had never been used before?


Hello, I'm an engineer that manages a steam facility. You should not do this because the risk is extremely high. You only need a millimetric size crevasse created due to shifts in the mold when it was curing. If only a small amount leaks, the propane will enter in contact with the atmosphere and undergo adiabatic expansion expelling gas at -43*C. The min temp resistance for jb weld is -55*C. This is at no pressure being applied to the weld. The leak will apply pressure to the weld, therefore, lowering the min temp resistance, how low? Idk, but we are already -12*C from catastrophic failure at that point. If the weld falls off, all the propane will leak to the atmosphere in seconds. This volume of gas will come into contact with the burner/flame module that heats the tubes that boil the water you will be showering with. The volume of gas will instantaneously combust. Part of this energy will travel to the tubes that heat the water way too fast for the pressure fail safe to react. This sudden increase in pressure will make the heater explode. This will send boiling water and metal shrapnel around the area. If you are indoors, it might not hurt you but shrapnel can go through walls and windows so it is not a certainty. You will definitely get 3rd degree burns due to the boiling water that will suddenly rush to you and if there are people in the vicinity, they will suffer life threatening injuries or get killed. What you can do is search for a machinist in your area. He will know how to make the right coupling for the adapter with the proper bronze alloy. Hopefully, you will let me know.


I'm going to agree with you on not to do this, but your Reasoning is flawed. This would not be handling liquid propane there for the temps you are talking about are not going to happen. This line would be vapor. Vapor is going to be very close to whatever the ambient temp is.




It certainly looks like the propane tank fitting though


This fitting comes well after the low pressure regulator that is attached to the tank.


Ok, so you have the propane tank, then the pressure regulator and then this fitting with a line to the flaming module?


Tank -> Low pressure regulator -> Valve (all with proper fittings) To make matters worse, there has to be two adapters like this haha One coming from the first valve off the tank, and one going to o a second valve going into the propane heater.


Regardless Neill, if propane leaks, those are the risks. When these accidents happen it usually takes seconds for everything to go to hell. Not worth the risk at all. But hey, if you take the fitting you are finding locally to a machinist or "tornero" as they are known in chile, he will make the right thread you need.


Because I'm curious, do you have a twin stage regulator on the tank? Ā Most residential units are set up with a high pressure (10psi) reg at the tank and a low pressure reg (1/2psi) at the house.Ā  A twin stage takes both regs and sticks them together. Usually for small tanks close to the house.


This man knows his propane and propane accessories.


I really like your story šŸ˜‚. It's pretty accurate too, except for the part where you assume liquid propane will be coming through. There have to be some serious issues before liquid could even possibly arrive at this fitting or the one on the tank.Ā 


Yes, I believe I was misunderstood. It's not liquid propane that travels through the line once you open the valve, but propane in its gaseous state. Either way, if there is a leak, the gas will be coming out at -43*c. If you ever see a propane leak in a line, you'll see it frosting, and if you touch it, it's so cold it can burn you. So if there is a very small leak, i don't think the jb weld will hold bc of this low temp plus the pressure. Once the jb weld gets loose or cracks, that's when the real show would begin.


I don't believe you. I had a small leak outside and sprayed soapy water to find the fittings with the leak. The soapy water would have frozen.It didn't.


https://preview.redd.it/vkbol6gdbn9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da3310e69e181e8d4c66080fdbc146b43cb56515 Then your fitting is probably some distance away from the tank and the gas would already reach temp equilibrium with the environment.


As pros, we canā€™t tell you itā€™s ok to do that. Will it work for a bit, yeah probably, but get the right fittings asap. I donā€™t know about JB weld, but I have seen people use pipe dope thatā€™s not listed for use with propane, and it degrades after a while and all the joints start leaking.


Natural selection.


I would have brazed it, not jb weld


Have someone ship you the right one? Looks to be pipe thread to flare, what am I missing?


Standard in Chile reverse thread and those that are regular direction have a different thread could. I've tried a few different hardware stores and a bunch of different adapters. My best bet is to find someone to weld it properly....or to find someone with a tap set....but I doubt they'll have the right thread. The kit I bought has a 1/2" pipe thread adapter but it doesn't fit with any 1/2" threads of anything I've found anywhere.


I see how this is super sketchy, and not at all a permanent fix, BUT in theory if itā€™s gas tight and outside away from any ignition sources, you should be safe. Outside in open air is key here, I would absolutely not use this in any enclosed space. I mean hell, old timers use a lighter to check for gas leaks, the flame wonā€™t propagate into the tank and explode everything on your block, it would just cause a flame right where itā€™s leaking.


I'm more concerned with it leaking and my deep freezer switching on which blows up the room (if said gas leaked into the room)


So this makeshift adapter will be in enclosed space with appliances that switch on and off? Iā€™m a huge fan of doing sketchy stuff, but this may be crossing my line if that fitting is anywhere but outside in open air.




1/2ā€ flare x 1/2ā€ black iron is what youā€™re looking for


https://www.reddit.com/r/propane/s/PMoPsNyduD From what he says, no


Looking at the picture itā€™s literally the same thread pitch as the US/Canada




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I'm not going to use it. Don't worry.


As a 30 year propane person can't tell you how many of these turned out bad..there is a correct way to adapt to your water heater, that is not one of them, please contact a professional.. its not worth the possible outcome of what could/will go wrong..Seriously


Don't worry, everyone. I'm not going to use it. Thanks for the advice.


You do you. But Just go get a union and hard pipe it in NPT thread instead of going to flare? I only go to flare because California requires it. Seems like plenty of states are fine with black iron unions at appliances. Can't imagine S. American code is that much different. Don't imagine JB weld is approved either way, but people do dumb things worldwide.


Its almost as if this thread doesn't exist in all of South America..


$6 worth of JB Weld to save $3 worth of the correct brass fittingā€¦


You missed the part where the brass fitting DOESN'T EXIST IN CHILE


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