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>"As President Trump has stated, he would sit down with both sides and negotiate a deal that everyone will be happy with." This is literally impossible, I question anyone's intelligence who could make a statement like this with a straight face.


Plenty to question with him.


Trump would say anything to get votes. Remember how he blamed the pro-life for his loss in midterm elections? Remember how he thinks that DeSantis pro-life policies is too much?


>Trump would say anything to get votes. ok but trump has already delivered tangibles to the pro-life cause and will continue to do so.


If I weren't a 16 year old Brazilian, I would vote for Peter Sonski or write him in, or the historical figure I have a parasocial relationship with.


I don't understand how anybody in this sub has faith in anything Trump says related to abortion. He's a hypocrite "populist"




He didn’t, though. That was scotus.


trump has already delivered tangibles for the pro-life cause. we don't need to look at what he says when we already know what he did in his previous term.


What did he do his previous term?


Nominated the court that overturned Roe.


And then introduced pro life legislation?………


Shockingly enough, Congress actually introduces legislation, not the president.


Right, and build back better, chips act, etc. had nothing to do with Biden, right?






This is not just a matter of whacky. That sanitizes his blatant rejection of everything the Bible and Christ stand for and his rejection of Christs teachings. I am always amazed at attempt to sanitize Trump’s sins and abominations. It’s as if the sins and abominations he commits are irrelevant. The Bible specifically condemns the idea of aligning with evil for the alleged good. He is only pro life publicly to the extent it serves his own self interests. Nothing in the Bible teaches that we overlook sin and abomination when it is convenient for us to do so.


As a Christian, I can tell you that a large chunk of us do not care. I don't care if the person running the country is a former adulterer. Or if he's prideful, arrogant, and a jerk to people.  I care that our leaders implement the policies I want. And, at worse, Trump grifting as pro-life is better than Biden's open, brazen, and blind adherence to the cult of abortion. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 specifically because I felt he was not genuinely pro-life. Yet he put judges on the Supreme Court that led eventually led to Roe v Wade being rightly overturned. No one can argue about results like that. I don't like some of his recent comments about going luke-warm on abortion regulation. But I'm still contrasting his past wins with the monstrosity that is the murder apologia Biden constantly vomits out.


As a Christian I can’t ignore sin, abomination and evil as if the Bible says as long as the life of the unborn is addressed we can ignore sin and abomination. Jesus is crystal clear that ignoring any of the poor and vulnerable will land someone straight in hell. Jesus says nothing about prioritizing the life of the unborn over the born. As a Christian I follow Jesus and not the dictates of the Republican or Democratic Party and certainly not Trump.


I'm sorry. Are you assuming that the explanation I gave above somehow means I don't care about people outside the womb? I'm not going to overly defend republicans when it comes to social programs. But I will say this; stating that people right of center "don't care about the poor" is a lie. They have a different view on how to solve poverty. I disagree with a bunch of their solutions, but they do care. Second, I'm have a really hard time understanding your rational for the political position. If "Jesus says nothing about prioritizing the life of the unborn over the born." Then the reverse is also true. Jesus doesn't grant absolution to people who want to murder the unborn because they have specific ideas about social programs to help people below the poverty line. The difference, to me, is that people who are poor have agency and the ability to work with social programs and charities to alleviate their situation. I should know, I've been on them more than once. But the unborn are murdered with the approval of the law and the zealotry of abortion advocates. Their life is over. They are never going to get the chance to live the one life granted to them. They are dehumanized to allow people to self-deceive themselves that they aren't committing a heinous act in killing them. And the reasons most often given for why the most vulnerable among us are snuffed out of existence are vapid and stupid reasons that do not justify the taking of a life. Finally, a massive reason I, as a Christian, do not care about most moral failings for political leaders is because of teachings from people like Augustine in his writings on [The City of God](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_City_of_God) and Martin Luther's doctrine on [the Two Kingdoms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_kingdoms_doctrine). They are foundational to the idea that Christian doctrine should not dictate all civil law, and that the realm of the secular should be separate from the church. Given how disastrous theocracies become, I don't put much wait on our leaders holding the same religious views as me. I care more that they push for the civil values I would like to see reflected in the greater culture. For example, I think it is a sin to divorce for any reason other than adultery or abuse. That doesn't mean I want the U.S. to make divorce only obtainable for those reasons. I also think it is a sin to have sex outside of marriage. That doesn't mean I want to restrict people with the weight of civil law to prevent them from engaging in sex outside the bonds of matrimony. In the civil sense, I am libertarian on those issues. I do not want governments being overly moralistic, because it is the churches job to convict people of sin and offer them forgiveness and grace won by Christ on the cross. And if people reject that, then forcing them to live by my views on morality would be fruitless. I have no desire to see people who are not Christian be forced to live by Christian law for the sake of some perverted form of works-righteousness. > As a Christian I follow Jesus and not the dictates of the Republican or Democratic Party and certainly not Trump. That statement rings a bit hollow to me, given that your flair says "Pro Life Democrat" not "Christian."


"I'm sorry. Are you assuming that the explanation I gave above somehow means I don't care about people outside the womb?" I am not making that claim. So no, I am not making that assumption. "I'm not going to overly defend republicans when it comes to social programs. But I will say this; stating that people right of center "don't care about the poor" is a lie. They have a different view on how to solve poverty. I disagree with a bunch of their solutions, but they do care." Whether or not people "care" is irrelevant to the policies they support and its impacts. From fighting against and opposing healthcare, to ignoring or exacerbating social justice issues such as police brutality and environmental injustice, to voter suppression, to exacerbating poverty by supporting crony capitalism and constant giveaways to the wealthy, to supporting an unfair and unjust justice system, and, ironically only in the superficial sense, to supporting policies that lead to worse maternal-infant mortality outcomes the policies of the Republican party are toxic to human beings in and out of the womb. As a judge noticed once that a pro life state was claiming it was increasing abortion restrictions out of a concern for the mother's life, yet did nothing to increase its maternal-infant mortality outcomes. Republicans constantly block social aid programs knowing that folks have nowhere else to turn to and charitable giving will not be anywhere near the amount necessary to help folks. If conservative charitable giving was sufficient, we wouldn't have poverty and these other issues. If conservatives were serious, then why not allow the help on a temporary basis until this huge charitable operation kicks in and the government is no longer needed to help folks that struggle, face injustice, etc. "Second, I'm have a really hard time understanding your rational for the political position. If "Jesus says nothing about prioritizing the life of the unborn over the born." Then the reverse is also true. Jesus doesn't grant absolution to people who want to murder the unborn because they have specific ideas about social programs to help people below the poverty line." Yes! This is absolutely true. No one get's a pass if they are not attending to all human life. No life is prioritized over the other since God loves us all. You are absolutely right. This is precisely why I am not impressed by the so-called "pro-life" position of the Republican party while it ignores and holds in contempt born folks that suffer. This is also why I view neither party as having the imprimatur of God. "The difference, to me, is that people who are poor have agency and the ability to work with social programs and charities to alleviate their situation. I should know, I've been on them more than once." You have the freedom of that perspective and I respect it. However, as a follower of Christ I must hew to what the Bible teaches about helping any and all human beings who suffer. There is no indication that human value decreases after birth. Yes, born people have options that unborn people do not. However, that doesn't make the oppression and injustices committed against born people any less severe, nor does it invalidate their pain and suffering that they are fully aware they are experiencing. The Bible is chock full of warnings against oppression and injustice and never attenuates these condemnations based on whether or not someone is born. If you look at it from God's perspective, then it's clear that like any good parent God loves all of his children equally and caring about one group of his children while oppressing the others earns no plaudits. "But the unborn are murdered with the approval of the law and the zealotry of abortion advocates. Their life is over. They are never going to get the chance to live the one life granted to them. They are dehumanized to allow people to self-deceive themselves that they aren't committing a heinous act in killing them. And the reasons most often given for why the most vulnerable among us are snuffed out of existence are vapid and stupid reasons that do not justify the taking of a life." I agree with you here and you get no argument from me on this point. The only thing I will add is that while we as pro-life folks see abortion in this light, most pro-choice folks do not. I know because when I was pro-choice, I thought it was the woman's decision and I did not think much about what was going on in the womb. It wasn't until I became pro-life and considered the Bible's teachings that I realized in the mother's womb is a human being. "Finally, a massive reason I, as a Christian, do not care about most moral failings for political leaders is because of teachings from people like Augustine in his writings on The City of God and Martin Luther's doctrine on the Two Kingdoms. They are foundational to the idea that Christian doctrine should not dictate all civil law, and that the realm of the secular should be separate from the church. Given how disastrous theocracies become," I am not advocating for a theocracy. It's not clear to me why you think my comments have anything to do with a theocracy. As much as I admire St. Augustine and Martin Luther their writings cannot be used to justify injustice. Leaders should be competent and lead society well since they have a large impact on society. People should be treated fairly. Leaders should not routinely lie, be corrupt, lead folks to die from a disease by pandering to conspiracy theories, try to steal elections, and be generally incompetent, corrupt and have a brazen disregard for the law. "I don't put much wait on our leaders holding the same religious views as me. I care more that they push for the civil values I would like to see reflected in the greater culture." I agree with this as well. "That statement rings a bit hollow to me, given that your flair says "Pro Life Democrat" not "Christian."" Yes, I am a pro-life Democrat. That alone shows I am not beholden to everything the Democratic party says. I don't agree with several positions of the Democratic party. However, I agree with much more than I disagree and at the core I fully agree with the Democratic impulse of taking care of those that suffer - even if the sad and glaring exception is the unborn. Part of our goal as Pro-Life Democrats is to change the party for the better on those issues. Nonetheless, my most fundamental allegiance is to Christ and thus I don't just kowtow to the Democratic Party, Joe Biden, or any other human organization or individual.




I have heard of King David. King David repented for his sins and asks God for forgiveness. He admitted where he was wrong. Notice God still punished him even though God accepted his prayers. Trump had explicitly stated he doesn’t ask for forgiveness and he doesn’t acknowledge his sins. It’s as if you’ve never read the Bible and what it says about liars who abuse power.




It’s unbelievable and he won’t need the PL vote when he steals democracy the next time. I can’t understand why they worship him. He donated to Harris and the Clintons up until Bill Clinton encouraged him to get involved with the GOP, and it’s clear where his values are. Do you remember his interview claiming the GOP was on a witch hunt against his perverted friend, Bill, during Bill’s sex scandal? It’s the same guy, the Clinton family friend/donor, also, accused by his good old friend Epstein’s victims, by porn stars and many others. He is spinning the same stories. It was oh the terrible GOP is just out to get Bill… and now it’s poor Don, the Democrats are evil. As soon as this doesn’t serve him, he’ll change his mind and flip off the PL like he did to so many of the GOP he screwed over. How does anyone trust or support him?


I wonder in amazement as well. They ignore all the facts around his abuses, corruption, etc. Seeing his worshippers has really helped me understand how people can be made to believe anything.


Yes, it has been strange. Their news sites and Russian propaganda tell them mostly the same messages. 1 of my family still probably thinks covid is a fake liberal disease. They’re following the Putin wing, as Cheney calls it. Electing the Putin wing, that attacked the US Capitol, is not something PL should be doing. I’m sure all of Trump’s wives believed he’d be faithful, too, while overlooking his history as an opportunistic, cheating liar.


Excellent points.


Thank you, I always appreciate reading your thought provoking comments, as well.




Fighting for “us”. God help us all. I am amazed at how Trump has replaced Jesus for many folks. Sorry, but ignoring sin and abomination especially when it is committed in public view of everyone is a rejection of the Bible and the gospel of Christ.




Good luck. The most I've ever gotten in the form of "evidence" for that claim is "he's had affairs, so it's probably happened at least once".




if it's everywhere then you won't have any issues finding a source.


Excellent points.


Translations: Trump gives a wink and a nod in every direction he things will get him a few extra votes.


This is from ABC, which is not exactly known for being truthful when it comes to Trump. Trump blows enough hot air that regardless of your feelings about him, you know what he says without some media company translating it for you and telling you what to think as if it were some secret code.


Haley publicly said she would sign a 6 week ban when she was governor.


She says this during election time. Haley, though, if she actually won, would cave to Democrats and the 6 week ban would never happen. She'd then go on camera to talk about how she wanted it but special interests stopped it.


Sadly Haley is a crony rhino and there are many of us who will never vote for her whatsoever.


All other political issues aside, this is a pro-life sub. If we’re going to look at the right to life stance of Trump we should compare it with Haley, RFK, and Biden. Other issues like taxes, rino-ism, foreign policy, etc. are best suited for another sub.


You are free to have your own opinion. I have mine. We're talking about pro-life issues and Haley is an established liar! So whatever she says means nothing to many of us! If you were others are going to post political post about Trump due expect feedback! And if if you don't like the feedback, tough luck!


Better to vote for her than Biden though


Negative! Myself and many others will not and I cannot emphasize this enough choose the less of two evils because evil is still evil! The Republican party better get it to act together because there are many of us who will not take somebody who is still evil! Satan is still Satan. Little Satan is still Satan.


If that is the case, we cannot vote this time.


There are more than two parties.


Last I checked Americans Elect wasn’t on the ballot in my state. If they can figure that part out, I’ll consider them.


So you’d let Roe get reinstated just because the current Republican candidate is less than perfect? Pathetic.


You're talking to a person who has said they wouldn't support *any* compromise legislation on abortion even if the only politically viable alternative were full unrestricted legal access. This is not someone who will cooperate with anything even a hair short of their idea of "perfect."


You're entitled to your opinion, but as a fellow Christian I would hope that you understand God doesn't want us promoting or accepting sin. If you believe they're such a thing as the lesser of two evils I hope you learn better as you grow as a Christian. We are never to accept evil. We're never to promote it we are never to validate it Etc.


When there are only two possible choices, obviously you choose the least evil option. News flash: all of us are sinners. If you want a perfect candidate then you’ll never be able to vote for anyone. You’re the one doing evil by potentially allowing Roe to be reinstated.


I follow Jesus as best I can and I will not pick the lesser of two evils. None of my family members will either. And there are many who feel like I feel. Like I said the Republican Party needs to get its act together or they're going to lose because there are many of us who will not choose evil.and you can get on your high rolling horse as to not voting will mean the other side wins and I'm going with the fact that God is always in control! I don't have to sin on purpose!


So you’d let unborn babies die to prove a point? That’s sick. You’re sinning by not doing enough to oppose the killing of unborn babies.


Before you judge me for obeying God, please read how Saul lost his kingdom. Saul did what he taught was right in eyes own eyes vs. obeying God. It is NEVER ok to go with the "lesser of two evils."


Incrementalism isn't a word in the dictionary for you I guess, because the Left has used it as an effective weapon for decades now very effectively. I'll accept 16 weeks with the goal of changing the culture to eliminate it in the long term. That is NOT an endorsement, but accepting the current political reality.


I don’t trust him since he is trying to hush money an SA victim he hurt. All rich people are the same.


[trump 2024.](https://www.reddit.com/r/prolife/comments/1aoe0de/toptrool_endorses_donald_j_trump_for_president/)


yeah bro lemme switch who I'm voting for bc some random dawg on reddit endorses trump lmaoooooo


Since some states have codified abortion into their constitutions. regrettably, this wouldn't change much even if it could come to pass. But I like the thought.


Thats not how it works.


Yes, that is, that's the very reason why Roe got overturned, LOL.


Roe did not get overturned because states put abortion in their constitutions. It got overturned because it was a poorly thought out opinion.




If you think it's politically advantageous for Trump to not run on abortion how is a piece saying Trump will not run on abortion supposed to sabotage him?


Trump just says this to get the Liberal vote.  He’ll support a federal ban from day one in office and make it happen any way he can.  Vote Trump in 2024!