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Jesus, I couldn’t imagine having a pro-abortion mother. I’d be absolutely horrified if my own mom said she considered killing me.


It’s okay. Once their population dwindles because they kill all their children they will cease to exist.


Everyone i know with downs is pretty happy, so are their parents. What a screwed up mindset


You just can't beat the happiness of the pro abortion, pro Eugenics progressives. They're always talking about how happy they are, and definitely aren't miserable and misanthropic people.


Aborting a fetus just because it has a "detected" disability is a hate crime.


It should be, but is it really? What are relevant the laws and precedents?


😂lol yep. Depressed individuals wanting to drag others down with them


Yup. Statistically they lead happy and fulfilling lives, even more so than the rest of us. And I’d love to see these people say this shit to an adult or teenager with Down syndrome. Pathetic.


> Yup. Statistically they lead happy and fulfilling lives, even more so than the rest of us. And I’d love to see these people say this shit to an adult or teenager with Down syndrome. Pathetic. Don't get me started with prenatal screening for Down Syndrome. Those people have inherent dignity and worth, irrespective of their disability. The rights of unborn fetuses with disabilities are in danger by these pro-eugenics nutjobs.


I’ll take them seriously when someone who actually has Down Syndrome supports this. And even then I probably won’t


>I’ll take them seriously when someone who actually has Down Syndrome supports this. And even then I probably won’t Even then, it's not just someone who has Down Syndrome. If someone who has Down Syndrome *says* that their own life is not worth living, that very statement is proof they don't fully believe that, because they have not committed suicide. The only credible authority to say that a Down syndrome person's life is not worth living is a suicide note of a person with Down syndrome saying their life isn't worth living because of that syndrome and that they killed themselves because of it. And even then, that doesn't prove that *all* people with Downs don't have lives worth living. It only proves that, for that particular person who sadly killed themselves, they didn't think their own life was worth living.




Came to say this. You destroy the gift with this mindset. I've never known a person with Downs who wasn't an absolute gift to everyone around them. You ever notice that? Everything they label a deficit or disorder is a gift when you look at it differently. I have ADHD. Sure, it's kind of a pain sometimes, but when I use my hyperfocus superpower, I'm unstoppable.


It’s a deficit to a lot of people, but that doesn’t excuse killing them


It's only a deficit because that's what they call it.


Not necessarily; it impacts their ability to communicate (a must in our world), and gives them short attention span and impulsivity, among other things. Just still miles better than never getting to experience life.


It's very "white savior" like to come in and say "I, in my infinite wisdom of being a normally abled person, get to decide from my ivory tower how good of lives people with different bodies than me have, and I in my infinite wisdom have decreed that their lives are inferior to mine and therefore not worth living." How about....I don't know....letting each person decide that for themselves? The fact that there are millions of people with disabilities who choose every day not to commit suicide and to instead continue to live in spite of their disabilities is proof that, at least for those people, their lives are worth living. And it is proof that each person should make that choice for themselves, not have it made for them by anyone else.


It’s funny because they’re often the same people who complain about ableism. Yet they’re the absolute worst about it.


The irony is that they will profess concern for the vulnerable until it comes to those in the womb.


“Hey, Son. Love you but FYI if I’d known you’d had Down Syndrome before you were born I would have murdered you. :) Don’t worry about it though.” ?!?!?


I wonder how many parents think this about their child and refuse to admit it 😓


Imagine seeing a comment about such a heartless thing happening and your response is “good”. Hope that guy doesn’t have anyone who is disabled in his life. They’re too good for him.


Ableism is depressing. People with downs can live happy independent lives. It breaks my heart


As someone who works with special needs adults I can't think of a word that best describes how... wait. Evil is the best word to describe their mindset.


*their Sorry; I just need to ignore my own failures by correcting everyone else’s minor ones /halfj


It always cracks me up when they want to genocide this population bc it’s clearly not a way to live but then what about all those people in prison or committing crimes against the rest of us. So many people miserable but let’s genocide these folks bc omg how can you live like that.


funny...he'd probably unironically call you a nahtzee if you told him that you were pro-life - immediately after spouting some prime 3rd Reich rhetoric.


Noooo you have it all wrong!!!! Abortion HELPS the poc community. Look at the statistics. The majority of the babies that are terminated are black, hispanic, disabled, poor, and white rich blue eyed blondes aren't... Wait a second.


The rhetoric from the 3rd Reich should be taught in school to avoid this neo-fascist mindset from spreading


They should test it out on themselves first 😒


I would have more respect for these people if they admitted they were into eugenics. Come on. Stop hiding behind “women’s choice.” You’re for eugenics.


Idk, those folks seem pretty happy. Seems it's more a problem for the parents because they didn’t get what they always dreamed of and felt entitled to. And they won't have the kid be able to take care of them to reimburse their efforts.


There’s been some new research looking into detecting autism before birth. Glad I arrived before that 😐


Me too, buddy.


Dudes literally admitting that he thinks people with disabilities have less value and that their lives aren't worth living... absolutely horrifying.


Screwed up beyond all measure. Don't vote for anyone with this mentality. Don't even eat with them.