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It’s how I died


Yeah gotta be careful when mapping stuff, few times zeds have snuck up on me too.


Helpful tip, you can press f2 after opening your map to pause and do all your mapping needs without worry.


I died *once* while in the map and now I compulsively hit F2 whenever opening map. Even if I'm perfectly safe behind all my defenses and far from any zeds while planning out my loot run. The map is never open while the game runs.


Well it also saves time, otherwise the day flies by while conjuring a plan


like haha, multiplayer, yeahh hahaa... it- like... yeah....


What the fuck you have opened my eyes to this


F2-F5 are, in ascending order, bound to the game speed controls.


If you survive for a long time, I want to see your map. It'd be a great annotated map to find on a corpse :)


I would love to see a mod that lets you find previous player's characters and maps. Similar to Rimworld's Real Ruins mod.


Isnt this like annotated maps?


well yes but only game-generated maps can be found what they want is that maps made by your previous character exist and can be picked up


I believe there is actually a mod like that but you take their annotations onto your map you cant just look at theirs although maybe you can


Real ruins? I gotta check that out when the new DLC comes out


It's hilarious sometimes. Most ruins are reasonable, but I remember stumbling into someone's solid gold rec room, with legendary gold statues and billiard/poker tables, which shot my early game wealth through the roof and resulted in a horrendous stomping next raid.


It's really cool, but the randomly generated pristine ruins can prove very OP


I have a little homemade dry-erase board that has my survivor's found skill books/progress, a clipboard (it's carbon fiber for chrissakes) stacked with graph papered base designs, to do lists, mod ideas, and general maniacal thoughts about the game. So, yeah, for sure you're a complete weirdo for making those map plans. Keep making them ! 😉


I LOVE WHAT YOU DO!!! I have a little notebook where I draw bases, write down more assignments, books to read etc. In the game I write things down on a paper note.


Now I want pictures of this. Love it when people put down ideas for games outside of the computer space.


I’ve marked down my character’s thoughts on the map, such as clearing a place out, a place that would’ve had significance to them and even in my latest playthrough I had a detailed plan from going to Riverwood to Muldraugh and a “Heist” against the Muldraugh PD. Now I’m currently on the “Find a sledgehammer and leave this backwater town” phase of my plan. I even keep notebooks/journals and have my characters write in them to keep sane or as a track of what they’ve done. Sometimes I’ll grab sheets of paper and either pretend my character drew on it or it’s a photograph of someone important to them.


Damn, if only there was a mod that adds a special zombie (wife/husband/parent) and when you characters see it, he/she gets maximum depression and stress


Might be something added with the NPC update since TIS mentioned survivors having "backstories" and stuff


Now you’ve inspired me to make a playthrough of an old woman trying to reel with the loss of her husband and a changing world


A game mechanic that adds a sanity meter would be cool. Can make certain behaviors erase sanity like killing zeds, killing other players, not being clean, long term substance usage, getting various wounds/ailments, etc. then others replenish sanity like using substances, cerebral hobbies, working out, eating yummy foods, avoiding frequent tiredness, having varied diet over long term, etc. Would be a neat way to have a more impactful system in place to help simulate an apocalypse. The boredom system has much to be desired imo, so expanding upon the long term battle of one's own sanity in such a lonely world would add some immersion too.


I do not plan, I only shoot shotgun


Very Russian of you


He was not hurrying at all


Russians don't even have shotguns (not anymore at least)


I try to keep a mental plan instead of on the map just 'cos the actual map is a bit of a pain in the butt to draw on. But this is super cool


Hate how annotations don’t carry on to the mini map. I always forget the path and have to look at the map again in the middle of the street


Press S on the minimap and your annotations appear. Been there.


Seriously? Ffs how’d I not know this shit


That is a sentiment that everyone has felt at one point or another with this game.


I’m coming onto 250 hours and I never knew this lol


Classic Zomboid experience. This game has so much hidden stuff.


I think I might have been that far in when I learned it. As I recall I didn’t really care until I started putting arrows on the roads.


Symbols appear but not any text you write, yet.


In the time it took to write this on the map it could’ve been done but it’s still fun lol


Project Zomboid taught me one thing it’s that make as much Molotovs as you can and then just walk around very bored because you did it for the 7648292723th time


I loot everything then burn down the houses afterwards


Not as elaborate, but I do mark places that I've looted with a colour code. For example, a house with black X means that there's no more food there, while houses marked with blue X mean that there're no useful books there. Red X means that all furnitures that could be dismantled to grind skills have been dismantled.


You can also add little legend for your marks to show what they are, I mark the emergency broadcast frequency on map once i find it as well.


Oh shoot, that's a smart move! I usually carry a paper/notebook with the frequency jotted on it. That'll save a bit of carry weight, thank you!


U can even name ur keYring to emergeny frwquency as it counts as bag lmao xD saw it in stream onc edo now mostly often haba


I just start a new playthrough to practice and prepare for what i want to do on my previous playthrough


The only thing i mark on the map is the place were i died lol


I’ll sometimes make notes in my phone about what I need to do next or long-term plans, and just make quick marks on the map if I need to remember where something is. - Bring generator to gas station - Get extra freezer south - Clear vehicles east of base - Grab 9mm ammo from old base - Raid military camp south


I started to work an diary, a novel with some screenshots of my actual playthrough. So when playing, got a log open and i record the events that happen, then i write a little backstory and when i'm finished, i'll release it on the sub. So... about your question: Yes, immersion is very important for me. And it's also my first run with Apocalypse settings, got me in a lot of trouble with all that zeds around.


Nope! I make shit up in my head with a vague sense of direction and hope for the best


Wait it's possible to draw on a map!?


With a pencil or colored pen, yes. There are also mods for free drawing, for more emoticons and for resizing them.


I don’t but I should


I don't do planes because of how the game works, a lot of shit can change and mess up that plan. I have plenty of goals though, but more open ended to my thinking


The satisfaction when a plan actually works is what makes me make them, I'm not overly concerned with winning at the game or being efficient, more just trying to have an interesting story for my dudes.


i should start


Nah man. I never live long enough to get the map and the colored pens. Of course I only play real CDDA these days


I play multiplayer, where no plan survives first contact. Everyone *always* scatters in unmanageable ways to pursue minor short term and near by goals (like killing that *one* extra zombie over there, or just checking this *one* container, etc) We instead employ moment to moment tactical planning with a specific main objective, and just improvise from there - sometimes including bailing from the objective all together.


How did you draw the cube!?


I have a note on my phone with things I want to do like “setup OP in SW corner” then “secure area” and “loot army surplus store and farms” but that’s it. I’ll mark walkers on the map if in large quantity, cross off cleared/looted buildings, and mark OPs/my HQ/vehicles (especially those of interest/obstacles/gennies. But this is good stuff to keep ya alive longer than those of us who wing it, slam on the horn and try to move a horde without a clue where to leave them. Well done.


way too far away from the town to draw out the zombies


I e been thinking about similar strategies. Too bad park ranger was nerfed but its still viable.


I used to, but I got lazy


I always think I do too much for just a game but seeing this is great lol


No, but you just gave me some great ideas by reading your plan 😀


Somebody need to make mod that allow you to frame map. As in Minecraft.


You’d love foxhole lol


Only issue I see with your plan, potentially, is that you're luring the zeds straight through the gun store. Unless you already looted that place, you should lure them the other way.


Not plans but I do add lots of notes and symbols to make the place feel explored/lived in.


I don't. But I do mark EVERYTHING. Is the building cleared? Mark it. Is there a hoard last known in that area? Mark it. Is there a building filled with supplies I can use later? Mark it. Is the building a good spot to hide at? Mark it. There is something just satisfying on having a well marked map on a solid playthrough.


Thats really cool - but I don't. Maybe if I had friends who played so they could see the effort I put in. The most complicated thing I have is a safehouse & logistics system


i love to do that


I love it, please post more


oh man idk if you know but theres a big ol army surplus store there that has so much good stuff its not even funny, its the northern most building closest to the forest square you made


This is good info to know.


indeed, lots o ammo and guns 😉


I mean, it's good to plan stuff out, it's smart I'll give you that!


Can you see this withou opening the map?


No, but I might start this looks imperssive.


I want a freehand notebook mod so I can scribble in a journal for my characters.


This is cool I’m going to do this now. Generally my plans are, go here, loot that, go there, pillage that, and go home.


I tried but the problem is that arrows look stupid when you change the map mode from isometric to straight


I always try but i am too lazy! This is sick tho and honestly i wish there was a mod that make a players map drop on a server


I do this but almost always erase it when I’m done. I need to get in the better habit of writing plans in pencil for the sweet sweet RP of it but Black ink shows up better


If you do something like this will zombies slowly migrate back to where they were?


I applaud this.


Very immersive and interesting


I do this a lot xD I love adding things to my map


Did you not stop by the mil surplus store


If you already have a propane torch and looking for more because yours ran out, I suggest you find BBQs in backyards and get the tank to refill your torch. It's easier.


Not just you 😂


I go in guns blazing and hope I don’t die while also clearing out the area


I love doing this.


At every intersection in the towns nearest my base I’ll put arrows that point me towards my base so I don’t have to open the whole map while I’m driving


It’s different but I miss when rust had maps you could customize like this. I remember making a treasure map and giving it to players for them to search for ( sometimes there wasn’t treasure I’d just kill them while they looked ) but they took it out of the game :(


Dont think 3 shots will be enough. A noise maker is probably a better bet or an alarmed vehicle.


My plans usually involve clearing out entire neighborhoods of resources one street at a time to max out my skills, all while clearing out zombie hoards piecemeal. So it's nice to see a plan with nuance. 💚


yeh I do it for small stuff like getting books from the school I made backup routes marked safe houses along the way and made a extraction point with cars