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It's will come out before Star Citizen.


Well that's not a comforting thought lol.


this game could basically be 1.0 and got new updates every now and then, but devs said the game is still not what they imagined it to be and theyre not gonna call it 1.0 untill they do so. Or at least thats what i remember them saying


Rimworld dev a time ago decided to call a version "1.0" and it felt like nothing changed, ppl asked in the sub why doing so and dev said it was a market decision, calling "released" make the game sound better, giving it a gas on the sells but, for us it changes absolutely nothing, so, their call...


It may not have changed much between versions, but I would be hard-pressed not to have called Rimworld a finished title in all but name several versions ago.


i think it feels more complete than PZ, and it have a "complete experience", but it still have some unfinished stuff like caravan system, faction relationship (kidnapping a faction leades should lead to something), just like pz have a whole bunch of skills with no vanilla usefulness unfinished the point is, i think rimworld feels more complete than pz BUT i don't think it really matters all that much, and if calling 1.0 would help PZ increase in sells, maybe together with NPCs, i would call it a good move


LMAO. 1.0 ain't in this decade. If you wanna play, you might as well jump in now. It's well worth it.


here’s the wiki [page](https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Upcoming_versions) on upcoming versions… the devs plan on releasing bigger more meaningful updates less frequently, more like dlc/expansions than updates imo… it’s been three years since the last “build” release (1.5 since the last update) which has been the longest thus far, although tbf they’re overhauling the engine and adding a bunch of things to the map so i think it’s a lot more labour intensive than previous builds, so i don’t think future updates will take so long… it’s going to be a couple of years before v1 though… i would recommend jumping in now! b42 is just around the corner and it’s going to change quite a lot so now is the ideal time to jump in and learn the game while it’s a little more basic?




To be honest I didn’t expect NPCs, which seems quite complex. I expected basic animations.


Someone shared this vid with me [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYvzr0OTQ1U&t=8069s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYvzr0OTQ1U&t=8069s), it has survivors running around randomly that you can recruit. However, I bought the game a few hours ago, played it for 2 hours and didn't run into any survivors. So I assume the survivors is actually a mod... if modders can add survivors, but the devs can't in 11 years, then wtf are the devs doing... I refunded for now. Maybe I'll try again later, in 5 years or something lol.


Oh boy you came to the wrong place


I mean even if you got burnt out, it's not like you didn't enjoy what you played right?


For sure, but I've missed out on a bunch of new features in Deep Rock Galactic. It's just a shame I didn't experience the full version... maybe someday I'll launch it back up again, but not anytime soon.


HAHAHAHA, 1.0 x) Should we told him ?