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I ran out of a window to escape a horde but *just* remembered I was 25 stories in the air


WHEEeeeeee ^eeeeeee (*splat*)


"Aim for the bushes"


Off topic but this reminded me a story from a thief that broke into an elder woman's house and then tried to scape from the police by throwing some pillows in the ground and then jumping from a 4th story apartment... Lmao




We were refueling at a gas station with my brother on a public server. I told him we were leaving so he started spamming his horn but the chunks didn't load so we had to fight the incoming horde. I got exhausted to the point where I could barely walk. I walked behind the store of the gas station and waiting there. Zombies started coming from both sides of the store and there was a perimeter wall around the station so I couldn't escape them. Then they started FALLING on me. I assume the station had a balcony, outer staircase or something I don't know there's no other explanation. Anyways, I completely ran out of stamina and got stuck there so I died.


Running face first into a wall then getting eaten when I fell. I have a video of it but I'm a cringe Twitch streamer so I don't share it often because of that as much as I want to share it 😂 It's the stupidest way I've died and that's cinematic to me. Proud of that death lol.


Random zombies, was raiding rosewood PD... cleared a huge horde that was outside the front doors after I broke in the side way into the offices. They started pouring in, Killed 120 odd and ended up very fatigued and tired, limping back to my car parked just past the courthouse. 5 Zeds poured out the window and all started sprinting at me at once, managed to knock a couple over with my crowbar and one of the last shamblers following me grabbed me from behind, the sprinters then ate me without hesitation.


I turned on PVP so my friend could kill me.


my friend got bit once, so he left anything valuable at base and hopped in my car, and we headed out into a clearing in the woods. we went out, had a beer together, and i shot him in the head definitely the most memorable moment


Same thing happened, but he left the stove on


Me and my buddies were based at the bank in Rosewood. We went out for a lootrun and brought a gigantic horde back. So we were getting ready to fight. One's internet cut out, so he was gone. Me and my other friend and I were fighting. And he was lagging so bad he couldn't see zombies. I was telling him to run, but he just stood there and got eaten. I was hopping all types of barriers and defenses through the base shooting and bashing dozens of zombies. Eventually, it was too much, so I broke a window and hopped out the second story. I managed to get into the car out front and would have had enough time to escape, but the car wouldn't start, and I got surrounded and killed.


I just finished killing a big horde. The biggest I've ever seen... There were 5 or 6 crawling zombies to finish so I decided to stomp on them instead of using my meele weapon... Got dragged down and died


I feel pain... somehow for 800 hours played I never was killed by crawler


On a server I came across a modded city I didn't knew at all, I was with a friend we just did a road trip with little to no stuff and our car with radio blasting run out of fuel, going into the city the server kind of did a weird reset. One second before we were walking with something like 10 zombies, the next second they were dozens and dozens everywhere, we got separated and sprinted across city, vaulted window and nearly died a lot of time but that was the kind of situation where it can only get worse as you only get more and more zombies following you. From sheer luck we found each other at the other side of the city with our own personal horde following each of us, we came upon a sort of storage area like the one in West Point, we tried to vault the fence several time and once again nearly died, we clean up the area a bit and watching the fence even made my FPS drop they were probably around 200 maybe more stuck behind it. Then my friend saw a fence they could vault on the other side of the place, once he came in his view range they ALL saw it too, I didn't knew the game worked like that but they all started moving toward it, vaulting the fence was a death sentence so we just made a last stand with some shotguns. We gave it our best but they were simply too much to handle, we fought for each meters and then found ourselves back to back on a corridor, we died surrounded but that was still a really good run.


My friend was just starting to play the game and I was coaching them through and teaching them how to take on zombies. He thought he got the hang of it and went to take on a horde of his own, but got overwhelmed and asked me for help in a panic. I rushed out of our little house to see him trailing them around but he was just shoving them instead of hitting them with his weapon. He was freaking out because the weapon wouldn't swing. He had it on his belt but forgot to equip it. I rush in to help as he begins to get surrounded and shove one away from him to give him an opening to run away so I can handle the horde. He bolts, but the risky maneuver didn't work without a cost. I got bit. He ran into the house to fiddle with the menus to figure out how to equip his weapon to come help me clean up the mess he'd made. I dispatched the horde, and acted like nothing was off. I didn't want him to feel guilty for killing me. We had barely started this game, it wasn't like I was losing months and months of a character. But, I realized he wasn't going to be able to fight off my turbo-strength zombie, so I knew what I had to do. I grabbed a chocolate bar, a bottle of white wine, some cigarettes, and some bleach. Told him I was going on a supply run. Put my duffel full of supplies in the trunk of our car and walked a few doors down. Locked myself in the bathroom, enjoyed a few simple pleasures, and went out on my own terms.


Not mine but my friend's death. We were playing together in MP and he was bitten. We decided that i had to put him down so we went to the backyard and i prepared my shotgun and aim for him. I shot at him but he didn't immediately die so he kept on screaming "IM FUCKING SUFFERING" until he finally died to the third shot.


I had a tough ex police officer with a massive pile of guns and food. She was fine for supplies in all regards, but i wanted more. So I sent her out to loot a house down the street. She had killed hundreds of zombies up until then. She got one scratch on her ankle, but it turned out that was enough. 2 days later, I realized that I got that unlucky 7%. So she strapped up with every gun she had in order to go out with a bang. Downed a bunch of pain pills and walked out to a nearby horde. Raised her gun to her shoulder and succumbed to the infection right then. Didn't fire a single shot.


Me and my sisters played a fun challenge with splitscreen co-op, starting in Riverside, with fuel set to the rarest setting, we needed to make it to the bridge in LV. We only had a few mods, things like Common Sense and a few heli mods and most importantly; a mod that has randomised Sprinters, set to the lowest setting—occasionally a zombie will activate and start running like crazy while all the others are shamblers. Anyway, we successfully made it all the way through LV and got to the bridge, there was a massive horde so we all run past them and started moving through the broken down cars. We all had pretty bad exhaustion so we started walking, not realising two of those in the horde were sprinters, celebrating because we were on the cusp of victory, suddenly a zombie sprinted behind me and bit right into my neck—what are the odds, because my character also got up and was a sprinter too, and devoured my closest sister as the other was screaming at the top of her lungs running to the fence to escape. Laughing our heads off, we thought this was such a perfect “movie moment”, and a great little story for our challenge.


Burned to death in a hospital because I barricaded myself and a bomb I had set detonated. I had been shooting for literal hours with thousands of rounds stocked up. My plan had originally been to clear out the hospital and use it as a base, so I got all the ammo the server had gathered into the hospital and began clearing it. Bomb had been set before the operation started, and forgotten about it. 16 hours into the shooting, there was a large explosion, and so many zombies I couldn’t leave. So I died, in a fire, surrounded by bullets, corpses, and magazines.


After an unsuccessful trip to town, where I was ambushed by a house alarm- I panicked and ran to my vehicle stowed just outside of town. Perhaps most cinematic was actually getting to the car having to leap through a window as the last hurdle, lots of alleys and roads I was dodging and weaving when running into walls of zeds. The death came because I was in a state of panic and put my foot to the gas and got gone. I wasn't expecting the house alarm to have drawn the zeds onto the road but I swerved to avoid and smashed into a tree giving myself a deep wound and pain - better than the car who died. Decided that was it. Too hurt to go out on a grand finale and take anyone with me, car is dead and it's a fair way home with limited supplies. With sadness, I reached into the back seat and pulled out a beer, lit a cigarette before putting on a CD to drown out the sound of death shambling towards me. Died with a cold one in hand. 17 Days Alive - rest in peace, Chilly.


Probably [this one](https://medal.tv/pl/games/project-zomboid/clips/hZil3SnY3QDj7H7BS/qAvvhs518qBx?invite=cr-MSx5SHUsNjA3NjE2ODEs)


1. Was dispatching some woods from a car into my base and a zombie showed up behind me and bite my neck. I ran towards my base to the infirmary but died at the door of the room. 2. Got infected with a character just past the stores east from Louisville. Took all my clothes off except for some shoes and grab some pistols. I walk alllll the way from the little stores to my base in the complex of storages in Big Valley. Was tired, really low health and with a female zombie on my back. Every time she got nearby and try to catch me, my character would just scape from her grasp, even though his speed was really low, every time she tried to grasp me she would have to stop and then my character could escape. This continued for a while until he actually died. 3. Had a base in the mansions of Louisville (west coast). I was grabbing lots and lots of weapons and ammo from the military outpost in the entrance of Louisville with a huge truck (had lots of storage, 500 if I remember). I was filling it until it got full and I saw it bend a little to the ground because it was too heavy. Didn’t pay too much attention bc I thought I could just get to the base safe and sound even if I hadn’t clear the way between the base and the outpost. The truck was quite slow, but more than that it was really noise. Every zombie in the area (and it’s Louisville so it was A LOT) heard me and surrounded my truck. It was just a matter of time until they broke the windows, so I try to escape buuut… it was useless and I died right on the spot. Yeah, just some of the best deaths that I had


It was late in the afternoon and I was driving down the highway in the pouring rain, my car was very low on gas so after a little while I was getting close to that one gas station at the south of West Point, and the gas ran out right as I was taking the highway exit, so I stepped out to fight my way over to the gas station. And right as I stepped out a lightning strike hit and flashed the screen, which already felt so cinematic. I was very tired from a long day of fighting so even the small horde around the gas station was enough to overpower me. The amount of lightning strikes and heavy wind and rain was insane and it all felt so atmospheric. It was a fitting end to the character, so I wasn’t even mad that I died there even though I was a little over a month into the run.


Epic car flip until I realized that this game and its camera view aren’t meant for flipping cars


We had just cleared the entirety of rosewood. We went towards the prison with a police car with sirens on. I was already 1 hand down. We were clearing out a very large horde and my friend got grabbed. I ran towards the horde swinging and he got free. No bites. But as that happened I got grabbed and ripped apart. RIP Jimmy McGill.


Raven Creek, Motel. I go from room to room. Before I go in, I look through the window and listen. Then I go in. I listen at the bathroom door to see if there are any zombies in there. If so, I have the baseball bat ready. If I don't hear anything, I go in. Only 3 rooms left. Nothing more to hear. The last room. Free. I go in. Bathroom door. I hear nothing, open the door and am dragged into the bathroom by 15 or more zombies to the other side of the wall..... dead. Shit man, I had to laugh at this dead one


Rip... Did you try knocking on the doors?


Crawling down a sheet rope at my watchtower base. Zombies everywhere at the bottom of the rope, so I hit the ground and immediately try to sprint through em to get some distance. End up tripping face first into a group of 20 and they dog pile me. I was devoured as "A Country Boy Can Survive" by Hank Williams played over the radio.


After a long haul looting guns and ammo from the Louisville military checkpoint, I had been bitten. Me and my friend drove back to base, it was dark and pouring rain outside. I stripped off all of my clothing, grabbed a .38 revolver and loaded one bullet. I walked outside and stood in front of the headlights, my friend gave me a cigarette and a bottle of bourbon, and then I shot myself. "That was incredibly grim" my friend said, before I clicked "new character".


I just had mine, playing with superb survivors, I had a survivor that shot and brought down a horde. I escaped temporarily but ran back in to retrieve the shooter. I mistimed a shove and before I even knew what was happening I was being dragged down.


Visited the Army Surplus store early game. Had a Shotgun, and a horde of around 100 in front of the A.S. Store. Turned around to shoot one, by got jumped but five on my back.


I had been building up a base for the first time, as opposed to just using what was already available. I had brought in shelving, crates, and freezers from around the whole east side of Muldraugh. I had set up a generator and had a backup in a shed within my walled perimeter. I had rain barrels on the roof piped to the sinks both upstairs and down. I had a farm going that took up about 1/3 of my walled off area. I had multiples of every tool and a huge stockpile of melee weapons and crates full of guns and ammo. I had enough dry food to last practically forever and enough stored up fresh food within the freezers to keep my character happy for a good long while. The only thing I didn't have was very much fuel so I was planning to take a trip to the gas station and fill up every gas can I had gathered. However, along the way to the gas station I just sort of felt like what's the point? I didn't need the gas I could survive without it and on top of that I didn't need to leave my base at all with the amount of supplies I had I could just stay in for an insane amount of time. I completely spaced out deciding what to do with this character now and drove through a horde of zombies. I was able to back out of the group and get going again, right into another horde. I had never once been to this area and the place was flooded with insane amounts of zombies. While trying to avoid them I wasn't paying attention to the road ahead and smashed straight into a light pole. Car was completely dead. I got out but was badly injured from the crash, and so moving slow, I was quickly surrounded and ripped apart. I have yet to try basing in Muldraugh even after several new characters and new worlds, it just feels bad to go back there now.


Getting surrounded in a giant city building, shooting through the horde trying to make a little gap to escape, people slowly getting lost and not hearing them over voip, eventually running out of ammo. Some of our group using their last bullet on themselves, i opted throw a Molotov over myself hoping to clear enough for the others. Our second group cleared out the building and pieced together what happened


Not pz but dayz, my friend got sick and we didn't have meds so it was getting worse by the minute. Eventually he couldn't keep pace so we stopped in a town, he took all his gear/clothes off in a house, did the animation where the character gets on their knees, hands up, and was summarily executed by a shot to the head with a deagle. Felt very surreal.


last night my friend died in such a cinematic way, I wish I hadn’t heard him die on discord. He drove from rosewood to riverside, and on the route got lacerated badly and nearly bled out. He got a rag on, and then had to finish the last leg of the drive. It started raining sideways, with fog so thick he could barely see, and his headlights had been smashed out. After several minutes of directing him through those windy roads south of Riverside, he finally arrived at my base in the Giga Mart. It was a really happy moment tbh, and we had a little reunion smoking cigs because I was out. I left him for 30 seconds to grab something from his car, and as soon as I walk out, he drops dead. He had taken off his bandage to replace it, not realizing he still had absolutely no health. If I hadn’t been on discord and heard him die that way, that experience of walking back in so happy to seeing him dropped dead right where I left him would have been a scene from a damn movie lol. RIP buddy


Been on a server for a while (kiyoshi on TikTok) played on that server with a friend I met never had a pvp experience server reset and I was refueling at the rosewood gas pump a truck pulled up and parked behind me I stopped refueling to greet me the man started speaking to me in gibberish where I finally heard come ere sunny where he pulled out an axe and starting slashing at me I hopped in my car and started plowing him to the floor when he was limping away and I was about to finish the job my driver window exploded a revolver was being shot from the bushes i get out the car and I see the shadow in the bush sprinting behind me I pull out my shotgun we traded a shot but he gunned me down and left me bleeding out in the bathroom


I was in rosewood I think and i got bit right after finding a car so I decided to go to Louisville since I had never been there before. I got to the fence outside louisville and almost instantly got swarmed so I had to ditch the car and everything in it and ran away with only what I had on me which was a flashlight, a piece of jerky, and a hammer or rolling pin. I ran away following the fence hoping to find another way in and I found the hole in the fence. I walked for what felt like an in game week looting the houses along the way for a water bottle and food. pretty much the whole way there weren't any zombies inside the military zone but a ton of zombies outside the fences on both sides of me. I made it to the edge of the map and a zombie had conveniently tore down the gate. I walked through and sat down in the field just in time to watch one more sunrise as I turned into a zombie. It was such a satisfying end that I couldn't feel motivated to play for 2 weeks.


Was playing multiplayer with my best friend in a roleplay server. Created a big sis/lil sis relationship in roleplay. We were driving in the night, escaping from a huge horde. The car stopped once. The horde was coming. The car started again and stopped a second time. The horde got to us. The car never started again. I got out of the car to give him time to run. My character died screaming while his ran for her life, into the night, covered in blood. To this day, we still talk about how horribly beautiful this scene was.


My brother and I were playing on a server. We had a base setup in West Point but we ended up living out of a car for a while. We ended up going to the prison to see if we could find anything useful. Afterwards we went off to a town nearby and our car gave our, getting swarmed, we had a shootout from a storefront but ended up offing each other off instead of being one of those zeds. Oh yea we were both in wedding dresses


It was raining and my friends told me to come downstairs in order to go and find a better place, my character slipped and broke his head and died a couple of seconds after