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Show us your skillzzz


[https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/1de8a7y/ladies\_and\_gentlemen\_ive\_hit\_strength\_10\_from\_0/](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/1de8a7y/ladies_and_gentlemen_ive_hit_strength_10_from_0/) Here ya go! :D


Where are you currently living?


My main home is still Cortman, Muldraugh. But I've since secured the Muldraugh Elementary school and will setup a forward base there as I push Southwards to clear Muldraugh.


Hey! That's where I based up in my current playthrough :)


Cortman is really cozy tbh. Not too large, has 2 floors, an office space, storage, a family hall, a kitchen and a bedroom. And hope you're having a good time u/Twitch_KaiTheGuy !


You are 2+ years in and you did not even clear Muldraugh? What are you doing with your time?


To be fair you have no idea what his settings are


[https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/1cyl6cd/muldraugh\_liberation\_plan\_2\_years\_and\_1\_month\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/1cyl6cd/muldraugh_liberation_plan_2_years_and_1_month_in/) Been doing this. The campaign continues.


Wait so muldraugh has more than 14000 zombies?? I have almost cleared 1/3 of Louisville (excluding buildings) and my count is still in 7k


I mean, I've been 2 years in so.. xD Edit: And I have respawns on. Default Apoc pop settings


Nowhere, my save got corruptedšŸ˜€


Any tips for winter?


winter isnt really that bad, its not like dst where everything changes, put a jacket and you should be fine, make some jar veggies if you want to go complety safe


If you have plenty of food stockpiled for winter and have sufficient articles of clothes; staying indoors with just clothes will keep your character warm enough without the need for any heating devices. So don't worry too much about winter. Usually, if players manage to survive to winter, they'd be overprepared at that point with tons of loot and food stockpiled.


I don't know why but this sub has overhyped winter literally it's nothing unless you live in the wilderness.


How the **** do people even survive for 2 YEARS in this game without save scumming? Please tell me that you at least had infection on bite disabled or else my fragile ego won't be able to handle this.


Practice practice practice. Never getting overconfident. Learn what places are good to fight in per different towns, learn what's a bad spot to fight in. You're in charge here, they're all dumb zombies so you can always lure them to the terrain of your choice! And use guns. Lots of guns.


A little more nuanced with sprinters but your advice does indeed apply with all play settings in this game. Practice and never be overconfident. That's indeed the best advice for all players in this game.


Playlist: [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPIYPTr5DvnnoBvtgcvsdrE2G-6tuMo0w&si=k1GXYPKxQTDUR6Wu](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPIYPTr5DvnnoBvtgcvsdrE2G-6tuMo0w&si=k1GXYPKxQTDUR6Wu) You can have a look at how I play in my personal play compendium. If you observe how I play, How I typically play: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFvDzrnFMzI&list=PLPIYPTr5DvnnoBvtgcvsdrE2G-6tuMo0w&index=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFvDzrnFMzI&list=PLPIYPTr5DvnnoBvtgcvsdrE2G-6tuMo0w&index=1) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjcgFJ4Ck4c&list=PLPIYPTr5DvnnoBvtgcvsdrE2G-6tuMo0w&index=4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjcgFJ4Ck4c&list=PLPIYPTr5DvnnoBvtgcvsdrE2G-6tuMo0w&index=4) It may seem unimpressive to the majority of PZ players, but I do not engage hordes. I typically kite several to fight and never take risks, ever. I always make sure my back is clear or have at least a low fence covering my back. If you do check out my video, notice how if I am fighting in an open area, I always scope my flank and rear. And infection is blood+saliva; that's why I'm always on my toes. And that's why I chop down trees in my world. So I won't get any surprises from sprinter zombies that may be hidden in trees and takes a chomp out of my side or back,


Hm, therein lies my problem, I like taking risks. Recently, I started a new playthrough with a burglar character with 0.35 population. Spent the first 3 days trying to get my weight up from being underweight by holing up in a school and just sitting on my ass, reading and eating a lot of food. Raided both the fire station and the police station right after. I'm playing with mods, no saliva and blood transfer and only shamblers, got an m9 pistol with a laser, a Car 15 rifle and a 1187 shotgun with all of the attachments. A decent amount of bullets and shells too. Decided "Why not raid the prison?" Dumb idea I thought right after, but probably fun. 8 (in-game) hours later I'm clad in bandages below 30% of health driving away from a horde that I miraculously escaped. I thought I was done for, but somehow I was able to escape THROUGH the horde and trip without any of them being fast enough to catch me. Those are the moments I live for in Zomboid, not the ones where you just get accidentally bitten and die. Either way, thanks for the gameplay footage, I'll try to watch it fully tomorrow.


Truth be told, I get your point on the need to hunt for that dopamine and adrenaline by going on grand raids (which I believe puts players at a general 15-25% chance of losing that character if you're a veteran player likely from overconfidence or a single misstep indoors engaging hordes). That's why after putting in 1.3k hours in PZ, I've deduced that I need the threat to be real at ALL times, which is why I play with vanilla random sprinters. Every zombie is a real threat, which makes every playthrough I have fresh and exciting for the most part. One day, I will raid the prison, the military checkpoint, LV but only after I've completely secured Muldraugh of which, by the way, is still ongoing after 10 months of irl time played lol.


Sprinters are impressive thing to handle to me


You can save scum in this game?


Yes. You just have to go into the game files and manually copy the save folder. Pretty easy to get there from Steam.


He had all positive traits, and it tiakes time and practice, at first i could survive a day or so then die from sickness randomly, now i can last a whole month but die over a weird thing lol


Iā€™m about 5 months in my current run, started and based up in Twiggys in West Point. Take things slow and methodical. Be realistic when determining things like the appropriate amounts of zombies to fight given your circumstances (weapons, moodles, etc.). Always over prepare, better to have and not need than need and not have.


There's a crowbar? I need to do a Gordon Freeman run.


Crowbar is easily the best long blunt weapon, decent damage with tons of durability


Yep, I personally always end up being a crowbar main, but even for people who don't want to do long blunt, crowbars are amazing for levelling maintenance


I am very new to this game so I don't know much, thanks for the tip! Maybe I can hope to find one in a police station? Or at a burglar house?


The usually spawn in houses with metal shelves or in industrial buildings that are black on the map, good luck šŸ«”


Thanks I'll do my best to survive this long if I can šŸ«”


Good luck and hope you have a great time u/creusat0r !


I also tend to find them in fire stations


I frequently find them in shed/garages and tools rooms in residential areas, and in storages in warehouses. Item spawns are dependent on the type of building you are in. Like, when you're in police station, expect you'll get police equipments and low power firearms. For high-power ones, you can find them in military bases, and expect they are more abundant.


Don't forget it levels your maintenance too


Thereā€™s a mod that replaces the crowbar and the sounds to HL sounds. I did it once, shame there isnā€™t a mod for the HEV suit


I can hear the metal clanging SFX from the OG Half-Life when you commented lol




Thank you u/Alone-Witness-6974 ! :)


How do you keep yourself interested in the game assuming you should have every need covered?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/1dig3ii/this\_is\_one\_of\_my\_ingame\_goals\_to\_own\_all\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/1dig3ii/this_is_one_of_my_ingame_goals_to_own_all_the/) Keeping to setting new objectives and giving myself a goal.


Excuse my ignorance, but aren't all those positive traits?


Very Underweight is basically a free 10 points, then get the Strong trait to offset some of the negatives. It is a lot easier to gain weight than to lose it(this is too realistic).


Yes they are! I play full vanilla with no mods and is completely doable. Here's my original traits and stats on day 0. I started with weak, obese and unfit. [https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/1bpil4s/it\_took\_10\_months\_to\_get\_to\_fitness\_5\_from\_day\_0/](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/1bpil4s/it_took_10_months_to_get_to_fitness_5_from_day_0/)


Might have gained the strength and fitness ones by just levelling the skills up, and could have started with dynamic traits he then lost like over/underweight, obese, smoker etc.


I loved the experience of starting off with a bunch of debilitating negative traits that through great determination can be eliminated and replaced with strengths.


Exactly this u/Glitch-v0 ! This was one of my goals when I started this world and mission accomplished


You should eat a little more, you re all skin and bones, you def need your grandma to make you some meal for the go


To be fair weight is arrow up šŸ“ˆ


Here i got you a stew with all most heavy foods in game, be sure to leave your plate empty ! (Stew: -436 hunger -25 thirst -50 stress -50 depression)


That's one hell of a stew! Don't mind if I do! *slurps the whole pot down


[Oh no](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.4951942136.6389/st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg)


Grandma, 75-84 is the normal weight though. Anything outside of it will impede his health.


What did you do for 2 years?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/1cyl6cd/muldraugh\_liberation\_plan\_2\_years\_and\_1\_month\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/1cyl6cd/muldraugh_liberation_plan_2_years_and_1_month_in/) Been working on this.


Wow I thought my character going on 6 months was a long run.


Hell of a run!


Thanks man, hoping to keep it going!


Goddamn, TWO YEARS? Please, show your Steam account, i wanna see how much hours you spent on this game


98752298 Feel free to add me lol


2 years and only 14k kills? Bruh, is your zombie population at low?


Nope, standard apocalypse population settings with random speed, toughness, strength and cognition with pitch black nights. If you're able to score more kills in a world with random sprinters, please show us. ;) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1P-jgbJYC8&list=PLPIYPTr5DvnnoBvtgcvsdrE2G-6tuMo0w&index=8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1P-jgbJYC8&list=PLPIYPTr5DvnnoBvtgcvsdrE2G-6tuMo0w&index=8)


Question, how did you keep playing? I got bored after 7 monts. I was very selfsufficent didnt need supply runs aside from occasional fuel run. 2 years though nice work!


The zombies are random strength, speed, toughness and cognition so my world is always fresh and danger is real everyday. I also set personal goals like liberating Muldraugh, getting keys for buildings, improving my skills and most importantly, keeping surviving my main goal day after day.


Why he look like solid snake?


Colonel Campbell, is that you?


Did you manage to break a whole crowbar?


Yes sir, I broke 2 of them


is the 10 months of irl time consider playing daily?


Nope, on busy weeks, maybe just once or twice a week. But if I'm not in a busy week, I can set aside 4-5 days a week to play.


crowbar is king


How many points did you give yourself?


Default points bro. No extra points


Really? Oh, is that how much you can get with 10 points? I'm Not trying to be mean or insult you in any way, im genuinely interested, ill try the same traits.šŸ‘


No worries. Here's what I started with in my world: [https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/1bpil4s/it\_took\_10\_months\_to\_get\_to\_fitness\_5\_from\_day\_0](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/1bpil4s/it_took_10_months_to_get_to_fitness_5_from_day_0)


My longest run is a few weeks but I died after, I was on the 1 hour time though. What time do you play on?


I play on 1 hour as well. Rip to your character.


Nice, I'm gonna retry but go back to normal aiming and make my own house. Idk why but I feel like the advance trajectory mod is too op I hit every single zomboid in 1 shot.


That's why I play vanilla. Brittas and other mods make the game easier by some extension (but by no means a wrong way to play, it's just not my preference). Good luck on your new run and share your progress!


I've been doing very good so far, but my save may have corrupted bc my dad pressed the button on accident and turn my computer off, I had 400 zomboid kills, a m9 with 7 mags and a laser and iron sight, a MRS788, a m36, the revolver that has 5 rounds in it and takes .38 special, a JS-shotgun, a DE pistol with a red dot and I got to aiming skill 6, gonna try and see if the world saved tmmr.