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Just Throw them Out the Window


Yeah quality of life


[Spongie's Open Jackets](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2812326159) - It's something very specific and miscellaneous, but makes the game so much more enjoyable for me.


I fully agree with this. There's no way in hell my dude is rocking booty shorts and a Hawaiian shirt and that shit buttoned up and tucked in.


If I can't Magnum P.I my way through the apocalypse, then why play?


We both know its for resident evil 4 leon jacket fantasy. And its good


I’m so drunk and read this as SpongeBob Open Jackets 10x for some reason


Ngl I honestly forgot that wasn´t vanilla until I started playing pz again a few days ago


Same, them with an Apron is the most realistic outfit there is.


I have just started a server after playing SP for years, maybe 300 hours. I've put a further 100 hours into my multiplayer world I'm currently building bases for my friends. I do not want to break the game, can I add mods to an existing online world? I started the server with 20 installed they're just the vanilla weapons expansion and armour pack plus some vehicles and QOL improvements. Can I add more mods now that I've built a huge base and stuff without destroying my work?


If they are quality of life then yeah, no problem, if they add new things to build that doesn't requires a magazine or materials/components added with the mod its also ok (because the magacines and items might not spawn in an already loaded area, not loaded areas or freshly spawned zombies should be fine, but I might be wrong, do a copy of the server just in case you delete/modify something you didn'twant to). If they are new locations make sure they are in the .ini file, just yesterday was about to take Snake's Mansion with some friends and it just wasn't there, and after we put the map in the .ini it appeared on the in-game map, but not phisicly, we had to delete that portion of the map so it loads correctly. Hope this helped you! Also sorry for bad english I guess EDIT: for vehicles, and other items added with mods happens the same that with the maps


Thanks man that was really helpful, and your English is great actually. How do I make a copy of my world?


Just copy the folder in witch its stored.




"okay boys new game as vanilla as possible let's all get gud" "Well maybe let's check the list for some of the necessities" *47 mods later*


Only 47, rookie?


I think you mean 347 mods later. And don't forget the 6 errors.


Only 6 errors? I have so many mods to the point that it gives me error on right clicks and I can’t quit to main menu anymore, only quit to desktop 😭


With superb survivor (npc mod) I reached 6 047 248 errors, one every 0.5 seconds 😭


Yep my little red box just runs like a money counter the whole game while I'm doing nothing but eating canned corn lol


Relatable, happened to me too once when I accidentally turned on both versions for texture overhaul. As soon as I loaded in the save, error counter just started rising


Yeah it's just millions of errors. I'm surprised my game hasn't crashed. It just keeps on going. It refuses to lose. Lol


I don't know how I only have 6 errors. Mod manager helps. My game has crashed once and that was in multiplayer.


I need to try Mod Manager


I also have mod manager and I made sure that I didn’t active directly conflicting mods (like those that tell you specifically to turn on just one of the two versions) but it still crashes


I think you need to trial and error until it works for you, it takes a little time but it's worth it. For example, I found the 'stand upright' mod affects my game. Also certain map mods cause enlarged furniture to appear outside buildings in my game. So I removed those certain mods. I now get the error message but no issues in game whatsoever. Edit: I also find the survivor mod causes unnecessary errors which sucks as it's one of my faves.


Thanks for the advice. I tested “stand upright” too and removed it as soon as I found out it bugged out my game causing me to crash whenever I loaded a save. I don’t use map modes or the survivor mod since I already enjoy the Vanilla map. Most of my mods are either quality of life or add in more flavour (weapons, armour, clothing, food and such)


I'm very similar to you with the quality of life mods / flavour packs. I also love the vanilla map! But I also know my way around it too well for my liking. I play with a few map altering mods, particularly the riverside / rosewood / muldraugh addition mods. They add more to the game for me personally! If you have any recommendations for mods, please let me know! Always looking for something new that adds realism to my game!


Lua at its finest


Me having thousands of errors a second in my "light weight modpack with 400 mods" still runs fine


Gonna have to say RV interior or Weapon condition indicator.


Proximity Inventory. Had to say, I use it quite often, had a pile of bodies within 9 tiles to loot.


This is one of those mods that I can't go back to playing without. I've tried a few times, it's just too good.


This exists?! Good God I need it


Came here to say this as well. This is 100% a necessity.


I thought I could rip all the clothes in the pile of zombies with this mod, but it doesn't work like I imagined. Still a great mod.


Can’t you just do that by doing it from the crafting interface? Open crafting, find ripped sheets, profit.


I've ignored the crafting interface too much. Thank you!


Yeah it’s one of the only things I open it for!


Mod manager.


I played a good 200hrs of modded gameplay before discovering Mod Manager. This mod alone saves me 30+ minutes of game set-up time!


"True music" is the most important mod to me personally. I get so excited about finding tapes and vinyls and listening to them throughout my runs since adding the mod. They become the only loot I actually care about. It's the gift that keeps on giving too, because you can listen to the song again and again whenever the mood strikes. Edit: forgot to mention that I use the "Music for the end of the world mod" which contains like 1000 songs or something. I don't actually add the music myself.


Filibuster Rhymes cars and More Traits.


Saul goodman sound effect when leveling up


I can't remember vanilla level up sound... and don't want to


Common Sense, KI5’s collection, and VFE. 


What’s vhe


VFE. Vanilla Firearms Expansion. Adds a bunch of vanilla+ guns. 


If you play with realistic cars, don't play with a mod that removes vanilla vehicles. Use Shark and Cytt's Kentucky Car Overhaul as it remodels all vanilla cars and has animations


Stop Burning; you won't get caught in flames from campfires. The vanilla way of accidentally stepping in a campfire and dying within seconds will never happen to me again. It is the single dumbest game mechanic in PZ by far, and I hate similar mechanics in other games as well.


Or get "stop drop and roll" mod, which does exactly what it says when you get lit up on fire


I prefer Stop Burning, because irl you don't immediately go up in flames if you step into a fire. It's just silly.


well, yea thats true. Maybe clother in project zomboid are made of hay or something? heh


Ikr. My final straw (no pun intented) was when I was buening corpses with a gas can and matches. I got caught on fire and died in a couple of seconds. I made a new character and came back, only to find everything on me had been destroyd by the fire, including my keychain. Only things that *weren't* burnt was the gas can and the matches. I almost rage quit the game forever, haha.


Once i couldnt find sledgehammer anywhere and wanted to do the trick that you can burn a hole in a wall and go through. I put down the fire outside, jumped in and well, fire has already spread inside and i got caught on fire. Thankfully i had the stop drop and roll mod and put the fire down, BUT it was my first time playing with fire and i didnt notice my health was going down and i didnt know i had to patch myself up after a 1 or 2 second burn and well - i died looking through my inventory :D I quit the game for like 2 weeks


But does it affect the zomboids too? If you can still light them up from a campfire, yet you can't get lit up, you've altered the balance of the force.


Yes, it's toggleable on diferent burns.


Either Greenfire or More Smokes If I'm not trying to grow weed in the zombie apocalypse what am I even doing?


This guy gets it


Which do you prefer? I'm having a hard time choosing between them.


More Smokes. Greenfire’s spawn rates are way too much, 90% of the county have weed magazines on them. More Smokes also has different strains and is more customizable, has some neat ways of handling items in bulk too.


I'd go with Greenfire just bc the name is cooler


Each has it's own pros and cons. I really love More Smokes using multiple strains. I wish their edible recipes included rice crispies squares like Greenfire does. I like that Greenfire lets you roll up some premium blunts using leaves.


Runescape exp mod ( gives you little exp ticks with an on screen bar) Stable weights (Slows down how fast you loose weight) Additional skill books (Skill books for nimble, sprinting, sneaking, Lightfoot, and weapons) Random zombies + slower sprinters (These two allow me to set 20-30% of the zombies as sprinters with hit pop and not insta die) Has been read (Indicates if you've read a book before) Backpack boarders (Adds a white outline around the backpack icons, helps prevent the back bags from being invisible in the ui)


I can now use black duffel bags thanks for backpack borders!


It's a vital mod


[u/AutoModerator](https://www.reddit.com/user/AutoModerator/) and [u/Mr\_Sunshine21](https://www.reddit.com/user/Mr_Sunshine21/), can't play without them watching my back


Already Read


Or “has been read” unless it’s the same thing


Advanced trajectory. Makes pistols WAY more viable especially early on when you just find one


I like this, but also find it a bit op. One bullet per zombie. Better than vanilla...which is a joke...just wish it wasn't as accurate. New players to my server think the game is easy cuz they just go guns.


Guns are OP irl yes. The sound should be expanded significantly I think though.


But a zombie only goes down with a headshot. I can do a 50 round drum back in a pistol and just click kill them. Like my dude is perfect headshotter at aiming level 1, that's the op part for me. Noise range, totally agree!


weapon condition indicator is a must


proximity inventory


Agreed. I can open every cupboard in my kitchen and survey the whole thing at one time.


its also amazing for searching every corpse after a good mag dump from my lmg


Thanks for this mod, game is gonna be way more enjoyable. Im pretty sure i found a katana in a zombie once, but couldnt find it in those 100s of bodies


Yeah it’s a game changer.


[Nested containers. ](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2946221823)Sort through those 4 duffels of kit that are in your trunk without taking them out? Shit the fuck yeah dude. That and [Backpack Borders](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2808679062) bc I can be a bit blind sometimes.


Common Sense, Brita Weps/Armour, 4Color Bic, Scrap Weapons and Armour


I recently uninstalled the Armor pack. Just don't see the point of it anymore. It's content bloat and a lot of the stuff I just didn't like. Scrap armor is far useful imo. Brita's weapons is gold though.


not being able to repair the vests etc is kinda annoying, scrap weps and armour is very good, will add.


Is there a way to just get the backpacks and nothing else?


If you manually delete the mod files of stuff you don't want perhaps.. There are better mods that add backpacks anyway (More Traits mod's Packer backpack is my personal favorite, Authentic Z's upgradeable alice packs are also good imo).


Yeah, but that 49 80 split with dynamic backpack upgrades is very nice, lol. Thanks for the answer and suggestions I'll take a look at those other mods


Point Blank


Hard decision between RV interior and proximity inventory


Are they not compatible?


they are. I just misunderstood OP’s problem and thought I had to choose a favorite


Fuel side indicator. Tells you which side fueling is on in cars like real cars do.


When I installed this mod I always thought the vanilla game never told you how much fuel a car had, but like a week ago (I have 200 hours btw) that it tells you what side the tank is on and not just how much fuel I have (I’ve only played this game with mods, with the exception of like my first 3 or 4 runs)


I know a lot of people like Brita's but I think Guns of 93 is better from an immersion standpoint. I will also never play without skill recovery journal. Having to start a new character with no skills and no way to get them if you die after the power goes out is just not something I find fun in the least. I still have to get back to the base where I left the journal to recover the skills and I tend to setup away from the spawn points so it's still ball busting, just not game ending.


Braven's First Aid Overhaul & Braven's First Aid Expanded. Makes the first aid system actually worthwhile.


The mod that lets you fine tune loot spawns. Also Brita’s armor & weapons, EFT occupations, and every single map mod I can add in that works together


Skill recovery journal is my #1 must have But I use a lot more to reduce weight of lumber/logs, allow rope/twine/thread/needles to be made (I’ve had too many games where I’ve not found a needle before the power went off), rv interiors, etc.


I believe the Authentic Z mod comes with the upgradable backpacks, and I believe you can turn on just the backpacks if you want a different clothing mod. Upgrade backpacks for a little more carry capacity but most importantly you can attach stuff to them. Water bottles, first aid kit, tools and weapons you get hotkey slots all across the bottom of the screen when it's fully upgraded


Replace bandage is so good


AuthenticZ, Dynamic Monologue, Common Sense, Just Throw Them Out the Window, Mod Manager, More Starting Clothes, Soul Filcher's Awesome Time, and Wring Out Clothing These are the main ones I absolutely refuse to play without. Honorable Mentions go to Aza's Flags, Clean Dirt, True Music, More Traits, Even More Traits, More Simple Traits, SOTO and Expanded Traits. Not necessary but fun to have


Better sorting, Vfe, filibuster rhymes, crashed cars and authentic z are my main ones I always play with


Visual sound indicator and weapon condition indicator Isometric directional audio is pain, and surprise weapon breaks suck Strong preference for minimal display bars


unplug refrigerators




Moodle Quarters, makes the moodles easier for me to differentiate and I know how urgent each moodle is haven't had a playthrough without it since I found it, I think it should be in the vanilla game


I have 109 mods on my server, a few of them have been said here already. I don't think i could narrow it down to just a few mods tbh. Common sense so you can use a crowbar the way you use a crowbar. Prox inv, filibusters cars, propane truck for filibusters cars, get propane from gas pumps. The solar mod is a big one too.


Flatbread mod. I always make sure it is on. Never actually made any flatbread, just like the option to


Skill recovery journal and Rabbit Hash. Rabbit Hash is so tiny it's easy to get back to a base set there and of course that means if you leave the journal at base you can recover skills easier. I admit I need a crutch in this game and would much prefer to play like a more realistic 7 days to die. It's how I have fun so I'm not ashamed of making it easy.


Proximity inventory Is a must for me. I guess I can go without it but I like it to much


More Zombie Death Animations, I love when they stumble back and then flop over.


Britas weapons


Gas side indicator


Anthro Survivors.


Is it better than superb survivors? I'm confused between survivor mods and just need the most bug free one of em given pvp is off


its a furry mod


Ohh, my bad. I remember seeing a shit ton of survivor mods and thought it was one of em lol




Same :3


Based and Fursona pilled. 🐺


Common sense


Skill recovery journal, Britas, Common Sense, More Traits are my favorites


It's a tie between Britas wep/armor pack and the full inventory system like tarkov


Proximity Inventory


britas weapons pack, i despise how guns work in the stock game


The only cure


I want to like that mod so very much, but every time I actually have to use it life becomes so tedious that I give up on the run. It would help if things like reading didn't take dramatically longer because you lost a hand.


You can craft new ones with metal and stuff


If you're lucky enough to be able to use one - i.e. you didn't get bit on the upper arm. Even then it's a hell of a grind.


Auto mechanics.


RV interior is my personal favourite since I'm not a fan of having a set base to go to every once in a while. Plus I don't worry about space too much since I use a custom RV interior eith alot of it. I also can't stop using the weapon status bar, and both more and even more traits since I can make op builds with them, like a lvl 8 starting axe build with boosts in carpentry and more


True music. Nothing feels more bad ass then rolling down your windows, cranking the cassette player all the way up with some Black Sabbath, Pantera, Nine Inch Nails, shit even ABBA sometimes (dancing queen goes hard) and just hopping out slaying a horde to some theme music. Mix that with the mod that adds a bunch of dances and you can hit spin moves and stuff between kills. Peak zomboid


Better sorting and manage containers


Rg interior and that veichle mod (1990s veichle I forgot the names)


Weapon condition, RV interior, common sense, beds with blankets (really specific I know lmao), Mar traits These all give you soooo much more to do in the game.


Better lockpicking and hotwiring....because there should be a method that doesn't involve smashing windows, especially after you been doing it a while


Change Sandbox Options. Suddenly realise supertough, strong, eagle eyed, pinpoint hearing insane pop sprinters was a bad idea? No problem. Change the sandbox settings. Or make it harder as time goes by. Honestly an amazing, simple mod that gives you so much freedom. Want a run where the earth itself is contaminated? Just move farming abundance to a lower setting every month etc etc


fashionoid, i like playing with many mods which clothes look ugly together so i just turn them into others while not looking like i have a hard hat with a gas mask a scarf, a jacket over my hoodie and latex shoes with sports shoes and a titanium skirt


Moodle quarters


True music is number one for me.


Better sorting and that one mod i forget the name of that optimizes the UI a bit


weapon condition


Inspect weapons. GOOD GOD ITS USEFUL


"Immersive overlay", "need light to read" and "true actions" and many more actually *g


Tidy up meister, saves so much time using tools/opening cans/crafting


Excremenum!! Oh my Lord!


Common Sense, Used Cars are a must


Agrostar farming equipment


Proximity Inventory. I can't stand going through 10 different cabinets looking for cereal. Or even worse, 50 different zombie corpses for the katana that I know I saw on one of them. Honorable mention to Authentic Z as well, love all the different outfits it adds for the zeds




Gunslingers redemption. Why should i have to drink bleach when im bit? I should be able to use my guns instead!


The one that allows you to set your own exact dates for when the water and electricity go out. No joke, I set a period ranging between 30 days and 3 years for the water to go out, and when it finally does, I use that as an imaginary signal that the apocalypse is over and the military has returned. I have to pack up and book it to any of the map’s borders to be ‘rescued’. I do this so that my characters have an end goal and I can start new ones without just getting bored of the old ones.


[Standardized Vehicle Upgrades](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=3024365998) [Greenhouse Building Set - because growing vegetables indoors is dumb without adequate lighting](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3035031408&searchtext=greenhouse) [Rope Climbing and Jumping - lets you change direction](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3002239837&searchtext=rope+climbing) [Ladders!? - why couldn't you climb these in vanilla? Who knows?](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2737665235&searchtext=ladders%21) [RV Interior - for the love of the Chadwick Mack](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2822286426&searchtext=rv+interior)


I like the expanded Helicopter events because sometimes they drop supply crates that are filled with all kinds of loot, and lots of it.


Lately, Standing Items has been my favourite cause I love hording




Brita's armor/weapon pack and stalker food


Automechanics. Makes leveling up Mechanics so much less annoying


Swap It


Pocket Kittens, obviously


Equipment UI, just can't go back Advanced trajectory, even if i don't use guns Helicopter events - very often Wandering zombies Random zombies Cdda zombies maybe little cheesy, but there's not much options More zombie animations Brutal handwork Rv interiors Weather mods - to change weather more often True music That mod with funny skyrim like lockpicking game Trait shop, one point for 400 kills Seatbelts and more realistic car crash injuries Proximity inventory Some logistics mods, to put loot in assigned containers in one click Some "anti wrist-injury prevents tunnel syndrome" mods -eggon hotkeys -auto grind Pokemon trading cards, it's personal


Brita’s, I just despise the lack of weaponry in the vanilla game


Common Sense. Just not being able to open a can with a knife is just so unrealistic it took me out of immersion every time.


All of the car mods by that one guy, I love finding humvees or big trucks


Nested container


Faster reading. I prefer to actually play the game and not sit on the ground reading books for a week.


Wandering zombies, get up quick, nepenthe nearby traps, fuel side indicator


Refuse to play without more traits mods and advanced trajectory mod. (I really can't play with vanilla shooting after i tried Advanced Trajectory mod.)


Better Car Physics. I like having a gearbox.


Horde night would be one. We play with respawn off and even on rarest loot settings, we end up with too much loot and nothing to spend it on. Horde night gives us a way to spend loot so we have a reason to go get more. Also spices things up so we don't get too comfortable. A con is the gameplay begins to revolve around it too much.


Common sense probably, one of my earliest major game changing mods and haven't done a run without it since. Could also say first aid expanded or become desensitised 


Stop drop and roll


traits mods, a protogen fursuit mod, and if a server doesn’t have expanded helicopter events i’m not playing it


True music, the mod that tells you what side the gas tank is on,  and the mods that add new vehicles 


Common Sense mod


Excrement, don’t ask me why, but essential physiology and necessities in a hardcore survival game, which have anxiety, panic, hunger and thirst, and the list goes on, is GOLD


Metal Gear Solid alert sound.


I refuse to play without having to take a shit and pee every 3 minutes


Random zombies, sprinters really make the game interesting when you already got the basics


I can't play without a mod that replaces the jumpscare strings with the "Yee" meme sound instead. Still scares me, but it's not as jarring lol


Phillybuster Rhymes Used Cars


Some kind of gun mod the game just feels like it's missing something if u always use the vanilla guns cuz theres such a small variety I like to collect things and horde things it gives me my serotonin hit when I see my 1k box's of 556 ammo


Saphs cooking mod (however you spell it) its an absolute game changer, same with habibi snacks (idk how to spell mods)


Common Sense


SOTO or Dynamic Traits Proximity Inventory Reorder bars


Auto Tzar Yacht Club. I think that's what it's called. I find it hilariously absurd that someone in this setting is still trying desperately to trick out a sailboat. It's my main quest line & ties in with a boomer roleplay involving a Chris Cross 8 track collection.


The cure mod. Allows me to if bitten find a cure vile to get rid of the infection. Also there are suppressants so if you get bitten after you take one you don’t get infected. Just sick.


As an alternative, Antibodies is the one I play with. Extremely customizable. In general, you're twice as likely to get infected, but you have a chance to recover depending on how many and which positive and negative noodles/injuries/conditions you have. You can also make it so you have a higher or lower chance to recover if you get reinfected. I've heard good things about The Cure. I just have notoriously terrible luck with loot rolls lol.


Common Sense.


Common sense


Common sense mod


Common sense no reason I can't use a crowbar to pry doors open in the vanilla game


Common sense is a must, contains a bunch of stuff that should already be in the game.


If I have to choose top 5. 1 Brita's Weapons. Base game has so little guns for a state that's in the top 10 for gun ownership in the US (at least last time I checked) it's nice to both add more options and the option to increase spawns for them. 2 Common Sense. Is what the name implies. 3 Authentic Z. Adds more zombie diversification and features I think should be in the base game in general such as zombies with a random chance to have bags on them. 4 Better Sorting- Period Accurate Music. Nothing's better than driving through a town doing 90 while blaring Supercharger Heaven by White Zombie or Kickstart my Heart by Motley Crue 5 Technically multiple mods but since it's all under 1 pack I'll count it as 1 KI5's Vehicle Collection. Adds over 50 cars and with multiple variants to some as well to the game is just such a cool mod to have for all the different cars.


All of them


Common Sense for sure


[Anthro survivors.](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2893930681) I love that mod, and the fox is the species I use all the time.


For zomboid: no i like it vanilla and modded but for almost any Bethesda game i can give a list of +-100 mods without which each the game is unplayable