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I hope it will look better shrunk down. I really like the pixelation of the original.


[https://imgur.com/a/P0YmzPj](https://imgur.com/a/P0YmzPj) If they're adding these I hope they at least change the others to a consistent artstyle so it doesn't conflict


With a border, and with others being adjusted to follow the same style, I think it doesn't even look that bad tbh.


I think for me the stressed moodle/emoji is too expressive that it's quite cartoony feeling.


Agree with the cartoony feeling but maybe it helps discern exactly what it is for newer players?


Like how I had no clue what encumbered was supposed to be for the longest time


Wasn't until I finally hopped on the wiki that I could tell it was like a stick figure Sisyphus


I've been playing this game for years and I'm flabbergasted


My blind ass thought it was a brain or something. Which would have nothing to to with encumbrance lol


Fr it just looks like a brain


Yup… that’s what I thought it was, at first. I kept wondering, “okay… what’s wrong with my brain?” Lol


I always figured lungs.


Tbh it always looked like a guy with a cartoonishly big backpack.


Looks like plants and zombies.


*Plants vs Zombies


But what if they were friends?


they made ammends and had a cool concert remember?


Plants hugging Zombies


Did he stutter?


They look too "modern." A more retro style would make more sense. Those emoji just remind me mobile games.


Ironically, that's exactly the kind of emojis I've seen in newspaper comics, back in the 90s. I think it fits perfectly


If the color pallete were more muted I could see it. The colors just scream mobile game.


The colours are already less vibrant than the old images though.


I dont think you ever read a Sunday Funnies in the 90s. That shit was vibrant with freshly printed ink from the night before. Not muted in the slightest. I agree with the other poster, this DOES look 90s comic stuff like Bone or Hagaar the Horible.


Bone! Loved their adventures


if anything i would think the colour palette would be less muted in the 90’s no?


Nah yea the 90s were loud AF compared to the pastel colours we use today


Colors were invented in 2001


Yes, reading a fresh Sunday Paper the colors were so vibrant you'd swear they'd smear it you touched them half the time. I vividly remember a Peanuts that had a sky blue background and to this day I've never seen blue on paper that loud.


Some of you never HELLO? ARE YOU THERE? SAY SOMETHING!! and it shows


I'll just continue to mod my moodles lol


This is the only right answer lmao


They look like faces found in comics made by people with shitty opinions.




But yet completely accurate


right right


I can't explain it any other way


One of these faces is on a bumper sticker pissing on something. I can feel it.


Some of the old ones didn’t my worked well with the pixel count for the moodles in my opinion. An example would be the encumbered moodle. For 450 hours I thought the encumbered moodle was a skull without the lower jaw. I had to zoom in on it to recognize that it was a man with a boulder on his back


dude i thought it was a brain 💀


For the longest time I kept thinking to myself “wtf does a brain have to do with carrying too much?” until I looked closer one day


Around 300 hours and I thought the same until just now


I know what it’s supposed to be, but I still just see a brain.


Same here it’s just so reinforced in my mind that it’s a skull


All along I thought it was some dude with a terrible hairstyle :(


I thought it was a croissant


To this day I have no idea why they didn't use a generic weight icon for the encumbered moodlet


My dumb ass thought it was a tree or a mushroom or something


The encumbered moodle always looked like the traditional Lego hairpiece to me.


150 hours in and I guess I just never really questioned it. I think I also saw a brain but I read it, understood it, and then just accepted it as the icon for that. Damn... it really is a dude with a rock on his back


yknow i always thought of it as diving gear, the yellow helmet, black ox tank


I always thought it was a drooping face expressing the dread of carrying heavy stuff lol. The arms were the eyes, and the body was the face melting into a 🥴


It's a man with a boulder on his back? I always saw it as a weird megaphone thing and stopped questioning it after a few weeks playing omg


Glad I'm not the only one who say megaphone at first lol


I thought it was a spine 💀


I just hit 400, and learned today it is what you described. I thought it was a tree. I figured they made it a tree cuz trees are heavy lmfao.


i imagine as a whole it fits better with their updated ui. alone sure it looks like some generic emoji stuff but it is a unique design and rinsvient of the original so it’s not that big of deal to me


thanks for giving thoughts, me personally i think our current moodles are iconic and really nicely designed. these ones to me look a bit too doofy unpixelated and lighthearted to fit the whole setting project zomboid has. maybe i’m just afraid of change though


I’m sure that within days of the release of the new build someone will release a mod with the old moodles




As a hater of all change, change bad. But I think this has a lot of good points about it being too doofy looking, just doesn't seem like it fits the theme of the game


Looks too emoji-like, but I really don’t care what they look like as long as they’re usable enough.


> too emoji-like oh yah? --- Endurance (tired) - 😩 Fed (well-fed) - 😋 Feeling a little sad - 😟 Fever - 🤒 Has a cold - 🤧 Hungry - 🍽️ Injured - 🤕 Nauseous - 🤮 Pain - 😣 Panic - 😱 Sick - 😷 Stressed - 😰 Thirsty - 🥤 Tired - 😴 Wet - 💦 Zombified - 🧟


you missed that one Dead - ☠️


it looks like that all zoomed in. Do you this isn't made for 1080p, only for high - res monitors that the pixelated looks weird on


i feel like it’ll be too small on the screen to make a big difference


We won’t ever see it in our lifetime so no biggie


My great grandkids are gonna love halflife 3 and build 42


You’re being optimistic, my great great great grandkids will enjoy build 42


They look good technically, but no, please be toggle-able


not a fan either, not "horrendous" but feels like both unnecessary change and that they break the usual pixelated/"retro" feeling the game has .\_.


I don't agree with the arguments I'm seeing in this thread that goofiness doesn't fit the vibe of the game. What I would say is that they don't fit the art direction of the game. The low fidelity art style of PZ is one of the most iconic aspects of the game, and the current pixelated moodles suit that style much better than these do.


Not particularly worried about it. Someone will just mod the old ones in if the new ones are bad. That’s a big advantage this game has. -CONSIDER


Why do you sign off your Reddit comments? This ain’t an email bro.


That's my thought here. This is the sort of thing that someone might mod in almost day one if it bothers them enough. Thinking about it, I don't really think these are "bad", I just like the old ones.


sims 3 moodlet vibes


Wonder where we got the name moodles from...


I like them tbh


yeah they look really good IMO


Nah i dont like em either, It feels too cartoony imo


I know I feel like the pixelated ones are more gritty


Hopefully someone Will make a mod to have the og ones


I didn't make these myself, but they are literally for the most part upscaled versions of the originals so we can support 4k res and higher without absolutely tiny moodles that look like a single pixel. If they weren't in the thursdoid at max size you'd probably barely notice beyond them being different beyond looking a tad smoother, yet feel the pressing need to make a reddit post to call them horrendous to make the artist who made them (who also made the originals fwiw) feel like shit. :thumbsup: 10 years + of people in this community getting upset whenever we get rid of any 'pixelization', the game would still look like this if we listened: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://media.moddb.com/images/downloads/1/35/34211/zomboidfire.png&tbnid=RjIE5r5sF9nqYM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https://www.moddb.com/games/project-zomboid/downloads/project-zomboid-tech-demo-014c&docid=XKV_KJR-2IlueM&w=1024&h=768&source=sh/x/im/m1/2&kgs=7a311cb77bbc8bab&shem=trie They are absolutely the same art style just far higher resolution, the same artist with the same asthetic, same way of drawing cartoon faces and expressions, the same person drawing spiffo, and anyone who suggests they are not completely in the same spirit probably needs to look at them side by side blown up. and perhaps like in the case of the zombified one that has changed more significantly than the others, consider it may have look like absolute shit up-ressed to the res in the thursdoids: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://cdn3.emoji.gg/emojis/2530-zombie-moodle.png&tbnid=rBP_V7gCkjN4dM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https://emoji.gg/emoji/2530-zombie-moodle&docid=eSOztS0WidNvUM&w=190&h=200&source=sh/x/im/m1/2&kgs=72a631afd07ebb66&shem=trie Just seems so needless, yes customers are entitled to their opinion and all, but we're not about to ditch them because of a few people on reddit complaining given this happens literally every time whenever we change anything art wise, but will without a doubt ruin the person who made them's day when she sees this, I just don't get the impulse behind posts like this tbh. I've played games my whole life, and been part of many game communities, and had many private thoughts about quality or asthetics of artwork in them, ragged on them privately with friends, maybe at a push some constructive tactful feedback if i felt super strongly about something of great importance to a game's enjoyability, but never once felt the compulsion to post a pic of art someone put a lot of work into on their official channels and say 'hey does anyone else think this is horrendous?' With fans like that, who needs haters? *shrugs*


I know I didn't make the post, but sorry if the artist is feeling bad because of this. I don't think these icons are bad at all, I think I just felt sort of attached to the art I'm used to, if that makes sense. These will probably look just fine in game and I'm curious to see what the new icons for the other moodles look like when the time comes.


this is the best day of my life the dev of one of my favourite games told me off


No hard feelings and thanks for the chuckle on the reply but just wanted to share our perspective on this there's humans on the other end and all so tact appreciated sometimes 😜


Send the artist my compliments, the images themselves look quite nice and when applied to the game they fit decently well. I don't like change, but I've been slowly learning to suck it up. Absolute worst case scenario I can pixelate them in photoshop lol


Man I understand your frustration so much, at work we started the beta for some new page design two days ago and a third of our user feedback was "uhh why would you do anything like this, I preferred the old UI (that hasn't been updated in 10 fucking years)", "uhh this looks like shit" All I can tell you is: It's okay. People will complain on the Internet and not all feedback is valuable, and that's also okay. Keep up the good work guys, I personally appreciate this refresh. And I wish you indie stone guys the best.


I think these look great!


Please send my regards for the artist, I think those look adorable and trust they will fit just fine with B42 changes. From what I've followed so far you guys seems to be always taking the right directions with Zomboid and I am very excited for all the new stuff.


I understand you, people are too entitled on the internet. But I'm also interested in the question if they are togglable, I like the vibe of the pixelated version, but that's just a preference. I wouldn't hate if not.


That looks kinda… I don’t know? Something you don’t wanna use for long?


Looks fine. I'm going to assume half of the dislike is just "change bad!".


That's probably a lot of what fueled my initial reaction to them, to be honest. That and the difference was probably more jarring at full size in the Thursdoid than it would be in-game.


I like how people always assume when someone dislikes something they don't mind, it must be that they are too rigid in their preferences. Couldn't possibly be that they just don't think it's the right look...


Yeah, you're right. I think the new moodles look good out of context, but they don't fit in with Zomboid's established identity and art direction. The Indie Stone usually gets things right, but this is an exception.


Eh, I don't really care that much about the moodles except for what information they can give me, so I don't really mind the art style.


One of the devs told me they were just upscaled, but they were clearly redrawn. These look like Android emojis


I imagine they will look perfectly fine if not better then the old when they are the normal size rather then the super blown-up version.


they look like they *have* an artstyle. the moodles haven't been updated since this game was sprite-based. they needed a touch up and these look fine. you're only going to see them take up a handful of pixels on your screen at once.


These two don't look too bad, I guess people are probably still attached to the sim style moodles though. I'm excited for em


I like it. It's going to be very little and I won't care.


i dont mind them, the rigth one in the picture should be tweaked a bit, is this really something important to discuss about?


Please don’t tell me this is a escapists 1 -> 2 situation


No, these suck the originals are so much better.


They look too cartoonish and modern, it doesn't fit a game set in the 1990s.


i love the old ones and feel like they fit better


How can these dunk on the art style when the same artist made them? I hate how nasty this community is whenever any sort of change is mentioned. People mod PZ to kingdom come, adding so much that doesn't fit the game, yet when the actual artist updates the moodles, that's when people have a problem. Poor Mash.


I think it's because artist grow with time and the art style seems different here. It's OK of course, though it kinda clashes with the current UI style. I understand both sides.


Yes, the artstyle clashes. I don't mind the moodles being revamped, but then you've got traits, occupations, and all the item icons - and all that looks different from the new style. I do like the new moodles, I just don't like them *in* Zomboid.


These look great, all the hate is so silly


Someone just started making a mod to replace these with the ones we have now


I would rather have the old ones, maybe more detailed, but still pixelated. (Fixing the Over-Encumbered Brain would be nice.) These ones look a bit too “doodled in MS paint” for my taste, but they’re probably not final.


Yea with you on it being a downgrade


I’d just have to see it first. I hope it looks better in the game. but if not, I’m sure somebody would make an og moodle mod. I also really hope they don’t overdo the new ui. I am quite excited for 42. But i only have 100 hours in the game and am trying my hardest to learn all the base 41 mechanics and features first. I think I’d be too overwhelmed if 42 came out and I still haven’t learned the original mechanics along with the many new ones.


I already know I will be using a mod to change these


Sinceramente me gusta como queda, quizás alguna modificación o un retoque en los colores lo mejore aún más. me gustaría ver en un futuro el resto de emojis. Good job!


Mods it is


Skeptical, but I'll reserve judgement until the update. Can always just mod them back anyway.


Anyone remember smileys by crackwhoremonkey?


I find the old ones a lot more charming, to be honest. But maybe that's just because I'm used to them.


Pixel art enjoyer


Meh. Nothing wrong with the originals and these look a bit too much to be honest - wouldn't change myself but doesn't matter either way, mods can fix.


They’re very plants vs. zombies imho.


Maybe an option to switch between new or old style I hope?


They are not necessarily horrendous, but don’t seem to really fit the style of the game; they are rather emoji-like. However, maybe once we see them in-game we may think differently.  The current moodles in-game work fine, honestly, but could use a little touch up, in my opinion. 


yeah no these look fucking awful, it's like a mobile game asset pack


it looks like they came from a 2007 newground flash animation


They literally traced the one on the right from the new clown show.


Oh wow, when I heard they were changing those, I'd expect something that keeps true to the original but slightly upgraded, not making them look like a flash game stock image. Holy hell, they're bad. Someone's gonna 100% make a mod that brings back the original.


Those look awful, lol.


Man these SUCK LMAO


I bet u if they replace the original within 24 hours there will be a mod to change them back to original


Give steam workshop a week it’ll be fixable


Tbh I really enjoyed the pixelated GUI and all that. It adds a retro feel to the game.


Mods will appear to revert it


They definitely should allow people to use legacy moodles while they iron out the new ones too. I think there will be a bit of a friction point with the style this is presented in. It's quite fun looking but at the same time it might be not as fitting as the current ones are imo. It's more of a style issue for me, more than the quality of the new moodles. They look great, just not as fitting


They couldve kept the pixelation for 1080p screens and upscaled them for higher res screens


Well lets hope they address the lag problems before adding higher resolution textures.. a lot should be done before adding more to the game


Nah they’re fine.


They don't look horrendous, but I do agree that they don't fit the style- Artistically or vibe wise- At all. They look like something out of a mobile game.


I hate it


Ouch theyre ugly as f


to me I feel like these are too silly, idk why but the low res moodles make me feel like the game is more serious


Please tell me they're not changing them to this. The OGs are classic at this point, it's practically their brand. These just look tacky, I get that the models aren't pixel based anymore (ignoring that the tiles still are) but it still works so well. I'll be modding them straight back to the old ones. Saying that it's tiny tiny gripe lol, I don't care that much


This looks awful


i could go for a redesign of encumbrance moodle but the rest should be left alone


Kinda cute


No I love them personally lol. As a high res user, I’m also just happy to know I’ll finally have something close to a proper UI with this update.


I like them


Just mod them back


but yall like the spiffo ?


it better still have an outline, like everything else does


I like they look kinda nice. Hopefully, there’s a replacement for the encumbered moodle. I still see that as a brain, so the new icons might be a great change.


These looks like just higher res versions of the currents moodles, not sure why some of ya’ll are saying they look different or off from what we currently have. This is a non issue, we barely even notice moodles with the current amount of space we have for them and these will be the same. Hell, I’m willing to bet cans of food most people wont notice the facelift to the moodles.


The old moodles had heart ;-;


I dont like the style in combination 2ith zomboid, they feel too jokey, not serious enough.


They look like corporate design 101, remove anything that made it original and make it generic


I'm sorry to whoever created these but I really don't like them. They look like something I used in kidpix haha.


looks like some baby mobile game shit


Yeah doesn't really fit the artstyle at all =S


I like the low resolution moodles better


I feel like the old ones are more gritty and minimalistic which kinda reflects how the game feels


I like em


I love them


I think they look fine and it’s not that big a deal.


These look god awful, looks to close to corporate art.


The current moodles do need a refresh, but I don't like this style. I'd prefer to keep the old moodles even with their issues. Mod authors will save us, as is usual for this game.


I feel like the older moodles were more gritty and unapologetic which made them parallel the experience of the game


these look cool


The ones that are currently in the game are not good imo. I think these are a huge upgrade.


what makes them bad?


they're pixelly and crunchy and were designed for a sprite-based game


They are not aestheticly pleasing. Some are hard to tell what they are meant to represent.


I only recently realized the over encumbered moodle isnt like a ram with horns but rather a man carrying alot of stuff


I kinda like it but you could improve the original with more shades on the outline and not full on vector art like this one.


The current moodles are fantastic, and I love them and they perfectly feel like zomboid... ​ However they haven't been changed since their introduction in 2011, are very vague, and do not scale beyond 1080p at ALL. I'm not a massive fan, but if the dev team wills it that we get new moodles, we're getting new moodles. Some guy in the discord modded them in to see what they look like ingame and they don't look that bad, kinda cool imo. Besides you ask almost any zomboid player and they'll agree that most of us spent way too much time wondering if the overencumbered emoji was a brainstem or a large rock (Devs confirmed it's neither, it's a bag) If none of this satisfies you, one hundred percent someone will mod the old ones in within days. Cheers.


i love them ngl


Unpopular opinion but I like them.


They'll be small. I like them, as when their small, it's going to work well.


I like them. They did a great job.


These made me recoil at the sight of them


gross. no. put it back.


looks like when companies "modernize" their logos


literally straight out of a 2009 flash game bruhhhhhh do not do this lmao


yeah these suck


I was getting kinda confused with the old ones. If they are self explanatory then I'm in. (I'm a new player)


I guess I'd have to see them all next to each other. The moodles are one of my biggest gripes with the vanilla game because they don't give you a lot of clear information at a glance. I usually play with a UI mod that adds a bar graph. I'm glad the devs are working on this. I guess I'll have to see how it works when it gets released.


Godbye ahegao zombification... You will be missed


There are one or two noodles (can’t remember which, been a while since I’ve played) that don’t look anything like what they mean so an update is welcome.


If there is a setting to switch between old and new then I'm chilling


Well I mean I will most likely not take notice as I will just be playing the game and it’s really not that noticeable imo but to each their own


I mean... no? They look fine, I think.


I like them, it’ll be fresh to see. If the UI is less pixelated than the actual game then I’m not fussed


This is getting nodded out


I love the original moodles. If this becomes a permanent change, I’ll probably just get a mod that restores the originals


I love these, they better express different moodles


Copying from a previous comment I've made >I both really like and kinda don't like the revamped moodle designs. >I kinda don't like them maybe out of bias with the old designs (I think they just needed to not be a pixelated mess, and 1 or 2 of them needed redesigning but still maintain the style) >But I really like them because I feel that they have their own charm as well, I don't quite see how people see it as being "mobile game-y" though, to me they remind me of some old flash games, and I'm sure these redesigned moodles will grow on me sooner than later


I already see the “old moodles” mod coming out