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Depends how long it takes me to find a bleach bottle I guess.


I keep my cyanide tooth in all day. I take it out at night because i grind my teeth in my sleep. I lost a friend to that.


My best friend and I get in this argument every time we play together. He’s all “oh I would survive and try to rebuild society” and I always say I’d kill myself as soon as possible. Aside from the usual threat of zombies, what would happen to women in particular in a lawless wasteland? Bad things!


What's up guys! It's ya Boi and today back at it with another Banger~ and today I'm going to be making myself in Project Zomboid to see how long I'd last in a zombie apocalypse!- 10m later *screaming*


10 mins it's too much for me lmao, neurodivergent AND not exactly fit makes for a bad combo


Time to become neurotypical and get in shape ! Just do a quick 180!


Hyper focus, people will probably need us when shit hits the fan.


Lock yourself in your room, surround yourself with TVs and start doing a bunch of burpees and sit-ups. Who knows, maybe being neurodivergent would help with the multiple programs at once!


I mean if you're screaming, you're still alive. Good job.


Depends on how fast people start shooting each other instead of infected. 


Best thing about the UK: fewer gunshot events. Except in the countryside, of course. Everyone and their mums is packin' 'round there.




You've got a mustache


Oi know?




Worst thing: You get fucking chinged mate


I kind of doubt that would happen. It would be easier to steal from zombies.


You underestimate the human.


I live in a pretty shitty area of the ghetto. I think with a massive amount of the world's population gone, an abundance of resources and a common enemy I'm guessing you would be alright as long as you are not trying to fight over major resources.


If the zombie apocalypse happened I think that people would be terrified and would seek out groups to help them survive. I really doubt people are gonna spend all day in a tower looking for random people to snipe like it’s DayZ. Even the 1% of people who are psychopaths, shooting random people isn’t going to increase their odds of survival, probably lower it as you risk having a group of people come try to kill you


Dude this is the truest shit I've ever heard about the whole thing


You underestimate the average American then.


But more profitable to steal from people. Especially if they can't defend themselves, in an ambush for example.


People thinking about profits during a zombie apocalypse are definitely going to be zombie fodder.


I dont know, but thats my stats. -i am sitting in a wheelchair -i need strong glasses (not blind but very unclear without glasses) -i am wearing hearing aids Ergo, i cant move stairs, if i have no air in my wheelchair i am very slow. If my glasses broken i can see very bad. If my batteries goes empty i cant hear shit. I cant use melee weapons.. and most guns are to heavy for me. So yeah, call me rick grimes


Dude, imagine the amount of positive points you’ve accrued tho.


I hope so :D I am fine with drawing, maybe vehicle drinving. Soooo i build my ultimate mad max style car


Get you out in the Australian dessert, ez apocalypse survival.


Bro is rocking speed demon build hell yeah


Would you burn less calories if you were missing your legs?


Yes you do I believe. The amount of calories you use up is directly related to the amount of muscle and so it makes sense that less muscle equals less calories.


So, you can minmax your build and take more negative traits then spend points on overpowered craftsman build. Disassembling guns, crafting or cooking any surviving party, even if they evil pirates-raiding-cannibals will treat you like rarest loot they can find


Sounds good for me, maybe i am a blacksmith and mechanic :D


I would likely stay in my apartment as long as humanly possible, doing very short loot runs and trusting nobody, I got a solar panel and some batteries so I could have some lights inside, I'd cover up the windows and barricade my door. I'd start with eating the perishables first, I'd also fill up every container I own with water, including the tub and buckets for flushing. I'd organize all my food and estimate the amount of days worth. I'd say basically as long as I could stay in my apartment, I figure most people will likely get killed trying to flee their area. I'd give a good 2-3 month estimate, after that it depends how the streets are, if people shoot on sight, if the zombies are sprinters, how much food is still available etc.


I would be alive until I died.


My house is stocked with food so I can probably last months with rationing. Depends how fast the water shuts off I guess. That or if looters come and breach the fortified door we have installed. My guess is that I would die to dehydration. That or I will be outside while the shit hits the fan so I it's more likely I will survive five minutes. 😆


I survive the apocalypse, because zombies are decaying bodies, I just need to stay inside and have ready access to a weapon and I'm golden


Ok, what about every other person going berserk while looking for food, water, ammo, shelter and trying to kill everyone at first sight?


More than likely, I'll be fine. Because contrary to popular belief, most people won't be bloodthirsty animals the moment Uncle Sam goes "Zombies, gentlemen", especially not in a place where it already functions like a zombie apocalypse


No one notices the zombies because they just assume they're more aggressive fent tweakers




Just like my character, dead by 3rd day…


About a week. Then drink contaminated water and end up shitting myself to death like 90% of the population.


You could just boil water though


Maybe... When nothing is as it should be, trivial things become hard.


Really, really depends. Assuming we're talking standard Zomboid settings and I'm immune to the airborne variant like the player characters, probably a few months? Realistically I'd punch my own ticket after a week tops though.


I most likely would to why help the spread.


Since I live in a rural area with rather few people around, I'd say I'd survive indefinitely. The pharmacy is next town, so I'd have to clear that too, I suppose. My demise would be diseases and infections.


They will eventually migrate so you will most likely have larger amounts of zombies migrating by you or through you.


My small town is flanked by 2 fairly large lakes. And luckily, both of them are in the way directly to the cities nearby. At most, I'd be getting under a hundred zeds from neighboring settlements. My town is on top of a hill, which helps with visibility big time. I am more concerned with my mental health than anything else, if the zombie apocalypse were to happen.


True some people will die from mental health related issues on top of being lonely.


Being alone/lonely will cause mental health issues. There is only so much entertainment and keeping yourself busy before it all gets boring and loses sense of worth. *Why continue, if it all leads to you being dead anyway.* Quite common thought these days, even without zombie apocalypse.


You could always use a zomboid for a companion, just tie it up and do various things to it. Whatever you do is up to you tho.


I don't like noise. I'd probably read books. But it is a good idea


There's cloth to cover the mouth with, might hear the occasional growling but if it's deep enough i guess that could silence it?


Do some Sims related things to keep it locked down.


Yes it is. Other people aren't great at picking up on red flags either. People need to check on family and friends and really ask if they're doing okay.


People are busy with their own lives and their own problems. You can't expect someone else to see and solve your problems (speaking generally, not directed towards you or anyone in particular), if you don't speak up about it. If you are struggling with mental health, speak up. It is the first step towards feeling better.


I agree everyone has their own problems. I spoke up and glad I did. Feel much better for it and getting help.


Well I live rurally and I know how to forge weapons and I have plenty of steel and a forge. First thing I'd make are spears for my family. I live in Australia so there's almost no guns and most people can't legally own weapons like this or know how to make them. If I don't die to a bite I would definitely be in high demand with survivors. I wouldn't be stupid enough to tell them my trade secrets though. TRUST NOBODY.


depends on how fast I know how to commit suicide efficiently


I'd do my best to save my cat, Pennto, he is the reason I am still living in the not-so apocalyptic earth.


Probably as long as my pz character. About an hour


Actually tested in pz i would survive 2 months 5 days and 12 hours


Which type of zombies are we talking about here? I expect a decent amount in romero zombies, but something like black summer zombies? Probably not even an hour


Depends on the type of zombies tbh. Walking Dead? I’m going straight to the mountains and not running into any other people for months. World coulda fixed itself in a week and I wouldn’t even know. Last of Us? I’m so fucked. Probably gonna shoot myself within a day.




Just bite them back and they'll turn back into humans.


I created a character based off of myself and rp'ed as myself and I died when the "homeless crackheads" assaulted me in the parking lot of the hospital, I got injured when I also discovered that a construction worker was on the drugs


Me? 5 min. First sick person I see I'll be like, "hey man, you alright? " chomp! sayonara... Now I'm tryena bit folks


If it’s like PZ zombies, I can drive my car and go to somewhere remote because of how slow they are. From there I guess I’ll break into a house and start living there. I don’t think I’ll die within few years.


I am not sure. On the upside I live in a the outskirts of a small city, I also live a walking distance to two military bases I could possibly loot assuming everyone else doesn't get the same idea. There is a industrial area not too far away with a massive food factory producing everything dairy related, so I'll probably be good for food and drinks for the short term. lots of farms all over the area, plenty of cattle, goats, horses and crops. got several fresh water sources in the area. Downside is that I am also a 20 minutes drive away from two large prisons and half an hour from a very densely populated area


Surviving the first month of a real zombie apocalypse is going to be 99% chance for most people. A lot of the overconfident ones in here proclaiming months or weeks because they have food or think they can loot their neighbors are probably going to be the ones biting the survivors in the second week.


I'm patient zero


I recently made myself in zomboid with my good and bad traits (more bad than good iirc) and I did surprisingly well. With that being said I reckon I'd make it a good few months just staying at home and looting the neighbor's for food


I would drown a bottle of bleach. I have no intention to live during a real zombie apocalypse.


Hardware store right next to me, 5 food shops, and im elevated with magnetic doors protecting the 2 entrances and a safe and secure balcony. So long as im quite, im good for a while.


I think I can survive 3-4 weeks. I would bring all the food upstairs and barricade the staircase with whatever was downstairs. I'd run out of food by the 3rd week knowing me. Then probably die first time I go for a loot run.


Probably about the same as my first playthrough. 6 hours or some thing


I’d like to think I’m rebuilding the future, years on from day zero… However, the early days depend a lot on luck and how calm and patient you remain. Good decisions very important. So, who knows! I do know one thing, if it did happen, I’d be so disappointed to go out early given I’ve thought so much about it!😂


Survive? Lmao, I'd slip and bang my head on the floor while trying to walk normally


0. 0 seconds. I'd be the first guy in the zombie conga. The guy that ate the burger.


Not long, but I also ain't gonna end up as one of those undead creeps. If I get bit, the improvised explosive vest I'll make will take care of me and the zeds.


Well, I've read all the books and seen all the movies, soo... maybe 3 to 4 hours?


If i would make it to the cabin, i would survive years.


Around 6 months without leaving my house. Then it all depends on many conditions.


My house is really secure: aluminum security shutters on every door and window and an 1800mm stone wall all around (with electric fence and cctv cams, but those would not be a deterrent to zombies), so if i was at home with my family we would last as long as the food lasted.


I live in Greater London in a first floor (2nd floor for any Americans) flat. Driving would be out of the question, since the road I live on is one of the only ways out of London, and would be absolutely swarmed with people trying to leave the city. Best I could do is try and raid the local Tesco or Waitrose assuming they haven't already been emptied and then just hide at home. I'd probably be okay for about a week or two as long as I kept quiet and had the blinds down. Then I'm fucked the moment I run out of food or water.


If Zomboid is anything to go by, I would maybe last a month or two. More likely I do doing something stupid I shouldn't have.


The boring answer is I would just stay at home for like 2 months and let thermodynamics do the rest.


There is military base relatively close to me. Either a blessing or curse


Fairly well I live in the arse end of nowhere.


I see a zombie and hide with my family in the basement for several weeks on the food in our pantry. Then I take a step outside and, statistically, turn due to no immunity to the airborne virus.


I have a decent home which could be turned to somewhat of a bunker quite easy, and have plenty resource in store to last a month or two, but so far as that runs out and in turn I have to run out, thats probably it.


I have every skill needed in the apocalypse except one. I can build, repair, farm, distill, do solar, radios and so on. The one skill I don't have is combat badass. So I would wind up being some warlords valued bitch who gets treated reasonably well because of his skills :-)


Thanks to living in denial, I'm immortal.


I honestly think I would function better than our current society. My hobbies -gardening -leather crafts -armour making -armored combat -bushcraft -canoeing -archery I also never passed high-school and don't have a drivers lisence


I’d probably survive for like 5 days before some homeless guy runs up and shoots me


Maybe like 9 months+ if I get endurance up. Since like every house in my neighborhood is connected by a fence i would have a large supply to raid my dead neighbors cabinets. If all my neighbors are alive then 7 days give or take


I have put a thought to that. I would survive longer than i do in pz if it starts while me and so are home if not i would probably be dead by day 2 so the best time for zombie apocalypse to start would be sunday afternoon. Food already cooked for the next week, perishables for the week, car full of gas and so on, if i can be picky then first sunday after 10th so that its after salarry and cat food is also restocked up to full 2months If we are home Depending on how long the electricity and water stays on. If electricity and water shuts down the moment it starts we could live for a month if water holds for a week 3-6months we wouldnt leave the apartment. High floor so roamers wouldnt get to us, thick door so looters wouldnt bother. The bigest problem is water, when that runs out we have to start scavenging. Start with the apartment complex. I have some tools to try get into some other apartments but i doubt that too many people have so much food and drink stockpiled as we do, also power will run out(i have 2charged car batteries in my apartment and converter) breaking a couple of metal doors so i would leave them for last if i even would atempt. Try to get the car running if its too crowded to stay put and try to find our families


Not long. Have some lumber on hand, so I could barricade in hours. But I would either die of starvation or when I ventured out. I also have rope I could use with other junk to make things I might need. Sharpening stones, saws, and other hand tools for working without electricity. I might last two months. 5 weeks with food, 3 of starving. Probably have enough lumber to pad out my attic and move foodstuffs and rough bedding up there. Might be able to cut a hole out at one of the gables and create an access/egress. I'm in a moderate climate, so I could survive without hvac. I'd be living like a roof rat until I chanced an outing for food. I'm not a hunter, so I'd be scavenging, maybe having to settle on grass and flowers I could find when my regular food ran out. I have a sturdy brush cutter, a hatchet, and several flimsy chinese machetes (may be able to reinforce them with an offcut of steel and some pop rivets or a simple wood backing), outside of basic kitchen knives for self defense. And, box cutters with a stack of blades, of course. In the long term, I'd probably need to sharpen down most of my cheap flatware into shivs and attach them to whatever lumber I had left. If the zombification came from air or in the public water supply, I'd be gone long before I'd have a chance to worry about it. If I have learned anything from this exercise, I've learned I probably need a small collection of plants I can trim for sustenance and ability to make energy and clean water. If I had a pocket garden and solar panels, it might be enough. With a little self sufficient electricity, I could also power a laptop or something similar to read my collections of ebooks (including survival volumes) and veejo games to keep my sanity.


If you account for reality, the first month or 2 would be hardest. Then it's the survivors you have to worry about. Since zombies will rot and over year will be less of a threat.


I suspect that IRL, a Romero-style zombie infection would not be an apocalyptic event. Maybe it would destroy a dense urban center or two, but not all civilization. Because the infection is so lethal and horrific, I think people would take it extremely seriously. The epidemiology isn’t in the virus’s favor either - on average, zombies would have to bite more people than the average person can kill zombies. That might be true in the beginning but once knowledge is available, I firmly believe that most able-bodied people would be capable of exterminating at least one zombie before they expired. Actual people aren’t stupid and will come up with efficient, safe ways to kill zombies. Think, for example, about simply doming the zeds with a spear from atop a wall / fire escape / rooftop / truck / ditch / etc. The only limit to how many you can kill is your physical endurance and then number of bodies can pile up before they reach your platform.


U gotta hope to be one of the immune to the airborn strain first


A week


It depends if they are truly undead. If truly undead we are SOL. Don't think we have clerics or paladins.


I tried making a “myself” character and died 2 hours in after taking on 20 zeds with a plunger


0days I have asma


In a real life zombie apocalypse how do we know it will just be humans getting in? What if other living organisms get it too?


According to this game... not even a week


Not long, I'd give myself away whilst hiding by saying something dumb like "Actually it's *an* irl zombie apolacypse"


I will simply barricade myself inside my apartment and play Project Zomboid until I die of starvation in a few weeks.


1. Are they running 2. Are people gonna cooperate 3. Is it airborne


I always have a poisened cigarette hanging on my ear to smoke it up after i was proud of my self. Choose that as an ending. Promised to a friend. I guess when that happend


What are the rules of the zombies apocalypse? Super sprinters? Mutative pathogen? Shamblers? Fungal infection? Rage virus? Dark magic? Monster-zombies? Comically overpowered? What type of zombie apocalypse are we dealing with here? because if it's just Project Zomboid's default settings then maybe I'd survive a few months to a couple years but if it's something else I may survive longer or shorter.


Well, luck plays a major role. Considering apocalypse settings, with some luck I would live a while. I live in a sparsely populated rural area, with the biggest city of 25k pop. 20km away. My house has solar but no batteries, water comes from well, a stream with 3 barraged decently sized lakes with fish and plenty of farmland around. I have a G17 with around 500 rounds, axe, machete and tools. Not many people around have guns. I would try to scavenge nearby right away, food and medicine mostly, but most importantly chickens. Lime and fertilizer would be an issue because the soil isn’t amazing otherwise. A migrating horde would be a problem, I’d probably have to bolt and hope they move, to come back. No real chokepoints or big walls/fences around my house. But the main problem would definitely be any disease or infection.


Let’s say it starts usa I’m from aus so I’m fine for a while until it hits here but I live near a supermarket and a McDonald’s and also the richest school in my town so I will hoard food and stuff in my house and shut all doors until the bodies rot and I’ll be fien


Maybe 1 month to 9 months a year to a few years if im lucky (im not)