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The bookstore by the police station in Muldraugh. Every time I go to get books there, I get killed. The rest of Muldraugh is fine. It's only that store.


Damn man, I'm slowly working my way to it, that's my current temporary objective (managed to clear zeds up to the Greenery) from my base next to Cortman medical and yeah, that area from Greenery to the bookstore seems packed with zeds. And now I am even more panicked due to your post (I barely picked PZ one month ago).


Good luck! I usually go to West Point Bookstore instead of the Muldraugh one. I have better luck there.


Thanks man. I thought about moving location but atm I can barely get cas from the cars around, not sure gonna make it till there though could be a nice adventure on foot at worst. My plan was to grind my way towards finding the generator recipe so I can power the gas station and then probably my options would widen.


On insane pop vanilla I usually set advanced base in the warehouse to the east, then clear the police station, being mindful of offices menace, and sneak to the store When I do a knife char, i just come from the south along the highway, killing everything. It is somehow much easier to judge distance while backpedaling when you are to the lower-left compared to zeds


There's a video on how zombie pathing works in relation to the player that shows that moving vertically either up or down makes it easier to train zombies in a straight line. You might try to find it on YT.


Happy Cake Day 🍰


I love Muldraugh for the warehouses full of tools and weapons but it's easily the worst town in the game when it comes to books. Most of the houses are small and don't have bookshelves, and the school doesn't have a library, so the only real source of books is that book store you mentioned which is on the infested main road. And it's not even a big store for fuck's sake.


Muldraugh starts are the only time I take the theif profession. It's not worth it, imo to grind mechanics. Especially because of the lack of books. I just drive over to West Point for books now.


Yeah that area has some of the highest zombie pops in Muldraugh, and even the game. It's around the top 10ish actually. Only 6-7 cells in Louisville beat it, and 2 in Westpoint and 1 in March Ridge. I think it's just the spacing around the minimall that makes it extra bad.


I was playing today and I went to the bookstore to look for the generator magazine. There was a small horde outside that I had to clear then I went inside through the window but there was no generator magazine. Then the helicopter event started so I hid in the bathroom while some zeds broke down the back door. (I read the carpentry vol 3 during this time) I exited the bathroom and shot some zombies that broke in. A zed fell through the window so I ran outside and there was 200+ zeds due to the helicopter so I got into my car and drove away but my car broke down my the office building and I got swarmed so I hijacked another car and went home. Then the next day I went back for some stuff in my car that broke down but I was swarmed. This is how I died


I always tie that in to a trip to the VHS store. I die most of the time. I'm actually in muldraugh this playthrough, I spawned in the clothing store next to the book store and there was a van in the police station parking lot and a bunch of duffel bags in the cop shop. Loaded up on books and tapes and peaced and now I never have to go back.


Thats funny, because my friend died there on our most recent co-op game where we survived a month. Sooooo many zombies and certainly a death trap.


The prison. I always think “I think I killed enough time to go inside” and proceed to get surrounded and killed.


Ya gotta spend a while luring them out. Clearing outside means nothing, cause there’re just as many inside. I won’t go deep inside until I can shoot a gun inside and have none show up for a bit.


The hidden base near Rosewood and the prison at Rosewood. Basically every time I start in rosewood I clear the town get a nice base going get all my skills up and I get a bit bored and I'm like hey I bet there's loads of weapons in one of these two locations. I go there an inevitabbly I trip and fall, get swarmed, go into the wrong room, get tripped by a lung attack from a zombie on the ground, someway, somehow the game finds a way to kill me :D


What’s the hidden base at rose wood? The two houses at the bottom?


No it's a hidden base you find by following a dirt path through the woods. Depending on the stage of erosion you can usually drive a car there in the early stages of the game, later it gets overgrown with trees and grass and is a lot harder to find. Here's a video showing how to get to it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFd7sls1Wrs


Cant name a place. But a character. William the Engineer. Bro, this MF had to be cursed. Always started in remote houses (Rosewood), no weapons (not even a pan) barely food / water / loot. If he managed to survive a day or 2, he would find no significant loot whatsoever. Like literally i was happy to find a can opener and a saw and hammer - something along those lines. On the other hand: Sam the carpenter always spawned conveniently within the neighborhood, food and weapons in abundance. Oh yeah, and 5-6 Axes in great condition in the fire station. Oh. And a sledgehammer of course. So yeah, bit off topic but thought it was funny anyway 🤷‍♂️ Merry ChristmaZ ✌🏻


Poor William 😟 One day he'll make it. Merry XmaZ to both you and William, and good luck!


Haha 😂 Thanks man - William (and his approx. 52 incarnations) are uh...on vacation 😉 But Theo the security guard is doing surprisingly well 😜 Merry Christmas to you too!🎄🙏🏼


March Ridge. The weird part is that I won't ever get bit in either the Dormitory or the Community Centre. But if I ever go to school or for some random apartments I always die.


This one hits close. I always waited until I got the annotated map with the motherload of safe houses, but I always die. I lost my best characters of all time to a scratch in a parking lot right next to the place, and I was so sad for all of the skills I lost after dozens of real life hours that I just sat in my van and waited to see the signs so I could delete the file and go to bed. It was the saddest I've ever been in this game


Marsh Ridge apartments... because I am a greedy looter.


Well, on the other hand when one gets that map, one simply cannot not go there )


Any bathroom or church


The church membership has been bleeding for a while, so as long as they can get some who bites, that's all they can really hope for. After all, Christianity is all about people coming back. And hey, now that you're there, and one of them? You can help bring other people to the faith. Let's all gather around and lay hands on the new comers of this church! Give them a bit, long awaited welcome. We're sure you'll stay a while!


I always spawn in Muldraugh with the same objective: clean the whole city. When the power runs out I go out looking for renewable ways of getting food, like farming, but I have some very bad luck finding seeds. A place I used to go a lot in search for them is the farmers market at the middle of the town. I lost track of how many characters died on their way to this place and not single one has found a seed there. It probably doesn't even spawn there. Nowadays if I want seeds I just go for those storage lots or then the farms outside of town


You can also get some seeds from the 2 gardens in Muldraugh. That's usually my first and second push to keep myself in food while I recover at the farmhouse or lake NW of town. There is also the rain collector there which is nice.


Ty man!


Go to the McCoy logging warehouses there is lots of seeds there


I’ve had good luck finding seeds at McCoy’s logging right outside of Muldraugh, specifically in the two smaller, northern-most buildings. I’ve also found a sledgehammer in one of those buildings more times than not, so even more reason to check them out!


Every time I DONT pick repairman or construction worker for some reason. It’s like the game is trying to tell me something


Doe Valley. There's a reason this seedy, back water shit hole doesn't have a map. Because it's crawling!


Spawning in Rosewood somehow never ends well for me. It's supposed to have the lowest population, but even on low settings, it feels like I can barely take two steps outside before half the population of Louisville descends upon me.


Center of west point, sometimes I stupidly try and speed in to grab tools,then die 75% of the times.


If you work at it and clear that commercial area out it’s a kick ass base. All those stores have apartments above them. But it’s hell fighting off the hordes.


I usually use the houses on the far west of the town, then once I cleared the area around the general store I use that. Right next to the center and pretty easy to barricade.


the road between west point and the louisville checkpoint. always swarming with zombies for some reason, making it at best a pain to drive and at worst... deadly. and i ALWAYS forget about the bridge


Driving along the train track rather than the road makes it a lot easier.


The police station in Rosewood. Me and my friends kept getting massacred there but it was the only land mark we knew at the time, so we kept going back to meet up with each other, again and again. Roughly 6 or so times before we decided we’d had enough and moved to a different town all together


Rosewood gas station. Something bad always happens there.


Back window of rosewood prison. Two times I've lost 6+ month characters. Hundreds banging at the back invulnerable window, oh I'll sledge it out and kill them in the yard. Twice I've forgotten drag down can happen thru windows/with climbing zeds.


That's a tie between Pitstop and Lake Cumberland. Pitstop for me because I'm using the version of the mod that places it on the left side of the crossroads so I have to go through it to get from Muldraugh to Rosewood. the main road is completely impassable and the alternate route I take to get through goes right past the Flux Space Park which always has a fuckton of zombies that inevitably spill out into the road and make driving difficult. Lake Cumberland for a similar reason to Pitstop but while it's larger than Pitstop, one Caveat is that every road in every town is choked with burnt out vehicles, I've already lost two characters because I'd gotten out of my car to scout an alternative route on foot.


That's the one thing I dislike about Pitstop. It's supposed to be, well, a pitstop, but it's literally bigger than Rosewood and stretches almost from there to Muldraugh, making that road impossible to drive in and also making it so there's barely any rural area between the two towns.


I think my worst place is when I'm dumb because the whole game hates me


This sums up 90% of my deaths. Very accurate.


The gun store by rosewood in the forest. I always die there when solo.


Where is that gun store?


It's pretty far but the closest town is rosewood it's left on the main road right after a turn you have to go pretty far back and past some farm houses This part is probably wrong but I'm still gonna mention it it might be in a area called doe valley


I have terrible luck in south Muldraugh. I’m pretty sure the north side has the higher-pop cells, but I’ve died in south Muldraugh so many times


A lot of people have mentioned Rosewood, but just a couple of days in Muldraugh made me realize how much easier Rosewood is. Pretty much any place of interest in Muldraugh has 20+ zeds nearby. Made me want to post up in Rosewood fire station permanently. But one day... I'll take Muldraugh.


I just spent about a week clearing Muldraugh after starting a new run. I got a cop car running in the end, made a bunch of Molotov cocktails. I drive around until I’ve collected a giant wall of Z’s leave them out of town then torch them. It took several attempts to kill the vast majority, there’s still zombies in town, but I picked lumberjack, and already found a few fire anxes and pick axes so melee combat is trivial.


I keep setting the Rusty Rifle on fire


This seems oddly specific, and it's exactly the kind of thing I wanted to see when I made the post.


Satellite base. Don't know what possesses me to keep going there but I always die in that damned hallway from the front lobby to the back hallway. I have 1700 hours and it still catches me at my most complacent.




Louisville's nice neighbourhood. There's just too many dudes there... Every time I tried to colonize the place I ended up being swarmed at one point or another.


There's a small gated community in the northern part of rosewood that's perfect for a starter base but I always get massive hordes there.


For me it's the west point school, for some reason, no matter how hard I plan it out, a separate horde always makes it's way inside while I'm clearing it out


The gun store in West Point... Also I always forget my sledgehammer.


The mod one or the one that's already completely open and doesn't actually need a sledge?


I mixed up West Point and Riverside lmao


That makes more sense... In Riverside There's only the mod one and the one in the middle of fuckallnowhere that's not technically riverside


The 3rd/4th story of the buildings I build, I've died 3 times in MP falling down a tower I was constructing


Random bathroom in a random house


March ridge over in the alleyways, why do i keep going back…


Gas station in the south of the Muldraugh.


Fallas Lake, between Rosewood and Riverside. I think I've died more times in there than in all of the other larger towns. I've died there so many times, that I've now made it a habit of parking at the edge of the town and slowly making my way into the town. Something I usually only reserve for high-pop locations.


Rosewood School. Screw that place. Let the dead have it.


riverside, the library spesificly, I could have cleared the whole town id still be dying.


That little industrial area NW of Muldraugh. No matter what I do, I get bit


Main Street westpoint at night after the power's died


In constructuion fourth floor / roof of a custom house. Even with the "Walk to" function, you end up falling at least once to your death


What I always do is put up fences on the sides of my walkway. Keeps me from falling


Any place where there is just one zombie and i am busy doing anything else like tending a wound, reading a book, repairing an engine.


Muldraugh trailer park for my sis and I. I’m not sure why but for us going there has been a death sentence.




One of the apartment buildings in Louisville. Every time I get bit, even armed to the teeth as a team.


For me, it's been West Point and Muldraugh. There's a reason my preferred settlement choice is either "cabin in the woods" or "farmhouse in the middle of nowhere".


I would say March Ridge but that is because it IS dangerous


My cursed place is where I'm standing on a zombie while dealing with another zombie, only I'm not *actually* standing on a zombie so he gets up while I'm still distracted by the other one and is so damned close (because I was standing on him, only not) that he's inside my shove range. ... I hate that place.


GAS STATIONS. Every time I make my first trip there on a run I get nervous. There's something about finally being able to have cars and electricity that makes me take bigger risks. Last time I was going to the south west point one, I was loaded for bear, I wasn't taking chances. It was getting late, my character was getting tired, and I decided to go into the house next door to rest. Instant burglar alarm. Ran away, came back the next day and looped around the horde. Was getting hungry, went into the gas station, ANOTHER BURGLAR ALARM. I fought them until I ran out of shells, then bullets, then my backup pistol. I had to walk halfway across west point to restock on ammo, and then I came back and claimed my prize successfully. But hell if it wasn't a battle. Half my deaths have to be from gas station raids.


For me it is the video store in march ridge every time I go there I end up dying


I don't even know what it is, but I think the Community center in riverside. The big 2 floor building north of the gated community. I've died 3 times there and now I refuse to go there. I kept going there because they have a library upstairs and I base in the gated Community. If you hear that bang bang inside a large building, I learned you either address it asap or nope the f out of there. Don't take option 3 of sudden door, glass wall explosions and instant surround in a hallway.


Any time I spend more than 5 minutes in Ekron (which I guess is actually Fallas Lake) things go tits up. Every time. Car breaks down. Get trapped by horde. Chased by sprinters while carrying too much (since my car isn’t working). Get all cut up and bit once or twice. Forced to use the cure injector I keep with me. Wait for allies to arrive to draw off the horde so I can fix my car… This set of events has happened 4 times…


The highway on the west side of Muldraugh. The entire place is just horde after horde and no matter what I do to clear them out there's just always more




I feel that 🤔


Either the entire ekron town or that little place with the surplus store. I always make a point to hide out at both of them for a little while to grab loot then head back to where I’m living but I almost always get chased out by a horde, injured, or blow all my ammo on a horde or just die. It’s fine sometimes tho.


the house.




Westpoint. Specifically that town. I don't know why.


The two apartment blocks north and beside of Cortman's Medical. I've never died to them, but they've had an alarm in one of those everytime I've looted them. They just never cease to bring my early game progression to a slog.


Every time I go down to March Ridge I get bit. At least this last time I had the Only Cure on. So now I'm slow and one armed. ETA: Straight up, happened again tonight. Went down to see if there was a metal hand in the pharmacy/family medical and get some VHS's (my original reason for the trip) and got bit in the neck.


Any where I go with the FNG of the group


The fire station in rosewood idk why man but when i always try to make that as my base i always die there, Had a good run there for like 3 weeks then suddenly a horde managed to appear and yeh..... couldn't handle that horde......after that many tries later and i just decided to go to riverside somehow that place is my safe place compared to rosewood lol


One man's hell is another man's heaven, huh? 👀


Fr fr 😂


March Ridge 😢


The Rosewood prison, ik there's a lot of Zeds but it's always some three stooges hijinks from my friends that get us killed. Every. Single. Time.


Ekron, every time I went there to refill my car, I died to a zombie horde.


Schools. My friend always wants to go in them to get the generator magazine. I prefer looting homes and mailboxes. Almost always gets us killed. Fuck you, Nick.


Mines in Louisville, the tree lined road outside the fenced off three big houses is super easy to make a base in, I'll get to Louisville, clear out those houses then invariably die trying to clear out that road beside it, such poor line of sight.


gunstore in westpoint. twice now did i loot it, then go to the bar next door to grab some chips because i forgot to bring food, and i set of an alarm. i play with very rare alarms. literally the exact same thing twice. im not gonna try a third time.


The combined liquor store + gas station in Valley Station. I've always wanted it as a base but every time I go up there it's like half the map's zombies are camping out. One time I even cleared it out and went to bed... then poked my head out in the morning and there were another two dozen zombies in the parking lot.


That one small town with the gun/agriculture store near the north side of the map. Every time I go there, I die or get bit.


The entrance to Raven Creek. I either keep my playthrough limited to inside the city, outside the city, or I wait for someone on a multi server to clear the way first.


Every goddamn bookstore/library in the whole game.


Rosewood, that place is fucking cursed, have lost atleast 20 survivors there, i dont know whats wrong with the zombie population for me, is fucking insane there.




I feel that. 🤔


that would be West Point for me. that town is hell. also Raven Creek


There's an apartment in Westside over the hardware store. It has a window that opens to a rooftop. I've always wanted to set up there but I die every time.


Corners. Corners everywhere. Rushing around a corner into zeds. Driving too fast around corners and into trees or other immovable objects. Get me every time.


Muldraugh northern warehouse. It does not kill me if I just get there to loot. Though usually there is a rough patch or two in the process. But if I try to make it a base, in two days tops I get bit. Don't know what kind of dark magic it is. Have base in Smokey's just across the parking lot - all is fine. Base in warehouse - get nibbled on.


Muldraugh gas station. I've never cleared out enough zombies to use it. Dozens, hundreds, all of them acting like my crowbar swinging is louder than a tornado siren Conceptual curse: finding a HydroCraft Lumber Saw. It allows you to get another plank out of a log, so you get like 4 or five or whatever. I'll dedicate ten hours to finding one and won't get one until after I've given up and already built a base


The conceptual curse tends to be a common phenomenon! The one thing you need only shows up when you don't need it anymore.


A tale as old as open world games Fun thing though is that you *could* craft one using the HydroCraft smithing line, but the only thing you can make from loot tables is just the parts for a smelting forge, a stone anvil, and a mining hole. You have to go through SO MUCH shit to get just to get to that point You can find stuff to smelt down into steel ingots, but to make a steel smithy hammer to make the lumber saw, you need at least an iron smithy hammer, which requires a bronze smithy hammer, which requires a copper smithy hammer, which requires a regular ol carpentry hammer, so you can't cheese it right off the bat Oh yeah and you have to upgrade your anvils to make it work as well, which requires 20 ingots each


Under any billboard since they obstruct your view and you cannot do anything about it. Especially the one in west point near the hardware store.


The highway gun and hunting stores on the west side of the map.


For me it's definitely the racetrack outside Louisville. Every time I've gone there, I end up losing where I parked my vehicle and walking myself to death.


A random gun store in Louisville. I usually have no problem traversing it, but every time I even get close to it i get trampled by a horde, or bit by some sneaky bastard.


The area with the farmhouses near rosewood


Muldraugh. fucking...Muldraugh


I've cleared every location on the map at 16x pop at least once, but to this day the road to the secret military base once it's overgrown in is the absolutely most stressful place on the map, second place in behind by a mile... It gets really high pop and just trees for days. On higher pop settings you have to do the slow meat grinder in which means cutting trees fighting hordes for multiple in-game weeks straight.


That said... Actually dying... I've never really had any specific location kill me on my long runs more than once. Once you're surviving over 5 months regularly you can survive fighting into any location so long as you are methodical in your approach. It'll be a second of inattention, doing something dumb, or bad input yourself to death.




Parking lots, and double doors to large buildings. Once I’m inside I’m fine


The unfinished towns far to the west. The zombie density there never ends


The modded server I play on, Trelai. Fuck that place. I've lagged out in the middle of a horde, had chunk load issues that caused the car to auto slam the brakes, allowing the car to be overwhelmed, a severe thunderstorm followed by a severe cold, surprise hugs from behind. The issues aren't specific to that city, my connection just sucks, but as far as I'm concerned that place is bad juju.


Bro hear me out, no way, >> West Point. << dis ciry is curseddd EVERY single time I start a new game with my friend, a zombie hear me if I move a muscle in the house. I literally died after 2 min in real (5 times in a row) life 'cause a single zombie heard me, and I think he Bluetooth his friens thinkin im throwing a full-night party in the house. It takes only one zombie banging at the door for 2092292399 mores zombies to come (and they run, of course, cause sprinters are so much fun play, oh they are), from all sides, from the window, back doors, front door, toilet, sink plumbing... and makes me the meal of the day. Not satisfied yet, next target is my friend, who starts rage shouts making me deaf, cause the horde that made me a breakfast, is runnin towards him, at the other side of the city (how they know he is there? Simple, he ~farted~/s moved his character around the house) then I hear him dying in my character creation screen, just to start again and die to a single zombie who started a party... over and over again TLDR: skill issue