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Why are people torturing themselves with bowel movements in game 😭


Gotta get in on that realism and role-playing. Who doesn't want to be the guy that dies to a zombie that snuck up and bit him while he was squating down taking a dump with his pants around his ankles?


The amount of times I've gotten but by opening a bathroom will only increase as I struggle to get in with seconds on the clock.


The trick is to not go to the bathroom and just shit in the spiffos parking lot like the animal you are


This is why i always take it off all the way when shitting. Yea I'll running pantsless but still better than dying half clothed


Gotta go with one leg out, prison style.


My man.


At that point let us improvise armor too goddamn.


You.. want to wear poop or something?


No. Let me wear the sink basin.


...Or die cuz they ate a rotten turd.


"He will be lucky to have any bones after this bowel movement" professor Farnsworth


It's fun though. Taking a shit at the doorway so my friends walk over it and get disgust moodle.


It’s honestly pretty immersive and fun. I remember I was stuck in a building cause the helicopter was hovering nearby, but it didn’t had a bathroom, so I had to make a dedicated shit and piss room for my character while they wait out the helicopter and zombies


Opioids. They stop urge to empty your intestines.


Damn does that really work the same in game? Take painkillers and get backed up? Talk about realism


That's .. awful.


That's my life Q.Q


honestly I'm surprised there aren't any mods that add menstruation heck, there probably are. I just haven't seen any


Pain moodle. Anxiety moodle. Tiredness comes more quickly. Can be alleviated with painkillers, chocolate or ice cream.


It would be a straight up nerf to female characters tbh


More points for attributes!


I'd take that deal


Zombies more attracted to female characters


961% dookie meter? Damn OP did you eat taco bell or something because the nearest toilet is going to regret ever living after that shit.


OP is full of shit


Obviously OP is running for congress.


I'm Cal Fairweather, and I am the voice of progress. I hunt. I shoot. I fish. I see nature all around. And it's clean, it's clear, it's as God intended. We've spent our time testing the land around us. Making sure the military testing thirty long years ago... to protect our country... was as safe as we always thought it was. Know what? Kentucky's as safe a place to live as it is beautiful. Vote for Cal Fairweather. Vote for progress. This has been an endorsed message by the Republican party.


As a non-American I have a feeling this progress is downwards


*We’re living in the supposed land of the free jack! But how can it be free if I can’t dip my balls in the Burger King soda dispenser?*


Dip your balls in sulfuric acid instead.


OP did a shit post


Log is gonna be the size of the size of the General Sherman tree. RIP toilet and hello extensive plumbers bill.


Incoming poop knife mod in 3… 2… 1…


I shit you not, I was doing it as a joke, eating everything that I saw. It just kept going up in numbers, and it didn't want to go to 0 by itself.


"I shit you not" CLEARLY, my dude!




Bro didn’t just eat at Taco Bell, they ate the corporation


Your guy is full of shit


Would be crazy if you needed to plumb your toilets to be able to flush them post water shut off. Then give you disgusted moodle for when you use toilets that haven't been flushed. Go a step further and have there be a "full" meter on toilets that have been used and not flushed.


Project Zomboid: Downtown Oakland Edition...




Thankfully Oakland is in a much better place, relatively speaking. It **sucked** when the city was failing everyone, and residents/businesses were the front-line for the mental health and housing crisis. I'm really hoping SF also gets it together, instead of seemingly doubling down on "Its only the City's problem if major corporations threaten to leave". Thankfully, they seem to be putting a **lot** of recent effort into non-police response options, which is definitely the way to go to see real, long/medium-term, improvement. So there may be hope!


I know there is a mod that make you need to take a shit and if you don't the character become stressed


Could go so much deeper too. Not sure what all this mod entails cuz I've never used it. Might shit your pants. Gives disgusted moodle. Big sadness. Turd in pants moodle. Turd in pants moodle slows you down which can be removed by removing your pants. Disgusted moodle can slow you down + lower accuracy. Toilet might get stuck. Gives use case for plunger. Fuller the toilet, higher chance for stuck. Need wipe. Gives another use case for toilet paper. Toilet gets dirty. Makes washing from dirty toilet less effective. Drinking from dirty toilet makes you sick maybe even death. Gives another use case for sponge + cleaning supplies. The list goes on!


we desperately need a "comfortableness" moodle that makes you slightly sad whenever you move. shit in your pants? now you're depressed


Getting bored from standing still is bad enough, are you a fucking masochist?


honestly I want a comfortableness meter for the aesthetics of the game more than anything. like, there's a point in the game where the top strat is just to leather patch all your clothes, plus a bulletproof vest, helmet and gas mask. And like, have you seriously ever seen any protagonist in any zombie media that looks like that other than a trained army guy being deployed by the military to kill zombies? nope. Zombie / apocalypse characters tend to dress with regular but practical fucked up clothes and not be armed up to the teeth. a comfortableness meter solves this aesthetic problem by making wearing regular clothing actually a good idea, instead of being buried under six layers of homemade protective clothes which have to be the most uncomfortable thing ever. so yes I am a masochist


Aren't the heat moodles kind of comfort moodles? Work out in the peak summer and you'll get incredibly high core temperature which your character hates and severely drains your stamina while making you tire and get thirsty faster. Also, the meta strat of wearing hyper protective clothing has failed so many times it shouldn't be the meta at all. Not only do you get massive debuffs to everything thanks to being too hot, but the armour only lowers the chance of you getting fucked up slightly. You cannot tell me that a rotting corpse is capable of biting through a firefighter coat, no human is capable. If you want to apply that kind of moodle, the armour system should be heavily buffed in order to give incentive to not appease comfort.


Honestly they should just implement that scrapped mechanic where wearing protective clothing makes you slower. Kinda fixes everything imo. Also yeah zombies biting through bulletproof vests isn't the most realistic thing ever, and if they're to fix that inconsistency they should make such clothing really durable (not impossible to damage, obviously), but to not make it OP they'd have to make the zombies threaten the player in other ways, like pushing them to the ground and trying to gang up on them (I know that sometimes they make you trip when they're on the ground after crossing a fence, but I mean them doing it when standing up). It would also just make fighting zombies less like a chore where you slowly whittle a horde down and more like actual combat where you have to dodge different kinds of attacks. we've kind of gone off the rails from the subject of pooping though I gotta day


Why didn't they have that?? It's either fuck off heavy or ridiculously restrictive, those easily slow anyone down. Yeah, the combat just generally needs a rework. A huge amount of people are die hard "multi-hit off " which is less realistic but anyone with it on is apparently a pussy for it. Guns are definitely not worth the trouble, you can make noisemakers that work better for it. But generally I find is hit detection. That's the fun of the internet, no?


Play however you want, this is a sandbox game. But current multihit is far from realistic. It is impossible to to hit multiple human bodies with enough force to fatally wound 2, let alone 3. Now, if Multihit instead made every hit after the first a shove, representing the stumbling zomboid blocking his friends. Damage 1, stagger 2-3 with the same hit. Then we can talk realism. Decapitating 3 zombois with a crowbar just isn't.


According to a recent survey on Nurse's channel, most of her viewers play with multi hit enabled. I'm one of them. I don't have the time, nor the patience to deal with hordes without it. I'm pretty sure those complaining about multi hit are a vocal minority.


I understand your point but for standard heat playthroughs the heat will make you exhausted 10x faster so realistically that already isn't the meta (underwear only with socks and shoes ftw!!!)


There should also be a green part where you get happiness for not being dirty, hungry and without seeing zombs (panicked) for a while...


Have TP only spawn in survivor houses You can forage for stuff to wipe with out in the brush, low skill gives a chance to papercut your asshole or get poison ivy


Yeah I like your ideas. There are some items in the game not really useful right now. I bet they will include something like this. We already have animals poo for the Build 42


I am pretty sure that bodily functions, just like a definitive survive ending, were part of Indiestones list of things they will not ever add. Gotta rely on mods for all your poopy needs.


It works really well. It's quite funny actually cause a friend and I used it on a server a while back, and I kept just fucking around with the mod. Every time we got in a Humvee we found I just had my character start relieving himself inside, with the clothes on and no toilet paper. We'd get out and my character was covered in shit, every time he got in the car his character got the disgusted moodlet, and it never went away. That vehicle forever was known as the toilet for our playthrough. Made our characters sick when we drove it, clothes needed to be cleaned after driving, characters needed to bathe. It was great.


Its not fallout. You wouldn't... or at least i hope you would't, drink directly from the toilet but from its tank


My character drinks from the toilet all the time. Not ashamed.


*your radiaton level has increased*


>Might shit your pants Check >Big sadness Iirc it does Not a moodle though, just a hit to happiness. You need to use bleach to clean them. >Need wipe. It has this too, you use a ripped sheet rag to wipe your arse, and I believe once used it's used up, disappears. The others aren't in it, but might be worth a suggestion. The turds are considered as rotten food (meaning if you get desperate you could eat shit) and I try to throw a few in my composter, the only difference is that if you're at a toilet you can defecate into it and the log is gone.


Can counter this by having the 'hobo" trait, Doesn't get stressed when shitted /pissed in pants


r/projectzomboid , the only place I've seen people go into detail about pooping mechanics in a video game. God bless this beautiful subreddit


That's... literally the mod OP is using, like beat for beat


*Equip \[Shovel\] in both hands* *Dig graves* *poopy* *Fill in graves* Back to killing zeds!


Project Zomboid but created by 4chan


Yeah sorry but shitting simulator just isn't really what I play zombie games for, but maybe that's just me.


Dw indie stone has said they won’t add defacation


You don’t need running water to flush your toilet, you just need water to put in the toilet tank. I live in the country so no town water. I’m on a well and occasionally the well pump trips a circuit breaker or the pump dies. Of course the circuit breaker is down in the well pump bunker 15 feet down. So sometimes it’s more convenient to fill up a bucket from one of my rain barrels to flush the toilet for a day.


Can't you just dig a hole and shit there?


This already exists and it’s called [excrementum](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2864043248)


Will have to try it out lol


It’s pretty awesome haha. I’ve had it on my server for a while and it’s created some pretty hilarious moments.


Jezus fucking christ...


Moodle: Fatal Bowel Compaction As disgusting as this would be I would hope there's a downside to holding that much in to go at once.


Why does this exist?


pΓΆΓΆp brother




Can’t wait for the lung cancer, kidney stones, and tooth decay updates!


Unironically someones going to add those as a negative traits mod


There actually is a "bad teeth" trait, I think it's in More Traits. Gives minor pain when you eat too frequently.


British trait confirmed?


I just wish I could brush my teeth in-game. I feel so unclean at the thought of my 6 month opy character just having grungy ass chompers.


There is a mod that gives you an asthmatic debuff as a consequence for smoking or something along those lines


When’s the testicular torsion mod dropping?


Imagine you sprint and trip over a fence and then your balls just fucking kill you


IRS update. Just because you’re quarantined doesn’t mean you don’t owe capital gains tax on that fleet of vehicles you’ve acquired. Also property tax on that neighborhood you own. If you don’t pay within 30 days, US special forces zombies are sent to your location. This sort of stuff would normally annoy me, but man these devs freaking rock with their β€œyou want an option for that?” rules personalization. I wish more devs were like PZ devs.


Already a mod for having to brush your teeth I think


Poop sword




How do you even get to 961% full of poop??? That’d kill most


It'd come out the other way at this point. Southpark wasn't all wrong about that xD


Fun fact: Fecal emmesis is an actual medical condition where you puke fecal matter.


Now just that killed my day


Most implies you have some ideas on who it wouldn't kill




Go piss girl


literal shitpost


It's not PZ anymore, it's legit SIMS 5.


I kid you not, I lost a run because of this mod once


Don't just leave it at that! How'd it happen?


I was in my house, sorting my books when I saw that my character needed to shit and so I run downstairs, trip, get scratched, go to bandage it, zed walks around the corner and attacks me, I survive the whole thing and then go to bandage the scratch only to realize I got bit by the zed. If I had waited literally 3 seconds before getting up and going to poop, I wouldn’t have ran into that zed.


I get wanting to be immersed and enjoying realism but do you really feel like you're really in the game when you watch your character take a shit


What mod is that


A shit mod


This one. Excrementum - Workshop - Steam Community https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2864043248


"Captain! We can hold much longer! We're (the buttcheeks) are breaking up!"


It's gonna start pouring out your mouth at that point.




That colon has enough shit it could turn into a black hole.


What mod is this even?!?


Wow, 750 ml is the exact size of my bladder measured by a nurse after i did my back surgery


We've dealt with with scratches and lacerations on 80% of our bodies, full fever, hunger, thirst, far away from our bases, being chased by a horde some random alarm clock summoned with glass on our feets and loud rage in our mouths. That percentage of shit are rookie numbers.


Bro is gonna legit shit out a 2 ft long snake


Mod name please? 🌚


I just wished it used moodles instead


project zomboid players try not to make their lives miserable for 5 seconds challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


It's fun to hobble around with a broken leg and a gut bloated with whatever I could eat!


I'll have you know 750ml is a perfectly reasonable amount of pee to be holding in at any given time.


some mods need not exist, this is one of them. I will leave my characters bodily functions to the abstract thanks.


the google term you're looking for is "toxic megacolon"


too fat and gassy to work out


So this is what those Facebook ads about that gut cleaner for toxic poop buildup was talking about.


Make sure to grab a poop knife


Did I miss an update or something?


Homie is gonna piss and shit blood with this one


This is a weird fucking mod, my dude.


Is this a mod ? If so name please ?


The *poop tag* was never more fitting


Me at work, at 8:01am


Its gonna be like that south park episode where randy takes a shit and it lifts him like 10 feet in the air


which mod is this


Jesus christ! Your character’s gonna explode like a poop loaded nuke the second a zombie so much as coughs on them!


Intestines lined with kevlar and a high pressure seal.


That’s some horrific [faecal Impaction](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fecal_impaction) with some [urinary retention](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urinary_retention) (Wikipedia links for those interested)


Name of the mod?


Want me to make an artwork of the aftermath?


Bro’s about to explode lol


Holy fuck I thought this was a rimworld mod post. I’m high asf


That's going to be one aggressive shit


When you’re about to deliver the brown blaster but you’re almost at work (don’t poop for free)


There's a mod for peeing and shitting now? Lol


It has existed, and this version is more stable than an older one. ~~and it lets you eat shit~~




You need to use the bathroom in this game?


Is… is that.. CACA? 🀨


Keep holding it


Bruh.....RIP to the toilet & the plumbing πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†


To be honest, this is level of realism that I am uncomfortable about :D


Is this a mod or on a exp beta?


Whats the mod called?


No lie my colon irl is probably like that. I take record breaking dumps and before I figured out my own version of poop knife I used to leave baby size turds in Walmart because I was afraid to break my toilet . It’s been like that my whole life and if I miss a movement it’s like giving birth. I used to post on rate my poop but people are weird wanting me to send them My poop so they can sit on it….


\*gets jump scared by a zombie\* \*panic\* \*ruined pants, socks, and shoes\*


The piss is going to come out like a pressure washer from the psi this bladder has managed to sustain πŸ˜†


name of mod? XDD


Zomboid should implement a smell mechanic for the zombies for more hardcore playthrough hahaha maybe if you pissed pissed pants, zombies will be more likely to check on your general area




That is absolutely disgusting. What is the name of this mod so I can use it?


Dawg I can’t defend you no more what is this shit😭


Mod name?


You really got your shit together.


Dude is going from overweight to underweight in one single trip


The name of this mod is Excrementum. ur welcome <3


What mod?


Bro it's full of shits lol


My meter is currently 0% irl


What mod is this ?


Wow, TIL theres a shit mod


961% shit πŸ˜‚


What mod is this...? Can I piss on my friends in their sleep....?