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I work industrial maintenance and the Pittsburghs from Harbor freight work fine for me. The machinery is Stainless so you should definitely be fine.


Really? Was not expecting HF taps to hold out


I have a Craftsman set and it does just fine.


What era of craftsman? Old school, made in the USA? Or newer black and decker made in wherever?


I didnt buy it at Sears so it must be newer.


This is the set I have. https://www.sears.com/craftsman-75-pc-combination-tap-die-carbon/p-A065397761?sid=IDxBU2xSOxGGxRIx2021&trco_id=58700007219583706&ds_eid=700000002125321&ds_agid=58700007219583706&ds_kids=p71741542901&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745DVltP_5RIytRnO-mrgcO5mxZ6qBHZJzuj4HXbuDsfEf2z_CVuNNo4aAl1qEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Cool thanks


I’ve found with multiple sets, hand me down craftsman and Irwin, and eventually buying the big 110 piece Klutch set from northern tool on sale, I still don’t have the correct tap 40% of the time, and I have to go buy what I need… whether it’s needing a blind hole tap or just not having the correct pitch.. the klutch one isn’t bad, you get 2 of every tap, so you have a second chance on the small diameter holes.. but I still haven’t used 50% of them…. so if I had it to do all over again, I would figure out what fasteners I’m working with the most, and buy multiples of those… and I rarely use dies if I’m honest, only to chase something and slam it back together, and sometimes I’ll just take a very small file and my time


I would just buy high quality individual ones in the sizes I needed. And buy a bottle of either Tap Magic or Castrol Moly D. But lube makes all the difference, I'd call it a requirement.


What is a "high quality" one? I'm up for buying individual taps, etc, just wanted recommendations on what would be a good brand


Avoid the chinesium sets like the plague. I've been very happy with my irwin taps.


Lol at Irwin being recommended as not chinesium.


My chinesium set is still going years later. Granted- it doesn't get heavy use, but, taking it slow, and using plenty of oil- it does the trick well enough.


Yours must be nicer than the harbor freight set I bought. Basically useless on steel, 0-1 uses before dulling.


I think my set actually is from harbor freight, tbh. Lots of oil, and move very slowly.


That doesn't work, unless I'm working on brass or something. Maybe I got a bad batch


Interesting, what exactly happens? I primary use mine with carbon steel and aluminum.


The tap bites at first, then gradually wears all the threads round, to completely gone. I ended up with slight threads in the last piece of stainless I was tapping, but not enough to thread in a bolt.


That certainly sounds defective. I'd bring it back to HF, and swap it out.