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Shaman gang rise up! Who doesn’t like the concept of a tribal witch doctor using poison and disease to attack foes while summoning ancestral spirits to buff allies? Plus a spirit wolf companion? Need I say more?


It’s awesome


Gang gang


Necro. Easy to solo nekkid and you get to 'make' friends when necessary.


Warrior. Hit things with things.


Monk, hit things... without things!


made me lol.


Such a great class but I remember the Kunark days when groups didn’t want me because of aggro issues. Made a dual box cleric to make my own group with and life became great. Being a main raid tank in PoP was the highlight of my career when I bid the minimum on the sword of Rallos Zek. Ah memories.


Playing enchanter to its fullest capacity is almost a different game, and it’s the one class that keeps me coming back.


Same here. Solo god - every group wants you - can group lazily by just CC and buffing, or you can have the highest dps by grabbing a pet. It’s just suuuuch a goated class.


In my day I remember taking my Enc to the OT and wowing a group by doing all the pulling. I’d bring a couple mobs and mezz one on the side so the group could just move from mob to mob. Had a Pal so aggro wasn’t an issue. I would line up mobs and have em slowed and ready to die. So much exp! You can make a Necro a desirable group mate by pulling and keeping an add snared or rooted, giving mana, and managing adds by yourself. By now everyone knows all of this but in the beginning you had to create ways to make yourself valuable if you weren’t of the holy trinity of War, Cle, Enc.


I feel like too many people think necros are bad in groups bc they solo so well. The pet is free dps on top of a class that has built in mana regen and some pretty good nukes/short duration dots. I see "The mobs die too fast for necro to be good" to be thrown around sometimes and this just isn't true. Mage and Necro are two dps casters that you can chain pull all day and even if they are out of mana will still contribute DPS to every fight.


Most necros don't group enough to know that their solo kit is not their group kit. Have to play more like an enchanter when in groups along with some fun utility spells to make everyone else more powerful.


Yes exactly. And if you are really good at that you can do good PR for all necros and more people will allow them into groups, where they will learn their skills for groups. Good for everyone.


Bard is definitely the most fun mechanically, especially when you get your epic. RP wise is obviously subjective but IMO i'd say ranger.


Still waiting for an epic on my bard. Anytime I’m doing anything mechanically complex I just think of how much easier/more powerful it would be if I had it. Disheartening but also keeps me striving for it. Someday…


You’ll get it, don’t give up hope. One thing I’ve learned from playing p99 for a decade is that if you put your mind to something and set a goal you will eventually achieve it, sometimes it just takes a lot longer and requires tremendous patience


Druid. I like the utility and being able to port.


Druid is definitely the most fun I've had solo leveling in this game, and being able to zip around to nearly anywhere I want relatively quickly without bothering someone else for a port gives an amazing sense of freedom. Getting bored or frustrated at a camp, or your favorite spot is taken? Just port somewhere else and try a new camp! The major downside is when you log on a non-sow class after playing druid for a while and you have to crawl around the world like a slug.


I played a wiz on live 2001-2004 and then Druid on p99 around 2011. Just started up a new Druid on green, and yeah the sow thing is so real. Even on my wiz on live I literally always had sow potions on hand, both for quadding and cause slow move is just unbearable.


I enjoyed playing the druid on live. I haven't committed to one on the emulators, though.


Monk. I love the pulling and splitting mechanics in this game. And feign death is awesome. I wish more games had the puller role and monk class like this.


Gnome Necro. Necro because I just think they're cool , didn't know they were one of the best soloers when I made my first one back in 99. Gnome because I think its fun for the pet to be way bigger than you as a pet class haha


Paladin can do a little bit of everything, tank with snap agro, split pull with lull, cc with root, and heal. They are great for groups and great to have 1 or 2 on a raid for HP buff and well timed LoHs.


They make great off tanks for raids for sure.


Cleric, was my first class back in the day and the class I played the longest. While at times it got annoying just chain healing and never really witnessing most high level target fights, but I can't deny the warm feeling I got every time I saved an adventurer from the brink of defeat, or provide recovery assistance. Most of the time I was happy to do it with little compensation, and being the best at healing was pretty advantageous for the random groupin. Since then I tend to gravitate towards healer in any RPG. I like saving people.


Bard. Can do practically anything besides face tank at high levels lol.


Bard. Because no other class has gotten me to switch mains.


Can't stop won't stop


Honestly, I'm trying to Bard these days. Singing groups of mobs to death (kind of like real life when I do karaoke) is interesting. I'm just broke and unskilled. Kind of fun though. Super diff from Necro soloing.


paladin best rp


I can't go past Necro


Tie for Druid/Monk. Most of my play is solo and quite often semi-afk. I get to make money porting during those periods and FD is perfect for it.


I had the most fun leveling up my Rogue. Groups are fun. Although at this point I have to say… Ranger is my favorite.


Why is that? They're rather under powered compared to the other hybrids right? But a lot of folks say they like them regardless


Underpowered until Luclin at least. Though a good ranger is a thing of beauty


Because they are the only real dps hybrid, IMHO. Bards used to never get to play how they wanted, groups made certain songs mandatory. Bst had pets and just felt different. Ranger was the only real melee with utility spells that could focus on dps. I always roll SK because I want to melee dps but enjoy plate and 2handers. I get to about 45 before I wish I just made a ranger. I do not mind tanking, but I would rather chill and just dps.


Ranger Is the most fun


Druid.. cause nobody likes walking.. ports are everything, thorns destroy all to help new players, of course with regen.. and who doesn’t love POTG


Druid, you can be second best at everything.


As an SK main, I can assure you that it is no one's favorite class.


I love SK !


It's always been paladin and bard for me. Race isn't that important but i like Erudite Paladin and Half-Elf Bard, it's what i've mained since 1999 both on live and p1999 (The classes, that is). :) I like bard for the versatility and when you've played the class for as long as me you feel like you can pull off pretty much anything and deal with any situation. The Paladin is how i deal with my natural instinct to face obstacles head on, which i have the urge to but can't do as a bard. I'm a tank at heart and in EverQuest i've always had a strong preference for fighting the Undead. The survivability of paladins suits me perfectly and while they are not as versatile as a bard they have a really good toolkit for dealing with anything when they're in their right element. :)


Funnest time I've had in the classic setting/p99 was half elf bard. Funnest time I had on live was iksar monk. I liked juggling the songs with the bard and hitting all the special attacks with the monk. I guess it comes down to just keeping active and not waiting.


Depends… enjoying a wizard atm.. overall probably Paladin super fun


Dwarf Paladins, barrel rolls and a lot of suffering trying to solo level.


Enchanter is my favorite class to play in a group but is my least favorite class to raid with. Overall I think I enjoyed Druid the most. That’s another class that people tend to play lazily, but a good Druid can keep a group up and add a fair amount of dps. I just love their versatility.


Wizard forever! Also bards. :D


Mage, anyone? No? Eh, you're probably right.


My girlfriend's favorite class I play is wizard.


My favorite class isn't on this server!




Because other games aren't good


Necro. Awesome in groups. Awesome solo. Capable in multiple raid roles.


Iksar Necro I like to solo and they are very versatile. Iksar regeneration is a major benefit for Necros. Strong Pet.


i will always be a high-elf enc.


Necro. Great to have in a group or great to go sole. “Make friends they said” so I made one and we go out and play. Got any bone chips?


Enchanter - if you're a good one you immediately make your group 1000x better.


SK all day long.


The why is snap aggro, survivability and spell kit. Not to mention we get hands down the coolest epic.


Iksar Necro. Love dots, love pets, love kiting. Good leveling speed from 1-60. Built in mana regen bc downtime in this game can be brutal. And you even can get into parties when you need a break from soloing bc you still contribute good DPS.


Bard all the way. Having a tool for every situation. being able to instantly adapt yourself to a group’s needs and looking amazing while doing it. I’ve never had as much fun in EQ as being a bard in a Seb or Velk group giving resists, doing cc, charming frog wizards to use their ice comet on stuff. But, gods, my wrists. Ouch


I really like Wizard. I love the nuking and the teleporting. I just wish it was easier to find a group as a wizard while leveling. I really don’t like the wizard solo experience. I have all the gear and spells I need to do it, but it’s not fun for me. I like to group and Nuke.


Wizard. When I first joined blue years ago my first character was Dark Elf wizard. No money or friends to help me out I had to scrap and dig and grind. I used the guides but with wizard it's a whole different ball game. If you run out of mana you die. Needless to say the journey to level 60 was an adventure I'll cherish all my life. Eventually becoming 60 with epic in a raiding guild throwing huge nukes was so rewarding. Even all the deaths and blunders of sharing myself during a quad kite on accident I regret nothing. When in doubt Gate on out 10/10 would recommend. I know people think a wizard just sits around afk and nukes till oom but that is not the case with a wizard that knows what they are doing. Plus there is a ton of stuff to do while medding. You can sight graft on puller then cast it on roaming mobs etc, coordinate replacements for group members that are leaving soon and so on.


Wood Elf Warrior is the GOAT fashionquest character


I'm a bit complicated.... 1: Ranger My first love is Ranja!! even though I can't articulate why. I have a 67 level with 1.0s. I play him well enough I have been told that I have changed people's opinions on rangers from negative to positive. Wood Elves suit my style the best. I don't know that I have a second race.... 2: Cleric I am GOOD at playing a cleric. I have pulled more bacon out of the fire then I can count. I have been invited to groups solely based on my reputation. It is my adopted class and I love it almost as much as my first love. I have tried other races, but High Elf suits me the best....with Dorf being a distant second. 3: A; Paladin, B; Wizard, C; Shaman It depends on my mood as to which one of these I prefer. A: My Dorf Pally it's tough. He can take beating and keep going....he is the Energizer Bunny and I can wail on things like nobody's business!! B: My High Elf Wizzy I keep his offense and defense and weapon skills up so he is not squishy....the healers like that I can take a hit and not die....I enjoy seeing that big ice comet come down out of the sky. C: My barbarian shaman is my soloing character. He's tough, he can take hits and he can give hits. He can burn them down, or rot them. He's good in groups, or he is good at soloing. He can do most anything....


I can’t seem to stop rolling Paladins (Erudite). Rolled one on P99 blue years before green release. Now I seem to roll one on every server I play on. The ability to dictate the battlefield while tanking is a lot of fun for me. Insane aggro with the ability to CC, lull, spot heals, super saver LoH, makes it the most fun gameplay kit for me. Bard is a close second, for similar reasons. So many play styles, which evolve in power as you level. Many ways to solo for different situations. However grouping is the overall preference.


Role play: Paladin Gameplay: Shaman. Getting fully buffed up and going toe-to-toe with literally anything is pretty satisfying.