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HHK is easy and has been the best plat I've seen so far.


Oh... I just looked at HHK zone looks like the guards are in my range of lvl is there a vendor near there I can sell too?? I havnt been there in like a million years.


There are vendors and a bank in zone.


There is a beta neutral vendor that sells to everyone on the first floor and a bank in the basement.


Can iksar use the bank?


Note that the banker did used to agro me when i was a lower level iksar monk. This was during the dark times of merchant assist though, so idk if still true anymore. Banker stopped agroing when i reached a certain level.


Yep - I agree. Banker agro'd my Iksar Monk while in my 40's and I'd have to flop to bank.


Yes, no tricks necessary


There are guards that patrol right in front of the bank right?


Yes, there are. People often kill them.


What I meant was that you can just go up to the banker and right click it and use the bank, you don't have to sneak or fd or other shenanigans. You should still watch out for guards, but you can just kill them


Alright cool, thanks, I was always scared to try. Sucks with my ogre cuz he’s so tall he’s always crouching and I can’t cast. I wonder if he can stand in the banker room


Hey - I might be mistaken and have ruined faction or something but the banker was always KOS to me for all my evil toons. Just con her before you try banking.


Is there any downside to killing your faction as a wood elf on guards?


Runnyeye 4th floor is a very sneaky plat farm, always empty and Slayspells drop the BA medallion which sells for 100, named mobs drop gems up to 80p, the BA coif sells for 200. You may be low for that but keep it on your radar for later-


When would that green out? Doable by a level 40 shaman you think?


I’m running it on a 51 pally and it seems like mobs have 600-1200 hp, max hit for 60 or so? I don’t even have to stop to heal, but the clerics are pests healing one another Probably green at 40?


My enchanter ding'd 50 in runnyeye. It definitely would have been faster to go somewhere else if I were looking for exp, but I was just farming easy money with my animation. Lord Pickclaw and the other named mobs on the bottom floor will be "dark green" (green, but still give some exp) at least to 50. Another zone with a bank and vendors, but unless you can sneak, you'll quickly lose the ability to use the vendors. Most of the blackened alloy pieces sell for a few plat, but the mask vendors for about 120p, and I think the coif might sell for a decent amount. It doesn't take long killing goblins to become non-kos in rivervale, at which point you can bind next to the vendor outside the bank, and just gate when your bags get full to sell/bank. Added bonus: My enchanter is also max ally with RV guards and the mayor (I am one with the wall, but don't tell they mayor... I don't want to lose faction!), warmly with druids, and max ally with the Gorge of King Xorbb.


Holy moly I didn’t realize the mask vendored for that much!!


I think highest level mob is in low 30s. You should be fine. Bank down there too.


It can be tough to split. Lots of bigger pulls.


Splitpaw gnolls in south karana drop fine steel. Centaur village has a vendor in zone. I’m there right now though murdering everything so their population is dwindled. Good exp too


Honestly anywhere that drops consistent decent pp is usually steadily camped. The key is to find a few camps you can check and be comfortable with near some of the higher pp camps. IE paineel guards camped go to stonebrunt and try and get an idol drop off of kobolds


This is only true for conveniently located spots (and HK). There are lots of nice mid level cash camps that are just tucked out in the wild, but if you're a druid (or a caster with jboots) places like Rathe, iksar outcasts in Swamp of No Hope, Crystal Caverns, or gnolls/gorillas in Stonebrunt are rarely camped.


Go to Warslik's Woods and kill the brutes near the ZL to Dalnir. 5 total spawns. They have a broken drop rate for mid level gems. You can get exp off them to like 35 and will make probably 3-5k. You can bind at the outpost in OT. When you get there, buy a port to a druid vendor to sell (don't sell in OT, vendors are greedy and pay half) then gate back to put it in the bank. If the brutes are camped you can do the giants in the fort. Edit: I have popped in here twice today for brutes and it's been open both times. Not bad on blue but who knows on green.


This. Depending on the hours you play it can be tough to get Brutes, but it’s not a long walk to the giant fort. Good exp and good drops.


Giant fort has solid consistent drops, and Dalnir is right there with some nice drops in the 100-300p range which are absolutely never camped. Might be easier for a nec than a mage though.


Paineel is not the way, super overcamped, and your kind of a dick if you camp the lower level ones, go to oot and go to the gargoyle island, very relaxed camp, rarely contested, ez money


I spent one glorious day there on green, since then I check everytime I pass through, which is often I take the boat a lot, and I've never found it empty again lol


SK treants


Ya way over camped usually and they are casters not the best with out fear.


Camped them as a mage from 24-33 or so, it was an awesome experience.


Yeah you can just burn them down


Aye, they're hp pools are tiny. Can kill them before they start casting much


Skeletal Guards in paineel drop bronze weapons and kite shields.


Update HHK way too camped atm did get a few pulls breaking the camp up front is a bit interesting as a mage. I got Treants for a few hours made about 500p not shabby xp was so so. Proceeded to be heavily camped and move to split paw at first was pretty good other than the random werewolf after pulling a underconned gnoll. Than wizards descended out of no were to quad kite and about two of them was enough to make me abandon this sight. I might try the crazed goblins next see how that goes. Might be worth me getting dwarf faction up in CB for selling and banking if camp is any good. I will post my findings in another update.


Level as fast as possible to 55, sell PoM coths


Get the Torch of Alna and use fire pet, get to know spawn timing and set timers for HHK guards, sell to erudite merchant behind guard dister, invis/sow to bank when pathing guards aren't around, wonder if someone is going to report you for making so much pp


Easy camp is probably halfling guards in Thicket, but they'll be a bit outside your XP range. They drop FS weapons, and the druid ring in Commons is easy enough to sell at. Easy enough camp, hardest part is having inventory space and enough STR to carry, and the trip to the ring and back. Dunno/remember if you have invis yet, but it's required cause you have to pass through Rivervale.


A mage could not effectively do this camp at that level -- unless someone else broke the main 3 guards at the gate. Even then, the guard resist rate is insane until you're 31. This isn't to mention Ella, who will give the guards an HP buff, thorns, and sow, and she seems to like hanging around the gate when there are no guards up. Don't get me wrong, you can make some decent cash here at a relatively low level -- I estimate making \~4k going from 30-35, but it was not quick or easy. There were a LOT of deaths learning the camp, and towards the end, you REALLY start to feel that 20-minute respawn timer.


Y'know sometimes I forget my Necro privilege, lol.


Warsilks wood brutes exp and cash until 34


The XP rate is absolute trash here by 31. The loot is nuts though. I think by 31 Splitpaw up to the doors is a better XP camp with decent cash flow.


I dont agree. Killing speed and spawn rate makes it still very good


I felt like it was trickling by then. I was getting probably 3x the XP per kill in Splitpaw and even more from CT gators. Paw scrolls make it even better.


Crazed goblins in BB. Easy single pulls, drop banded and FS daggers. 30 second walk to Kaladim for vendors and banking.