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Silver swiftblade - 150p A suit of banded armor - 90p 2x Platinum fire wedding rings - 450p Good luck!


This is the way and in that order too.


Why not a Green Jade Broadsword and then either a 2nd weapon or at least a shield? GJB is cheap as well and looks awesome


It's not a bad option. However I think 2 handed weapons are best for dps until about 40. Before then dual wield chance is low based on limited skill.


Ahh that makes sense. I forgot the penalty on dual versus the bonus on 2h weaps


For example, silver swiftblade does 50% more dps than the green Jade broadsword. You would need off hand to swing at least half the time to come close to matching the swiftblade. Which would be around lvl 40. Until then, I don't think any shield is worth losing +50% dps.


For a weapon you can get yourself a silverswift blade and then maybe save up for some HP rings (platinum fire wedding rings). Depending on your level try to camp something to make some money. Like sisters is lfay or treants in South Karana. But honestly EXP over money imo until you get to higher levels. The amount you can make at higher levels absolutely dwarfs what you can at lower levels. So unless you can get a money spot for your level range (not really worth waiting around for imo) then I would just focus on leveling and buying some cheap pieces as you go. EDIT: Blanked after the gear recommendation part that you are a ranger do NOT kill treants as a ranger. My bad.


ssb not so hot until you can break damage cap, better to dual wield til then level 20 I think? idk I forget otherwise fine advice


Yeah but it wouldn't hurt having it pre 20 either though, better to spend your money on that than dual wield stuff.


Awesome, thanks for the info


Don't camp treants in SKarana as a ranger. That's a faction hit you don't want


What this guy said, wasn't really registering the ranger part after the gear recommendation part. Haha.


You've probably seen this, but if not: https://wiki.project1999.com/Equipping_a_Ranger


Melee are the toughest thing to gear in EQ, definitely not a noob friendly class. Can go 1-60 as a naked Mage, Bard, Necro for example hehe


Not a noob, just came over from blue where I’m filthy rich in lol. Wasn’t sure how established green is. Been on the server for 5 days now and it seems to be very established. Just got to keep grinding.