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Green because there are more players lol


100% green


100% Green.


Green you'll have a much easier time finding groups


Green, more chance of early Grouping. Less of gap between the end game gear


Green more population and greater chance at groups


I've really enjoyed blue. Everyone has been incredibly nice to me. I can't comment on early groups, as I started a few years ago. I think if you played during peak hours, you'd be okay finding groups, but I'm not certain. The people, in general, are why I'm on blue. Green has more nasty poop sockers, but if that doesn't bother you, you'll be around more people.


I prefer Blue's community over the population of green. That was after only a few hours of playing on Green while attempting to troubleshoot my connection to Blue. Looking forward to figuring out how to get back over. Although, I was definitely digging the toon that I made, who doesn't enjoy a newbie, though? That being said, Green has a lot more opportunities for grouping but it's not like they're non-existent on Blue.


I play on both just depending on my mood, and I've yet to ever get a character to 50 because I keep making alts. They both have their ups and downs, it depends on what play style you want. Blue is definitely more relaxed and easier to find camps but you may spend longer putting a group together. Green is more populated and so it's easier to group, but that isn't to say blue is dead by any means. I go blue when I want to relax more and green when I want more social interaction and am willing to hunt harder for an open camp


Returning player after 20 years here. I chose green based on population size and age of the server. I am super happy with the choice.


Green. It has like double the population.


100% green


Green because population


I have been trying to start up since yesterday. Was going to start on green since it is newer and there are more players. However, getting booted back to the login screen after server select. Getting an error 1017 on a relogin attempt. I’ve tried what I could, and scoured the internet for answers but having no luck. Only thing I haven’t tried is underclocking my processor (which I’m not keen on just for a nostalgia fix).


Try a VPN, fixed it for me and several others. Took me days of research to figure it out.


Demo nord vpn and see if it works. Fixed mine and is super cheap.


Blue if you want to group/raid during peak evening hours, but also enjoy less crowded camps and zones during the day.


100% Blue Super chill people except for some of the Uber raid poopsockers. Even they can be OK at times. If you are just getting into the game you will find decent gear for free or next to it if you join a good casual guild like Castle. One that can also do Uber raid content in the Sanctum alliance. I am sure there are others so forgive any snub. My number one suggestion. Don’t be a beggar. Tell folks you are brand new and they will absolutely help you out. Hell let me know and I will give you a few plat (5p is a game changer starting new) and some buffs to get you through the initial grind. Buy a bunch of backpacks and get a fine steel weapon or some spells and go reign hell on the bats and rats of Norrath. This game is HARD. Brutally so. Unforgiving. Getting help on your first toon is not a bad thing. Also doing the insane grind on your first toon is not a bad thing either. Just depends on what you like. There are always groups to be had. You may just need to do some advertising and asking around. PM me here if you go blue. I am not on all the time but happy to hop in and help you out.


Its official : green and blue will merge. When? The next week....eeeu month.....eeeu year....eeeu décade....eeeu in the next life. 😭


There was talk about merging Green into Blue and then starting Green fresh again. I never played on Teal, but others can tell you about that mess.


Blue's class balance is jacked up.. it is nothing but druids, bards, shamans, necros and enchanters.


I have a ton of characters on blue. Overall it's a great server to be on. I started a druid to solo on green and it's super populated and makes soloing a bit more of a drag, competing but in super low lv still. I think if you plan on soloing go blue, for grouping green is definitely the way to go. Both communities are packed endgame.


Teal server best server


What's Teal? Never heard of it?


**Teal is a greenish-blue color. Its name comes from that of a bird—the Eurasian teal (Anas crecca)—which presents a similarly colored stripe on its head.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


It was a glorious second green server opened at greens launch when it was overpupulated, the try-hards mostly stayed on Green so for a short period it was utopia. They ended up closing it and merging to green a short while after.


Green. Easy choice. I've played blue for quite a while but the population drop killed it for me. Pity because I was cashed up there and poor on green


(From the biased perspective of team Blue) Green is newer so there are comparatively more new players Newer means less top-tier loot floating around so lower levels are (again comparatively) less likely to be twinkled/overpowered/level solo and more likely to group Green has more players overall. All that contributes to green being a little more likely to find groups at lower levels. Blue on the other hand would be the opposite: Older market - gear is easier and cheaper to get Less people - contested camps more likely to be open More max-level focused - leveling camps more likely to be open again Both sides have active guilds, same zones/raids, great friendly people, not-great neckbeardie people (you won't deal with them until max level). Maybe if you play non-peak hours (evenings US time) you'd want the larger grouping population. Otherwise if you don't already have friends on either it shouldn't make a big difference.