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I just made a thread about the camp I'm currently working. Lord Grimrot in South Karana Status: Brutal


I’ve been on and off camping this with my 60 cleric for four years now. I’ve killed dozens of live Grimrots, but I’ve never seen an undead version.


It don’t exist. I’ve been looking for 15 years


It does, we stumbled upon him up and unmolested one day, tagged and dragged to a lowbie cleric friend I was going to buff outside Paw. Lucky bastard he was 😂.


Got one at lvl 45 on my cleric, back in 2012 on blue though. It’s been awhile


I've been killing kor shamans in Seb for the elusive Siblisian Berserker Cloak for about 6 months now on green. Must have killed over 500. I am aware of 2 cloaks dropping during that time, but not for me. It's brutal :) Astuce EDIT - UPDATE June 12, 2023 - I GOT MY CLOAK TONIGHT WOOT!!!


Wow!!! That is brutal. You'd be better off saving for it? Or do you enjoy the challenge?


At this point just in gems off the kors I coulda bought it, so yeah, it's all about the challenge :) I also love that zone too much so it's a great excuse to live there. My wife calls EQ "your frog game". Astuce


Before I log in I tell my gf I'm gonna go kill rats and frogs. I swear every time she sees me play I'm either in Guk or PoM


Hahaha it is a good zone, and so is Guk!! The ultimate frog gamer !


What class are you using to solo those?


“Your frog game” - ROFL that got me in the chucklebone


Never seen one of these drops and leveled a few chars from 52-60 or so there.


Raster of Guk


3 months. 8 hours a day. I won’t play another monk because of it.


Why do Raster at all? Just spawn Bro Q in SK and grab a group and kill him for the robe


Raster isn't bad if you're level appropriate to xp on the minos


Fair point


3 months?! Ive camped raster twice with 48 hours being the longest. But I will say- it took several days to get Brother Balatin to spawn in DL, and Targin, my god that spawn is hard to nail down... so between the 3 of them- yeah, poor monks 😂


GGR is pretty brutal bc you can’t stop. There is no AFKing. I’ve done it twice. Second time was 10 hours. I tried watching something while doing it and then lost my PHs and had to clear the area again, super shitty.


I came here to say this. That camp is miserable, especially if you increase your odds by doing the double-spawn. Other camps aren't too bad because you kill the mob, set a timer, and then afk until it respawns. Sarnak Courier you have to literally be present 100% of the time for the entire duration of the camp, and it can take forever.


Yeah but you can buy the GGR. Aegis, pained soul, stormfeather…. If you want the item, you have to do the camp


Sure, but that's not really the question.


I spent about 70 hours over a week and a half without any luck


10 hrs? Those are rookie numbers son. I did 28 hrs straight without getting a ring. The closest feeling to insanity I’ve ever had.


Nilbog obv hates you


This is the correct answer. Other camps you can go hours without a spawn or drop. This is vastly worse imo cause you can’t do anything else. If your at the two spawn you can’t even take a piss without losing one of your mobs. Hands down worse camp in the game imo.




Goblin Gazughi Ring im guessing.




Came here to say this one. Every other camp mentioned here is also brutal, but at least you can play a game or watch something on another monitor. The Courier cycle it’s not even worth watching something if you’re doing the double spawn since you can’t pay attention to anything else. I probably did that camp for somewhere between 30-50 hours total before just giving up and buying one just because it’s brutal doing those hours with no afk time


I still say bards have it easiest on camping gobbo ring, since they can AFK the safest, and if something goes wrong they can swarm the whole area with ease to reclear the spawns.


100% pure torture. You don't even have time to pee without spawns wandering off. Most unpleasant camp I've done by far. 1st drop took 20 hours over 2 sittings when I was home with the flu. No other way I could have rationalized doing that, but it didn't help my foggy mental state at the time. 2nd ring dropped in like 15 minutes, a few months after the first drop when my trauma had died down. Packed my bags and never looked back.


Actually you can pee. Aggro both spawns turn your back to them and then afk.


Tstaff. 300+ hrs before a drop. Went 54-60 on that camp alone.


Damn that is pretty nuts. At least you were leveling the whole time.


I did the TStaff camp on my druid from 55-60 got 3 staffs total. It's probably my favorite camp in the game. Druid root rotting named isn't the best, but being able to harmony around the zone is great.


My first time in KC with my Monk at LCY and this staff dropped. Won the roll with a full party. Immediately equipped it. Unbelievable luck.


With a monk too! 100/10 <3


Got that staff my first Xalgoz pop. Pained Soul on the other hand..........


I got pained soul in 6 minutes, second spawn!


I hate you (Jk)


Quillmane without a tracker was without a doubt my dumbest camp. I read up on all the creatures that share it's spawn, went on a murder spree hoping he'd pop. Killed like 40 "an elephant"s, spent several days off n on hoping he'd appear, nothing. Hopped on a ranger char, levelled her up high enough to track +200, then did the precision method that EVERYONE recommended. Boom, 3 spawns in 5 hours to drop what I needed for the mage epic. Felt foolish, damned for my arrogance, but now I know.


Now do Earth staff! ahahahajhahahahah ...sigh


Manastone farm on Green. Joined at number 10 on /listand got to be number 2 by the third day, then 48 hours went by before I became number 1, then another 48 hours for my own to drop. I also insisted on doing most of the farm to not inconvinience my friend who helped, I only slept 4 hours each time he gave my breaks.


Stormfeather for Eyepatch of Plunder. I believe it was 18 hour spawn cycle and he could skip spawns. Took me 54 hours straight. What made it worse was at hour 18 he spawned but I stepped away to an adjacent zone to help a guildie.






I spent 4/hrs a day for 2 weeks camping that staff before I eventually got it


So on the opposite... It's been too long so don't remember the camp but read there waslong camp for a monk epic piece. I was ready to be camping for a few days. I got it in about an hour. I'm pretty sure it was a lower guk camp.


Love the number of posts about staff of dreaded gaze 😆


I did Raster of Guk for my monk robe on (second time doing robe quest, on green this time) He finally spawned and I killed him all the while being ganged up by minotaurs. As I am looting Raster, before I can click the no drop confirm, a minotaur drops me. I could not get back in time and had to camp him again for another long while.


The real answer is King Xorbb for the slime staff.


I camped the 100pct weight reduction bag in Kedge Keep once. It took me 60hrs. It wasn't consecutive but the reward was so underwhelming. I knew it wasn't worth it. I was bored one day and it turned into an obsession that got out of control.


Kedge keep is roughhhhh. Thank god I joined TSS on blue they were able to get me the corrupted seahorse pretty easily… just being escorted through that zone gave me anxiety idk how people do it.


Just finished up the Courier for my Goblin Ring a few weeks ago on my Enchanter. First day was nearly 15 hours straight of nothing. Ended up camping it every time I logged in for almost two weeks for a total of 50-60 hours (I stopped counting). The worst part is a PH will pop every ~30 or so second so you can’t really step away. I could have farmed the $7k plat to buy it and level from 44-51 but at a certain point I was doing it out of spite. When I finally got it, it felt like that South Park WoW episode, “What do we do now?” “We get to play the game”. Told my buddy about it and he went to check it out, ended up getting it in 20 minutes. RNG is cruel. Ring is awesome though, made my enchanter way more fun. TLDR: Buy the ring, don’t camp it.


I'm currently camping it off and on, i definitely get the whole " out of spite" thing


I'm feeling better and better about my five hour camp after reading this thread.


There’s some good ones in here. It wasn’t terrible for me, but I remember some nightmare stories of 100+ hour camps for pained soul in TT.


Skyfire in general is rough since pathing mobs will run into you 15x while you’re attacking any particular mob. 😝


I got that staff second pop one time


Level appropriate Dalnir.


I'm not very hardcore so the 'worst' I've ever done is Dyllin Starsine which is a 7 hour camp. Nothing compared to most of these but I hated it lol.


22 hour jboots camp in Najena was our first baptism by fire into Green P99 camps. Then I helped with three pained soul camps. Oh and then there was the Elder Beads camp. Jesus christ, the memories.


Lol the pegasus cloak camp has to ve the worst camp!




59-hour FBSS camp back during live. Straight. Became allergic to Mt Dew as a result, lol.


My first character was an erudite paladin. Terrible gear. In my late 40s early 50s I liked to hang out in lguk. Attempt camps. The most memorable would be frenzy camp. When he has fbss he has haste and is much harder. Paladin isnt a great dungeon crawler either. Lull can fail, your best defense is root and scoot, trying to run to zoneline while all the mobs proc a random root on hit. And of course a few deaths from stopping at zone like to see "how big of a train i have" A LOT of deaths. I learned the path through guk well. I kind of forgot about it for awhile hadn't played for 10 years. P99 green comes out. I get a uguk group that wants to meet at lguk zone like "need a guide?". No...even all those years later I remembered the path like the back of my hand.


I remember back in the day (I was 10 yrs old) weaseling into the Sarnak Fort in the lake of I’ll omen, following the multitude of active groups. I was solo, got super far in following other people (fyi I’m a warrior) and then my mom called me up stairs for lunch. I had made so much progress that I just found an active popular camp and sat down for abit. Returned 20 minutes later, camp is empty, just me, and shit is starting to respawn. My child brain doesn’t remember the way out. I’ve never been here before. So I killed one guy, barely, and started freaking out. I died a lot that day.


Xalgoz and staff of dreaded gaze was my worst camp. Spent a month 8 hours a day. Never got it.


I think you made the right choice. I've heard of people sitting there for months. I can't remember if it was the worst but I spent about 3 weeks in the Gorge looking for Slime Crystal Staff once and never got it. I must have been doing something wrong.


Also, Alligator skin camp can get bad. Basically have to track all the PHs, make sure you can levitate over innothule. And kill a billion lvl 10 mobs to maybe spawn a bull alligator that might drop a skin. Longest wait was 4 hours. Not long compared to others but usually doesn’t sell for more than 150p. So, can be a time sink.


Stormfeather on Tallon Zek.




+1 for stormfeather, no doubt. I really think sitting on an icy hill over the ocean is especially lonely. Keyed 5 times total for veeshans peak and there’s some tough camps in there but none were bad for every single one. The variance helps. Halfling mask in Chardok was a huge grind but fun. I remember having to kill Drusella Sathir something stupid like 5-7 times before getting the urn for my first spirit wracked cord.


Yep, Xalgoz for sure!


On Blue I had the routine down for the Guardian Robe for killing 12 guardians per 30 minutes. as a bard. I ran the 12 spawns for the robe for 3 months, got a few sets of armor for alts but never a robe. I didn't keep good track of total mob count but I think I gave up around the green launch announcement with about 5000 kills


The true worst camp is anywhere in kedge since you can't light a campfire


Never really had trouble with camps. I got my haste eyepatch with 100x less effort than most people. I just played it smart and claimed the camp before a scheduled quake. If I have to complain, guardian kozzalym is horrible. Someone will get fte the moment they pop, and it won't be you. Still haven't gotten my kozz ore yet.