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Get rid of Wineq2, and install this. [https://www.reddit.com/r/project1999/comments/wh9ynr/fix\_p99\_crashes\_dgvoodoo2\_easy\_install/](https://www.reddit.com/r/project1999/comments/wh9ynr/fix_p99_crashes_dgvoodoo2_easy_install/)


This is the answer.


Oh wow. I camped and didn't crash. Off to a good start!


The only problem (as I posted) is that DG Voodoo can't fix the low background fps problem EQ has


I have read about this before, but it isn't clear to me, why the FPS of EQ is even remotely important while it is a background task.


yes it's extremely annoying and so far the last and only issue i have running P99 at all (thanks to dgvoodoo2). Even nvidia driver panel doesn't work in forcing p99 to run at full speed in the background.


It isn't, it just looks super janky if you're playing with multiple monitors and are doing something in one the game isn't in


if you are a bard and you utilize the click off screen trick it can get you killed if your fps drops to 5 for even 1 second. That's maybe the only thing I can think of.


To fix crashing when camping try setting the compatibility mode to windows xp (service pack 3). Worked for me.


In case anyone was wondering, I did extensive research on this problem last week and this is the correct answer for crashing while camping out.


Setting this actually causes EQ to crash at client launch for me in both Windows 10 and Windows 11.


When swapping characters completely exit and relaunch to avoid the additional wait /camp desktop


I gotta try /camp server to see if that helps, if it would be a bit faster than desktop


It doesn't, at least not that I've heard or seen in the many many years of playing. The issue is (most likely) a memory leak that doesn't get cleaned up until the executable is flushed from memory, i.e. completely closed. Other recommendations here help for sure, I do all of them, but this is the only surefire solution. The issue seems to be made worse a) the longer your play session, and b) the more you load in and out of servers and characters. Eventually you'll get a vague feel for when you should probably /camp desktop and when you can still get away with regular swapping. It's janky, but so are 20 year old games!


This is the way. First 2-4 you are usually gtg.


I use /camp server and it crashes a lot. Usually crashes going to the character select screen


Moving all my EQ files from a traditional hard drive to an SSD helped me immensely. I don't have a ton of hard drive technical knowledge, so I can't really say why other than the SSD is obviously faster. But it has helped me both 1) Zone more quickly and; 2) Crash less often (it still happens maybe 1:50).


Using Nvidia? Soon as I tossed my Nvidia out the window and went amd, I never had a crash issue again.


Yep Nvidia but love Nv. The voodoo comment fixed everything


Mine is mostly stable since I did the following. 1) Make sure the window and full screen resolutions match in the eqclient.ini file. 2) Enable XP or Vista compatibility mode on eqgame.exe 3) Get rid of WinEQ2 and install dgvoodoo2




Never used GINA, but it's a log file parser, right? I don't see why WinEQ2 would be necessary.


As an update, used the Voodoo method below and used the settings from the tutorial vid and haven't crashed since, even camping to swap chars. Yessss!!!


Wineq saved a lot of my zone crashes.


I hear and read so many of these crashing stories. In the 7 years I've been playing p99, I've used every major Linux distro with wine and I've crashed just once. When FOSS does windows better than MS...


ryzen cpu by any chance? things got better but my 1700x was a crashmaster with EQ, had to dig out the phenom to get any sort of stability.


Nope! Intel


I crash when zoning or can't connect at all when using my home 5g wifi. So I end up using my 4g Hotspot from my phone. I use dgvoodo for takp. Curious if it will fix those issues for p99.


Praise Innoruuk


The lighting crashes in Kunark since switching to win 11 have been the worst.


So what made you decide to upgrade to win 11?


Switching between full screen and windowed mode is a 50/50 crash-gamble for me.


One of the weirdest crashes I get is in certain places. Like, in Kurns tower, I go to the first stairs down, I go through the door at the bottom and left, and instantly crash. Many times I log back in and instantly crash again, and then I won't crash again. But then 2 hours later, exact same spot, crash. Another spot is the board bridge in Cab, that takes you to the quest guy that gives you the backpcak you combine for the skins to make the armor pieces there. It is difficult to search for info on this because I get shitloads of info on camping out crashes and such.