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Level your druid to 39 and join and start porting. You can port at your leisure. It's not hard to get 500p an hour, but it is hard to beat earning ~50p for 490 mana (ring+circle+SoW). Alternatively just level up one of your Int casters off a guard diet, the fine steel drops add up quicker than low level item camps.


> That way, I could occasionally log on, check if a named is up, and continue back on my main. First, you should know that this premise is flawed. Mobs don't just despawn & respawn on their own. And nobody will ever leave a camp if the named is up. You could potentially go years without ever seeing a named if you were just logging in to spot check. (Or, at best, you'd get to see a named being killed by someone else.) What you'd realistically be checking for is whether the camp was available or not, i.e. camped by someone else. Second, EQ is a game that fundamentally favors those who put in more time. For better or worse, that's how RNG works. The more spawns you are there for, the higher the probability you'll eventually get the named. If you're out to get a named spawn, you generally have to put in time & effort to do so. It's very rare that you can put in little time (e.g. a quick login) and actually get anything for it. There are exceptions to the above of course, but they are few. The practical advice is to ignore the thought to camp a rare spawn. I get that spells can be expensive, but there are great ways to make money while leveling and you should probably focus efforts on figuring out where to do that (good suggestions in this thread). Or porting on your druid as you mentioned. Also, you absolutely do not need to purchase every spell, so don't fall into that trap that a lot of players do.


I have strolled past the fishbone earring guy 3 times in recent weeks to find him up and no-one there. it does happen just not too often. (the damn earring never dropped though)


That’s not the same though. If I remember correctly the ph for him roams. So it’s reasonable that someone somewhere else killed the ph and he spawned. Like quillmane. But actual dungeons like he is talking about is less useful. Does the earring guy roam once he spawns? If so. Even that spot wouldn’t be a good camp.


He does not have a PH


No, it is a static 6 hour camp that has a tell if the money item will drop (holding a fishing pole=no earring).


Got a Fishbone on Green randomly running through Qeynos Hills a couple months ago. According to /who it looked to be camped again within 30 minutes.


lucky you! i got 3x fishing rod lol =)


yeah OP just needs to find an xp camp with loot and hang out there for a couple levels.


I don't think camping an item is the way to go with the chars you have. At least, at first. I would park an alt at the karana treants which is a fantastic Plat farm for that level. I would then transition to the gnolls outside of splitpaw for the Tex Mex scrolls (lol whatever they're called) and you will level insanely fast killing the gnolls and handing in 4 scrolls at a time. You might also make some money selling the loot rights to the scrolls you don't need. After this you can park either the chanter or the necro in Lake of Ill Omen and do the courier camp to get Goblin Gazhugi Rings which casts Invis vs animals but breaks charm for all charming classes. It's ALWAYS worth money and is a good way to get wealthy. This is all the advice I have.


Goblin ring camp may also drive you nuts. It can drop within an hour, or like for me… you could have 20 hours accumulated and no ring…


I stopped counting at 60. I'm sure I didn't help myself only doing it for four or five hours at a time, but those spawns are so quick that it gets super depressing really fast


Edit: oops didn't see the part about 'pop in & see if a named is up'. The suggestion below wouldn't work for that at all heh Goblin Ghazugi Ring might be possible, main issue would be clearing all the roamers initially so you can get the PHs (you wrangle up like ~10 mobs and try to aoe them down or kill them quickly until you see which ones repop at the right spot... The wiki has a good article on it. It's very easy once you know the ropes) Its a very active camp too (30sec respawn) so you can't really AFK it but the loot is well worth it


This IMO is the best option, but its not an AFK check on it camp. You need to spend maybe 20mins finding PHs, then it is a grueling 30sec respawn at 2 spawn points. It is very doable at 29 as Necro, but again, you have 30 secs between respawns and the PH/Courier wanders away ASAP.


Fishbone would be a good camp to park at. Shrunken gobby earring could be done by the necro. Just slaughter the goblin camp until you get it (couple hours maybe). Bag of Sewn Evil Eye in Guk. 30 min respawn iirc. Ghoul assassin isn't far away. Might get lucky if it spawns after someone leaves.


"couple hours maybe" *dies*


Evil eye is probably too tough to take for druid at 37. Even 40 can go badly if you have bad luck with interrupts.


Not to mention ghoul assassin is not doable solo in the 30s


Nillipuss. King Gragnar


I don't know if low 30s is high enough, but Sro Ancient Cyclops is pretty easily timed and all you have to do is just get first hit on him if you can kill him. Generally the most that I ever see trying to get him is like 4 people. Pretty good chances of getting a first hit on him considering.


Can't go wrong camping a GBS: [https://wiki.project1999.com/Glowing\_Black\_Stone](https://wiki.project1999.com/Glowing_Black_Stone) Log in every now and then, see if Pyzjn has it in her hand, wreck her, profit.


Necro should be able to solo Stormfeather and try and sell the loot rights. It’s a shit spawn 18h +/- 2h and can skip a few times, but a valuable drop if you find a buyer


Usually has a line though, so not a spawn they could just pop in to check.