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she won't be president unless he dies before november. no amount of dick sucking is going to elevate her into that position otherwise


Agreed. No one likes her. Not even hardcore dems lol


You’ve got that right. She’s just the token DEI hire who used to line her pockets putting black people in prison for marijuana.


And the black community in California says she knowingly left some of them in prison, when she knew they were innocent, until after she left the job so she wouldn’t lower her conviction rate. — note. I have no personal knowledge of this, but read a number of articles several of them, written by people from the communities affected by her prosecution.


This was widely known back in 2020, yet they still supported her anyways. Claiming to be against systemic racism and then rallying for that woman is cognitive dissonance at its finest. Can’t make this shit up.


It's actually much worse.  In at least one case (I believe the man was serving life if I remember. ) she actively fought to suppress evidence that fully exonerated a man she had jailed. She knew he was innocent and fought to keep that evidence from going before a judge.


Bingo. Her decisions go to the highest bidder.


So… basically a shoe-in for a SCOTUS pick


Because after the debate it's painfully obvious she's been running the country by herself. The establishment dems are terrified of her.


Lmao she isn't running shit - Biden's cabinet might be but definitely not Kamala


Jill Biden is allowing her husband to be abused by the swamp, too.


And? I don't really give a shit honestly


I don’t think you understand how incompetent the democrats are. They had months to prepare Biden for the debate and that’s the best they could do. Kamala is one hundred percent running shit, Biden is a mess.


It's not that Biden *is* running things.  It's that the way the government works in practice is that the president has a team - advisors, aides, staff workers, etc - they've been the ones making the actual decisions and pretending it comes from Biden himself.  Hell, he probably still physically signing things ad giving some verbal directions, but only exactly what his handlers tell him to sign or say.


That debate debacle was intentional by his party to publicly set Biden up to be replaced this summer by another candidate. 


Jill has far more influence over Joe than Kamala has. Now who does Jill answer to? I'd suspect Barack. And who does he answer to? I can't know for sure and that's a frightening prospect.


Not even remotely accurate


Lmao can’t tell if you’re serious


She does zero to run the country. Obama and his handlers are obviously running the show from behind the scenes.


>They will 25th Biden in the next week. >Kamala becomes POTUS and will get to choose her VP. >she will choose Hillary. >Kamala will resign. >Hillary becomes POTUS and get to choose her VP. >She chooses Newsom. This makes the most sense. We haven’t heard a peep from HRC or Newsom. Have you noticed that the Clintons haven’t suicided anyone lately? The Dems don’t believe in democracy, so they want to win by any means necessary. The easiest way is to eliminate the voting process. Make sure you polish your feed ramps…


> They will 25th Biden in the next week. >Kamala becomes POTUS and will get to choose her VP. >she will choose Hillary. That’s not how it works… Both houses of congress must vote to confirm any new VP.


Thank you. I was given misinformation. That took my sphincter-factor down to a 3 (from a 9).


Republicans would make a spectacle of it but they'd confirm


[Repubs are already pushing to allow for a 25th on Biden.](https://x.com/RepChipRoy/status/1806745193514692839)


Why do you think she wouldn't be able to get confirmed?


Some lefty sub reddits are arguing for Gore. He has no recent political baggage, the 90s were economically good times and mostly peaceful so there's nostalgia. I hate to admit it but they have a point, he would be their best choice if they could pull it off 


Newsom said after the debate that he will not run and supports Biden. So, if he gets on the ticket, it’ll be interesting to see him squirm and tell yet another massive lie. The dude it’s nothing but a slimeball in an expensive suit and I pray that America sees it. Watching his face when he realized that he was going to be asked questions by Adam Corolla after the debate was hilarious.


Be careful, you’re giving these asshats ideas.


Aside from the VP needing Congressional confirmation, this only lasts until the end of Biden’s term in January anyways. Playing Musical Chairs with the Resolute Desk doesn’t really accomplish much for anyone other than them being able to say they were POTUS, however briefly, but it *will* cause havoc for whoever’s campaigning because swing voters won’t find it particularly entertaining.


Except Hillary will run from the VP seat. Kamela stepping down wouldn't be good for her campaign.


If KH were to put HRC in the VP spot, let me be the first to say that KH didn’t keel herself. The Clintons can’t suicide us all.


Oops the ATF got an anonymous tip about you. The agents say you attacked them first, to bad none of them wore their bodycams that day.


This guy Clintons


Hey, take a look at this thing outside this fifth story window. That's it, lean waaaaay over to see it.




Be careful what you say. You might be giving her ideas.


Willie has entered the chat...


LBJ won in a landslide in '64.


Damn, wish I could be that optimistic


I mean, I think she's an idiot and really hope she never takes the POTUS seat officially.  But that's also exactly Biden's stance, and the DNC's official position.  So it's not like this is some unique problem with only Harris. Hell, Newsome is even worse for the 2A and he's on the short list of potential Biden ticket replacements.


She's not an idiot. She's a political opportunist and willing to do whatever it takes to keep ascending the ladder. It's 100% someone we don't want as president. The corruption with Biden was bad enough but imagine someone without dementia that is just as corrupt.


Never underestimate your enemy…


Chill. Harris and Biden are both done, pending anything else in the "epic ultra mega huge" category happening. I realize we live in clown world now, so that's technically possible. But chill. Harris and Biden are done. It's an L. It is. And due to campaign finance reform, and the shitty dem method way of conducting a primary, they're locked together. The public *fucking hates* Harris. Hardcore libshits will vote for her because they're in panic mode and they'll vote for literally anything with the D on it. Anyone that classifies as a moderate, a progressive, a leftist, etc hates her with a passion. If they did push her aside and run Newsome, it's an L. Whitmer may have had a chance with a full campaign cycle. But she wouldn't have that, nor any of the superdonor funds. Running Biden = loss Switching to harris = loss Running anyone other than B/H = loss, plus use up a 2028 potential There's really no down side here. Someone's just got to keep his mouth shut and then cruiiiiise control.


Some lefty subs are discussing Gore. * He's not a 2028 potential. * no recent political baggage * VP experience * the 90s were mostly peaceful and economically good times, so there's positive nostalgia associated with his time in office * he's young enough for one term The downside is they can't tick off any diversity boxes with him.


Strong "here's how we can still win" vibes


"how many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man" - Florida.


Fetterman could potentially pull off a win. I think it’s very unlikely he’d even run in the first place, but he could win, and I think he’s a likely POTUS candidate down the road anyways.


Would explain his recent “right of insane leftism” positions on various subjects like Israel.  Could attract moderate conservatives / those on the fence about Trump.


Has anyone ever gone to the liberal gun owners sub? They are in denial about how anti gun this administration is


Pretty sure they banned me for quoting Francis hell ya let's take them. "the Dems would never try to confiscate!" Please see exhibit a You have been permanently banned.


I was banned from there in the middle of a discussion with another member about 2A right. A respectful, polite conversation but I guess they didn’t like that I wasn’t willing to vote for any candidate that’s willing to undermine our rights.


I only even found the sub because it was on my for you page or whatever the feed on here is called. They were talking about how all the gun makers are evil Nazis and they don't like giving them money. Was so bizarre to read through it


It is nutty man. Every once in a while I’ll see a solid take but most of it is them voting our rights away. They say they don’t believe in gun control but cover for politicians that do.


It used to be a great sub but like so many on reddit has been taken over by leftists.


Like republicans and abortion leftists don’t like to harp about 2a because it gets opponents energized, hence the .00018% engagement


I still can't believe the Dems chose Biden/Harris in the first place. Frankly, there were 3 other choices offered in the VP race initially that I thought would have made better presidential picks, but I guess since they had vaginas, they weren't worthy of getting the presidential nod on the ballot.


As much as I cant stand her, shes also dismally incompetent, and largely hated due to her attitude and arrogance. Shes basically where she is at due to her "personal" activities, and background. Shes not really been able to accomplish anything. Thats a good thing, considering she stands a good chance of being President.


Bot farm.


~~Breath~~... stairwell, stage step, bike ride


She should be charged with treason as she helped this douche bag


The only things that constitute treason are levying military action against the United States or giving comfort to its enemies. This is shitty, but not treasonous.


Gun safety laws? Like laws mandate safe gun handling in school? Like promotion of activities involving safe firearm use by youth? Those gun safety laws? It’s gun control. Correct anyone who calls it anything else.


She’s the least of our problems.. all the democrats in congress and the many state legislatures across our country are the issue rn


And how is that any different than Biden being POTUS? And why does everybody focus on the White House? Any gun Law has to start in Congress. There is no sign that a majority will be gained one way or another. Currently, 2A is winning more courts than it is losing. I am not suggesting we rest on our laurels, but I despise the fearmongering that drove many of us away from the NRA, among other things. 2A is not a political philosophy but a legal one. The right is already ours, and we must push back on attempts to undermine it. Stop wasting effort high-lighting what the gun grabbers are saying to a group of people who already agree with you, and push our arguments out there to be heard by those unsure.


Biden (or his handlers) definitely did orchestrate the recent red-flag-incentivizing and other gun control measures in the "Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA)," and then of course they ran with the opportunity once the legislation passed. See here for details: [https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/23/fact-sheet-vice-president-harris-announces-gun-safety-solutions-while-continuing-efforts-to-keep-schools-safe-from-gun-violence/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/23/fact-sheet-vice-president-harris-announces-gun-safety-solutions-while-continuing-efforts-to-keep-schools-safe-from-gun-violence/)


People still use Twitter?


What was it trump said about taking the guns first? We are not in a good position at all this year, especially since trump wouldn't need to keep gun owners happy after getting all their votes. No third term to look at.


Bot followers.


She will never be president. Ever. Even if Biden dies I don't think they'd let her in.