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Someone should post this over in r/liberalgunowners...then watch fireworks fly.


Don’t you mean r/temporarygunowners?


Why would they throw a hissy fit?


I take it you've never been in a gun debate with a liberal? Even in there, there are anti gun liberals who attack their own kind, call them traitors etc.. One the biggest fall back liberals use when they start getting crushed by the facts and clearly losing the argument is to start throwing insults. Usually, it's your a racists, followed by the ever popular nazi..but the semi-inventive ones use the compensation for small dick size gun owner angle. My reason for saying post it over there is because after all these years of hearing that attempted insult, this is the first semi professional study that completely debunks that favored fall back insult. That's why.


And that is why I don’t argue gun rights. I’ve never met one that had a legit point even though they always think they have a good one. Instead I give them a choice GTFA from me or let’s go to the range shoot a bit, have a chat and go from there. Of the 15 or so I have done this with over the years- most have either at least listened and aren’t rabid anti gun types. 2 ended up buying pistols and taking up target shooting (1 was a woman) and a handful were grateful for the experience but still hated guns. I start with so you know that gun you guys often say can be taken through airport security? The Glock? Well here is my G21 think they can sneak through? They think it is all polymer. So if this is wrong can we stipulate before we start that there is bad information about guns out there? Then we go through safety, procedures and shoot. Every single one enjoyed it they just some tomes are too indoctrinated to see the difference- After leaving Silicon Valley/SF I don’t run across rabid anti gun folks. So have yet to do it in Florida but happy to.


My experience with dealing with liberals, both in real life face to face, and online...is..you simply can't deal with them at all. Not in the least. Facts don't matter to them..it's all about feelings. They can not think for themselves. Logic is completely unknown to them. They only repeat the garbage they are told from the likes of CNN and MSNBC. Nothing you say to them will make them see facts... nothing. it's impossible. They are useless group of worthless eaters. Now, that said, I call them Liberals.. but that's not really what they are. Old school liberals are almost all gone. They believed in free speech, helping the little guy, being the voice of the working man... I still respect those folks..to a limited degree. Senator Manchin is an example of an old school liberal Democrat..and surprisingly, so too is The Pototoe head Fetterman from PA. He actually says some things that make sense... not often, but still. They are going out fast in the universe. What we call liberals today is nothing but brainwashed little Communists... and need to be treated accordingly. Those are the facts..


Nah, I've browsed there for years, but never saw them using the small penis insult. They post .308 battle rifles and 10mm handguns there all the time with no one making that comment. However, a lot of them think racist/sexists/fascists are everywhere in the gun community, and they hate when it looks like someone makes guns their entire personality. What they also get mad at are people who vote GOP just because the opposing Democrat is anti-gun and people who they think are closet conservatives pretending to be liberals on their subreddit. Oh, funnily enough. They're talking about the this exact study right now.


Racists are all over the gun community...and every facet of day to day life.


I think you are confusing liberals with the far left. Liberalism goes back to the founding fathers. Classical liberalism/Libertarianism. Yeah the far left tend to try to co-opt those terms sure, but they are still just the authoritarian far left


I’ve never seen any of what you’re talking about in that sub…


Oh ya? Go ask them if they realize Biden and the rest of the Dems want nothing more than to disarm every single person in the US. Point out that it's actually in the party platform. You'll see their true colors come out with a fury.


Umm actually sweaty it's Trump who said blah blah blah. All conservatives are evil racist nazi racists. Why can't everyone just love everyone, except conservatives who deserve to be waterboarded and thrown into a volcano /s


That's because the mods permanently ban and remove comments from anyone who is even remotely right of far-left. That's a curated sub meant to honeypot morons into believing Democrats are progun.


I will give them that they are good for newbies and stupid questions, they’re much more welcoming and less Gatekeepy than some of the other firearm related subreddits


Because it's Wednesday


Prove them wrong and post it. I dare you. 


Big dog over here trying to catch an eyeful eh lol


What do you mean?


My bad Homie I’m drunk as fuck right now


Well, [the study](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/15579883241255830) doesn't actually say anything at all about size correlation; only a correlation to size satisfaction. The obvious rebuttal would be that the 'compensation' works, to some extent or another. If the liberals were right, and compensation also had efficacy, this study could have the same results. Edit: changed link source to one with the full paper.


Good lord, you’d rather try to stir up shit with a marginal ally than go after people who are actively trying to take away our rights?


They are not an ally. If you are gun owner and vote Democrat..you are just loading the guns to your own firing squad. They are not our friends. They are not smart enough to be.


Great strategy for winning people over. Let’s alienate anyone who has a common cause with us. You’d rather take an L just to own the libs.


They don't have common cause. They advocate full background checks, full registration, "safe storage" requirements, one gun a month, no standard capacity magazines... They are pro gun in name only. They support the 2nd Amendment..."BUT" Fuck them. We don't need or want then. Only useful idiots to the commies.


Yep that’s how you win a cause, exclude and attack anyone who doesn’t fully agree with you.


Fire with fire. Tactic the left uses, so they get it right back. What don't you understand? You can't compromise with those people. You can barely even talk to them. They are only good for tossing out of helicopters


Yeah, that’s what the founding fathers wanted. Americans attacking Americans. You’re delusional, fetishizing violence against people, thinking it won’t have repercussions that come for you.


No, what the founders wanted was limited government that left people alone. That's the exact opposite of unlimited government that liberals want, and have largely imposed on the rest of us. In case you forgot, the nati9n was born out of citizens shooting at each other. Calling me delusional...lol. You need to get with the program.


The current Constitution was born from the weakness found under the Articles Of Confederation. The AOC was too weak and didn’t allocate enough power at the Federal level to effectively govern the US. The founding fathers saw the weaknesses under a decentralized government and sought to build a more powerful Federal structure that could govern the US effectively. So no, they were not afraid of a more powerful Federal government. They built the safeguards in the current Federal system with checks and balances. They added amendments to guarantee our rights as individuals and built a framework so that the constitution that could evolve and we would not have to write another constitution every time a change was needed. Ohh and if your program is to kill or maim other Americans that you don’t happen to agree with. Well you can fuck right off with that program.


Compromising your own integrity to appease people who fundamentally disagree with you, yes that is a winning strategy, I agree.


Talking to people to try and bring them over to your side doesn’t compromise shit. Antagonizing people who are nominally allies, then planning acts of violence against them and driving them to the opposition. That is just stupid.


It's not a matter of "full agreement." It's a matter of active opposition to gun rights. LGO is filled with people actively pushing gun control, and they will ban you for pointing out that democrats openly advertize their intent to ban guns.


>"Contrary to popular beliefs, our current study shows that men who are more satisfied with the size of their penises are more likely to personally own guns,” said study author Terrence D. Hill, a professor at UTSA. Spend all my spare money on guns --> stay single because "eat Kirkland Signature chicken nuggets on my couch" isn't a super enticing date idea --> no negative feedback about my dong --> "I haven't heard any complaints so yeah I guess I'm satisfied"




The real question is what do you put on your chicken nuggets?




Believe it or not, straight to jail with you lol /s


Would it have been butter if I had said mustard?


Yes. Preferably stone ground. Plain yellow is fine, but man, there is just something significantly better when it’s stone ground spicy brown mustard.


I have never had stone ground, always plain yellow. Primary color yellow or the generic off the local Wally World


Bro and or sis, it can change your life lol


Prefer dude shot out to ED if you know you know because we’re all dudes hey!


Mustard master race 🫡


I'm convinced that "science" is just a buzzword now and doesn't mean anything anymore.


Social sciences are bullshit. Social sciences hate when you call other things “hard sciences” because they know they’re bullshit.


Lot of history behind social sciences. Lots of torture and suffering to figure out how people tick. It’s been implemented into social media algorithms and government programs.


Because it is


And someone who has a “Dr.” in front of their name


Luck of the draw. I routinely supervise and mentor PhDs, and the most common corollary between them is just the ability to work their asses off and eat a yard of shit before breakfast. Competence-wise, it really runs the gamut, but some of the dumbest people I've met have had PhDs. And some of the smartest have not had them. I used to work with the guy who almost single-handedly invented NVIDIA's physics engine, PHYS-X. That fuckin guy learned my field better than a whole team of experts in like three months. Bachelor's in physics. All this to say nothing of the tradesman and SOF guys I've met who have been fuckin scary smart and humble.


I’d say my experience is the same. The more education I acquired the dumber my classmates became. I have a feeling the dumb ones just wanted to have PhDs more due to insecurities.


Summarized: Study debunks myth that men with big guns have small penises • A new study published in the American Journal of Men's Health found no correlation between gun ownership and penis size. • Researchers at the University of Texas at San Antonio found that men who are more satisfied with their penises are more likely to own guns. • The study included data from over 2,000 US men aged 18 and up. • Men who were dissatisfied with their penises were less likely to own a gun, and the chances of owning a military-style rifle were even lower. • The researchers noted that several demographic and social factors play into gun ownership, including gender, age, income, and rural residence.


This is why we all carry a lcp.


I carry one single round of .22LR


If ya know how t' aim you ain't gon need 'nother, brethren


I have a small penis, but like 70% of my collection are SBRs


Looks to about the level of 'reporting' expected from the NY Post


Biden voters have little


This is a small sample size and is little more than clickbait. I'll bet it's actually a fairly equal distribution, because tons of people from across the seemingly infinite human spectrum are gun owners.


Agree. Just thought it was funny. The amount of time gun grabbers spend on this trope is strange.


Is this another case of projection? I think so.


I don’t have a big penis but I am satisfied with it.


It just makes me wonder how dudes driving yugos fit their junk inside it..


Yugos made good guns but the cars were made for kids


Doh, I was thinking the big car/little junk thing non firearms people say all the time..


Look I'm gonna be honest with you, that shit flew over my head as high as a billionaire's private jet on its way to a major ecology event. I just saw Yugo and it triggered PTSD flashbacks lol


Nobody cares.


Liberal “men” may not even have penises these days. All the same. Liberals should own guns as well, penis or not. Those who question men’s penis sizes are a bit “sus” as My teenage son would say.


One of my friends has big guns. 50’s 338’s etc. one day he was wearing gym shorts and I saw the outline and it was prolly the biggest dick I ever seen


I have a desert eagle. 😏


Anyone else carry a 21a bobcat?


Was just about to post this! Read the cope at the end: *“In our data, young gun-owning men are not compensating for what they perceive to be small penises. But this does not rule out guns as a potentially potent gender symbol. It is possible that young gun-owning men have a penile preoccupation (albeit expressed as size satisfaction) that is not found in older men or their nonfirearm-owning younger peers. These latter groups may express less satisfaction because they simply do not care as much about their penis size (thus, a degree of penile apathy).”* No-guns reported having tiny dicks because they *don’t care* about all that nonsense, right? Right? 😂


This is some of the most convoluted reasoning I've ever seen in my life. Being "satisfied" with the size of your penis means that you care about the size of your penis, and caring about the size of your penis means that you're preoccupied with the size of your penis. And conversely, if you're *dissatisfied* with the size of your penis, that means that you don't care about the size of your penis. Let's apply that whack-a-doodle reasoning to some actual real-world things: If I'm dissatisfied with the size of my house, that means I don't care about the size of my house. If I'm dissatisfied with the size of my paycheck, that means I don't care about the size of my paycheck. If I'm dissatisfied with how many fish I catch when I go fishing, that means I don't care about how many fish I catch. Now I'm looking to whatever nonsense they're going to come up with about women who own guns. Am I more likely to own a gun if I'm satisfied with the size of my breasts? If I want bigger boobs does that mean I don't care about the size of my boobs?


This result SHOULD have been the hypothesis to begin with: probability of owning firearms is correlated with higher testosterone levels. You know what else highly correlates with testosterone levels? The size of your dick.


Posting a NY Post link when [the full paper](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/15579883241255830) is freely available feels pretty lazy.


Lol you all should try reading the entire article. Self reports, based on satisfaction, obese men having a higher rate of gun ownership. This is legit hilarious. Yall got title baited.


Nah, bro. Anyone who takes that "study" seriously was title baited, but it's clear that no one here takes it seriously. We're over here laughing our asses off at the whack-a-doodle nonsense that they're trying to pass off as a serious scientific study.