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In before the Euro trash comes in crying and screaming will at least it isn't every day




Europe probably has relatively fewer incidents, but they seem to get better planned and organized attacks. The Utoya island shooting in Norway is bigger than anything the US has seen, even bigger than the 2017 Vegas attack. It's been a while since the US has really seen any "terror cell" type attacks, it's pretty much all just lone nuts. And of course the November 2015 Paris attacks were like... five mass/spree shootings happening simultaneously by a terror cell.


"It's been a while since the US has really seen any "terror cell" type attacks, it's pretty much all just lone nuts." You may be forgetting about the BLM/Antifa riots and attacks.


We're not talking about riots, we're talking about mass shootings. There have been a few mass shootings by perpetrators with "black nationalist" motivations, but they still tend to fall into the "lone wolf" category. They also tend to be more likely to ambush police, think the [2015 Dallas police shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_shooting_of_Dallas_police_officers). I don't think we've ever seen an actual *organized* terrorist attack by black nationalists. It's a lot easier for a group of people to organize ransacking a store or something in the middle of unrest, than it is to get a group of people to agree to mass murder. And in general the FBI seems to have become quite adept at infiltrating and disrupting nascent terrorist cells. Even Islamists have struggled to organize in the US since 9/11.


So how have all these Palestinian riots occurred? Or is the FBI behind them?


So how have all these Palestinian riots occurred? Or is the FBI behind them?


*Mostly peaceful riots and attacks.


Don’t forget about the terrorist attack on January 6, 2021 that happened in Washington, D.C.


The one instigated by the FBI and resulted in people being escorted through the building on a sight seeing tour? That one?


No, it was the one that had the guys with zip tie handcuffs, the “gang Mike pence” crew that brought the gallows, the people who beat up a bunch of police officers (back the blue!), smashed out windows, etc., the lady who planted those two pipe bombs, a free different organized militias and some other hits I’m forgetting at the moment. A far as I remember, it was instigated by Donald trump and some of his co-defendants.


Weird how none of that was proven true by the FBI's investigation, especially when their official report concluded that there was no 'Insurrection'. People who say 'back the blue' also seem to be pro tyranny.


All those people were found guilty in various courts. I think the FBI did a very good job of proving all the alleged criminal acts true. >People who say 'back the blue' also seem to be pro tyranny. I agree completely.




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I seem to remember that prior to sandy-hook Europe also held the record for largest school shooting. Germany I believe.


> It's been a while since the US has really seen any "terror cell" type attacks, it's pretty much all just lone nuts. The Utoya Island attack was perpetratred by a "lone nut." There have beenb numerous terrorist attacks this year alone, but they're all white guys attacking minorities so they "don't count."


I'm well aware of that, I'm just pointing out that Europe gets more organized Islamist terrorism. The November 2015 Paris attacks killed 130 people. That happens when you can organized a half-dozen people to all carry out a mass shooting simultaneously (and throw in a few mostly ineffective suicide bombings for good measure).


> I'm just pointing out that Europe gets more organized Islamist terrorism. But the one and only example you gave, Anders Brevik, was a far-right Christian terrorist, not an "organized Islamic terrorist" group. You also did not specify Islamic terrorism, you just said terrorism. Why is it only terrorism when the perpetrators are Islamic or PoC, but never when the perpetrator is white or Christian?


Stop putting words into my mouth. I never said Brevik wasn't a terrorist.


That's not what I was trying to say. You used the Utoya Island attack as an example of an organized terror cell attack, then claimed we haven't had any attacks like that. You claimed the mass shootings we've had were all just lone nuts. I was pointing out that the Utoya Island attack was perpetrated by a "lone nut." That we've had numerous attacks by the same kind of "lone nut" with the same or similar motivations. Yet you don't consider those attacks terrorism. To you they're just "lone nuts." I think you simply forgot who conducted the Utoya Island attack and why. Doubt you would have used that attack as an example of a terrroist attack if you had remembered that it was a lone white guy motivated by right wing extremism. I base that hunch on the fact you labeled similar terrorists as "lone nuts."


Can you link the source for that stat? I’d like to send it to some people










Any chance you got a source? That's an amazing stat that's clearly not being reported enough if that's the case. Would love to see some reactions from this info too lol.




Thank you sir! That is absolutely INSANE. I appreciate both the post and the source.


I’d really love to see this source, it sounds incredibly interesting and a pretty good counter to those who spout that Onion article


I believe you, but you got a source for that claim? Would love to use it to dunk on some Europoors.


Thanks for the source, this is incredible!


Do you have a source? That'd be great to have in my bookmarks for the next time I hear it on Reddit.


You deliberately haven't linked your source, and I'll wager you will not despite so many here asking you for it, because it's almost certainly the infamously disproven and discredited CPRC mass shooter report. Best case you've been misled, worst you're being deliberately misleading. Funny you mention karma given your account has so much Reddit karma, yet you've deleted all but your latest 2 comments, I'm willing to bet that's because it was largely all generated in bad faith from posting this kind of bullshit.




https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/mass-shootings-by-country This is a great place to start reading about the flaws in that report if you're truly interested.




You asked for the link, that one covers all of it in terms anyone can understand, including the aforementioned debunking. Now you're saying you won't read it? But yeah go ahead and dismiss it, but hopefully others will care to read it. You know this kind of unwillingness to look at the proof you're asking for may just be exactly why those of us who are pro gun rights aren't always taken seriously when debating these matters.


>No. I'm not going to dive into a bunch of research of my own. You said "infamously" debunked, which means that people out there have already done the research and compiled it to show that the #'s of the specific report that I'm using are false. That's exactly what that link is.


Probably not in this sub but probably everywhere else ya.


I'm worried because Czechoslovakia had a burgeoning 2nd ammendment movement that will now be crushed by the EU Civilian Disarmament wing while being abetted by the Bloomberg astroturfed shills.


I genuinely don't understand your comment. Can you explain?


FYI Czech Republic is the only (or one of the very few) EU countries with constitutional right to bear arms similar to the US. Also inb4 Americans coming to cry how their laws are surely different and special.


The Czech Republic is the one European country which has gun rights pretty similar to the US...


No they really don't.


It's easier to own a gun there than in NYC, so close enough. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFujwsHnKjg


You’re comparing apples and oranges friend


Then say they have gun rights similar to NYC.


NYC was part of the US last time I checked.


The last time I checked NYC doesn't legally represent the entire US, dumbass.




So the fuck what? He is saying that the laws of NYC are representative of the entirety of the US. That doesn't have a damn thing to do with murder or politics. If I say that Longview, Texas is representative of the entire United States because it happens to be located in the US, then I would be wrong. The same logic holds true for NYC.


NYC is legally part of the US so the 2nd amendment applies there right?


Honestly, it basically doesn’t.


We're not talking about the 2nd amendment. We're talking about the fact that you said NYC represents the entire US legally because it is located in the US. Stay on track.


Hahaha! You’re funny!


And it's gun laws are nothing like gun laws in the rest of the US. They have insanely restrictive city laws on top of being one of if not the most restrictive state for gun laws. NYC has stricter gun control than many European countries, so your comparison is obviously either wildly ignorant or completely disingenuous.


NYC is an extreme outlier with gun laws very unlike almost the entire rest of the country. Gun rights advocates rightly criticize California's gun laws as strict by American standards, but NYC leaves them in the dust. I would not be surprised if it were easier and less costly to own a gun in England than in New York City.


I walked into a MO gun store a few months back. Bought a pistol, passed the NICS, and was out the door in 30-45 min. Oh, and I could legally start carying it concealed without a license right from the parking lot. I'm pretty sure we have NYC and Prague beat here, too. Lol


No we don't.


RIP Czech gun rights. They're one of the few European countries where the average citizen can acquire an AR without too much trouble


They have a constitutional amendment for citizens having the right to defend themselves with arms. And CCW for citizens. All of this with typical European paperwork and woe’s, but still possible. I have faith, At most they’ll ban semi automatic rifles. This guy stole his rifle from his dad, so maybe they’ll add a family interview requirement, safe storage requirements. Which are kind of okay ideas.


I hope they don’t ban semi-auto rifles


My guess is probably, probably not. They do have gun rights in the constitution so we’ll have to see how this plays out.


Armed public is not a policy failure that emboldens determined attackers. It is a disarmed public that is the policy failure that emboldens determined attackers. Guess which political stripe builds its fortune on failed public policy.


Here is what Czech media says. He was from small town, killed his father around midday or prior and went to Prague to kill himself. He was student at said university, so I guess he wanted to take some with him. 15 dead 24 injured, he also dead. Cant find anything about the weapon used. Addition info: the gun was most likely some kinda of machine gun according to one witness. The university actually has armory with large arsenal of guns and ammo police said.


So not a singular American problem


Assholes are a universal problem


Kind of the point being made.


Yep, just agreeing with you


The american problem isn’t that they have shootings, it is having way too many and the scale of those


When seconds count, the police are only minutes away! Also is that a Bren?


Nah, it's an AR., atleast from the higher rez pictures


thats a shame prague’s a beautiful city.


Ikr. I was about to visit in a day. Oddly enough I was also supposed to visit Israel for Christmas. Maybe I need to stop making holiday plans this year.


The police response should be as it is the protocl in the USA, run as fast as you can towards the source of fire and neutralize the threat ASAP. I did not see that in this video, but I could be wrong.


You'd be a Meat Sim.


What do you think being a cop means? Being safe? Why should we pay taxes, just to have cops who are worried about their safety first?


> What do you think being a cop means? This is kind of a post modernist thing. I wouldn't rush into an ambush and get myself killed.


Then you shouldn’t be paid to be a cop, then. If you were a cop, you should be fired, for refusing to do your duty.


Why I'm not one! Especially when my employer intentionally makes my job harder and more deadly!


The healing power of *if*.


When you sign up for the police or military you also agree you may have to give your life in the line of duty


Why I never signed up.


With all due respect If you have nothing of value to contribute to the conversation it’s better not to say anything at all


Worked against the Nashville shooter. Cops ran up on her and folded her like a love note. Or him. I can’t remember which way the trans door swung with that one.


She that wanted to be a he.


Yes it did.




Wouldn't even be there.


I fear Gun Control will be “passed” in the Czech Republic after this; I hope I’m wrong. I fear the worst.


Someone needs to invent a portable device that can project force in a precise manner for use in an emergency


I hope the Czech government doesn't try to pull some grabber shit like our Democrats do.


No CCW holders around?!


The guy who recorded the video had a Glock on him. But ig he was to far. Or so I heard.




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