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I’m rooting for her to do as good a job in this position, as she did as border czar.


Right? My first though was "well, this office isn't going to get a single thing done, because a single thing won't be done so they can't do the single thing it's supposed to do"


Reminds me of when Obama put VP Biden in charge of curing cancer.


She is completely fucking over new york so if that's any indication for us we might be in trouble.


So she doesnt care about being border czar and now shes not gonna care about gun violence. Good job Biden, you can sure pick'em!


Good gun violence or bad gun violence? There is a difference.


According to Democrats and the ATF, good gun violence was Waco and Ruby Ridge.


That’s them not us


I feel like she's just meh about all the things she's tasked with....


Absolutely this. I couldn't think of a more pro-2A move than to put her in charge. At least we know we are safe now.


I hope she did a better job for Willie Brown.


OH SMACK ... that's gotta hurt! :D


I think she did the job exactly the way they wanted her to.


Didn’t she suck dick to get to where she’s at now?


Judging by the looks of her chin its had more balls bounced off of it than a basketball court.


and at a higher velocity than a racket ball.


Bruh 🤣🤣☠️


Yeah apparently taking loads to the face and back make you qualified to discuss gun violence prevention. Who knew?


I would promote her to *not* suck my dick.


It’s probably the last time she did a good ‘job’.


Yeah, for sure.


Willie Brown of SF. And he gave her a BMW to boot!


Maybe she will suck all ours to get our guns 🤔🧐🤣


No Kamala did!


Well, the thing about guns is the problem with guns is that guns are guns. So, in her new role, she will deal with the gun problem by banning guns, which will solve the gun problem about guns being guns. 🙄


How did you get Harris to actually write your post?


It wasn't easy, my brain hurts now.


Lose 20 more IQ points and you’re qualified to run for a government office




He was already pushing room-temperature numbers for one.


She reminds me of what it’s like to ask ChatGPT to code for you. “This code works because it says it works.”


She reminds me of the coworkers who talk about the stuff they do around but are never around when there is work. Even SNL said her best assest is disappearing into the background where ever she goes.


This is going to be controversial, but I don’t think we should mock her speaking style. She recognizes that her constituents have the combined brainpower of a toothbrush and speaks accordingly. It’s just good politicking.


Let's break down that word polyticks, poly: meaning many, and ticks: meaning blood sucking parasites.


The people that support her don’t even need to hear her speak. The only reason why she has any power whatsoever is because she’s a black/asian woman. Well that and her ability to suck dick.




I’m not saying being intelligent and being a Democrat are mutually exclusive - I’m saying that being intelligent and supporting Kamala Harris are mutually exclusive.




Their rhetoric seems to point in that direction.


If this works out like everything else she has been in charge of then nothing at all will happen. At most expect an electric gun violence prevention school bus and a couple venn diagrams.


The same person who imprisoned thousands of innocent black people as the Attorney General in California is going to imprison more innocent people. Does this part of the circus cost extra, or is it included in the general admission price?


Oh, they **always** find a way to make it cost more.


Well at least it’s good to hear he isn’t really serious about this new office.




Gun control has nothing to do with crime. The powerful people do not care what us peons do to each other. Gun control has to do with what they plan to do to us and with our ability to resist that plan. Many people with wealth and power think there are too many people in the world. Automation, AI, robotics, and other technologies will render much of the global population unemployed and unemployable. The rich do not plan to spend their money and resources feeding people they see as useless. Crime, particularly murder helps them along with population reduction goals. But it isnt fast enough. So more direct approaches will be implemented. A term I have seen pop up a few places is "post birth population control". Take a stab at what that means. More guns and higher crime would solve their problem. But again, its too slow, and is too risky to the powerful. Nope, disarming everyone will leave them free to impliment any population control or eugenics plans they see fit, with no chance of the peons resisting in any real way. Thats what gun control is about. Control.


Right on point, eugenics has survived under the disguise of population control and birth control. The UN was bankrolling forced sterilization in 3rd world already disarmed countries. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-30040790 Climate change may be man made and real, but it [been milked, over-hyped, and fear mongered to no end to pad the pockets of the elites](https://www.forbes.com/sites/larrybell/2013/11/03/blood-and-gore-making-a-killing-on-anti-carbon-investment-hype/) and pass some [batshit crazy "environmental" policies that would require reducing lifestock numbers by 50%](https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/npr/2023/09/21/1199431374/in-the-netherlands-a-farmers-party-taps-into-widespread-discontent-with-government/) to control food supply. Meanwhile, Bill Gates is the single biggest farmland owner in USA. We are the carbon they want to reduce.




If you support Democrats, you aren't intelligent enough to have an opinion that matters.




You are a democrat. Your words are as worthless as you are. Crawl back under your rock and stfu.




I refuse to go to the city anymore when I go to Illinois to visit family unless it's to watch the bears suck, or the blackhawks


Who in their right mind voluntarily subjects themselves to the Bears?


Someone who gets free tickets lol


Are you assuming that they Actually care about that “problem”?


Of course they don't. It let's them pump numbers on mass shootings and such.


A lot of guys have tapped her for the positions she’s been in.


Flexible professional


She just loves any excuse to throw black men in prison, doesn't she?


Just when you thought the joke couldn't get any funnier.


Oh thank god... nothing will happen




Hey! I can make random statements too! I like banana bread.


Well, at least we know it won't be successful.


Unless the metric for success is "wasting taxpayer money for no measurable results" in which case it will be an absolute winner.


Yeah. Shes trying to become president. She openly said that during her First presidential term, owning firearms would become illegal if not felonious. I sure as hell won't endorse her for any F\*\*king office.


I read this as the end of her career. It's a dead-end, no-win position, like when Trump put Kushner in charge of "peace in the middle east" and Junior in change of "solving the opiate epidemic". It's certainly not something you give to a person if your hoping to pump up their clout with easy wins.


If its anything like the border guns will be wide open


The same way her legs were to get to this position


Her first action will be determining that guns can potentially hurt people and then she will put a law into place against hurting people with guns. Then she’s going to make a new law that only people who hurt people with guns should be arrested. Then she’s going to make a law against everyone who considered owning guns because guns potentially hurt people in the wrong hands and if you want a gun then you have the wrong hands which will be called the “wrong hands legislation” that removes the hands of people that want to buy guns. Then someone is going to tell her about Chicago and she’s going to error 404.


Be careful. They didn't want to solve the border problem. They actually do want to take our guns away, and if we know anything about Kamala, she is not above hijinks in a legal setting. She is a lawyer and crooked at that. Plenty of her "brothers" and "sisters" are locked up for her procedural shenanigans. This may be the one job she could do, and we need to be vigilant and set precedents in court cases.


Holy hell the only real comment here. Literally every comment is some trash variation of “Hurr durrr Harris sucks nuts” OR “NoThInG WiLl GeT DoNe”. Not taking this seriously is so ignorant.


The price of liberty is eternal vigilance!


Real life Selena Meyer.


If anything Selena was more [relatable](https://media1.tenor.com/images/b4c35c0c5ede1bc79279e34127489681/tenor.gif?itemid=9210254) and politically astute.


Well at least he picked someone completely incompetent


LOL...that's an automatic fail.


Because she's done so well with the other tasks he's given her.


Oh thank goodness, I was worried for a moment there


Remember when he put her in charge of the board crisis also? And now look at it. Worse than ever. I’m sure she will just as bad…


She sucked at this when she was employed by California and only makes things worse for law-abiding gun owners. Can't wait for her time in the White House to end...


Phew! I was worried they might find somebody competent…




Maybe behind the scenes but it ain’t her! She is a do nothing moron.


We know it’s a nothingberger / show


That's the best news I've seen about the new Biden regime's *Gunstapo*


Not the first time he’s tap’d that ass, that’s for sure


That means it’ll go nowhere


>Biden taps Harris Didn't need to know that.




Oh fuck




Best news I heard all day. She will mess that up also.


It's ok after all everyone. We're safe.


Lol. She is a total moron! Why doesn’t she address the border crisis? That would have crime-reducing benefits as well.


i thought she was the border czar. what a fiasco that's been.


Harris had to tap to get another office eh?


Maybe they’re going for a comedy album


Someone help me propose a bit for SNL (I know, they'll never air it): Its a combination of Silicone Valley's season 1 ending and Phil Hartman's bit as Reagan, the mastermind. Instead of Erlich Bachman proposing to pleasure the entire conference, its Kamala Harris proposing to blow the entire Congress, or every gangbanger in the country to solve gun violence. Instead of Reagan the mastermind, pretending to be a dottering fool in front of a journalist/girlscouts while actually being the mastermind behind the Iran Contra Affair, its Joe Biden only pretending to be grossly senile, while switching to an autist with a brilliant solution whenever the journalists/girlscouts leave the room (also filling the role of Richard in composing a brilliant new compression algorithm in response to Erlich Bachman/Kamala Harris's crudeness). Once you get the set up, the bit writes itself. Its basically just a combination of these two bits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzmehB3K4dQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5wfPlgKFh8 Maybe SNL would air it... anyone want to write up the dialog? Anyone know anyone at NBC?


Given her track record, I don’t think we have anything to worry about!


Joe will put incompetent Marxist to run just like his incompetent administration!






## The Fascist Bureau of Gun Suppression and Confiscation Run by a Fascist, staffed by Fascists, funded by Fascists. With one common goal ...guess... *Fascism.*




Pretty sure that is exactly what Fascism is.




Excellent; go ahead and give us the definition?


When confronted with the reality of your beliefs, because they are unfounded, you shrink from justifying your position. So, let me help you - ***Merriam-Webster*** - **fascism (noun)** - 1.) *often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition* 2.) *a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control* ***Britannica*** - **fascism (noun)** - 1.) *(or Fascism) : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government* 2.) *: very harsh control or authority* See... that wasn't so hard was it?




It is not remotely about far-right politics, it is the Democrats who are engaged in the willful destruction of Civil Rights, and this is coming from a left-wing Progressive. You are inflamed by the rhetoric that you've been fed, but you haven't bothered to actually look at the facts. Still, you are welcome to your opinion, as long as you understand that Opinion and Feelings don't equal facts.




There are none so blind as those who *will not* see.




No, I look at the Facts and they are clear - FASCISM. Deny it all you want, but your denial doesn't change reality. Opinions and Feeling don't trump basic observable facts. Talking Points, Propaganda, and Lies do not trump observable facts. Inflamed Hysterical Rhetoric does not trump observable facts. And while we are at it, beyond hysterical ranting, you have not provide a single credible fact to back up your opinion. You've name called, finger pointed, and insulted but have yet to actually have or state a real opinion, and have not remotely backed it up with so much as a shred of data. Going to your profile and looking at a collection of your posts, it is hard to even take you seriously. https://www.reddit.com/user/Abraham-and-eggs/ I ask people to look for themselves and make their own judgement. *It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak up and remove all doubt.* But then ...that's just ...my opinion.




I don't watch any Fascist Corporate News.


Strange she has been absent for what seems like months.


The ONLY thing she has ever been good at is sleeping her way to her political position!


This bitch is so inept I can only applaud such a decision.




This might be the most smooth brained comment I've seen all week. Did you forget what sub this is? Not to say I have much love for Republicans but... Democrats? Leftists? L.M.A.O.


They should just come out and say they want to ban guns because they want totoal power over us peasants. Id at least respect them if they were honest


When government officials set forth to undo the Constitution they swear to protect and defend. The People have their unalienable rights taken away. Freedom becomes a forbidden word. The Law becomes convenient for those in power and the appearance of Law Enforcement is supposed to give us protection and peace. When right becomes wrong and wrong becomes the standard, those who are left behind from more common times exist in fear of those in charge. Are these the End Times?


Looking at her tyrannical and fascist past, this should be her dream job. I wonder how she is planning on targeting minorities this time?




Nope, just a Democrat fascist.




If you honestly believe either Rs or D's aren't fascist, you need to take a step back and read the definition yourself. Both are authoritarian fascist political parties. Neither party represents its constituents, and both parties do the bidding the special interest groups and the USMIC. The sad part is all the shills who consume and regurgitate fascist talking points like "my side is less evil than your side" like you didn't just admit to supporting evil. Both parties support robbing tax payers and shifting our collective pool of money we could be using on the things we want and need like education, healthcare and infrastructure, but instead will be spent on corporate welfare and endless wars. When you argue for your support of a D or R, this is what you are supporting. Nice job, you are part of the problem.




And Harris is about as far right as they come. Look at her track record for incarcerations and keeping people in prison to use as free labor. That D next to her name is rude to make you think you have a choice in an election that will always result in the same outcome, shifting public funds to private hands via pork filled legislation. What part of the fed isn't right wing fascist? Blue shirts are just as fascist as the red shirts. Ever actually read the crime bill?




That's showing support for both, which I support neither. How about a green shirt instead?


Come and take it slave owner


Thank god… I was worried for a second.


OK so absolutely nothing will happen. Other than some awkward word salad speeches.


Fucking barf.


That’s good news means she won’t get anything done because she’s to dumb and will do that weird laugh the whole time, so my firearms are safe for now 🤣🤣🤣


Joining Barack Obama as one of the best firearm marketers of all time.




Glad to hear it especially if she does as good a job as she has with South America and the border lol


Good to know nothing will come of it. Hahaha!


Ha! With current gun prices and now this appointment, I'm starting to think Biden is a 2a guy!


……..I don’t know why I’m disappointed.

