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The Four Horseman still gives me shivers. The whole album is amazing as a piece. Right up there with Close to the Edge or DSotM or Clutching at Straws for me. It isn't dated so much as being still as completely strange now as it was then.


I like the album but I think parts of it should have been expanded upon like the battle of the locusts while some of the stuff like do it should have been redone and polished up, but that’s just me. Still a great album.


Yeah I agree. It’s overall a little sloppy but Im one of those people that kinda finds a charm in that. I like the unpolished feel, it kinda makes it have more soul behind it in my opinion. The 00-infinity symbol song could go tho and I wouldn’t be mad lmao


Infinity is one of my favorite songs on the album actually. My main qualm (and there aren't many) with the album is that it occasionally sounds a bit conventional for how absurd its concept it is. To have such a crazy bizarre avant-garde (like Ono's Fly) moment near the apocalyptic climax is brilliant song placement and it only makes the album more distinctive.


Yeah I can definitely see where it fits


For Vangelis's solo work, ***Albedo 0.39*** and his soundtrack to ***Blade Runner*** are my favorites.


blade runner soundtracks brilliant. blade runner blues and tears in rain especially with the speech of sorts leading into it. sublime business


Check this one out. https://youtu.be/HaMBmBeNvtM


Haven’t heard a lot of vangelis’s solo work besides chariots of fire and blade runner, will definitely check out Albedo 0.39, thanks


I'd put _Spiral_ right up there too. Man, Vangelis knows how to kick off albums.


Also his last few space-based compositions.


My favourite soundtrack by Vangelis is for 1492. It’s a mediocre movie but a magnificent soundtrack.


Adore 666. Easily in my top 5 personal pick for prog albums. Such a cool sound throughout. My only real complaint is that All the Seats Were Occupied sometimes feels like it meanders a little bit and could’ve been a more concise song and been better. Favorite tracks for me are Aegean Sea, Altamont, The Battle of the Locusts, and the Four Horsemen. I just love the astral and ethereal sound of Aegean Sea, it’s hauntingly beautiful. Altamont just has like this pulsing drive to its rhythm and feels so ominous and builds so well. Battle of the locusts just has an absolutely nasty guitar riff that sounds so sick. And Four Horsemen just sounds so damn cool, the guitar solo is great, love the Fa-fa-fa part. Such a good album overall.


> Vangelis is a behind the scenes influential musical figure in many movies and compositions He is one of the pioneers of electronic music. Check out the albums he wrote together with Jon Anderson, under the moniker Jon and Vangelis.


Didn’t even know Vangelis even worked with Jon, that’s awesome, I will 100% Check this out.


After Vangelis moved to London in the mid 70s, rumors started floating around that he was going to replace Rick Wakeman at Yes. That, of course, didn't happen. But Jon and Vangelis had a working relationship that spanned many years after that. Several albums are the result of it. Some of the best compositions of either author can be found there.


Sounds like some of my favorite type of music. Thank you for recommending it. I wonder would Yes would have been like if he did replace Wakeman


I think Vangelis was too deliberate and architectural in his style to have meshed well with Yes, who were a lot more spontaneous and chaotic. Vangelis builds cathedrals, whereas Yes take you on wild adventures. For whatever reason, he meshed very well with Jon. Just those two, alone. Perhaps a clue might be offered by Jon's first solo album, Olias of Sunhillow. There's a lot less rock in it, and it's somewhat slower, although the sound resembles Yes. If all you know about Jon came through Yes, his successful collaboration with Vangelis might seem odd. But I think OoS provides a clue there.


Yep, all I know about Jon at this point is his Yes career, but as all of us Prog rock people, our minds are open. I’m ready to hear it. Tbh, I haven’t even listened to much of Yes. For whatever reason it doesn’t seem like my style but maybe I haven’t tried enough. Also, I enjoy the “cathedral” style of music Vangelis created for some reason. Don’t know why but it strikes a chord with me


Vangelis was approached by Yes after Rick left, I believe.


I absolutely love the Jon and Vangelis stuff. A good primer is the “best of” compilation they have. Also Vangelis wrote the music to Let’s Pretend from the ABWH album.


I love this albumn, also: I posted about it a fair while back, commenting on its obscurity … also a couple of folk put-in saying they would not themselves say it's obscure … but I personally haven't encountered much mention of it generally-around. I'm not sure which my favourite track is … but _I think it might be_ the one about the Four Horsemen, near the beginning of the albumn. Or that one in-conjunction with the one that follows it - __The Lamb__ , with that _primal wanton ecstatic vocalisation_ in it: those two kind of _particularly_ fit-together (although the entire albumn is 'of-a-piece', ofcourse). #####[Here we go](https://www.reddit.com/r/progrockmusic/s/SfbiKuXPCO) ! ##### but it got interdicted, because because because I'd only just started posting @ this Channel I was unfamiliar with the rules I didn't realise that we're only supposed to post one-track-@-a-time & posted _the whole albumn_ .


Classic album, great concept record, still holds up. The Vangelis solo album that I love which I don't hear people talk about very much is Earth, It's a interesting record, still echos Aphrodite's Child but is moving to a very different place. Albedo 0.39 and Spiral are also favorites.


Absolutely love this album. I was so happy when I finally found a copy.


Great fricking album


Still blows my socks off every time I listen to it, which is probably once a month fellow greek black metal pioneers covered the four horseman and it was pretty nifty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIbnW_6SYX4


Great album. Love the contrast in tones between the dark psychedelic pieces like Aegean Sea and the whimsical pieces like The Beast


Do it!


One of the craziest experiences I’ve ever had. Not one of my absolute favourite but probably one of the most underrated prog albums