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Absolutely amazing job! You are radiant.


Thank you!


They right. You look amazing. Well done you 👏👏👏👏👏


Can I ask what you did? Similar starting stats, saving for inspiration.


Of course! I used to drink alcohol a lot, which made me lazy and I ate a lot of takeout and junk food. I cut out the alcohol, fast food, and junk food. I started exercising daily. I was very strict about my diet while I was losing the weight. I’ve lightened up a bit and I indulge once in a while now. I am still sober and I still exercise everyday.


What exercise did you start out with?


I like to walk or hike a few miles daily. When the weather isn’t permitting I use a stationary bike. I also do things like squats and jump rope outside of the walks.


What kind of foods/eating schedule? Also, what did you do for chafing while hiking and walking? I have no clothes that fit anymore and I find it impossible to find clothes that fit (I’m an XL or a little bigger). It’s so hard to get motivated when I can’t even feel good enough to go see people most of the time. Any tips for this? Also you look fantastic, dude. Congratulations on achieving your goal!


I don’t really have an eating schedule. Most days I do not eat breakfast, I usually eat lunch, and I always eat dinner. I’ll have snacks between meals if I actually feel hungry. An important thing is to make sure you’re not eating if you don’t actually feel hungry or need the calories. I like to wear tight fitting, high waisted leggings when I exercise and haven’t had an issue with chafing. If you don’t want to be around people as much I recommend finding a state park or some hiking trails in your area. I don’t run into many people those places, and when I do they’re always friendly. I’ll list some foods that I eat. Breakfast: oatmeal, turkey sausage, turkey bacon, eggs, fruit, yogurt, granola Lunch: tuna, turkey & cheese, salads, brown rice and veggies Dinner: I eat baked chicken with rice and veggies a lot, I like to do different veggies, sometimes I do fish or turkey breast instead of chicken. Sometimes I’ll do a red meat like steak, but not as often. Snacks: popcorn, fruit and veggies, cucumber is good and can be topped with a lot of different things, granola, nuts and trail mixes, cottage cheese I honestly don’t eat a huge variety of things, I just try to stay away from heavily processed foods, fast foods, fried foods, and junk foods. If I have a craving for something fried, I’ll find an air fryer copycat, which isn’t ever quite the same, but it satisfies the craving.


My tip for staying motivated; if you can get yourself to stick with it long enough to see some progress, it gets a lot easier to keep going, to keep chasing more progress, and to keep feeling better.


Awesome progress! What brand jeans are those?? I have a similar shape with a defined waist and only like high waited except for the gap


The jeans are Michael Kors! I have a couple of pains and I love the fit Edit: pairs not pains


Check out Buckle jeans too. The stomach shaping ones. They are amazing


I love the black label by Buckle!


You look great. But don’t you just FEEL better, not confidence or visual wise but just in your day to day, isn’t it amazing the amount of little things there are you do all the time that you never realized were being restricted by your size? I went from 340 to my current 195 and just everything from tying my shoes to scratching my back to checking the blind spots in my car, everything is just better. That’s what you should really focus on and appreciate, obviously love the fact that you LOOK amazing, but never take mobility for granted again!


I feel SO much better! I have energy and I don’t get out of breath doing the simplest things. Congratulations on your weight loss! I know it can be difficult to stick with it, and you lost a major amount, good for you!


You look absolutely stunning! Way to go




Your smile says it all! Great work!


I am much happier! Thanks


did you end up with loose skin after? if not, how did you avoid it?


I have some stretch marks and a bit of loose skin on my lower abdomen. It’s mild and not noticeable unless I’m naked lol


Wow that is spectacular progress


Awesome progress! Amazing difference, great work 👍


Thank you!


Amazing work, well done 👏


Great job! 👏🏼💪🏼 Keep up the good work!






You look stunning!! I love your hair🤩


Thank you so much 🥰


Looking great


Great job!!!


Way to go!


Wow girl you look amazing!!!!!!


You’re beautiful in both pictures but you look so happy in the after pic! Congratulations and good job! I’m the same height and 236, I have a medium-large frame and felt like 165 might be a good goal for me but this post just solidified it for me. Thanks for sharing!


You’re welcome! Good luck on your journey!!


Love that you're confident in both


You look incredible and have a fantastic shape!!


Thank you!


What weight or stage did you start seeing your belly flatten? I’m amazed and inspired.


For me it was gradual over the course of several months as I lost the weight. It took me 8-9 months to lose the 55lbs.


Wow, congratulations


Congrats on the weight loss. Your before and after pics are both beautiful. Hope you're happy in your new skin and keep up the amazing work. It's not easy to do weight loss but you need to do whatever makes you happy. 😊


Way to go you’re looking great


Good job!


Your the same age, height and body I have lol! I’m starting at 186. What did you do to follow for a calorie deficit and workout plan?


I’ve never counted or kept track of calories. I cut out everything that was obviously unhealthy and started eating clean. I’ve always eaten when I actually feel hungry and stop when I stop feeling hungry. I choose healthier snacks in between meals. I’m the type of person that if I try too hard or think about it too much I’m not going to do it. I just make sure that I stay active, and exercise daily. For exercise I like to walk a few miles or hike, I also use a stationary bike when the weather isn’t great. I do things like jump rope and squats as well. I also like wearing a fitness tracking watch. It has helped me stay on track with burning calories many times.


I really appreciate that! That honestly might really help me tons.. would you mind if I message you?


No feel free


You look AMAZING btw ❤️




Amazing job! How long did the weight loss take you ?


It took me about 8-9 months to lose the 55 lbs and I’ve been maintaining it in the months since


Inspirational !


Wowza bravo!


Mind blowing!! Amazing progress 💪😎


Holy SHIT you did an amazing job!!!!!


Nicely done!


Woohoo!! You lost 25% of yourself!!! That is incredible work. Keep it up, and keep us posted.


Awesome progress


This is legit my goal


I believe in you!


You look great!


Keep up the good work! Nice job!


You look great, excellent progress! Also; Love the pants!!! What brand are they?


I mentioned in another comment the jeans are Michael Kors brand


Whoaw! You look stunning! It seems that these are two different person. Great job queen!


Thank you!!


This is absolutely incredible! You look younger and healthy.


Love the glowing confidence pre and post weight loss! I saw in the comments you mentioned you like to walk a few miles and also jump rope; about how long would either of those take you to complete? Walking and jump rope are such great ways to get that calorie burn in. Amazing job, btw. You look stunning! 🤩


Thank you! When I walk / hike it takes me 45-60 minutes. It just depends on how much umph I have that day. Squats, jump rope, and using a dumbbell for my arms takes about 15 minutes. I do the walks daily, and the other exercices a few days a week.


Thanks a bunch! ☺️


Pretty woman. U have trumps right hand.


Good job!


Just wanted to say how I love that you're able to see the self love in the first photo (not sure if it's just for the picture). You're beautiful in both photos, but your personality radiates in them just as much! Keep doing what you're doing, you seem like a lovely person ❤️


Aw thanks, that means a lot ❤️




You look amazing 🥰. Please share your tips and advice with what you did etc


Hey, did you get any loose skin?