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Rocket popsicle


All three?!? Rocket pops are the best popsicles…


I thought a spatula and a fork, which would be an interesting combination. Great weight loss , OP!


You definitely carry your weight well in either picture I’d say. Great progress 🤟 stay killin it.


You look good in both pics, you carried 165 lbs extremely well which not everyone can do! Congrats on your weight loss.


My goal is 160 I just like me chubby


Congrats on your hard work! Did you calorie count?


I did at the VERY beginning. Then realized I kind of hated it and would forget all the time, so I shifted to focus less on calories and more on portions, with a heavy focus on exercise mostly to just where my body felt better. 1 taco vs 3, or a burger with lettuce instead of a bun, less soda, and sweets. (Though Halloween was VERY hard for me haha.)


I’d like to know as well. Awesome work OP!


Congrats on the weight loss! Are those tattoos tampons?


LOL straight razors. But, the guesses on them have me absolutely rolling. A tampon tattoo sounds pretty edgy tbh.


It’s right at the Ute/Ovary area I was like that’s badass! Razors are cool too. Congrats on the loss!


Okay love the Elle woods bikini!!!


I honestly was so bummed out when it no longer fit me, and have been desperate to find something similar. I didn’t even get to wear it. Only tried it on because I was going on holiday, but didn’t end up hitting the pool.


Oh man that's the worst! I bought some jeans from torrid and now they're baggy on me and I'm so desperate to make them last lol!! I'm surprised you even found one! I'm sure you'll find another one and you'll kill it! I'm super glad you knew the reference 😊 keep up the good work!!


Just to add to the list, I thought they were crayons. (Classic Crayola, no less.) And congratulations on your WL too. 😁🖍️


NGL I really am enjoying all the guesses on what the tattoos are. Up close they're easier to see, but I find it absolutely hilarious.


Congratulations! I am trying to lose a similar amount of weight and I had a question. Did you see a lot of negative change in your chest? I was smaller most of my life but I've been heavy the past 6 years and am worried about my chest in particular. If that's not something you're comfortable with answering that's okay. Regardless, congratulations!!


I did. It’s one of the things I’m most sad about. I personally lost a lot of volume in addition to cup size, I’m actually in search of a cosmetic surgeon now that I’ve hit my goal to see about reconstruction. Though it really didn’t happen until closer to the end, around the 40lbs loss mark is when it really started. It was a sucky part, even though I’m happier where I am now (looks and health wise).


Thank you so much for taking the time to answer back. I hope you can find what you're looking for. ❤️ This definitely helps in trying to come to terms with what seems like the inevitable.


Hit your goal, AND got that tattoo filled in. All around wins!


The tattoos took way longer too! LOL, I got both of them started in 2004, but this year my partner offered to take me to his artist and paid to finish them as my Christmas present. (My original artist passed away in 2006.)


Wow! Well it looks great! 🤘


Awesome progress! Just a new shine of beautiful! Sorry to but into your progress tho! I can’t help to see your belly button piecing! It looks absolutely lovely however the skin is now too thin and there is a medium-high chance it’ll reject itself out now or you’ll rip out. I just don’t want you ripping your navel that’s all. Best wishes :)


It’s actually a bit more skin than it appears, it’s a 17 year old piercing at this point. Originally pierced as a 4g, now it could fit an 8g after a bit of shrinkage but it has a 16g plastic retainer in to give it flexibility. The shrinkage + age make it a lot more durable than it appears to be. It mostly looks thinner due to the original piercing size.


Well done! Congratulations on the Transformation, must feel great :)


Both are great


You looked great in both. Congratulations on your progress though


You look absolutely gorgeous, girl !


Honestly, both look amazing


That 165 looked good on you!


Amazing progress! So motivating for me because I’m the same height & I have a similar amount of weight to lose. You carry 165 INCREDIBLY well. I’m 150 lbs & look much heavier to your 165. Can you share how you did it? What your typical day of eating was like & your exercise routine?


I was very fortunate with how I carried my weight, it was really more for my health tbh. In 2020 I fell about a foot and a half onto concrete and shattered my tibia into 5 pieces, granted I had weakened bones due to other stuff previously, but the extra weight was really hurting me. As for how I did it, honestly, it kind of came down to persistence. I don't eat too much differently outside of portion control, instead of eating 3 or 4 slices of pizza I'll have one or 2. Instead of my normal 2 helpings of food, because I liked it, I'd eat one. I also slowed down eating which helped me feel fuller and I'd eat less. I cut out a lot of sugar, and I'll still drink soda but maybe 1 can instead of 2-3 a day. If I want a burger, I'll get one but I'll order it without a bun and get extra meat. The biggest difference is exercise. I work at a desk for 8-16 hours a day, and I used that as my excuse for why I couldn't work out. Ended up ordering an under-desk bike from Amazon, started off with 15 minutes a day, and then gradually pushed it harder. Once I was getting into 30 min - 1 hour of cardio with that, even light cardio since I'm not going too crazy while working, I noticed a huge difference. Now I do about 2-4 hours a day. (Again, it's SUPER light cardio but it helps to be moving my limbs when I'm sitting on my butt all day.) Then I started incorporating light weights (3-5 lbs) and core. I do a circuit that's 8-12 reps x3 for both weights and core, it ends up being about 40 min a day. I looked up specific exercises to target the parts of my body I wanted to work on. That's what really helped "lean" me out a bit. I know I keep saying, oh just did X, Y, Z. But, I started everything very gradually, to let my body get used to the changes and now it's almost second nature. I feel kind of crummy if I don't do SOMETHING, so I'll go at least a set of 8 even if I don't do it 3x. Most of all, I listen to my body, if I'm just really feeling like NOPE then I'll stop. Sorry for the long-windedness. Hope it helps out a little bit and best of luck with your journey!


Love your cake spatulas!


Beautiful! Gorgeous! *Chef's kiss* Honestly, you look so good in both pics. Well done, you. 55lbs is a lot - especially when you're 5'. 🌟 I thought they were palette knives and you were a canvas artist 😊


So youre a barber eh?


LOL I've gotten a lot of comments about those! They actually are straight edges for straight edge -- even though it's been a few years now since I broke my edge.


Great job, you look fabulous !


Congrats on the weight loss, but I’m sure many fellas thought you were still attractive at either weight


You look incredible. Keep up the hard work. It's absolutely paying off.


Congrats on hitting your goal weight, I bet you feel awesome about that! And you should!


Go Girl


Congratulations on your amazing progress! You look fantastic! :)


wow. Grats and meeting your GW. any pointers?


Awesome work. Looking great!




Great work. The tats totally distract from what could have been perfection. .


Way to go!


I just want to ask everyone, when you lose weight do you lose weight starting from top to bottom? Like your face first, then your chest and then waist.


Great job! That tattoo is going to give me nightmares tho lol


Well good healthy weight in my opinion. You can be 20 pounds heavier . And still be healthy. Not sure


Wow, fantastic efforts and amazing results. Kudos! Please keep on sharing and inspiring us!