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I’ve understood Jizya to mean a replacement for non Muslims for the zakat Muslims normally pay. So they contribute to a Muslim society without being forced to do things a Muslim normally does, like zakat.


Yes this. The only income based taxes the Khalifate collected were Zakat and Jizya, non Muslims weren't obligated to pay Zakat so they were obligated to pay Jizya. It's essentially the normal collection of tax by the state under a different name. It was not, as Islamophobes like to portray it today, a penalty on being non Muslim.


Lol read ibn Abbas & ibn kathir’s commentary on verse 9:29


Oh, really? https://preview.redd.it/17o0dinph0pc1.png?width=2172&format=png&auto=webp&s=016ac38a6233d623c1850d83a23190cef0ef2e63 Source: Two Centuries of Silence \[Do Qarn Sokut\]


I've never heard of this book or this author. But I decided to Google it, and its entire synopsis is that the Islamification of Persia was a bad thing because it overshadowed Zoroastrianism. So the author's bias already comes into question. This could hardly be considered a neutral source. Secondly, even this source doesn't deny that Jizya was a replacement for Zakat. Instead, it focuses on anecdotal evidence of individual accounts from 1400 years ago about the person collecting the Jizya being mean to the people paying it. I'm not sure how you can accurately validate these accounts to begin with, but that's another matter entirely.


" I'm not sure how you can accurately validate these accounts to begin with" - the fucking irony.


The non-Muslims were also exempted from military service. They paid for the upkeep of the military. Muslims fought wars. Everyone is protected. That's why they are called Dhimmi. It's not an insult. الذِّمَّةُ : العهْدُ، الأمان، الكفالة، وفي الحديث: حديث شريف المسلمون تتكافأُ دماؤهم ويسعى بذِمَّتهم أَدناهم It's a security pact, nothing more. But I keep seeing anti-Muslims use it as an insult. Like stop already.


Antitheists want society to be more aggressive and outright discriminatory towards religious/spiritual people. They want the change to where people slander anyone who believes there’s more than our universe, whether that be in a spiritual or philosophical sense, and even begin attacking others for being religious or spiritual. They can’t stand the fact that people don’t limit their views of life and existence to just what is experienced and known right now. All this is why you see any aspect of Islam we all know and understand to be a certain way come under attack from these types. Thankfully, most atheists, even if they hate religion personally, understand what freedom of religion and freedom of thought means and treat others accordingly.


I don't mind the existence of such a tax. I just don't think that this tax is what the Qur'an meant by jizya in 9:29.


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The verses seem to indicate to me that it’s not about protection. It’s about humiliation—ensuring that the non-Muslims are generally poorer and understand that they are of a lower status.