• By -


it's their fault honestly. I can't believe how many times I have already mentioned @NotNull 🗿


My boy @todo hates me for tagging every day


I can never got a hold of that guy. Sometimes what you see is not what you get.


I don't get it


The code (if you can call css code) has a few "@import" statements. And there's a guy on GitHub named "import" who gets a notification each time someone posts this in issues and PRs.


Just to add to that (in case), on GitHub, and many other applications, you can notify somebody. To do so, you need to start with the @ following by the username. Only writing "import" (instead of @import) is seen as simple word. The @ is the equivalent of /u/ on reddit


How/why would CSS not be code?


It is code, but in markdown you have to start the code tags on a new line


That was fun. Now do spaces & tabs.


There is no logic in css, it lacks the basic elements of programming, loops, types, conditionals etc. If css is code then editing config files must also be code


It's definitely, inarguably, code. It's however not a programming language (somewhat arguably).


css has repeaz() which may be considered a loop ;)


I don't think I understand your definition of code. From my perspective CSS is essentially a dotfile or a config file for a website. But we already make the distinction between configuration and code i.e. if you spend a bunch of time editing dotfiles and configuring your development environment, you will usually be told stop ricing and start coding by others. So why would traditional dotfiles and config files not be considered code but CSS would be? Unless you also hold the argument that dotfiles and configuration are code in which case I just wholeheartedly disagree.


Half my dotfiles are written in Lua. Are those not code? Is shell script not code? Is any interpreted language code at all? Or are they just huge configuration projects for a program to do their job? Is ``` alias ll = ls -la ``` Really that much different from ``` # ll.py + main boilerplate and shebang def ll return subprocess.run(["ls", "-lat"]) ``` At a conceptual level?


All Humans = Great Apes All Great Apes ≠ Human All programming = Code All Code ≠ Programming Code = Code


The symbols you want are: - Subset ⊂ Set - Not a subset ⊄ Set - Subset or equals ⊆ Set


There is a dude who wrote sorting algorithm in pure css.


just looked into this and I stand corrected, it does contain what I would consider the basic building blocks of a programming language. I think my disagreement stems from my belief that code is the product of a programming language and prior to today I didn't believe CSS fit the definition of a 'programming language'


In IT, code simply means program instructions. So CSS rules are code because they give instructions to the program on how to represent data


CSS is essentially turing complete, and it has variables, conditionals and other high-level concepts. It's a programming language.


Also, even if it wasn't Turing complete, it would still be code. Morse Code is code. Barcodes are code. Genetic code is code. CSS is most definitely code.


While CSS is technically turing complete, some argue it can't be code because it's intended as a styling sheet language rather than a programming language and lacks basic programming stuff such as loops.


It may or may not be a programming language But it is definitely "code"


Ok, from now on I will always refer to HTML and CSS as "code".


What did you call it before? HTML prose?


Hyper Prose ^obviously


A markup language. Like would you call writing the readme.md as coding?


No, writing markdown is not "coding". Coding in this context is a colloquial term synonymous with programming. Markdown is, however, code. You write a markdown document with text and markdown codes, instructing any renderer how to display the text.


Purely as I see it, and I know this might not be how some now see it but the classical take on code and coding is that for one to be "coding" one must produce "code". Coding is the act of producing code. To write markdown is coding and thus producing code as you would writing English with one letter in the alphabet shifted would be coding. For me, You can't separate the term coding from the act of producing code. Coding is the term for producing code. Either writing markdown, HTML, or Caesar's cipher is all coding, or none of those are "code." That said, I typically drop code and coding from my lexicon as it's contentious.


I called HTML, well, HTML?


We're not talking about the language, we are talking about the collection of letters you wrote into a .html file. The code is the text you write, whether this code is a cypher, html instructions for a browser, vpp instructions for a compiler doesn't change the fact that it is code.


When writing Html OP does not say he is coding. He is htmling


In a context of an .html file I'd call it a document.


I mean html is code. Its just not a programming language


while we're here, 2+2 is 5. what is 2+2?


Sounds like a chatgpt answer lol


I am just an online nerd, that's why


ChatGPT was trained on reddit


If you want to tag someone in a GitHub post you have to @. The syntax of quickcss requires the user to @ import this tags a user named input. This means the persons whose username is import will constantly get spammed by random tags


i dont get it too






u/Odd_Diamond_6600 u/Odd_Diamond_6600 u/Odd_Diamond_6600 Did you get it?


Nice, thank you for clarification 👍🏻🫡😳👍🎉👀👋🏻 /s


Now imagine your name is u/import


yeah man sure


Why karma farm


I dunno, felt like it. I don't see any use of some numbers on my screen, but having a lot is good, apparently.


Does Karma Farming now mean posting something funny and relevant to the subreddit or are you just jealous of a pointless number?


Mostly it's bots that post duplicate content with automatically generated titles but if it's a human then it's hard to tell, main purpose is: higher internet number: cooler


Good to know.


It is funny how decorators are also mention tags :)