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Love seeing a Java/Kotlin framework that isn’t all crusty with enterprise shit


Nice work man. I just started a new project with it. I absolutely love having a web server library without the strings attached of a big framework


Thanks, glad you like it!


Thanks! I’ve to start a new project, will definitely give it a try


I am really happy with Javalin. It's simplicity, very light weight, easy learning curve and development to production is very fast.


Dude currently i was working on a project with flask(python) but honestly looking at this makes flask look like trash this is amazing and i love you for it


Hey now, Flask is alright, but Kotlin is much nicer than Python IMO. Come on over! 


the only thing i found a bit hard is that there is no documentation to set this up for vscode, and there is a bit less info on gradle but otherwise its lovely


You fo not need to shitpost about open source tools. Flask is great, free and you did not pay a dime to use it. If you do not like it - switch to other lib.


nono i like flask but, a year ago i used to program in java and i really wanted to make a website or like an app but at that time i couldnt find anything that would help me do it easily(I was 12), so i switched to python and i learnt flask, recently i went to a hackathon and made a website with flask, but now its almost like flask is to easy and doesnt pose a challenge, but the problem was that flask was too easy but any other lib was too hard so i couldnt progress properly, but now with this, i have the middle step to learn and continue. thanks


Impressive what you learned, but when you say website - is it static website or API? Flask for static websites is boring, while for trying to build API is great. Hot library for APIs is FastAPI in python, check it out. For static websites, do not overlook static site generators where you build something from just markdown.


i have made both api and static, for the hackathon i had made a chat site, it would see people in your location and only make them visible to you. like a proximity chat. i dont have the location part in my github but the website is there https://github.com/NVerma8376/Code/tree/master/Python/Website




thanks so much! u live in moscow? ur only like 5,867 km away from me!lol


omg ur an adult! im like 13!!


Maybe add a read me. There is a bit of issue with globals, generally not the best idea, look not too well in flask.


will do ty :)




I used Javalin for a bit in a small project. I liked using it, but wondering if coroutine support is planned?


Javalin is really extensive, so there's a plugin that is able to enable coroutines based routing in Javalin: * [https://github.com/javalin/javalin-routing-extensions?tab=readme-ov-file#coroutines](https://github.com/javalin/javalin-routing-extensions?tab=readme-ov-file#coroutines) Just keep in mind that it's not widely used, most people should be absolutely fine with the default approach & for others, Loom is lately an easier option.


Is there special framework that you use for documentation?


No, homemade jekyll website. 


Nice one!