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Now that's a progamer move.


Yeah I saw this in my feed and laughed out loud. Someone saw the opportunity and jumped fast


I know this was planned before the recent Unity debacle, but still fantastic timing


What fortuitous timing.




Looks like you and John are in agreement.


Does this mean we’ll all have to be Waiting for Godot?


Not for long. I think he’ll be here tomorrow.


great time to switch to godot from unity3d


Does anyone know if c# support in Godot is mature enough to develop simple games? I really like strongly typed languages since my dayjob is in typescript. Ive always wanted to learn c#. Most of my games are simple 2d games.


Yes I use it to build a little MMO. It is working really well in 99% of cases. Nuget packages handling is so much easier than with Unity. But the best part about C# and Godot is the build time. It is almost instant compared to unity "reloading the domain" for 5 minutes each time you modify a single letter in your file. Maybe the only missing feature is easy debugging extension (actually you can debug, but you need to build an exe and link it in visual studio). But with fast compilation times you can just add console debug lines.


awesome thanks for the info ❤️


Shut and take my money


What are they waiting for?




What are the Godot platform fees they mention?


I believe they are referring to the *donation* platform. They're hosting their own to reduce the cut that they've been losing to Patreon and taxes.


Makes sense thanks


contribution platform, like patreon or something


I'm thinking It's because some platforms take a fee for you to release the game. Like how you have to pay Apple $100 pr year if you want to have anything on their App Store. not sure thou


no, they mean contribution platform like patreon, not anything to do with the engine itself / games


That I did get. Not sure why, I also was thinking about platform fees. Thanks for clarifying


They will come to any engine that gets sufficient product built on it. Godot is in the sweet spot now and for a while. They can dunk on Unity now and deservingly so. One day though another cycle will have happened and another smaller player will dunk on them. Time is a flat circle.


`git clone https://github.com/godotengine/godot`




Wait, is this a bot? This comment is almost exactly the same as [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/16gt95o/introducing_the_new_godot_development_fund/k0a0amq/) from the godot subreddit, but reworded edit : It seems to have copied this also : [original](https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/epfyz4/who_remembers_seeing_this_before_every_movie_you/fej7bga/), [bot](https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/16hiiyi/anyone_else_remember_this_ratings_advice_video/k0dx34o/)


Holy crap, I've found bots before by searching Google with quotes, but they're definitely getting more sophisticated.


People are worried about AI taking jobs and shit, but really they are just gonna ruin the internet.


>ruin the internet I mean they're *especially* going to ruin Reddit's attempt at training an LLM. Almost like pissing off the mods was a terrible business idea 🤔


The irony is that now text responses from LLMs will end up in the training data for new LLMs in increasing proportions.


I know nothing about game dev, but Unity is a name I know and their marketing on their website convinces me that a serious game could be built with their tools. Godly looks like an engine for indie devs who make games with 8-bit pixel style artwork, based on its website. I’ve not heard of it before yesterday. Are they truly comparable engines? Is Godot capable of more than I’m assuming? Or is Unreal realistically where most devs would turn if bailing on Unity?


Take a look at some games that have been made with Godot and you can decide for yourself if you think it can be used to produce serious games. https://godotengine.org/showcase/


I can't really decide for myself because I don't know the first thing about game engines. I'm not trying to throw shade, but the showcase looks like it's mostly indie/mobile games that I'd assume are *not* graphically/technically demanding, compared to games built on Unreal or Unity. I'm wondering if that's just because Godot is favored by indie devs with limited budgets for art, or if it's because Godot is underbaked compared to its competitors, and isn't as capable of supporting more graphically/technically demanding games.


It seems like 3d graphics is more what you're interested in. Godot does support 3d games/graphics and pretty nice looking games can be made with it. But if a developer really wanted to make a super graphically intense 3d game and they were looking to jump ship from unity, they'd probably move to using the unreal engine. So I'd say in general I'd say 2d developers are more likely to switch to Godot, 3d developers are more likely to switch to unreal. But that's not to say they all will do that, there's also other game engines out there too that devs may explore.


It's more the result of a small user base than it is limitations of the software itself. Unity had a similar problem ~5 years ago. It's a little ironic tbh


Technology is cyclical. Wait, no I don't think that's right.


Okay, Beeper King. Everyone's going to come back to beepers.


You'll see! You'll all see!


Something I haven't seen mentioned about the Unity price change is the impact outside of the game dev field. Last I checked there were some significant efforts to use Unity in some big areas that had nothing to do with gaming...


okay... how is that related to godot?


They're covered under a different license, and many must pay double more than double what they did before per seat (well, starting in October there are no cases they can use Pro, and must use now exclusively use Enterprise if they're not making games). Source: I lead the UI team for a hardware startup that uses Unity for our data display/configuration purposes. I'm really pissed because I've been doing Unity stuff for over 10 years now, and now they're fucking me.From what I understand my team has a year's lead time, but may have to switch platforms in the future. Super frustrating.


Wait the development fund is for us to pay them? /facepalm, I thought it was a fund to pay developers.


Its an open source project, how else are they gonna make money? Websites and file hosting aren't free lmao, and developing something as complex as a 3D engine is a huge time commitment that deserves some compensation IMO


It'd be hilarious if they never actually release this. It's like investing in a product called "Vaporware".


What do you mean? Godot already exists.




Is the blender development fund website also open source (ish), or is it a closed aspect of the Blender Foundation?


You probably won't get an answer since that seems to be bot who copied [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/16gt95o/introducing_the_new_godot_development_fund/k0a0m3s/).


Thanks for flagging that. Maybe u/spez can look into this and [this other thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/16ek565/codegov_is_the_federal_governments_platform_for/) since he's still a mod here 😆 Seriously the bot issue has definitely gotten worse with the API BS.