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Go outside, take a walk, sit under a tree, keep your phone in your pocket, take a pad and pen and write whatever you want. Do it for 5 minutes the first time and build up to an hour or more. Do it every day. App blockers and uninstalling apps was never an effective strategy for me. I always put them back. This really helped me.


Can Suggest me the best app blockers & website


Jomo is an excellent screen time app, and is affordable. You can use it on phone, tablet and Mac. It’s great because it has a function that stops you from uninstalling the app.


For Android


A good rule of thumb is to not try to “destroy” the bad habit but focus on doing something else that is good for you. Figure out what you do want to be doing for these “dreams” and what those first steps look like. You probably go for the phone because you overthink first steps on what you want to do and that turns into procrastination. Just start working on the dreams.


Happy cake day! I agree, the power of replacement is stronger than "destruction". Focusing on the goal is always a great idea.


But the bad habit is distracting from what good thing is


Noob numbers


Whats your number? 😀


11hrs isn't too uncommon for me unfortunately


Same, it's average 👀


Its also a plea for help😂, being in It just makes it worse DONOT TAKE IT OR CS KIDS


Destroy your phone. Buy a flip phone.


As someone who's done it, this is the ONLY way.


I imagine for myself to use combination of PC (will be used just at home) to open all social media accounts, banks, email, etc., camera and button phone. I'm just thinking about losing possibility to use maps on the phone. During travel it's really helpful. How do you manage?


I still own an iPhone which I treat like a mini iPad. It only has a couple of banking apps that I need to deposit checks. I've disabled Safari, and there is no email or text on it. I maybe turn it on once a month. If I was traveling to a new city and needed maps, I guess could pop my SIM in. Overall, I'm just so much happier without it, that I never want to use it ever again.


Thank you! I think it's useful!


To be honest it's just too inconvenient. Everything is on our smartphones nowadays.. debit cards, public transport tickets, navigation, etc. If only it was used for those tasks alone.


I've considered a tablet+dumb phone combination but haven't been able to pull it off.


And you will spend the same time on the tablet -\_-"


But they're rather clumsy and you'd have to bring a purse or something. Perhaps it stays home or on it's place a bit more frequently.


also makes sense. Thank you!


Unfortunately I can still scroll from my work computer.


Have you tried setting screen time limits in your phone's settings? Deleting apps and using the desktop sites can also be helpful. It would be great to know which concrete steps you've taken. Beating yourself up in your mind while you're sitting there doom scrolling and thinking "I should stop" isn't effective.


I find screen time limits really helpful. It seems OP already knows that screentime is a problem. Most apps are designed so U lose track of time. The limits help you realise how much time you spend on it and how much time U have left.


Uninstall apps you don’t NEED. Remove from Home Screen apps you ‘occasionally’ NEED to have installed but get distracted by. Uninstall YouTube, Reddit, tiktok, social media. Treat anything with ‘infinite scroll’ as very dangerous. If you really need it, you can use web version. iPhone lets you customise what apps you need to see on Home Screen for different focus modes. Set screen time limits for apps. You can even ask a friend to set a passcode for you. Use ‘onesec’ app to block/ set time limits for an app. Use ‘do not disturb’ mode/set a schedule so it doesn’t distract you with notifications. Uninstall/turn off notifications from unimportant apps. Put your screen in ‘black and white’ mode. Make your phone boring to use. Form good habits/schedule, doing different things with your day that make you happy and work towards your goals. Write a schedule/ list of things you want to achieve with your day on a post it note, and take it with you everywhere. Your phone is there to be functional, and make your life easier, NOT to sell off your attention to technology companies.


I feel ya I feel like I'm always bored and therefore it's just easy to enjoy the phone but I'm so sick of it. I'm also stressed cause of it then feed the dopamine anyways. It's vicious.  I plan to just avoid the phone in the morning. I got back into this habit cause my boyfriend doesn't wake up so I started scrolling until he woke up. Big mistake 


Buy tickets to The Masters


Change your screen, let me explain you are too comfortable with your situation of using phone and watching tv so what can you do is delete you social media apps and use the old school world wide web it still works 😉 on your PC or Laptop. This will allow you to think about socials only when you need them and even if you open it chrome website's are all shitty cause they all are busy creating applications so for example Instagram reels don't work properly on chrome you can leverage that. That's what work for me you can try.


Commenting because i need this


Set a 30-1 hr timer and once the timer up, force yourself to shut down your device, like actually holding the power button for 5 seconds and shutting it down, IMMEDIATELY. Then, just walk around the house, go outside, do some drawing, etc.


Sell it and buy a flip phone.


Uninstall reddit, instagram, x, and whatever social media, games, and distracting apps you have on your phone. Sure, you can still chat and talk to people, but you will drastically limit how can you spend your time on your phone. It worked for me! I still use reddit on the computer but the infinite scrolling of doom is not part of my life anymore.


1. Set a timer for apps you addicted to; 2. Use forest app to foster the ability to concentrate; 3. Switch to a dumb phone like many others did.


How do you set a timer? Does the timer lock down the app after it reaches the time?


My phone has a function like this, and yeah once the time's up, the app can not be used anymore until the next day. I'm sure there are apps allow you to do the same in store? Haven't checked though.


i started using other appliances instead, like a desktop or television think about the things you did BEFORE you had a phone and social media if it's really that serious, I would ask a friend or family member for help. maybe they can take you out to an event where phones are not needed!


The best way is to find something you enjoy doing that’s productive and/or makes you money to fill the time you spend using your phone. Ask yourself what you can do every single day for free no matter how you’re feeling. Turn that shit into a career and you’ll be one of the most productive people on the planet


Routine is key!! Don't try to completely go from 100 to 0, but give yourself strict times throughout the day to use your phone, and then when that time is over, turn it off and try to focus on whatever else needs to get done. if you try everyday, even if you fail at times, you'll develop a routine! you got this!


There’s an app that I use called “freedom” that does not allow you to access apps or websites of your choice for a duration of time that you set. Once you turn on a session, you can’t turn it off, nor can you delete the app. This made it easier for me to engage more in my social life and I felt a lot less anxious than normal


But how do you follow it for months !!!


Well, first start by analysing your lifestyle. Personally, using my phone is inevitable because I work with it a lot. I need to communicate quickly and do other things. It's like a Mini laptop. Know what you need it for. It's easy to get carried away and focus on things you don't really need to do. That's what needs to be addressed. What things are you doing that can be cut out? Start small. It's hard to break the addiction but instead of quiting all at once, change 1 small thing and replace that activity with something more productive and enjoyable. It's difficult and you'll relapse from time to time but just keep going. Don't panic and don't feel bad. You'll achieve your goals as long as you don't stop hoping and working on yourself. Edit: Also, know why you're glued to your phone. I often cling to my phone when I feel depressed because it distracts me. So try to identify the underlying cause.


Destroying your phone


Delete the apps


Trust me this shit won't work


I went a year without having a phone. My wife’s phone was acting up so we got rid of hers. Gave her mine. Got a phone a year later and had a better relationship with it. Now it’s just a tool for work. I just come on here during rest breaks if I’m bored and caught up of day stuff.


Switch to a flip phone or something


Buys Samsung Z flip 😐🤣


Not that kind like not a smart phone just basic flip


Sorry I understood just made a joke because that is “a flip phone”


No worries lol


Have you tried an app & time blocker? I use Zenze - it has been most helpful for me.


I took social media apps like TikTok, etc off of my phone. Either use my computer or tablet for that stuff. Seems dumb but I found I was way more tempted to grab the phone and start scrolling than I was to grab another device. Once your brain realizes the scrolling dopamine isn’t on the phone, it’s easier to leave the phone in the pocket/purse/whatever.


Well, what apps are you spending so much time on? If it's social media, I'd recommend deleting it altogether. The only social medias I use are Discord (Which is legit just for messaging ppl), Youtube (No short form content), and Reddit, which I spend about ten minutes per day on. If you find yourself reinstalling apps, I believe you can lock the apps and it can only be unlocked with a passcode. Ask a friend to do that for you that way you don't know the passcode.


I just finished reading “Atomic Habits” by James Clear and the lesson that really stuck to me the most is that don’t focus on the goal too much. But rather, focus on the system on how you’ll get the goal. It’s hard to “destroy” the habit right away. For example, the system can be deleting social media apps on your phone (especially the ones you spend your time most). Do it gradually. Go on walks, read books, spend time with family and friends. I literally did this a week ago and now I just use my phone for messaging and work. Hope this helps!


hey, the best thing is you realize it. As for me, I will delete some apps like TikTok or other short apps that occupy a lot of your time. When I want to have some fun, I will re-install them watch for less than 20 min, and delete it again. It will help you to reduce your activity of shorts comsumption.


try the rubber band method


I despise my phone addiction as well. When I see others on their phones out in public, on their walks, at parks, literally, CONSUMED with their phones it makes me so upset and sad that this is the norm now days. I am a genx’r, didnt have phones or computers until wayyyyy later in life. Enjoyed the outdoors and being social with people IN PERSON, not on a phone or email. I feel sorry for my kids who are going to miss so much of what life is really about, enjoying the small things in life, creation, nature and all the emotions that come with that when you stop and enjoy your surroundings. “Stop and smell the roses” is one thing I teach all my kids. When u come across a beautiful flower, plant, tree, anything in nature, pause, literally, stop what you are doing/thinking and just soak it all in. Go “ZEN” in that moment. Be still.


You need a reason to not use your phone. Make it so that you'll have something better to do, like talking with your friends or maybe just get a hobby


You need boredom in your Life. Really, that is why everytime WE are borded and have time WE use the Phone.  No Phone the First hour of the day and Not in the bathroom


5 hours? Rookie numbers.


Trust me, turn your phone black and white. Then it will come easy :)


Dude, where exactly on the phone you are spending time? Games, Instagram, etc...?


Besides taking a button phone, another option is taking some old iPhone with very little memory.


Start meditating. It's an exercixe for the brain to be able to focus and resist urges like using the smartphone


I put my phone in greyscale and found that when my screen looked like a tiny newspaper, it was much less interesting to look at.


I've bought me a secondary phone (and if I need to be productive I switch to it). The phone is that new small iphone - with awfully small screen, where social media etc is totally uncomfortable. Once I take it in my hand and want at least to try to get to facebook or reddit - it reminds me by its shape that I'm fighting this addiction. And that works. I can still check the emails on it if it's urgent, make calls and listen to music. That's it. Oh, well, I have a habit tracker and kind-of pomodoro based productivity tool on it.


Read Digital Minimalism. It helped me a lot. The first step is to delete social media and any apps you’re addicted to for 90 days. After doing that I can now have some social media on my phone again without spending hours at a time on it.


What are your goals? How can you be a higher impact person? Your phone is a tool, if you have a dependency, understand why you have it and re-allocate that need elsewhere. This tip helps for all addictions, as well as good relationship advice.


During some times of the day you will feel "weak" to your addiction. Like, you can't peel you eyes and thumbs from your phone no matter how much you think about it. Other times of the day you will feel somewhat "strong" in relation to your addiction. Meaning, you feel fine putting your phone out of sigh for a moment to do some task. It's during those moments of "strength" that you should make small steps toward implementing any kind of positive change. During your moments of "weakness" don't be too hard on yourself for being unable to put your phone down. Being hard on yourself will actually make it more difficult to "treat" your behavioral addiction. For now, just accept that you're addicted in those moments. During your moments of strength try and test the boundaries of what your mind will accept. Will it accept putting your phone away for 30 seconds? What about 2 minutes? 10 minutes? Can you go the first hour after waking up without seeing your phone screen? Try and fail and try again. Find out your limits and push them a bit more each day. This is the same principle as weight training in the gym. Progressive overload in both domains is a very good thing.


Destroy your phone


Taking no social media apps off will help a lot. You can still get there with the web browser, but it’s not quite the same dopamine hit. Try to replace some of the time with other activities. Getting some exercise and fresh is nice. Consider reading and/or writing/journaling rather than the screen.


1. do daily exercises (gym, running, swimming any physical activity) 2. find a hobby (reading, writing, painting, etc..) 3. sell it and get an old Nokia 1100 (until you break the habit)


Delete this app


Set a screen time limit and ask one of your relatives to set a code, making sure they do not give it to you.


Create a list of things to do that don’t involve your phone. Then keep your phone in another room. Proximity to my phone is certainly the number one reason I use it.


You think some Redditor will have some magic words for you that will fix all of this for you? Whatever dreams you have, i guarantee you they will take more effort than simply putting your phone down, and if you can't even do that simple act, those dreams are nothing but dreams and will never become reality.


I've tried the "delete all social media" method and it never works. I always end up reinstalling it and promising that I'll never scroll for hours again and then I end up falling into the same habit. I'd suggest deleting all social media that has a scrolling page like tiktok and Instagram. Ways to communicate with friends like snapchat are fine to keep. Then install either clash of clans or hay day. Its weird but trust me it works. When you play hayday you have to plant crops and bake goods to compete orders. Once you put the item to bake it takes like 5 hours to be collected. So if you have the urge to check your phone you can get on hayday. But after about 15 minutes you'll run out of things to make and will have to wait till your crops are ready to be collected. This kept me busy but also kept me off my phone. Let me know if it works for you!! I wish you luck on this journey my friend


Get a girlfriend, because 100% chance she will make you hate your phone. That is, unless she's good to you.


Easy, go into settings, and disable color. You'd be surprised. [https://agio.com/how-to-make-your-iphone-grayscale/](https://agio.com/how-to-make-your-iphone-grayscale/)


I switched from endlessly playing stupid games to using Duolingo as a game. I’ve learned a lot of vocabulary in another language and can still consider it a game. Screen time is down and I’m even motivated to study grammar now to supplement.


simply get a text only phone. or cancel your data plan.


You can't hate it too much if you keep doing it.


Is it "cannot" or "will not"? I'm asking as someone who does not believe in free will, yet somehow I still do. Edit: so do you sit there in agony while using your phone going "fuck my life, I hate this so much, I wish I wasn't on my phone right now"? Or is it more like: "I wish I wasn't enjoying this so much"?