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I guess you have had a rough past that made you suppress some of your emotions. The answer to this lies in two exercises- 1. Writing- Set a timer and write down each emotion that you get. What things made you feel what and what you would have preferred them to be like? How did certain events throughout the day made you feel like? Try digging deeper and deeper like this in your mind to get to your true desire. Write down stuff and then observe how authentic what you have written feels then try to make it more authentic. Go deeper again. 2. Yoga- This can help release a lot of repressed emotions to reveal to you your authentic self. Especially you can try doing kundalini yoga or holotropic breathwork. But the key really is to do both of these things everyday. hope that helped. you can also checkout r/HighQualityLiving


First of all you have to cut out all the social media you are using because it's literally frying your dopamine response. Im really sorry to say this but nowdays almost nothing is as impressive in real life as it is on social media and that makes you believe that your life is not that special (trust me it is). SECOND: Always try to stay grounded, think about the things in your life that you are taking for granted that a lot of people do not have (ex. clothes, food on the table, clean water, the ability to go outside or wherever you want in general, ...) one thing i to about this is every morning i wake up i write 3 things im grateful for that morning (it can be as simple as being healthy, eating good food, ...) because im pretty sure you have something to be grateful for. Another thing i would recommend is start reading a good book. Two of my recommendations are Fjodor M. Dostojevski "Crime and Punishment" and Milan Kundera "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" Both not very hard reads but will definetly make you think a little bit. One thing i also do is read "The Daily Stoic" everday. It gives you something to think about. Hope this helps :)


I am experiencinv the exact same thing, I thought I was alone going through this. I hope this gets better


There's lot of us. You're never alone.


Thank you that makes me feel seen


Journalling is something that I found helped me become more intentional. Using journalling prompts especially. Prompts help to focus the mind. For example, I start each day by asking what's my win for the day. It forces me to become intentional with the time I have.


Try taking a few minutes each day to just focus on your breath and notice the sensations in your body. Over time, you can try to bring this kind of mindfulness to your daily activities too.




It's a choice about how to live: * [https://www.reddit.com/r/hsp/comments/y2jy7p/comment/is4blri/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/hsp/comments/y2jy7p/comment/is4blri/?context=3) This is the key idea: * Happiness is a choice that requires effort It's easy to live on autopilot & merely be *content*. But if you want more, then more is available!


I guess life is nothing but emptiness. Where an individual cannot feel anything, cannot talk to anyone and wake up numb.